Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 17, 1899, Image 7

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    5auus of wheat.
. . if fliililntt Ortili
V. tu-li I" OKMlmmii.
Wfc lie "'...Ml llutil Urn i
f 'oM ( ""' Hl""11 r"llwJ
7r tllHH. Kay c'oiiniy. I'
f (IM Hi""'-"'"1 ,"""'M "", '"'
flod-'l ''''"" w,,,,
("'", ,. (1..ihiiMiI II'Tt'H Of lllllf
C(" ... . I IlllllllllM. Twi
.....It I 111 1 " ' "
J""1" . .. lllf.lll Imim
1 .,,,1 i,..ihim inn Iwt'iitv
. mli-t-H WClt' I'llllllllVeC
b , Willi' .. .
n,l mIi"' I'll'K "I" KIIIII
a i till I'l''""1'""1
t in cill""""K ,,,H ""''I
in ,u . .. .. ...... i .........
W . ...... IIIIIIKH) IiiinIihIu it'
I1" i... r. I It. int..
i. it iBlinmK'il Hint Hit liver"
Vj'e liusli' l" '"",(' '"" """'J
i.i w run inmi "j
- i.....
j), iiuy''" "ii'-inij "ni'iti
... . i.mhIii-I for tin- entire crop
j a '
A to 70 'ii". ii KfOMM miiiii u;
jor ftO.w '',"n'"
. .....I ...iftltiL. It lift lutiir
.1. ir urn i " i"
rJ I W 4 ",M 11 l,,IMl"'' !- vim
' ill nf nlMHIt ?:t",'MK).
'j.-lti' II live tllOIIKMIIll IIITI
,..!,! Ik lint vi-ri nil in-UHlvc. M
. - ... 1. 1. ..-i
atoslve rlne f'HiiK Him
. .i... (.... t tin. i.nrtli. I hi
.,n mi- " -
t, nrn-K f wheat on Itaiift
.11.., .1... I Int., Hlll ll.dilu III
Mual nir.u y ii"' 'sint I ri
Creat yellow lltnlllllltloilM ol
niii"K"'' i "r urn
iy touiird tla illHtiitit IiIIIm, mi
. ....iumI In rt'Ilt-ll till. MkV. I
arncrvn Hi" IIIiIh Hint tin
..... III., . U..II.I I.'.. 11 .if It'l.....!
(ld on tin' Hoiiili nidi- of tin
Otflrat rlr-ult Willi u binder win
tr 8uiH'rliiii'nli-nt Miller.
'tt WB IIUl l "HI" HW WIHl
. . t..M.. ......Ill fll(. ..... If
gK IUHH ...... i ...rv ...v
tl round."' wiliI Ii". "I t
fcf twliu'on my lilmler ninl Mtm t
IvaiKoiii' four Iioiith ii ltd tntv
.... ........ . .... .i..
UIWiaM llf mj km-iiv uii ill.
tut It U ii.iIhhI!)Ii' for ill" met
a in at nit' iia-f ror tiicir idwiih
MOf tiuiD uoulil iiiiioiint to linn
r ubiiarx in u hi-uwui. acchiii
amjn nn-in'.-il'IUIii'il nt (HfTcri'ii,
fnicniiiy .-mm- in ji nui-iiiii
the nun li in ti-ntM ntnl tin
ire jiri'ji.'iri-il l. r.nuii eiwkii,-
Pr'et ninl Witch Doctort Alt
lierl rower v r Nnilvc.
the olistiuii'M to Kiif-KoviTii
Is Cuba rei i nt olmerviTH roun.
of tlit iimturtiiiit the imwei
lit b fetish
MIDI.,,,. HUn,l ,nn. f
f l l I f ,1(ipn ,.,,.y mUrint 1
,' 1,1,1 """'i -Hon Ih .m,,uiiv
"""- "Tl oi ti. tin man .,.
l.ltiMHH Of Lull,.. , )IU( J l
Kiim-nr; in.v ,lf A(r,ni Jn
iiirt of ii,hi a eaMcrn imtii.m,. Tho
lllirn,..(.e iin.1 Kim,,,,, ,,, tJjl) n.ntn.j
-iH..m,,fit. A Ml4,Iiy MLrm;
iliro.iHh m ihhiuiIh moutlily; u Hu,m,M.
or Mi,,,,,.,.,. ,i , th() mm
IrlOI. hi, miKtlTII IIUttlUlH hIhi. lif.(IV
ol.tuln their leverage. fit,,,, rim, whiel,
Ih the .ri,iiIm rnlii .llftilLM i si,,,,,
Jitjmii . nn.l Chiim. Hnkl. or rice tor!
