Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 10, 1899, Image 3

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    Summary of Its Invostiga
Hons in tho lolands.
tJ )Iiln W" Promise Arjiilnnlilo
. A Hi"""'
,ne HimnUI' Wr.
ff(wlilnft Nov. -1. In ncconlnnco
rlth tl'O unilerHtimtHnif ronchoil nt tlio
v,nf.mico ftt tho Whito IIoiiho yoHtor-
L, tho I'ltl 1 1 tItio coiiihiIhhIoii mil),
al'tted to tho iirimliloiit tho prulimtnary
jeport vlIcli it hml .iruiiilnoil to pro-
''fti'e rojort iiiioitrn to Jmj a comjmct
nmnuo' ot condition)) on tlio IhIuihIh
ithocOmiiilHHlon Utt tliom; of tlio IiIh
.t.i ftvmiH which unicooiHi inn
f;Dlclt w mill lml to tlio original
fillpluo iiiHurroctloni of tho oxcIiiiiikoh
Wffecu Admiral Dowoy antl tho othor
jsnericflii coiiiiiiiinilitrn nml tho hnmr
bdW, tho hrwikliiK out anil jiroifruew of
tie j.resent lwiurroctlcm, ami llimlly u
ratemciit of tho capacity of tho Till,
.fpr celf'KOVoniinont. A notulilc
Htcro of tho report in a Hioiiioniihluin
jfAJinlnil Dowoy, oxihinatrj" ' hie
ulstliuu with A'ulnaldo.
The coiiimlHHioii toua nnoiiy now It
(03-loctod tho tiiHk lntniMtod to It,
luring Htiituini'iitu from all uIiimmmi of
pop In Mittilhi tin to tho t;it j.altill ty
if tho niloiiioM for mlf-Kovoniimsnt,
habltd mid cuxtoniH of tlio people,
ai lwthot'Htal)llhiiHrntof mtiiilcljiiil
prtrnments In many town. All thU
utter is to bo inoltiduil In tho linn I
History iif tlin lalnmU.
Turning to tho hlntory of tho Inlands,
ie Kimmlmlon nttuchun a llttlo liior
ua;o to tlio divoni rohollloim which
W preceded that of I HUH. Ah to thin
Mtement, it iiociuroH it wiih in no
tme an iiiicinin 10 win iikioihiikioiico.
A A . I. !--. .1
btt eolvly to obtain roliof from lntolcr-
m nburen. To HUHtain thin ntntoinent
MOOinmlRHiou nuotoH Irani an hinur-
(tutjiroclaniat on snowing timt what
nj ueinnii iLMi waa mo oxpuimon oi
m friiini nnil tho restitution to tho
xopleof their liutils, with a divlnion
if the LiukcoiwI coo lietweon SimiiIkIi
ad natlvo urletit. It wan alwi do.
united that tho 1'llinlnon huvu imrlhi-
ternary reiirofentatloii, freedom of tho
an, rciiciouH toiorattou, economic
ctonomy and mwh rtiinliir to thoeo of
win. 'Dm abolition of tho iio Vir of
llli'Jimclit wiih doniandml. with a
1 enunlity for all lMirwiiH in law
WtmKllitv ill iiav bi-twi-im Siui!i)li
ill native civil HurvnntH.
The cominiPHlou (loclnrofl that thoeo
Inutl'lg had L'ood ltouiiiI: that cm iki-
wtnc .MnMNli fyrstein of uovunimutit
nl tOlenililO. but ill lirnnticii iivurv
Snih covernor did what ho caw lit.
1 tha m il iloiwln ii f infill In fliu f,w.
ram cut wcro hidden from Simln lit-
Met liresa ceiiMrhin. AlltiHiini in
to tho powerful Katinunaii hc-
air, pattcniod ou tho Masoulo order.
Bd Diainlv mmln nn nt Tnrmlo n n
"wenni rovolutintmrv fnrrn.
me wnr boim in 1800 was tonnin
41r tho truatv of TUnn-Xn-Riitn.
h Fillnl
sel only nlKmt 800 Hinull arniH. Tho
fcniahfolt that it would roquiro 100,
Wmento canturo tholr HtmnL'liold.
