Devoted to the Miin. Lumber!,,., m, ,,,"". K Intercsla of thin Community, lo Good Government, and Hustling for a L lVlIlg. (:ll!l-v C-fpfjvc?, Oregon., Friday, Deo. 1, 1899. jSTO. 4A, m m r special ale BOHEMIA NOTES. rTVrmi- t 1 - "'v..i uit iwi r.j"K,' .1 iiiu J3UI1L-UU.I ami jjiuc river uisiricts till fiTTR Will Hi WOOrVN 11 ATI17TP TTTTCir VC!lr tlm 'er before in the history of the camp-5. This is good evi tFUIV M WWIIN JSLAiNK LIS MUST GO. 'knee that the mining camps of Lane county arc! growing better and de for the next two weeks we will make a bin reduction iforlhcraMPi , 11 ,K i lieretolore, as winter set in, the miners commenced to flock in from price iu tui uimi purcn users. Our Stock is Large and They Must Go. BECINNIMG TO-DAY Instead of waiting until JANUARY ist. this year, we have concluded to . Special SJaoe Sale Now! All our UdieK Kine Shoes of $150 value, we will close out for $1.28, CASH. Our$J 00 values, at $1.70, CASH. These shocfi are nil of the latest styles in shape ntid trimming, and you should not fail lo take advantage tail oner. OLD STYIJv SIIOKS, of splendid quality: just the thing fot home wear, at Fifty cents on the Dollar. Eakin & Bristow, our Cottage drove, Oregon VEFY STYLISH UP TO DATE SHOES. SOJJABbE f FRIGES THIS WEEK'S NEWS AT .MAN ft NKWLANDTS STORE. Cottage Grove, Oregon. OUR $3.25 LINE Black Vici, InvsbU Cork Sole Lace. OUR $4.00 LINE. InetherGe une Box Calf, or Vici Invisible Cork Sole Best Shoe in the World. Bohemia mines "for the winter." This winter nearly everv available man is at work, and those who come out, do so to transact business and return to their "winter's work." The day is past and gone when work in Bohemia will stop for such a trilling thing as winter. More development work has been done in Bohemia 'this year than ever before in the history of the camp, and the work planned for next year, aggregates more than has been done in previous years all put to- gciner. It has been rumored that some marked improvements in the matter of roads leading into Bohemia will be made the coming season. This will be a necessity in view of the greatly increased traffic. Hvery mine in Bohemia district, that has been properly managed has proved to be a dividend payer. Next year Cottage Grove and Bohemia will undoubtedly be con nected by telephone. I The Vesuvius and Stocks & Harlow properties now controlled by ! English capitalists under the management of C. B.. Park, is destined to ihicrease the reputation of thecampy The Musick Mining and Milling Company have made a successful run this year and the end is not yet. In fact there is no let up on this ! property. 1 he mill is still running and development work is being pushed. Considering everything this fall has been an admirable one to get supplies into the mies and the opportunity has not been overlooked. Hundreds of tons have already been placed and the end is not yet. An article in a recent issue of the Guard regarding the extreme richness of Mr. White's mine in the Blue River district, stated he was During the last week I wc nave leccivcn a uukk oidcr of shoes that wc should have had when we fit opened our store. , Come add see them. OUR $1.75 VlNK. A Man's Genuine Satin Calf with solid leather flttr ami iinii.r Ku niii milliters euucr i.;ac us m.... r- ... ... wuiicvi mill Lore 111 tmicroin. ( j OUR S2.00 LINK. As wc do not consider this shoe a great deal bet ei in. in nnr v r inut at ic tiinrii 1111 vim v will Villus IV ! i "- ' - J Wtr. and will imvp vnn n iwfittr dress SllOC ' o - - J " . . OUR $2.50 LINK. The best value we ever saw anywhere, and uu- It 14 .nli II.. ...l.I. n.l IftlWT tU'l IVf . L 11 in Nlwo styles of toe. OUR $3.00 LINK. We have sold a great many of these styles since ecamc here, and other people say they are alright. DO NOT FORGET Ol'R GLOVB LINE We have a heavy fleeced, cotton glove, fast black, positively alright for 15c A Jersey-lisle glove, Congo blue, sold for 25c. Our price 20c Silk, best quality glove would he cheap at 35c. uur price. . .ag. f working the mine with a little hand mill manufactured by himself. The mill was made by Messrs. Ponnay Bros. & Davis, of Portland, who hold a patent on the satne. 