Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 17, 1899, Image 5

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    . I ...., l 111 II HUM.
I"' ti.'.l mill liNliMin.l i..
iiiilllllMI I. Silll't' Ml-HMIH.
h, IU , ,
I . M.C'I hllNltlfAri lll'fl- lux
, tlicr. !. ,M'"" " "l
t"tf il-l.... .iillllllClllil'll ollllllt! ill
sn.Ml'"'"'1 , v, r "''l''''' Tl"'v
M j lltiU i-.r Bohemia, for Ninth 1
Sh.w'"' " "l,,,,t
rtfllli "v"r '"'M The
"imi'i" l,H''""'11 H'11'
f lion. """ t'"'
ihiiiii'11 il'",,M l'"fiiiiinl,
pMCl'lll '"" ',UI''' "I1
nton"r""''1, '
Article i"i.oiinruiinii wore fib-1
l!niiylV.'i' II. It. KlmlnW. F. A. I
. -kjnHinl I' ' '"'Vit iih Incorporator. (
ji'""' "' l'",,r -r(i'irrtllon Ih re (
idm oiilii'"""''. and tli" "bjuet l to I
jl-MJ- i.Hiii" nii'l develop mlmii hi
yor(liWi.i i iii'n, anl I'Hpwiiilly in
HemUniiMiiiir.litrii,l. Tim iriiii'inil
4reli' '"' l':,,i',',,,'i the rapitnl .
kllflxfl l fib, MM to be divided j
(!rt5)0." ' l",r value of 6 cent ,
fh Tilt! filll.iHIII! "Hlc'ITH have been
jkIoI II. H. Ktiiriinl, prenident ; I.
1, fUnkm, vtiii- iiP'wMi'tit W. i.
(ir'.in. irrri'iury , J. J. uover, inuim. ,
0tForthr mnm
W. W. Mrtteiii anil .Mat ilir r-
urottltu tlii'ir iiuintii; intern-Is in (lit.
tiaia WtiliH'wIny. Tin lwye ure in- (
vttri ill a iroii i of eiuht cluiiii-
tv)o m mi' .uppnnec group
tilth lmwng up vurv mealy nml
Iutir tfi to ('it(tit iruvi- resulted in,
tit laying in of ii winter's upply "f
trt" OSrg1'' 15 pwpn-mig unit
It fill ""i ooi iiii; iiiu wiiiiit .
4l - t. I.. - i :
VI' Vi.l...r ..f Mill ti-'nr unil
Kainn'rr firm f Wi'Imt k S-m, thin ,
t p irrl.RH'-l lni fnthiir'n lntiTOt i
Itri Vill lllTI'llftlT COIIllUUt tlf I
kiinct nt tin- old Htnnit iiui hii
I.n reiji jiiki'i litv. Mr. Welter Iihh
itle many frifii.l. hiiu'u lit' opened up;
liittorc in C'lttiti'i1 Uruv Mid they ht pli-ited to xih him riipidly
iamini tht n-p ni-dhiHtv of woll
Ktlillaliiil liunini-H.
! ki Erperttril.
Th Ixxikx of ShfrifT wUImth Iiiivp
IWn MprrU-d nml tin-full nnioimt I'lii
VaW liv Hcpiitv Shi'rifTllHV Im- Ikiti
trilly ciwil out h 2,'Si .-IS. TI.p
nmtywiiH ofllrhilly turned ovim hihI rt.
trirtil wiilni'tilny iiftcrnonn. t-'flOO Imv
rlfn ili'poiiliil nt The Firt Nntim:il
Jnlt, KiiKOiif, liy Mr. wither itiitnedi
rtly after tlie iliHiippi'Hriini'e of Day.
UHptndthc )Tlntcr.
!!ri. Jnlin Smith, xiHtur of MrH. L.
H.Thompoti of thin city, ncromp'inieil
1; her tUiinhtor MinH Vent, nrrived
'itarJty niiht from ((rden. L'tnh. find
tfcW to pend the wintor hero. Mm.
Iiitb ft much pleiiHod with Oroi; n nd
Ji the people u-a Imrnh in their cmn
mUon Oregon winterH. Thin iH her
Mi visit to Ornon mid hut hh yot
'ttorexperienciMl n rain utorm.
ttnkulitny Unit.