1 - - xvsw iiiiiutwiini mi v I rt,r
ad concludod to rcaort to thu uho of
The arranxomcnt wna not accontablo
' tho ieoilo. 'Hio jiromiHoa woro
' carried out. Spanish ubutfCH Ikj
tfrcsh, in .Manila alono nioro than
-vuiucn IioIiik oxecuted. Ilcnuo
rad!o rovolutioiiH occurred, though
JposeesBed nothing ltko thoBtron'th
"heoiiginul movomont. Tho iiiHtir-
ts lacked liriilH. n in mnni tint niirl
"s. Tho troatv had undud tho
Which, with tho oxcoiitionof nn
lortant outbroalc in Cobu. hart
n COUflund
in tho iiluuds nover having
o qnestionert nurt tho thought of in
Weuco uovor havlui; boon outer-
The rennrf tlmn 1 n 1
i , " iuiin ihjw uuiiuiiii
?H8tml camo to Manila ns govonior
fd at this juuoturo, uurt wnrbroko
IJCtWCCIl Rnnln niwl Hi TT,iHnl
?. Angustlni eought to Boouro
I 'npport of tho Filpiuoa to rtofonrt
wnagainat America, promiaing thorn
"omy, but tho Filipinos dirt not
Mm. Thou camo tho ilrat of May
ltfto destruction of tho Spanish Hoot
'uewoy, With tho resulting losa of
3 to Spain. Thou iu Juno. AguU
On Iu'1'0"" Wlth AK"lid.
wig point tho commission nnya:
sbW ollowlug memorandum on this
tfcl! i 8 bcou fnniiBhod tho com
mon by Admiral Dowoy:
Jiemoraudum of rolationa with
Swff'i ,U April 24' 1898' th0
t j , ' 8 ciphor diBpatoh was rooolvod
lt6 S B from E Sponcor Pratt,
atates -consul-general ut Shiga-
"v?nnaldo lnHnrgofc londor,
. iV, uomo 10 "B Kong, nr-
With COmmnrWn ....-.?l
instil. "
'"fin .u. . Ul ATT,'
t V "10 ,lfty uommodoro
ihU . -"-vKtimiinii nir. I'mtl-.i 'n I
nocoditlty for IhihUi
. i "'
fllfif li,. II , "V'"H "U lO 1110
; 1 7.K"lrou had been notified
iiiupw wiiiurH iiv tiw. f..n .
"... Hquadron loft ,n Kl , ffi
KrnlgofU,o2r4h Jl
ti e -J7th. Aguinaldo did not leave
HI. until tho 20th, and ko did
urrlvoinlloMg Kong in time to
. u conioronco with tho
It had been reported to tho
ll .i ,',',M1,l,lfc 'V'1"11'1 oU.erH,
iMiirnjttlonagaliiHt the Spaniah author-
Jty,, .,
t... i .... ... ' "u" ou
-...,. (, ,MT, wutamH had tolo
Kmiihwl: 'l'lvo thounand reb.s armed
in camp near city. Ixyal to ua in case
of war.'
LIjKm the arrival of tho Pquadron nt
(Manila it wna found there wna no in
mirrectlon to apeak of, and it wiih ac
cordingly decided to allow Aguiimldo
to come to Oavito on Iward tho McUul-
.i. .... ' uu
"'ii no arrlvwl, with 1!) of hla atafT,
on May 10, and-immediately camo ou
lK.ard tho Olympla to call on tho commander-in-chief,
after which ho wag
allowed to land at (,'avlto and orgunzie
nn army. Thia wna done with the
purK)He of Htrengthening tho United
Statoa forcea and weakening thoao of
the enemy. No alliance of any kind
wuh entered into with Aguinaldo, nor
wna any promine of indeiendeiico made
to him, then or at any other time."
I'lmt Iilni of Indf pendenco.
Tlio coiniriiHHion'a report then rap.
Idly aketclu-H eveiita now hiatorical. It
tidla in auliKtanco how tho Filipinoa nt
Uickert tho .Spaninh, nml how General
Anderson arrived, and Aguiualdo, nt
hla re(uet, removi'd from Cavito to
TIim Pijxirt statoa Uint Agninaldo
wished to attack tho Americana when
thoy landed at I'aranaquo, but was de
terred by lack of anna and ammuni
tion. From that point on thero waa a
growing frictiou betweeu tho Filipinos
anil tlio American troopa.
