ak -1' I 7Z Uo of a Ornrtt Nnino. Hero's a tip for aomo of our old friends who havo big names nnd neod alittlo ready money: Tumor Hoall, president of tho Prodvico Kxchango Trust Company usod to ho socrotray of tho Produco Kxcnugo and of tho Now York Southern Socloty. Among tho mon of his acquaintance he admires none so much as ho does Colonel W'll liamdo Hertburuo Washington. A lit tle while- ago ho asked Colonol Wash .,,.t,A u im mil-lit. nsii Ida namo in a financial transaction. Having implicit Hnnll. tho colonel consented, nnd was pleased to rocoivo a short timo nttnrwnril (I RiMP.k for $15,000. Ills share of a deal made by his friend on tho strength of tho namo ot w asinng ton. : Tlio machiuory moulders ot Titts ilnniilnil to ask tho manufac turers for an advanco in wages of at in nar cent, and tho establish- ment of a minimum wago rato of not CAREER OF GARIBALDI Led ltnlr to Freedom tind Cut the Fetters from nicuy. rsin..nno Oarlbaldl led Italy to free dom, cut the fetters from Sicily and, though he died a martyr's death, his life was a success, ltniy was siuiumiK of onnresslon when nun- baldl was born In Nice July 1S07 Ills birthplace was the tlrst nome iusu of that great soldier of the revolution Marshal Mnssena. From his childhood tho thought of freedom for his countrymen was dom innnt lii nnrlbaltira mind. Joining bo- cret political societies, he became a plotter, and having failed In a desper ate scheme to overthrow the govern- J than tho potato nnd Is twenty-five times more nutritious than good white bread. Tills fact has Induced me iTencn wi eminent to send a coinmlsslon to tho United States nnd Central America ..'in. ii view of Investigating the ndnptablllty of the banana plant for extensive agricultural operations In the Congo In the production or cneap iuu for the working classes In llelglum. Should this commission repon iiivor ably on Uie subject of their Investiga tion, a now and ynst tntiusiry wm ik establlshotl which ltitvrests the United States closely, from the fact that rorto Ulco and Cuba possess liuiidredn of thousands or ncrew on which the llnvst varletk-s of the banana can be success fully grown. It Is highly probable that nunthor industry will irrow P from the association ot this country with Uie West Indies. The banana in its cniiuieii form !a a delicious sweetmeat. Many people prefer It Intlnltcly to dried figs, it is slmnlv made. The ripe banann Is cut into thin slices nnd laid In Uie tropical sun until It be comes a sweet, semi-gelatinous mass. The pieces are packed In boxes, with a dusting of lino sugar between each Inter and are ready for shipment. The process, though not elaborate, requires care and watchfulness, without wmcn tin nrnfliut may be Inferior ami mint tractive. Hut If the curing and packing are properly done anil uie cured mm t- ....4 .... Amnflnnti ninrl.'ilf ll (Q lint Improbable that It will soon taue inv place of the flg for dessert purposes. a n"englishb E A U T Y. tfk? Miss Cleinnion, Who In Now the Knee of l.omlon. In this country tho "profvsslonnl beauty" is uukuown, bui In Iyondon sho Is a big figure. She sells her photo graphs nnd derives n largo Income from them. She Is Invited to dinners, bali.i and narties because of the ornamental MISS ADUT.K CI.KMMONS. quality of her beauty. Mrs. I.augtry commenced a3 a professional beauty, and Mrs. Coniwallls West, the mother of the Princess Henry of Pirns, was a very famous professional beauty. Just now Miss Adele Oloinmnus holds the post of honor. She has for several years been recognized as one of Lon don's handsomest women and lately she took tho blue ribbon for perfection at a beauty show. It Is said that no photograph can do Justice to the daz zling wonder of Miss Clernrr.ons' beau y, for her coloring Is exquisite. i TO USE BOTH HANDS. lion. J, II. FwrrcHEn. formerly Governor of South Dakota, but now a resident of Balem, Ore, says: "For over two yeurs my daughter had been declining from a itronir, healthy, rosy-checked clrl to