The youm; people of Cottniro Grove
I1 arrnnuini' to jiv n TliAiikHcivinc
Won the iiiuht of Wednefdnv tho'JIUh
I'1'!. Tlio nmniii'eineiit coinninnced
ly enonKh to ennhlo them to
foiiihy Hrraiiuo pluiiM, und ulreftdy
have ponteii liilln nuiioiineimr the
("tnt. If you dnneo don't liedect to
Gw. Rlii'rwnnft nml f.itnilv nrrirod
jrefrom thoir former homo nt Woif-ur.
l'0 l8t Snturdiiy morning. Mm.
""wood Ih now reeovorin from u 5
jwnthii attack of typhoid fever. Since
rrivnl hero she linn heen utemhly
JproTlng nnd her ultimato recovory
"wr former fjood heulth !h iiHHiirod.
A' JiojAoorf Home
''S.Oziiient left Ii urn Ttmrrfdnv on-
hteto hiu boyhood homo in North
jWOllnn, wllCrn 111! ..nn.n..i..f,il..u Hill. Mil.
WitlloH 'PI.!.. I.. If. 1........'.,
. xuir in mi. w.uiuiit n
"visit ainue, leaving there when n
His many friondH will witih him a
W'ant Kustorn v!hU.
ftyertV PurohaHoa.-
Miwig and Voatch thiH wook jmrchnHBd
Til t iiuaii nut ti til. fill
r'PCtty OntlOHiift H.a ll.lnl filmnvnnil
Jlain HtroBt.
tv in ratod itmoui tho boHt
S' esa looatioim in town and wuh
lt a bargain.
kltretlnu Mectlm,.
' 'erneetingHboin),' hold at tho Cum
lan I'roHhytorian ohuroh tliiH weuk
reportod being woll attoiuled and
V U I'll-,,,,,,, Sltt,l, -
,.VV,,,;,M" 1 "-' mo-lur
Jim poll.... ,iri,.,., !,,,,,,.., ;,.
"V'mUm r(l(.r,v u,m, ...
r..l!...i. )..l.1,Hi.,11y, w,.v,.r) ,,,rp
"".H.rrriinwiiiil hIi.h.1.1 l,i. uimr.1,.,1
''MI in m.v pi,..,,. l,t ,.,,,
RuutiM att,il,t willllllt n ,.,,,.,, f(i
vlrin tlrnn tlmt in yiu,m ,,ri, (l, Uu
J.rH..t ,110. of ,u i( , H ,(iiiii(on
tlitt. to Rra nml lumr mnn ,.r.l.iu
tin Htrnnln
Willi. mt unv ill. i, nr. .1,1
",r '" wno ii.nv piiPN ,v
Hifr niKl.t two, W(.. HwMlllip
ii i tin" Mirf'Mt" t'lt'k iir.ii"i ,( ,,..'
'IHion lit only fur l0 or, .j., ,0
l.i'lii-1. with (ii. ii,.! t root, and
onlv Uy n ilfxlnrioim m.vrriicrit nvoiiWI
l"lli4 rr..... int.. i,.. f,.,.n. I ..,..
.i ... .i .
urniiii-i. of thiH kin. I ; H wh,H
vill piim ,iit it ih not ti i'iilitnlili. 1
(Htiiri-14( ihti rity ufti'i nil.
Anttllirv l a cni'poi'ulttm.- i
ArllHi'H of inriirfiornti'in wore Ulci) I
thin we-k imtnliliKliinu the (inlcomln .
Mininc 'o. of IlolintuiB, with I.. j
W.M.loy.C. ,V. W.M.Iny. C. W. WhIIhw, .
J. '.!.. W.ioIhv, J. W. fiowly.J. ft'. I
W.H,loy.i'jiV Mlnnii! iVel.liT an in- i
corporate V pmpurty
this i-orimrntHniB known a
owned by
a The Hell.
Miinilit. I., land, CmnliOrliind, Merrin.iic
eltiitn iti.'l iH locntoil jimt cut of the
II el ii I'll til. -
All Walker ot hiu limMur "Will"
home from n vmit to floheniU it Kr.
ly. W. (. i moro thnn pleiim-d with
what he mtw up thorn nnd hintH that
the oml of hiu vinits to thi hilli i not
yt. Will U .ma of the heat fellow m
earth nnd tniuiy of hie friendo would
like to nee liim Imek horo in the n.riii'.