A brief chapter tolln of tho lack of
huccohb attending tho effort mado at
this time by Uenerl Merritt, through a
commiHsion, to arrive at a mutual uu
derataiidiu with Aguinaldo aa to tho
intention, purposes nud rtesirea of tho
Filipino people.
Tlio (liitlirrnk.
Thla bringa tho story up to tho out
break ou tho evening of February 4,
with tho attack upon tho American
tnxipa following tho action of tho Ne
braska pcntinel. Tlio commission, iu
concluding thia chapter, anys:
"After the landing of our troopa,
Aguinaldo mado up hla mind that it
would bo necessary to light tho Ameri
cana, and after tho making of tho
treaty of peace at I'aria hla determina
tion waa strengthened. Ho did uot
only openly declare that ho intended to
light the Americana, but ho excited
everybody, and especially tho military, J
by claiming indeiiendcnco, and it la ,
doubtful whether ho had tho iiower to
check or control tho army at tho time
hostilitica broke out. Deplorahlo na
war is, tho one in which wo are now
engaged waa unavoidable. Wo wero I
attcked by lwlrt, adventuroua nnd en-1
thualastlc army. No alternative waa
left to ua except ignominious retreat.
"It ia not to bo conceived that any
American had sanctioned tho surrender (
of Manila to tho inaurgenta. Our ob
Hiratlona to other nationa and to tho I
irienuiy inpiioa a mi uunnw
.. . x 1 J ,
our Hag demanded that forco phould bo
met with force. Whutover tho futuro
of tho Philippines may bo, thero Is no Mininir Notes,
courno open to ua now except tho proso-1 Tlio company of capitalists who ro
cution of tho war until tho iusurgcuts ' cently bouded tho Bonauza Queen
aro reduced to submission. Tho com-group of uino mines, iu tho Silverton
mission is of tho opinion that thero haa district, for $150,000, nro not of tho
been no timo elnco tho destruction of nverago Eastern peoplo looking for a
tho Spanish Bquadron by Admral Dowoy sufo investment. On tho contrary,
when it was possiblo to withdraw our they aro nil old mining men, who for
fnrrna from tho islands, either with ' yours hnvo mado tho buying and devel-
l.minr tn ourselves or with Bafoty to tho ,
'should our power, by nny fatality,
bo withdrawn tho commission bolievea
tho government of tho Philippines
would Bpccdily lapso into auarchy,
which would oxcuso, if it did not no- x
cessitato, tho luvtcrvoutlon of other
and tho oveutual division of
tho islands among them. Only through
American occupation, therefore, ia tho
nieaoiaircu bv'"'t "
nnd unnca
Phllippino commonwealth
nt nil pnn.
ceivauio. i
Novoinbor 30 a Dny of TlmiikKlvlnir
Thing t 1Jo TliimUful For.
Salom, Nov. 3 Govornor Goer todny
proolaimod Novombor 30 n dny of gou
oral thnnksgiviug. Tho proclamation
among othor thiugs contains tho fol
lowing: "Tho year just drawing to a oloso
hns boon ono of gonoral hnppiuoss nud
contoutmont. Tho earth has given
forth nbundanco of its proudota, for
which in nil ensos hotter compensation
lias bcou rocolvod than in formor years.
Our laboring chissos aro moro geuorally
omployod at wages moro nearly satis
fctory than at nny proviouB timo for a
8 Z n mnndntoa of snronding civlliza-
tion aro calling upon us na u great ua- tho Bakor City Umnoorat, tno iuox
o to carry forward tho banner of ' people aro construotiug an uudorgrouud
iWross n d oulightonmont, and tho j wntor ditch to enrry water 2,700 feet to
ask is boC performed with willing 1 tho mine's hoisting machine and board
Ssaiid onthuslasin that do credit to ; ing-houso. An ample supply of water
mfr rocognit ion of duty that wo could ' will be convoyed in covered boxes A
not Bhirk if wo would and would uot if gontlomnu anys theio is a foot of snow
i.i n I ut tho uiiuo.
wo could."
rprtln Around Whlto irorio
It was reported in Skagway recently
by J. Aimer McCormick that' tho ox
teiiHivo coI)por propcrtica around Whito
lorxo have paHHod from tho handa of
orter & Co.. tho original ownera, to
tlio JiritiHh-Amorlcan coriwration. It
la undoratood that J'ortor and hia nsso-
i-iiiie.l cOUIil not neciim n flmrtr.- ln.