a polo weak und helpless invalid She was afflicted with terrible headaches, and gradually grew weaker and more languid, apparently without cause. I tried .evtrul doctors, but all without avail. i'luuiiy, 10 pjeaso a mend, I , bought a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale I'eoplo, and to our sur prise, beforo It was used her head aches ceased, tho color began to ro- i turn to her cheeks and lips and her BirenEiii Begun io osscri iisen. i bought Ave boxes more, and by tho time she had finished them she was completely restored, nnd to-day she Is a robust, rosy, healthy Klrl Instead of a pale, tired and sickly ono." rrom me urcgon inucpenutm aaicm, vrc. n Intnl. .1 oi-l Dill ttw PhIa PAAnla are never sold by the doien or Hundred, but always In packages. At all drugglits, or direct Irom the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 60 cents per box, belonging to the royal pnlace oY Kinga- bury, of which little but Uie name now remains. The present building Testing upon these ancient foundations was prob ably erected during the fifteenth cen tury. It has possessed several names and Is at present known as the "Fight tag Cocks." There Is a wooden tablet on the front wall setting forth that It Is "The old est Inhabited house in England." But tills, though enough to satisfy any rea sonable being, Is feeble when compared with a former sign which ran: "The Old Round Ilouse; rebuilt after the flood." WEST INDIAN FLOUR. Bread Fruit nnd Plantain Exten sively Uh-I). A common article of food in tho West Indies Is fiour made from tho bread fruit. Tho fruit Is cut Into "pigs" or strips and dried In Uie sun, then ground to powder In a mortar and sifted. This flour makes a convenient and highly nutritious addition to tho hamper of provisions the negro usually takes with him when traveling far from his home, and he well knows Uie art of making It into a variety of appetizing dishes, eaya the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The plantain is sometimes treated In Uie same way, as well as the banana, which gives a sweeter nnd richer Hour than either tho plantain or bread fruit. It Is estlmnted that Uie banana hns forty-four times more nutritive value Children Are So Taught by Itecent Keltic tinual A'cthod. No recent reform In educational meth odn has attracted so much attention not only In this country but also la Europe as that originating with Mr. J. Liberty Tadd. director of the Philadel phia Public School of Industrial Art. Mr. Tadd believes that at present chil dren are educated to give the prefer ence to Uie right hand over the left, and that there Is no good reason why every man should not be ambidextrous. In the school of which he Is tho head he Is educating the child en to use their right and left hands with equal facility. In nnAwiNo with thb left hand. Uio same way ho Is seeking to develop equally both lobes of tho brain nnd both eyes. Mr. Tadd points out that In less than 240 different trades, crnfts and occupations tho skill of tho work man depends largely on his ability to use both hands. The Illustration shows a pupil In the Phtlndelph'n school draw lng on a blackboard with tho left hand. Formutioit of Habits. As tho snow gathers together, so our habits are formed. No single flako that Is added to tho pile produces a sensible change; no single action cre ates, however it may exhibit, a man's character; but as tho tempest hurls tho avalanche down tho mountain, and overwhelms tho inhabitant nnd his habitation, bo passion, acting upon tho elements of mischief which pernicious habits have brought together by lm perceptlblo accumulation, may over throw the edifice of truth and vlrtuev Ben thorn. THE 'YOUTH'S COMPANION 1 Wo moan to havo tho now volumo surpass all former ones In tho Intorost of Its articles, the charm of Its stories, and tho value of Its miscellaneous reading. f The Companion Calendar For 1900. which Is given to every now sub scriber, Is a Calendar beyond compare. : SUBSCRIBE