Ih ,,,j)H,. u, , (,xt(nt of
lnu.oiiit.iiiio.iif.nHaimiiiilly. Altlmiij-h
rii!ii Ik hiii-Ii ,i imiverHnl nrtlitln of fiHid,
It In not iiourlHliliiK im wiientorpoinu
other KiniiiK. Morn tlmn niue-ie mini of
ItH Hnltanu,) i:oiinlHtH of Ktnri'h or
wntur; eiini!(iiPiitly It forum morn fftt
tlmn The ylol.l of rim is five
timet, iim heavy at, tlmt of wlieat, thu
two erop yearly kIvIiik from eighty to
ii liuinlred huHheltt jnir ,u ro.
A new law ruiiiriiiK enrK)r,itions to
y waiiH nt leant inotithly Iihh Iji-m
doclurwl coiihtitntiuiml in Ciilifnrnia.
Mothers will Uw Mrs. Wlimlow-s Booth.
ItiK Hvrun thu bi-nt r'Mnctly to u,u fr their
:liililaii dtiridK tho teething period.
11m ttruiiteM whiokuy IniliiKtrj' Ib In
tlio United stales, tho output being
moro tlmn Ho.oiMt.ouu ,illori8 u year.
I lmll rc.'ttn mctnl 'io's f'urii for eu,i. fur ninl wide. -Mr. Mnllipn,
liiimstead, Kent. Knslaiid, Nov. 8, IWiS.
neHH, but
Tiny If uril Ijr Mr,, fl.
men Hjieak of their umvorthi-
y lew of them would be
Tim liuriiimc,
Tlio Ilnrmofo will wicrifleo nnv nroH-
pent of money-miikin to go to a feiiHt.
wllii,.,. i,. i . . i . . ...j ,ui;fc i muiiiiy-imiKiiig to go to a feiiHt.
5 S )2 Vew tl"""Hlvo.- entertainment in elaborate. I remem-
tHfS" NoWH- fIK to on,- in Upper Jiurma.
' ii reluming, '1 licrn waH a (.mod deal of rlnncing, but
An Important riidor In TrnniiconU.
iicntul Travel.
No one croBsIng tho continent cna
iifford to cut ?tilt Lake City from hit
route. Tho attractions of tho obie.
iii,,,r ten pnuoiiimf nre bceomlny neither the hoHt nor IiIh jjuost dunced; including tho Mormon Temple, Taber
Hi.ini.iMKiy prevalent. Women demnmi , tlmt would have been undignified. The nuclo and Church iiiHtitntions. 'thi
u Meiilili, and iiiMciwI
I he hr,
.f d
nod variety
l.ll... It ....... M.. I I .. .... . .... . . .
'" "iiuny iy miiifiiim tlt Hielr
(Mil thev rex.rt m i..'.. Ii .i
I..L. tl . .'. i ' " . ...)V PJl.llfll,
...m,r,ierf.i,a,., Itt,,.r, ft tOIK'r
i, the nerve, regulates the bowlen and
i iiren OyHpcpnia.
A earloml of dried cjitmed itotntooH
eontnitiH 11,0(10 busholH, but would hold
"lily coo buHliolH in theirjiatunil Btuto.
Allen'H I',irit-Kae. a pnwiler fr the feet.
H eureA painful. HWullen, martiti(.', tiurv
oiih leet, and iiiHtiuitlv takes Hid Ktin out
of eorim and Ihiiiiiiiih. It's I lie j-reatem
lomfi.rt (liHeovervof the age. AllenV Kimi
j'.iine makeH light or ikjh bIioch feel euv.
Itin a eerlain euro for Ingrowing Sulfa.
Jttwitlng, eallotiH and hot, tired, nehing
feet. We have over BO.oof) teMimonialH.
iry it twin,. Sold l,y all driiggiHi and
-lioe nmrep. Jjv mail for in niainp..
I rial package KItHB. Addreis. Allen 8.
Olnmted, l.e Hoy, S. Y. rli
mmcerH were paid, anil tliey twirled Oreat Salt Lake deader and denser
lazily or jumped oxeitedly an oeeaHion ' than tho Dead Sea in tho Holy Land
required. Mo.nt of tho time, however, I tho picturcRjuo environment and tha
was Kpent in chatter ami hinoking. i warm milphur and hot springs, aro
Smoking is the only thing at which tho greater to tho wiuare yard than any lo-
nurmege aro lndiiFtrious. Tiiev start
smokiitg at the early ago of il, aiid they
sinoko themcolves into tho next world,
(iirls smoky quite as assidnotiHly as tlio
men, and as tho cigars are very big
many a pretty mouth is strained tn ac
comodate a giant cheroot. Pull Mall
ioo ltr.H'Aitit mo.
