Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 03, 1899, Image 1

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    1JcV"tt:(l 10 Mli.iiiK. Lumbering and p
""""g l"tcreBfa of llliH Community, lo Good Government, and Hustling for a Living.
CJol.lae:o Oiovh, Oregon, Friday, Nov 3, 1899
g IS CALLUD to an Elegant line of LADIES WRAPS, just in, direct
iiwiu wiu I'liciory.
Call and see tliem at the Old Reliable Store!
cannot be EXCELLED.
A General Write-up of the Camp Continued
From Week to Week.
SOT TO UUY GOODS out of Town or elsewhere, before examining our large and
well selected stock of General Merchandise.
IP YOU WILI IIKKD tle above warning, you will profit by it. We sell goods '
CENTS' Overcoats and Furnishing goods.
LADIES' wrappers and furnishings. PRICES WILL SUIT.
EAKIJN & maSTOW, Cottage Grove, Or.
. mar r
5 i r
W 7 1
i. i " in rki i
m woa$... uiinaow curtains ..xaaies nose...
We have a nice line, and the
price is right. h black we start
itaUoc a yard t j $1.50, in cither
tit plain black or brocaded. In
tis light colors we start it at 20c a
Mrrl IttA-in fVir A i lln.. iu trrt."
beautiful in changeable colors.
We have these in different
colors, plaids for 10c, iac er
rard. Our ics'c gingham is a
very soft finish.
In flnrL' ortlorc tvn tnrt it sit er
-- ' ....... . J
to 7c and in ligh' colors at 4c and
jca yard. Our 7c print is the best'
m the market.
Small checks for 64c per
hi light colors we have it as
cbeapas 50a yd. to i2c in dark
wlorswe start it at 7c to 1 ic a yd.
assortment in these goods.
In the white we have it for 30c
40c, 50c and 75c. Our 30c line is
ft linen but is good value for the
ooney the other lines are linen
ndcan not be beat.
1 Three yards long very pretty
1 design full width for $1 per pair,
and 3f yds long heavier and bet
ter for $1.50 pr. Scrims fur isjc
to 15c per yd .
j Very pretty, floral and gold
'design, if you wish to make your
grandma a nice chair cushion or
chair back for a christnias present
our art designs are just what you
j want, come and see it.
j For 14c and i6c per yd, very
pretty floral designs.
Por 65c cotton to $6.45 all
wool. We are selling these on a
special margin and know that they
can not be bought for less money
than we offer them for right from
the mills, colors white and dark grey
Positively made from nice clean
batting and good print for$i.5o, no
old rags are used in these goods.
j Our line is complete starting at
! 25c cotton to $1.25 a11 wool. We
I have either vests or pants separate
j or union suits, also for children.
In cotton we have them for 5c
to 25c, in wool 25c to 50c. Our 25c
hose are exceptionally good values.
Try one of them.
We carry the C. B. 500, $1 line
75c, 50c and also a 30c line.
Our claim on kid gloves is that
we have the best $1 .25 glove in the
market. We handled this glove
for five years now, and sold hund
reds of them and had no complaints
they all give satisfaction. Give
our line a trial. $1.25 is the price,
they can not be sold for less.
Do not Forget
That we Have
For Sale
Glass Ware
Gents Furbishing Goods
Boots and Shoes
Rubber Goods
Hats and caps
Diamond Dyes
School Books
Zli H Notions, Etc.
Then comes the Traveler owned by Nunn, Morgan & Reed which
while doing assessment on one of the claims an open cut was run from
one wall to the other showing the ledge to be just 15 feet wide. A
Sflllinlw tnlfpti from nrrn; tlif pntirr. 1r1rr i. : i ..
- .v.v. 011un.u a uuuunciii icsi. vaiue
of gold $1.82. stiver 116 oz., copper 7 percent, platina 32 per cent.
" v-- " "- wi plying jjjujjrucs 111 tne great
Bohemia district.
Just below the Traveler is another valuable firoup of 3 claims and
owned by Snapp, Jones & Snapp, now undergoing some extensive
development and are disclosing some flattering results. Ore in this
mine runs high in lead and copper with a good value of gold per ton.
'lMlf; frMil lifiTf. n trrct tliinrr ofi1 tlm. It- .....1 . 1
just the kind of men to make a camp take on a business like ap-
i fun unw. ....v d vimiigi. ui luiiu.uiun luuiiu no wnere eiae in
jcamp, it being a deep blue guiess. Their ledges of which they have 3
ttnmllfl flrf tmnr nilfl tt.fill fl nrn1 tirtflt errrA rntr,n 1 r r
r " " fjyjw gauge uiiu iicc iium
both walls .
