Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 17, 1899, Image 4

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Knterolnt thu vstollli'o nt INittiixo Urovc
Ore fin ns So '01111 CIhss mull mtittor.
Sulnri lllin jii'lco. "fl.Rli, In a vmu'o.
A'lviiilUliiK mtc. nuiilit known H)ui
Friday, Nov. 17, 1899.
A gigantic victory for the
"antics" Brvau lias carried Ne
Cottage Grove made rapid slides
this year the "make retdy ' fore
rapid and subsaitial growth in
Cottage Grove is the best busi
ness town of its size in the state,
and the Bohemia mining district is
Bryan and Aguinaldo a good
combination. One is running him
self out of politics in the United
States the other is running before
the army of the United States in
the Philippines.
Democratic and anti-imperalist
papers are trying to make out that
because several of the states showed
a democratic gain in the matter of
the election of state officers, that
the administration is not upheld and
that it foretells defeat of the re
publican presidential ticket next
year. It is perfectly natural that
anti-republican papers should fall
back upon this somewhat stale
commentary, as it is the only
available one. But the fact is that
you can never estimate a party's
strength accurately by the result of
home election. When the
Urothvi Wii'ley, of the populist
Lndor of Cottage Grove, Inhois f A School SllOC
i.ird in a column article in the last
issue of his p iper in ntt-MiiiHi' g to
prove that the u vrecedotP '
prosperity in and about his tc n
is the direct result of the dovd -ment
of extensive mining and
lumbering interests in that im
mediate vicinity by fuei 11 capital,
aid 1 at n anywise the result of a
republican a itninistration. Wed -sire
to inform this great (?) phil
osophizing editor that Roseburg,
tosrether with hundreds nf nthtr 6
Oregon towns as well as the country
Dress Goods !
C 'up- 'f', fickrl ;i n ! ( 'l hi r -i
Tho Little Samson Is the Ideal school
shoo for boys and girls who are hard on
ordinary shoo leather. It Is made from
tough but soft and pliable leather, especial
ly selected; has solo leather tip and double
strengthened back. It Is built upon prin
ciples of comfort, strength and good
looks, a combination hard to ho
cenernliv htis nntnrpil mwi nn prn
' "f a.
ot prosperity, which we can hardly J
attribute to the "development of 1
the Bohemia mines nud the bun- i
Dcnnginuunry tnouury to (Jot'.nge
Grove, or to any other particular
industry it is jimply the result of
restored confidence and tho
assurance of wise and judicial
national legsh'.bn and a sound,
staple, non-fluctuating currency,
and no one is more cognizant of
S Examine Our
an cl
P Ask Our
"'ij.uil 1
ill litln cr.Tv,.. .,, f.
....... -' nun nioro JJOoa
noun wear in 11 man any other bcIioq
.shoo mnuc.
Od-Soo Hint you Rot ttm Kfiiiiinn "1,111,
win. iiiu ninivii 1 rnui' .nam i n.,
tliu olo uf every ilioc.-pjr
I'liu "I.lttln Hmnnn" rliool nli.ic. nr,, m
by (hu l'rli'ilmim Urn Mum- tin , 1,1 i i.,
Hill) nf tliu InrKmt uliim tionmn i ti ,
inuy fluuiu imiiiiiii v.. , iir mill lorwri tljij
rnclory. 1 ! reaion we can t th,, ,
you Willi an oiceptlanally alruiif Krnle
Wo carry a lull lino ol "Ulllo Sainton1
school ihocs in all U101 at popular prlctt
s r, ri ?cj . .. cjoi.iniiv- rv,..
in B'ier. NORK RfkCrKtT STORE.
Crun borriw !
Kirst of thu Huusnii
this fact than is Mr. V ooley of the Cmninimsd: Sehr.
Leader, who, however, would trv , P' nality and Hiciiptitna in fiexh
to make his 203 readers believe that " B to the Central incut iu.irk,-t.
the dawn of the promised and much I Notice Homenwuy A Diukliol.lcr'x
welcomed prosperity throughout , nd- Shoes, Hliiies, slimm.
the country is the discct result of 1 If ym want gluaaoH fitted to your vi,h
local conditions, or more properly j to IvidMim the Jeweler.
an act of kind Providence, but he Fresh rauulies every day, inmlu fnun
neglects to apprise his readers that !' "Rr t theTnilor nhop.
the same kind Providence has nl-1 Timothy seod, jnat ruuvivttl at Cum-
:: til'K. 4.BP BtB-iABr
sun fourth Mviivx a Sid jjjf
s?'(tJH lU'tiwv i'inyiiiis, m
wave you
k Villi
M tmvv.