American company got them under
rtlea nro all now merged Into one
Tim ttriH-t.-A. . ' JZz" "11 .
"li-.iiuoinuu uuriHjrauoii 18
0110 Of tho heaviest mining
operating on tho coaat. Laat winter it
purchased tho famoua Lo Kol quartz
minea of tho Kosaland, H. C, district,
nnd not long ugo acquired extensivo
hydraulic lutereata In tho Atlin country.
It ia generally believed that If this
company haa actually secured tho
Whito Horse properties they will nt
onco determine their valuo, and satis
factory results will bo quickly followed
by mills and smelters.
Nullum Mlnlnc
lloccntly tho Hall mines, of Nelson,
B. C, closed a contract for a new steel
wlro tramway ropo 00,000 feet in
length. Thla ropo ia of a high grade
hteol, und haa a breaking strain of
nearly 70 tons, and weighs about 85
tona. It ia to replace tho old cable,
nnd will bo specially manufactured for
tho work, and la tho fourth cablo used
ut tho mine, each cable lusting an aver
ago of n year.
Tho Venus group of mines la employ
ing 18 men. Tho tunnel la In about
Ii00 feel and glvea a depth of about 7C
feet on tho voin. At present the ledge
maintains an average width of two nud
one-half feet. Assays upon tho ore
aver-go $00 to tho ton.
Tho monthly rojiort of tho superin
tendent of tho Exchequer mine showi
a list of soparato assays mado during
the month. Thoy nro for gold only
and tho Hat reada: $77.72, $00.22,
$0.81, $30.50, $08.21, $83.11 and
Atlln Jh CriMvInc
Men returning from Atlln report the
town to bo assuming n rnoro permanent
nspect. A number of good frame build
ings nro being erected, among them n
three-story structure for tho Bank oi
Halifax. Tlio Lank of British North
America ia also putting up a new homo
for itself, and buildings aro being erect
ed by McLean & McFoley, tho Paraons
1'ioduco Company, Thomas Dunn, hard
ware dealer, and Fortlu & LeCappo
lain, druggists.
Dfiortlnc Dairsnn for Nome.
F. H. Yiuiug, who arrived from
Dawaou, says tho peoplo of that city
aro fur moro excited over Capo Nome
than aro tho citizens of Skagway, nud
it ia believed there that Dawson will be
crowded with people before spring ready
to hurry to Nomo ns soon nH the ico goes
out of tho Yukon. Ho coutiuues: "It
is believed that by going by tho way of
tho Yukon river Nomo will bo reached
two weeks eurlior than by tho ocean
Will Add Copper Output.
Another mining tributary to Juneau
will bo opened iu tho spring, and thia
will ndd copper to Juneau's output to
tho wealth of tho world. Tho Bainy
Hollow district on tho Dnltou (rial,
13 miles from Pleasant camp, nud GO
inilea from Pyramid harbor, will bo
tllQ ficeuo o COI1Biderablo actlvity iu
tho spring.
opiug of miuos their business. Thoy
nro: .Messrs. iiotcniio, biinw nua uni-
a i r i. 1 1 c -
lagher, from Moutnua. Thoir names
nro familiar to many of tho best camps
in tho West, aud their connection with
AVashiugton mines cannot but fail to
give tho proporties added standing in
tho far East. Thia is tho class of men
noedou liero nua every miuiug man
tenders thorn a hearty wolcomo.
A striko of roal importance haa been
,.i , s in a n
I Btriugor of oro was encountered iu tho
- ' " "o- -
th drift iu tho ower levol aU(1 tuia
nt onco lod into a fluo body of pay oro.
Thursday afternoon tho clean oro was
livo foot wide and had ovory appear
nnco of permnuonoy. Thia Inst strike,
it is claimed, puts tho Snu Poll in fluo
shapo ns a producor. A rumor is ox
tant that this property is about to
Lchaugo hands.