Tho icikIctb of tliU ,.tt,er will l,o vlCMrj'l to
learn tlmt tliuru la ut lcH.t one UreHdud dicaec
diht tciftice Iiuh licn able to cure In all Its
tiiKCs, mid tlmt incatarrli. Hsll'ddtarrti Cure
in the only oltlve cure known to tlio medical
tmiernlty. Catarrh helm; it constitutional dis
ease, requires n contituiionnl treatment.
IIrII's f'atarrl. Cure Is taken Internally, acting
A l.(..,.i. r.. I ur" i ii iiiun mo iiiiju ami inueons suriaees VV,
, it. niu nni.-ui, iii.-,uij o.:.iri,-inK me loiinoa- t
eomplaiuiiiK of u ear f.hortiie mill nlil,.- Hon ' the flienne, and KlvInK the t.atient l '
mentH r ,i,.i..v...r ' ! "r.V"?H J?."r"? !'. ' ' eonstltution and , "S
" "-"j ......v.-... uniMi,,iK imiure ,i, uoin lis woric. J no pro-
Tnko Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it
fails to euro. H. W. Grove's signature
Is on each box. 25c.
prtetors nave fo much latin in its eurntive
i.owers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
lor any caeo that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
f-'old by dniljKists, 760.
Hull's Family Tills are the best.
Would Nrnl Some, of It.
Hazel Sandstone has luikotl mo to
lend him .fS',. and 1 don't know
whether to do It or not. Would you?
Nutto (eanicMly) I would, old
man. b invited me to dlno with him
thin evening. Stray Stories,
We burn HO.imh), 000,000 matches
'Hie Treaty elm, under which AVil
Ham I'enn signed tho famous treaty
with tho Indians in 1082, was upon tho i
hanks of tho Delawuro. It died in
CITP l'orrnano ally fiiro.l. No fllsorner-oiinfis
ill aflr first ilnv's u or Dr. Kllne'n lre..t
I.crvo I'.ni'.M-r. bend fur I'UKB ft'J.00 triHl
bottloaiel tn-otlse. I, !. 11. II. KLINK, Ltd., WW
Archki-t-et. 1'hlludelpbla, I'n.
MIps Walsingham We can trace
our ancestrj1 back to the Kormau con
queiit, can't we, motlier?
Mtv. Walsinghain (wully) Yes, but
we don't know where your father was
lust nijht. Somervillo Journal.
Anderson, Ind.,
needs hundreds of
1 fy
The I'lenonntest. Most Powerful nntl
tffietive scerfaiiing r.emedy for as the pates opened
cality on tho American continent.
Tho Uio Grande Western liailway, '
connecting on the East with the Den
ver & Kio Grando and Colorado Mid
land Hallways and on tho West with
tho Southern Pacific fCentral Route)
and Oregon Short Line, is the only
transcontinetnal line passing dircctlr
through Salt Lako City. Tho route
through Salt Lake City via the Hio
Grando Western Railway is famous all
the year round. On account of tht
equable climate of Utah and Colorado
it is just as popular in winter as ia.
summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield,
258 Washington St., Portland, or Geo
Heintz, Acting General Passenger
gent, Salt Lake City, for a copy ot
alt LaKe City tho City of tha
I Tlio walnut was originally called the
; gaulinut in England, because it cams
! from Prance (Gaul). Walnuts played
an imjKirtant part at the siege of
Amiens, near the end of the sixteentk
century, when a party of Spanish sol
' diers, dressed as French peasants.
brought a cartload of nuts to sell and.
for them to enter;
the nuts were spilled upon the ground,
and sentinels stooped to pick them up,
when the Spanish soldiers pounced
upon them, killed them and guarded
the gates while the Spanish army entered.
La Grippe, Catarrh,
tkaoi m.ii Will rare any ache or r.Bln known
I. mi bi.dy. Head fur trial bottle, !1V.
This offer lants 'M days only. Large bottle (S00
doi s of .', UKUl'S eaeh) ll.Ou or 3 for 12.60.
167 and 169 Dearborn St. Chicago.
Tho famous banyan tree is in Ceylon,
on Mount Laviuia, seven miles from
Colomlw. There are two roads through no longer fit for the scramble, and whet
the stems, and its shadow at noon cov- an egg gets old that is all it is fit for."
ers four acres. Indianapolis Journal.