I "T- -' '
I Mens' Underwear from 50c. to
jt I,alie' Underwear fiom
f $i.m per Garment.
I Indies' Unrlerskitts, ,
ways persisted in staying his lavish n'in & ftu,,r"
hand except under a republican ad- You ttlmuld inmt your watch with u $1 .50 per Garment,
ministration. Mr. Wooley should rt elua Jeweler. Patronize Davidson. MeHs 1ats froQj o
again pnilosophize on prosperity We soil com! jjoo.t at kuwi prieeH for
and then quit, or produce some our """tomei-a, Central Market.
argument. Roseburg Plaindealer '
consult Diiviilcon, who uill save yon
! money. b. WALL & WI IIPPLEi, lrO)S
MuckintoHlies that will turn the ruin.
u c are "oie agents tor Uic KtJYAI. TAILUKING Co. Come aa
if you want to nuy .1 waien.or jewelry ;,,)et.t onr Si.niplcs bt fote bu ing your Fall Suit ami )ven ..,
room 3. sold
jon urown nns neon aiwent from 1 0k
dential campaign has ended it will
be found that the republican ticket
will be given an over whelming
majority; not only in the states of
indisputable republican strength
but in the majority of the so called
doubtful ones. Sound money and
sound war policy will win .
DrPSl I -' - - - ( l.UIJK UUb IUI VIIU .J1JIII-I
f lSRho1 ,,,r ,,,e Past week, also Luther golieiior. Treat him neht.
by Kakix & Buihtow. Kf Cfef 9
ok out for tho Iioliemia NuggetV BV'fl23
Thousands and thousands of feel
of lumber go into various markets
on the Pacific coast from the Sagi
naw mills each week, and yet we as
a people hardly stop long enough
to realize the great benefit that mill
is doing this county. The Eugene
Guard is loud in its praise edi
torially and locally of Booth-Kelley
'r Company, and-yet in every
oarjec- i. Iking about
iation of -ital
by in reality u
I Booth-Kelle
b c enterprise "hdw in opc
ahta being put in operation, is tlu
result of combined capital, whi(h
is being used in a business that
cannot help under their able man
agement but make money for the
investors, to assist in building up
the county and place thousands of
dollars in the hands of laboring
inen. Yet the Guard cries, down
with trusts; smash consolidated
capital. The Guard might just as
well say down with Booth-Kelley
dumber Company. Its consoli
dated capital, its a trust! But no;
from a local sense the Guard uses
better judgment and prates about
its great benefit. The fact of the
matter is any institution, trust,
corporation consolidated labor, or
what not, that puts money into the
hands of the man without other
capital than his bare hands is a bene
fit and a God-send to this county,
the United States and the world.
Booth-Kelley Lumber Company is
in a measure a trust j ust as much
as any other money making con
cern, but many a poor man is
mighty thankful to "trust" them
for a few days or a week's wages;
aud its the class of men who
labor that furnishes the back bone
of the country. In order that they
shall labor it takes the accumulation
of capital, whether by iudiuidual or
joint membership.
Van Feet.
occupiixl a eorner of the room.
Mary Hart and Leroy .Shields 'have
been absent thid. week on account of
the latest fall styles nro noiv ,
l-reil fredrieson, one day tins week, , rt.iUv for infection at Mies Meinzora.
Huy your urass seed of ISakin it
The Southern Pacillc Uo's excursion
trains to the Portland exposition were
The number of pupils of the school, is 1 Well loaded this weok with puHHengers.
The host shoerf in Cottago Grove,
Ileinenway & Hurkholder.
(iKiFt'is & Vn.vrcu Co. are the leadens tX . n .1 . , , . , 1 T" ...i . .
-upplie. am,;,,,.. ",,,u jV,,'"t' - " ' Atil'. JKOVr, lilif,.
in all kindttof miniiif; uppl
htill increasin
nooM 4.
Miss EJrm Wallace and Vera Ellet
entered school Monday.
Edna Hambrick is ha-kto scho )l Hition and sporting gnodn. , p p
aKln- , Smoked Halibut, tho best vou over , I I
Itevs. McGregor and German vigltl saw just in and going like hut eakei, at I
school Friday. . j Cumming & liehr.