Auothor rich gold find is roportod
near Bnkor City, Orogon. Tho rich
pay oro is on 18-inch voin, in which
aro found cubca of freo gold. Six
iuchea of tho load is phenomenal in tho
amount of froo gold it contains. Tho
lend is in tho Pocahoutna Bollo aud tho
owuora aro two old Cripplo Creekors,
Charles Buzzard nud Tom Kiuohart.
Among outside impi-ovomonts, states
BriMotirlnn'n Contmnpt for n Surf Hath.
I A Missourlnn at Manhattan beach
looked with contempt at tho men loll
Jug In tho aand. "Shucks," said ho,
I they think thoy nro having fun.
Jlavo to como nshoro to get in the aand.
, They ought to livo in old Mlswury, on
Uio rlvor. You got tho aand nnd water
mixed there. Sometimes a man gets
, more sand than water and haa to go
homo and bo washed off. Them mud
I hatha in the northwest that you hear
so much about, ain't in it with
iu the old Missoury."
Tlifirlta, tlm Now Kxplonlvn,
Dlctiiinulshcd itself by passing through a
ii inch ntcel plate. If its success contin
ues, it will nmko as jjreat a record in the
military world as Hosteller's Stomach Hit
ters in the medical world. Nothing has
appeared which can equal this wonderful
medicine for nil diseases of the stomach,
liver or kidneys.
Panama canal construction employes
over 8,000 men.
I'iso's Cure for Consumption has saved
rue large doctor bills. C. ,. Baker. 4228
Itcgent Sq.. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '05.
plumbeia get $3 for eight
. i
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow'a Sooth- 1
Iiik fjyrup the best remedy to use for their
children during tho teething period. j
Comfort depends on thinking, not on '
it. i i
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it
fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signature
ia on each box. 25c.
Tho king's business requires haste,
but not hurrv.
CITO Permanently Curnl. No fltsornprvotunpJi
HO ariiTllrst dny'.i use or Dr. Kline's Ore:it
Iervo Iteitorer. Bend for I'KKE 83.00 trlnt
bottle nil treatise. I)H. It. It. KLINE, Ltd., 930
Area sl-eet, 1'bUiulelphIa, I'a.
Tho recent raise of 20 per cent of the
wages of the employes of the Atlantio
(Ga.) Knilway & Power Company,
without solicitation, ia commendable.
The readers of this paper ivlU be pleased to
Jcarn ttint there Is at lesit one dreaded disease
Uiatscienee has been able to cure in all lis
staves, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is tho only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and Riving the patient
strength by building up the constttntlon and
assisting nature In doing its work. The pro
prietors hare so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
lor any case that It fails to cure. Send for list
ol testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY Jt CO., Toledo, O.
Fold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Mils ore tho best.
A UurRlary Story.
They wore telling "burglary stories"
on tho veranda in front of the grocery
storo in a down-east town. "The
man's hand was thrust through the hole
ho had cut in the door, " said tho star
talker, "when tho woman seized the
wrist and held on iu spite of the strug
gles of the man outside. In tho morn
ing tho burglar was found dead, hav
ing cut his own throat when ho found
escape impossible; but tho brave wo
man had not known he was dead, and
so had not released her grasp on his
wrist all night long." "Huh!"
growled tho skeptic in tho corner;
"why didn't sho feel of his pnslo?"
Buffalo Commercial.
The Nntional Consumers' League
have adopted a labol to distinguish
ladies' garments which nro mado in
sweatshops or under unfair conditions
ns to wages and hours. It is not a ri
vnl of tho regular trades union label
but will bo used on goods produced by
working men and women who got just
treatment from employers, oven if thoy
do uot beloug to labor organizations.
Tho Walter Steel Company's plant
in Reading has been absorbed by tho
Walter Steel Company of Jersey City,
N. J., recently organized with a capi
tal of $100,000.
Tho agricultural department, Wash
ineton. D. C. has a machine for tak
iug coutinuous photographs of growing
plants, it worus automatically, uik
ing a picture each hour, and during tho
night an electric iignt is inrown iuio
circuit ns tho exposures nro mado.