Wrecked .-
lu i . X. t ruisor (JliarlHton whs
wrei-ked nfr tho north went count of
i.uon. I. I.. I'. H. A., November 7. SU
wa in patrol ot the courI when "tie run
MK)n a hidden reef and notwithatmidini
every effort wnn tnitilo to back her off nho
tluck (nt und the crow hud to ubunduti
hold Itvlrl;.-
C II I'nrk nhippeil Ihronuh the hank
inj; hoimeof !',!( in & IJrintmv thiH city,
ThurMh.y, a kII brick from tho W
Hiivins ore. The Hhipment wuh mado to
the U S mint, atHn franeiHeo.
A new approach on the river hridijo.
Horn .
Tothewifoof Win. Vuatch, Nov. 12,
ISOO, a irirl.
KakinA liriatow hav.o some bacon at
tn- and l'e per lb.
Scolty, thecelohrated all-round min-in-,!
man all tho way from lloheuii was
in the fitv thin wuok, likewitiH h tho
Judge Miller.
Tho dance. Saturday niuht whb a
plMHHIi i hUCceES.
If you want wall paper or IjihiIsh don't
fonret to j-ot price of J.I'. Currin the
Wantiil at Uartnan A Newland 1000
turkeyn at his-hcHt market price.
C. J. Howard has commenced tho
erection of a "mall house aouth of tho
Lano property.
It is reported that eeveral now brick
l.uildini's will be built in Cottage Grove
tho unming yonr.
Cy Millor has oxtondod his black
Hinith and wagon aliop building in the
renr, tberuhy enlarging his working
rooms making very commodious
The H of 0 foot hall team passed
thiough enrouto to California to do
gridiron battle with the U of C boys
Saturday aflornoon "Brick" Knox
greeted his many friends at tho depot
hero during tho atop.
If you want ft cook Btovo, heating
atove or cam)) atovo go to F. Ii.
J. V. Currin hna a ohnico lino of in
grain and figured wall papor, at prices
to unit tho trade. .
If you want extra flno matorlnl for
your mince meat go, to Hakin Si liristow.
They alwaya have tho best.
R ii. riii'i.niitH litis hia now stock of
heatera in. Go and fco thorn they aro
15o aiiro and fieo tho latest atyloa in
fall and wintor hats, Just arrived at Miss
Kaklu Si liriatow aro agents for the
Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
l'lows and extras.
HoyH, luivo you scon thoao fino shot
guiisatGuiiTiNit Vkatoii Co.
T A. Lewis, hoot ami shoo repair
Hhop. First class work, low
OpposiUs Sherwood Hotel.
Fiikln Si Ikistow have a now ad thiH
week, in tho ad they call attention to
lluelineef wraps iust in. Call and see
Ail About you. ,
A .1 .lohnnoii, Antorin, wiw in Un- city.
I w Doak viit.!( KiiBeno Tlinrailuy.
iTiink lfuti.H rotiirniMl t Ilol.fiiiin
I. M. I'itchnr winin from Wildwooil !
1 ocftfiny, ;
llolit. Alcxandi-r wuh in Oottagu Grovo '
Diirwin Ilritow wuh u
vinitor to Kti-
o, .Mi-ynt'im in conflnt-d to bio homo
Witll Hicklll'HH.
h.U,rta f"'"-'Ancl
Al J'.ukei ui.ii A. J. .Smith left for tho !
bills Wednesday.
Mi and Mm iion Lurch nnd daugntorl
vinted lOugfiie, Thursday . j
J. N. Joiioh ha returned from a visit
to do n-valley point. j
Joi.n ,ulp was down from his How
nvur iimeh WwlueUay.
Bird rarrior came in from tho hills
Tuonday evening.
Mrs. Cy il.ughuiii of Bohemia is visit
ing in the city.
Mrs. Uitw. 8tnton of Crcswell
till iilllU low.
L. I'. Woolov editor of tlioLeador was
u visitor to Euijene Tuoeduy.
Altornlv J. M. William spent Sun
day in Cottage Grove.
Ralph Whipple was on the sick list a
couple of day thin week.
W. M, Unjoin and Ben Curry re
turned to the niuii'H Monday. !
Geo. Len is h.iiue iroiu u trip to his
milling intercuts in lilue Rivet camp. 1
J. M. Howo, the cVnlii' r was iloing
biiHiueasin Uuttnge itrove this week.
Mik Mite Bobarts of Drain wu- ilm
guest of Mrs. C. M. Ilenderor this wei k
O. K. Uichersou of Cripple Creek .u
r. giftered at Hotel Sherwood this n.-. k.
O. II. Willard, O. C. Adam,, .m l
Frank Fisher loft for the mines Wedm -
day .