"There is a difference between s.
man and an egg," said the casual re
marker. "When a man gets old he ia
and wit h
nri me nil
Id the inmni
it I'limr del
an J (lie ruins
. L. . . . .
mi nun on '
Jiff temple of
Mil, faith on
oilDil, It Ih
vniiu are
W by the
fwple living
p vicinity, and
looked upon
t'lioralloii by
Did you ever have that teeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobble-stones in your
stomach, keeping you awake nights vith a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams,
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun
ates suffer with it night after night, until their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The
cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARETSl
ct iuN rcTimi riiii.T
lie Ih regiinuMl us k
, ,i,n .in . in ,n llliv. i.
matters of Importance. In at
uinmij mi. uiuiieiice oi nit
"iviivsm u h. ,i i n h iicHirovcc
,-.v, n tiiiii i,,i,v n,i- vll..,
n .v .v.mii t iii n,iiH'i n iin
rites of their faith in secret
the island, t H Kati tnt. wjlrt
n nnm .... .
""in even more iniin ineii
r'"ci. nil. iirii'Miu fniviu rr i r
iriuipu mi. I ..... ......
A Nuvnl Solo, noil.
n Melt.
Untlni. I. .
-"wii rcpare .AionientH. was one.
:"u " a iroon-Nii id ri'turnina
Indl i i .. ......
-". lllll.ll, ,W. ,,,111 i.u itiiu.
1 three lmlmu nit tvIv..u .if nf
ln tier inaJeHtv'H aervlee.
ft Ml out that tho cabin allotteC
fill U-na IU....I .. ! .....
..m;ii no io uceoiiimoiiuii
loiiseqtiently It eontnlneO
"fclT II nil tlm i m. .1. ......
1 We r elit til I, Uii flilu ti,irtl.nlnl
v--- .v ..MV. ..... ..V ......
Mel. I... i - .. .
-- muy pui rortn nur oiiuin,
ntisbaiid'H position in th
' Hilt tlm lltlali.i.wlu ,.nfi..iii.
, II -..w .. ..a.ii...iin, Ulliui 111).
''!! Droved tit In. .if ...tint p.nitr
Wtlo tho matter tho trio beaideO
apta 111 In I.U i.i..
"'U leave It nntlrolv in vmi
UU. llift.. .... .....
M"'v-i Willi, "ami nimio uy youi
'n McIJ. cogltnteil, anil then ilc
; 'oleninly, with tho fnlntesi
" n JUH L'l'IIT .11'. .a.
I fi ..ii ti iiiuLin v
im. 14 11 wouiu bo tlmt tho old'
man,. .
B jtl Hill. I I. ...... tl... Iifiimatil
tnilrniiiH,,.! .i
t... ' miii n a ii u iiiittvi
ut ngnln. lmt timt i.ui., ..n
" during tho voyage. I
i tllf tnn.i.. .1.1 im.1- x
Iji , " uiiiiKH lam couuirj
-jgjjnSIStesw M a'r ' thim hobo-mobo troocks! ruck.
jfttO&r oynrj "I have been nwlng CASCAISETS tht r
jft&r&)r jfKSimK WirW. for Insomnia, with which I have been aflilctod
fttV SSvJft!ii 7S5s ' ,or ovcr wen'y years, and I can say thai covr
jQtV &Jjd?skSK3l K?Sa 'as- Cscarets have given mo moro relief than any ", "
JifJxjff fmS&r liZt) VsS'rni other remedy I hove ever tried. I shall cer- C11P(
JsLiSjf K&u y h&t!9 talnly recommend them to my friends as be- 5ULr
sly, Ing ail thoy aro rerescntgd." , El I lu.
W ANNUAL SALES, 5.000,000 BCAfiS.
25c 50c.
... ... ... , . .... ...... i. ....... raa.r.i nrnmntiw. efleetlvelv and rermanently
riRpinnTS r shsolutelvharmlen. purely vegetable compouna. no mercnnai or omer rainera, p,-pi.uu m . ... r..,-,, ----- - ..,.,,
P,ea.ant. P1..UW. potent. Ta.te.oo. .,en, -" jSS2XXSTiJt. CHtCACO o, BW T0RK.
K to-day, and It not pleased in evsry respect, get your money back I Write us for booklet and free sample , Address
" '. .." ' " TT" ', fxsk UICI I BrllllnarMhc
aks Maents Klantedi
Men and Women make $50 to $200 fvfry month telling our
Qantf ind Ladles' Waterprool Mackintoshes or Rain Coats.
WK KS BM's IlllklNTOSllKS l ill iljln it f 1.80 loSI.JS.