1 hese gentlemen write to the Guard under date of Nov. 24, stating that they have clone satisfactory work with the mill for Chauucey Dale, Peter Kenniston and Louis Finn of the same district, and charactemheir invention the "poor man's mill.". Such a machine would certainly be an advantage to the prospector or mine owner of limited means. Guard. The Fashion Stables have established away station at Glenwood on the road to Bodemia and have built a good stable and house for the ac commodation of their teams and mail carriers. IT IS HERE I The largest Stock in South Lanel f hc time is approaching to be buying goods for J THE HOLIDAYS, Just bear in mind what we say we will without any doubt, have the largest line in Southern Lane County. Some of them wc have, and some arc on the road Give' us a call. You will be surprised. Our prices will be as low as they can be sold for. Watch this space for the Holiday Ad. Guns Harrow's,, land. Giveus, fmsisting of- ?s ane Tinware; Pumps, Pipes fAL IMPLEMENTS! 1 1 and brkei l Wagons, Canton Clipper F the only house So n' I ' Ac"- We want your Butter Kggs Poultry, We have We came an order here to do for business. 1000 Give us a Turkeys. trial. 1 6arman & Jewlarad. We want to do the right thinjr. If any tiling don't please, come to us and we will make it so. Cottage Grove Or. J. E. Young, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OflMOn MnliiMtreot, Cottage Ovove, Went HillO, Orcfon. !. H- LOW lAttorney-at-Iaw Real Estate. - OREGON. KXECUTOIl'S NOTICE. Attorney-at-Law Special attention friven to Mininir O" Business and Collection. W-u .... ... Okikion. Vfi IlKVA n 1 I 1, I imjju iiuiiiuur 01 iiniwiuu to ? BoxL'8 w,,ic" wo w111 Kvo "w' ' otiirduy Den 2. Come and see "w w ,1.. u DRAIN CHA8, A. li.uinv. MKI.MUH W. TIIOMPHON Attornois and Counselors at Law. Special All an lion given lo the (('io of Mines. EuautJB. Onwiox. Notice is hereby jjlven that tho tinder flir'iit'(l na,s won appointed oy tno I I'omiiy Court of thu .State of Oregon for l.ane Countv, executor of tho estate and of tho lawt will and terttainent ot Jeaae Imiroo White, ileeened. All persona having tilaiins atrainat said estate are hereby required to present tho same to 1110, dulv verified as by law required, at Cottago Grove, Oregon, within six mouths from tho date hereof. Dated this (1th day of November, 1S99. N. W. U'hitk, Executor of tho estate of Isaac Monroe- W'hito, deceased. (iold Blossoms, tho nnmo of tho bi'Ht Dcent cigar on tho inarkct-ai-k tor them try them. NOTICE. Tho Hoard of Equalization of Lano Co. will moot 011 .Monday Nov. L'7 a assessors ofilcu for tho purpose- of equa lizing thonsH'ssiuoiit of ISfll). All powuis having business before said board will govern thomsolves accord ingly. I). P. Jil'KTUX, Co. sses.-nr. As a euro f- .uimltistn Chndbor alii'a TV .uihn is gaining 11 wiilo -eBUl tin. I). B. Johnston of Rich-' mond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 18C2. In speaking of it ho says: "I never found anything that would ruliovo me until I used Chamber Iain's Pain Halm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but 0110 good application of Paid Balm relieved mo. For salo by Ue.nso.n Dnuo Co., Cottage Grovo; Lyo.vs it Ar-i'lEOATi;, Drain, Druggists. Cmcmbcr Dr. l.L. Scofmld, Dentist J11 you want dental work done. If yon want a saw, axe, wedgo, or any thing in the wood choppers line. Phillips & Jonos havo a good assorttnont and prices right. I A FREE PATTERN 3l (your own selection) lo every sob- ; Mrs. Kathcrlncschlccr, rl. D. I m 1 xtc. ,Tt w t or ssk. ffi Diseases of Women and Children. Cottage Grove, Oregon. TAKE NOTICE. A I. AMIRS' MAGAZINE. ;S A gem; btautitul colored platei; latest 5 fashions ;drrmaklnc economies! lancy : ttork , household hinls. Iiction. etc. Sub- . -5 scribe to-day, or, send I"; lale.t copy. -I -5 Lady scents wanted. Send lor terms. ; 5 Stylish, Reliable, Simple. Up-to- S--3 date, Economical and Absolutely s--S I'erJcct.Klttlne Paper Patterns. 5 I take this oportunity of informing Cottugo Grovo and vicinity that I am proparod to make candy at my factory on Main street contrallv located, sub ject to ordor by tho box such as chocolate creams, bon bona, cauimels and other delicious cream goods. Also ico cream by tho gallon as tho season is closo for holiday goods. Please- givo mo a cull. D. Lincoln. BAZAR, WwxS 1 .jn'.r. i.i ?igeffasan w (No.Sam.Allowonce Pattern.) S Only 10 and IS . each-nono higher. 15 Ask (or them. Sold in nearly every city S; JS and town, or bymail Ironj a; THE JVlcCALL CO., g S 130-146 VVt 14th St., New York. 5: Subsznbe fur the Oregonian and licmia Nuggyt. Bo.