II. N. Cockcrline the wide awukn life
iriHiirance man mis in the city Wedues- '
day. 0 j
Mits Grace Churchill is very ili at
the family home in this city with ma
laria fever.
J. A. waiters, representing the
Singer sewing machine, came up from
Uuguno Tuesday.
J Dwili-oii, of Pleasant Hill, brother-in-law
of w S Bennett, is visiting in
Cottage tirove.
C. Ii Park, supcriujgndent of the
Vesuvius and Stocks & Harlow group is
registered at Ilnf l Slierw'ood.
Hi Mattoon who has been in the em
ploy of the Fashion Stables i9 now
working at'the Booth-Kulley mills.
O. F. Vaughn, who is in the employ
of Bootn-Kolley mill at Saginaw, paid
tho Nugget olllco a pleasant call Friday..
Mr. Suttlo who has resided in the
Kmurson property has removed ' is
family into the Cochran, west M in
Wm. Grillith left Thursday
for Caatlorock, Wash., where he will
again superintend tho coal mines at that
plaro, during tho wintor.
Rev. nillitigton, 'pastor of the
Christian church accompanied by his
wl'o, came cp on Saturdu afternoon's
John Cluckey, of Drain, proprietor of
tho Morning Star mine, visited his
property in tho .Bohemia district this
Wm. Coats and Wm. Griffith, Jr.,
loft Tuesday for tho hills to do assess
ment work for G. W. Loyd who has re
cently mado omo promising locations.
A w Forsyth, representing Tho
Bankers Life Association, accompanied
by Mrs Forsyth came up from Salom
Wednesday .
CIihh. Lovolace, ox-Manlla Volunteer,
was in tho city Tuesday, and Wednes
day went to BlacV Butto where ho will
ungaRO in work for tho Black Butto
quicksilver mines.
Marshal John w. Miilor visited Eu
gene Wednesday . It would he a good
idea ior Marshal Stiles to keep hie
weather eyei open for our marshal and
not let him get too boistrous.
C. A. McCragar of ,1'ortlond, cousin
of the Messrs. Hotnunway. visited this
city last week. Mr. McCragar is stttto
agent for the Bankers Insurance Asso
ciation of Dea Moines, Iowa.
A movement is on toot, to ciuan um
mud from Main stieut. A good
Suits I Suits 1 1 Tailor mado suits! ! I
Up to (Into in ovory respect, from $15 up.
Call and seo samples.
Gi:o. lo
Can not be surpassed for roal worth
Crockery, Glassware,
Granite ware, Tin
ware, Wood and
Willow ware,
the way they
will prove beneficial to every
economical buyer. A large
sh i pm en t of Sy r ups j ust recieved
Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs
and glass.
Look up the
K. J.
The Fashion Stables
(:. M Henderer & Go- prop.
Reasonadle Prices
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.'.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Are now Well Stocked with WIN
TER GOODS. Quality,
' the very bejjt and
prices that will'
v Astonish you
line in 1
Cali and See Us.
jWln Street.
Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known
all over Africa as commander of the
forces that captuied the famous rebel
Galisho. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897,
fn nt Vrylmrg, Bechuanalaud, he writes:
"Before starting on the last campaign I
bought a quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which I used myself when troubled with
bcwel complaint, and had !givon to my
men. and in every ease it proved bene-
unln bv BknsoN DkUO Co..
Cottage Grovo Druggists. Lyons Si
Ai'i'i.KCi.vri:. Droin Druggists.
Something new in ladies lioso.
Hemenway it Burkholder.
Wool, cotton and fleece lined under
wear, single and combination for
ladies, Heiiionway & Burkholder.
When you want a good smoke ask for
GoldBlossoms mado at Cottage Grovo
Cigar Factory.
Tho Cottago Grovo cigar factory has
ini u .
; sale m ovory nousum iuu
They aro an rigiu.
Tako your laundry
to Geo. E,
Griffith, agent of tho Eugene I'alaco
Laundry. Goes down Thursday ami
eturm. Simirdny at'teinoon.
& Sehr.(4
hold prices down
J. A. Fkyek.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
and S
uiack iiuttebtace .Lines, w
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All' kinds of Produce bought at
highest market values.
Call and get acquaints
Jbe pleased W "
ldled Dy
j Our stock is new, nea.
'and having had years of
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
Headquarters for Mining
Every want attended to. o
EUCKNK, ------ - OuiiGON.
Fas!i!ona!)lo Dressmaking.
Main Sweet,
- - Cottage Grove, Or.
i ii.'