YOU (mane? ioman) canraskoSS.OO everyday taklnB
orders for thcia Barments. At juur low mln ., ..erjon. will
Jrttr fro ioi, forno on. c.n meeiyour price..
WE WAffr ONE AGENT i'nrX'e'e.CTu
BOOrnili.thCf.lli 6rlH,fukl nnm, jour ...
KrtuEp. t.p.B.uar..l.r.i.n:..airnecei.arritatloa.
Ir Ererytlilnif complota fordolmt business.
ro the LARQE8T DEALERS I n A rr.'9rlpo J;
it.V.rdii.B.TiWliTrf BtUiilcnaim no kii luciu
?h."ap".iVrlM-n, andeiclusltely through regularly
'""'"jri'ioUn V- inn nn nvnrv month nt the work.
n .lmmeaiaioir,ui """V.r.-i; Kh ..tat .U
ff ot. Tb. oatflt conilits of on.
MACHINERY, all kinds
29 to 35 First Street PORTLAND. OR.
Deep-Seated Diseases
Such as lthoumatisin. and dlscas jes I'c"llr to
women, reinuro a uiii"' im" -
Uf CI I Drllllnor Machlnm '
nCLL of all kinds and sites,
for drllllnu wells for bouse,
farm. City and Village Water
WOTKS, rociuriea, ii:u rinuuw
llrewerles. Irrigation, Co alanc
Mlnerul I'rospectlng, Oil ant
Oas. SiO, Latest and Itest.
year, experience. W1UT1S
Zl Revealed Remedy
sosh pa m-m s UM m mm M n K m - T . . r. (..l til 111 VU anil WA Will 1IT1
QIIK LHaan-w an Immedlsto iriai oi iv.
mmm -- m in ill 1.1 II III the following eaiy
Sunllatuiy "k kUl 1 UU lll.W to liViura Immediate neciu if" &. ..,
L .Mrii .. tor H is made K lontaluing acompUteansortraentof )
l' XI Uliliuk roil THIS Ol'TriT, Bui a Ku. , ', cSHiiHy or3ust t.. Iff t the eloth samples.
fJLU. - : u.n.iniifMTaliaDirn - - .
. . lamnAOSO 1 1 fl IM I K I b aiU CTBia H.ISU UH.a-
against those who vrou.u ' ""J"." ",h, .ist si U. mnu ismes, so Pjr ' d"G y -th comI)ie,e outfit
by rspress C, O. "SnZZwnVlnjn"' u"' U1"8 ' ' '
iVi;.'rArC,r'vou need no
mnTTn WHIlK AT ONbt. ...,., proSl for joantiri we w i ,111 r"Vd,,ii,-'i.lia,oa Uraikiour
w to rflorojoor.u. --.-- ,jp you neea n0 mow i ''"Y,;" " , , ,n Vour orders dally, send tne macam-
START TO W0HK AT ONCE. ;MUlf , ' j $ ..d seal iu i. ;or
SfS Fulton St, CMeam.
' UUIIUUU ii""""" - - '
win elvo immcdlato relief almost In every case
- cures if Sk"n regularly and sutllolent time,
fl por bottlo at your druggists
Kelief for Women
2?Zr Bent frM.ln plain, sealed enTelope.. Write
French Female Pills.
J I Tl reliable and witbout niual.
afiench Drug Co.! 881 & 88J fear! St.. how Yortc guy.
" ... ... ... Mimlr
8Cl Wlatm e'ieSRnl" c VclsbadI
.. ltw 1W i ftfSi retails M
asS5?,ra 1 p c,,m
liany. Pout. 11. Cu" At"
1 iMTE
The best ink nindo. but no
ciidc burp FOR PILES
Kor Oonorrliiva and OIt get Pabst's Okaj : 8plflo-
U the ONLY medicine whicj wUl cure eacl and ererj
Swe. NO CASK known it has eTer ft lied to cure, n.
Salter how sec oue or of how lon;.""'
plainly rap,d. ongriee
i Circular mailed on request.
Irritations or ulceration
of mucous tuemlirsnes.
ti.tniA.i nn,t not astrln-
isChVS'Oo. gent or poisonous.
'or sent In plain wrapper,
by express, prepaid, for
fl.OO, or 3 bottles, I2.7S.
t'lroular sent on request.
WO. 40-'Q0.
fllEX wrltlnc to ndvortlserg ploua
uioutlou tills iuier.
K.f col to stricture.
' P- 1 rrneni
N. r. N. v.
mt tbe OIllnlmiB hf t,A imhllf.
- w mo W m no m9U