Daly Feed
Man and Steed.
Feed your nerves, also, on pure Mood if
voa tvoutd have them strong. Men And
women nho are nervous are so because
their nerves are starved. When they
make their blood rich and pure tuith Hood' s
Sarsaparitla their nervousness disappears
because the nerves are properly fed.
, vl mJIi Srrnn. 'l'nsteS UOOll. UBO
In time. Sold by druitgUtB.
WU -.. .1 in r i v t
Herbert M. Fish, a nroirrnnnl v inH
respected resident of Cupe Vincent,
M. Y., said: "The doctors dlsaireed
In my case, one said 1 had tha rrin.
another that It was Jaundloe, and so
on. I tried many remedies but did
not receive the slightest benefit 1
was low spirited and nervous and
had become reduced In weight from
1M pounds to loss than 123. One day
a mend recommended T)r.VVllum'
Pink Fills for Palo Peoplo. 1 tried
them and the result was indeed mar
velous. My appetite returned and I
beean to reel rested and restored.
At the end ot the tenth box my pby-
sIcaI condition was better than It
had been for years and I was a well
" HitRnrnr M. Frsn."
Bworn to and subscribed before me
this 17th day of November, 1808.
Lloyd O. WooDuurr,
Notaru Public.
From the Eagle, Cape Vincent, IT. T,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ter Pal People
ere never sold by tha dozen or hundred,
but alwsts In packages. At all druggists,
or direct from the Or. Williams Medicine
Co., Schenectady, H.Y., 60 cents per boa.
o Doxes .ou.
Fence and Wire Works.
and iron fencing: office raiting, etc. 331 Alder
Maciilite-ry mill Supplies.
chlnery, supplies. 4S-60 First St., Portland, Or.
A Bargain.
A twenty-five ton locomotive and tendei
with 3lA track, for sale at a bargain. Call
on or write John Poole, foot of Morrison
S eam Pumps
and Water
Pumplnp Plants of
Any Capacity.
SO to 35 First Street. Portland, Or.
Machinery All Kinds.
Ko household can afford to be with
out tt. Every household can
afford to have it.
i r wxtiw pens on
I r BICKFORO. Washington. D. C. tbey will re
I I ceive qulclt replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols.
Staff 20th Corps. Prosecutltn; claims since 1878.
treated sclen-
tltlcally and
0. H. WOOOAnj & CO.. IC8 Second St . Portland.
I IMKI My Monthly Regulator CAN NOT FAIT..
LA"1'"1 Box Free. Mrs.D. nown,Mllaiil:eeTaT
That tired, languid feeling, the rains in tho
back and the chronic headache will disappear
quickly If you take
rl rr-r'f Dananlon am Dl
It (s an ideal medicine for women, easyues to
pleasant to take. J1.00 per bottle at your dt j. J
and Magic Lantern Bargain List
No. 15 now ready for mailing.
T. P. ANDREWS, 109 Montgomery
St.. San Francisco.
' W-v DR. MUtTBX'3 BOOK,
Kelief for Women"
MncrM.inpuun.seaieoenTeiore- writs
to-Aif tor thla nookr.coutalolnir Partlcn
Ura and TuUmoiiuds ot D1U MAUICL'3
French Female Pills.
Fr&lsed bj tbousands of utisfled lad let m
uf, ilIwati reliable and without an equal.
SoldbTaudriifra-iBtiln metal box. French
fluff on top In Blue, whit and Tied. Take no other,
rcncii Drug Co..381& Sai fetal St., tfevr York CU
DR. GillWS ,Mu vIvr D PILLS
not Orlpe orSlcken. Toconrlnce you. we will mill
ample free, orfull box for 25c. DIl. 1IOSANKO
CO.,Philuila.,tcnna. Sold by Druggists.
rruilINU Piles produce moisture and esu Itching;
This form, si well as Blind, Uleading or Protruding
Piles are cured brpr. Bosnnko's Pile Remedy
Stopa Itchinir and bleedius. Abaorba tumora. Wo a
Jar at drugglata or aent b mill. Treatlae free. Write
me about jour eaae. DIL. UOH ANKO, l'hilada., Pa.
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