Misses Ethel Voatch ' and Marie 1 IIow'n your sole? If it is in need of
Currin visited room No',4 Tuesday. flxin' take it to Nokei-, opposite
Hooui. it-toro.
Miss Gertrude Ifriifdie. Cleo Lowis. and ' -Nuw! beautiful. Hfylinh dross goods in
Lou MoKinne were visitors at the i patterns, trimming silks. Homenway A
school hoiiso tho latter part ot last week. , Ihirkholder.
May Friday evening Messrs. Mr- No matter wliat y -u want wo have it
,or and German the Prcubyteriun ' ilt Cumming A Sehr.
.ngelistj visited tho school and fa- j ij0yd will mako 21 stamp photos,
.jredu with two b nutiful bongs after 8uven nositions, for25 cents.
which each giivo us a snort auiiress
which was ititeicstiug and full of good
Has your husbnnd heiu kicking about
the toughness and quality of the nu-at
your market has been delivering vou
lately? About the price, too? We
would like to supply your table with
meats, Our steaks and chops are ten
der and at the right price; and as ood
cutters aa the town affords.
B. U C
A Cmnpli'tf and Well Selirted Line of tho..
""'jBest Drugs in the Market
Kept Connantly in Ptokl
2STew TJimorTiTissrs just in
Ik?"., ''" Cmnpjiiy, Cuttiitte (lrnvu. Ore.
The fire drill created some cxcltemon t
as well us enjoyment Friday evening.
The 10 li division is expecting an ex
amination in grammar soon.
Wm. Long is absont from school on
account of sickness.
Tho 9 B grado took an examination in
U S history in which tho ontiro claBS
was successful.
wo have had some new rules in our
school tho last week and tho one of
most importance wasthut of whispering.
wo are pleased to know that tho
shorthand class is progressing nicoly.
Tho high school pupila aro now using
tho tables and find them to he much
more convenient than tho desks which
were formerly used.
Having purchased my father's in
terest in tho cigar and confectionery
business of Weber A Son, I take jdeasuro
in announcing that I will bo at tho old
stand to welcome my old and -us many
new customers as may chance to come
my way. Thanking you all for past
and soliciting your future patronage, I
am yours truly.
B, W, WKiiun.
Itomeinbor Dr, Sco"nld) Dontiet
when you want dental work clone.
Now sweatots for man and boys, both
wool and cotton. Hemenway A Burk
holder. Pink salmon bullies, very choieo at
Cumming A Sehr.
.sokes tho shoo repairer opposite
Packet store. Good work and cheap
Tho Northern Pacific have recently
established an agency in our city with
Mr. James Hcinonway its agent. Cal
on or write him in rcgaul to tickets to
all Eastern points.
iow crocKery unit glitfcswaro at
Cummixci A Skjiu'h.
Good music at the Loraue Thanks
giving dance. Irwin Putrio and Mrs
Ed Ashby will furnish it.
Remember tho Loiann Thanksgiving
Try tho new cigar factory's eigara,
made right in your, own town, fi and
10 cent goods. Ask your dealer for
Tako your shoe repairing to J. V.
Nokes opposite Racket store. Ho will
give you satisfaction at moderate prices.
Dr. Lowe tho woll known graduate
ooulu-optician has located permanently
in Eugene. When you want glasses
havo him test your oyes In tho jewelry
storo of Joo Lucky.
h. Lurch has two very attractive
windows this week. Seo them.
, James Hemenway
rtealEsL-itennd Alining- Pi-'opcrtyJ
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance C mpanies.
Strlrt Attention paid to Col'vfl-" J
Office opposite Sherwood Hotel.
Is it not one of the vital powers of man to see correctly ? ID"
ams Microhm will renew the tissues and nerve fibers of the
eye. Huts will it not increase and nrolonir the strencth and power of
the eye ? Wont this contribute to the usefullnes aud happiness of
mankind (
A. P. Howard, Ag't,
Pesidence wlth.I. K. Barrett. Cottage Grove, Oregon.
If you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and look over
1 , . '
uur oous anu e how the prices suit. Wc shall endeavor to cany -
lull fine of
Stoves, Tinware. Miners SfmnW ivr,,.t. Tt- Ammni-
"fff iTtbiaiaiuia i uuui .v..." ; r - .
tion, Washing: Machines. Ch urns. Ffr.. rA TTtl l?nt of AdriCOHUr
Phillips & Jones.