Continuing down Horse Heaven Creek one comes in contnet with a
fine group owned by Pierson & Ely which is a well developed property
consisting of 5 claims lying in what is known to Bohemians as Pouch
gulch. This property basso far as development is concerned showed
far better thou the owners anticipated, it being in a serpentine dyke 01
chist. Lying at the foot of this dyke is yellow porphery in a state of
oxidization, and assays so far obtained, show this to be very rich in free
gold besides silver and copper. The company has grades completed for
a mile and are at present working on a trail from the Noonday mill a
distance of 1 miles. Just as soon ascompleted a mill will be put in.
Water and timber are in abundance and being below the deep snow line
operations can b carried on throughout the entire year.
On below this valuable camp there are a number of other claims of
minor importance with various amounts of development all of a sub
stantial nature and proving beyond a doubt the stability of this end
of the camp.
The Ridge Hotel country lies about 4 miles to the northwest of
the Noonday mine tind is rapidly coming to the front as a mining com
munity A number of fine locations have been made this summer some
of which are gaining the notice of the public from recent development
by almost what might be termed tenderfoot prospectors. There is
enough ore in sight to justify the erection of a mill which is rapidly
Hearing completion This group consists of 4 full sized claims owned
by Frank P. Slavin. Phil Spong and others. The ore is identical with
the other well developed mines of this camp which shows the camp
to be almost without limit, with large well defined leads free from both
walls and of a free milling oharacter.
There are many other locations of minor importance but not suffi
ciently developed so far as to show just how far clown on the north this
continues, but from all appearances it continues to Blue River and on to
the Santiam.
Situated on Grizzly mountain are a number of good mines
owned by prospectors in every walk of life from banker to farmer. Many
of this great mountain's claims are developed more or less by tunnels,
shafts and cross cuts showing ore continuously. Not only one lead but
uie enure uiuuiiuuu is u acnes ui 411111 l. icuus an 01 wnicn are Heavily
titttiArnli vfl nilfl Qlintv nt: nrnnrl n crrnrlo nf cmoltititr nra ot? KA
... 1 ..... mit.vM ....... ...w.. fc " t." vy.w HO V..UI UC 1UIII1U
anywhere on the Pacific Slope. On this mountain are situated the
Montana Mine & Milliner Comoanv's fine eroun described el.civhfft in
this work.
There are a number of other locations on this famous mbuntaiu but
space won't admit of a general dsscription. Situated in the canyon be
tween Grizzly and Fairview mountains is the famous Grizzly group
recently sold to London capitalists, but formerly owned by Byrne
Bros.. Johnston & Klophensteiu one of the finest in the west. The
ledge so far shows a strong continuous lead 6 feet from wall to wall of
almost solid galena. This company has ample water power for any re
duction works needed, there being a natural fall of over 60 feet with
timber for sawmill purposes till the end of time. The Laura owned by
Leroy Bros is also just across the canyon from the Grizzly. This lehd is
strong and continuous throughout the entire length of their claims. .
German it JNkTPlailCL Cottage Grove Or.
fflTMB MS ??MMmk
Light Your Home, Store, Church or Hall at Nominal Cost
CUcaptv than Kerosene!
Sttfcv Than Ann Other Ilttiiulnant!
rarest and Most lli'ltllant Lijht Known!
Price of tho Fiint Miu-hino of HO Light, 50 pur cent.
DiHCOimt, which in $02.50 f. 0. b., Eugene, Oregon.
Each Generator Bent Complete remly to bo Coiinectod
The Largest Stock in South Lane!
-Consisting'.' of-
Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves ane Tinware; Pumps, Pipes' and
Guns and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows,
Harrows, Etc. For Miners Supplies, the only house South of Port
land. Give us a call. . GRIFFIN & VEATCH.
If you don't need a now pair of shoes
today you will bofore long, and there
fore it's u good idea ito got posted on the
bent place to buy. Wo don't oxpect to
bo nblo to sell unless it is;to your in
terest to buy horo, It's easy to prove
that to you, however, if you will give us
a chance. Will you? Ben Lunon.
Parties knowing themselves to bo in
debted to 1110 will greatly oblige by a
prompt settlement.
Dr. Geo. Wall.
Quick delivery The Weekly Oregonlan.