NOW, sending $1.75, the price or a year's subscription, with this slip or the name of this paper and we will send you The Companion Free for the remain lng weeks of 1890, the beautiful Companion Calendar, and the 33 issues of the new volume to January, igoi. t 303 Send us your address on a postal and we will mall you our Illustrated Announcement of the 1900 volume and sample copies of tho Paper Free. Tbe Youth's Companion. Boston. Mass. -1 1- A now cotton spindle Is said to bo; Uonuy Jir giir-rul thot 01ms capable of running -'0.000 revolutions ray munt bo Iiilke folim hIII. ora per mlnuto, and, If m. will indeed rev "An' how is thof" Denny--y olutlonlzo tho Hpinnlng proeen.1. snrtnic wnen it omen t- wiikUiih 25c SAMPLE BOTTLE 10c FOR NEXT 30 DAYi Ho DISEASE has so uaffsed the medical skill of aia ages as ttn&umATBSM. and no romotiy has ovor boon known io euro it until "3 Dropa," tho Rhoumatlo Guro demonstrated ll wonderful curaUvo power. it has novor fallod to our a RHEUMATISM! In any form, Aouto on Ohronlo. flffrn tm twlint n 1'romlnpnt I'hvitclnn lift, to lar wtin lis. h. 1 TRAUlt MAXKJ jreur. or ucuvo j-rucurn .ni'iiicinn 1 I have never before in mr rear, of practice of medicine Klren mv tetllmonlilof r, mrndatloti toanv natent medicine, but there U a remedy, the retult of which hat cine a', r own obtervatlon ; for there la no DUriun which lu to ha filed the medical .km of til ijtij Khmiinatlaiu and to find a KMInlil remedy for the ame. At lait we have fcraslitl "O DIlur, manufactured by the Htrnitaun iiueuiuuiie turn coinjmny, t iilcnco, ill, The"fl Dltorn." ha. craven Ittelf wonderful for it. curative iwwer In Ithrumallim. . a Teinriornrr ltrllever only, but to irive a I'eriimnriit t'tirn even In chronic caiei. fcmrtu mno. 1 had amonff other, aeveral Kheumatlc cntet. under mv treatment and nreicribeJ la ik patient, the very bett Iteinrillf. which I .Wilfully .elected, but without de.lrable rtiutli IlhS heard of "S DltOI'S" and of it. Wnmlnrful Curr, and rireacribed It to a few jatlertiiti lounu reuei irom u. utc wimin a icw oay. Aiicnnai 1 wccT)iea 11 10 agreai number iiiui .urprlte, I will My that In the courtcof Two or Three Wceka after they had ued "3 IJKOI' and "O Drop" 1'lo.ter. they were Cured. Among thene were a few who had, for a number of yeara, been tuITerlnE with Caroa Ittinuinntl.in. who had Piloted themtelvea around on t'rut.lie. Thevcame to mvo&ttmc out Crutchr.and told me they were irfcctly Wrll. They kIvc all the credit In "5 UllOI'j and to "a Drop J'laiter. anil thlt I. their le.tlmony to the Hwiuixin Itli.iiinutle tnrt fos nan v for their kindnea. and for the ronacicntlou. way in which they are placing then IVcodl ful Iternrdlra amone auOerlng humanity, which they told me to write to the Compi9Tu acknowledgement. A. I have Men the Curntlro 1'owrrof "O DHOI'H" and "ti Drop" I'laateri.ln 1 pi many innance. 1 can iriuy recommenu mem ami alto mat the urm 1. pcricriiy noctit iu liable to deal with, C. A. JACKSON, I'bytlcian and Burgeon, Kearney, Neb., Aug, 3 ity). How Long Havo You Suffered with RHEUMATISM? How Long Havo You Road About "6 DROPS" Without Taking Them? Do you not think you have wasted precious time nnd suffered enough? If s then try the " 5 drops " and be promptly nnd permanently cured of your sfflictioil " 5 Drops " I3 a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Scbtlcl Lumbago (lame back), Kidney Diseases, Asthma, Hay-Fcvcr, Dyspepsi vnujrrn ot an Kinds, uronciutis, Ln urippc, llcadaciic, Ncn-ous or xeutvi Heart Weakness. Dro Crnun. Toothsd Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, flalaria, and kindred d eases. " 5 Drops " has cured more people, during the past four years, of the abofl named diseases than all other remedies known, and in case of Rheumatisms curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and batterj v.u uu ncu. iur uicy cannot cure tiironic Klieumntism. ilicrelore, wasie na'"a vmuauie time nnu money longer, but try "5 Drops " and be promptly ukcm 5 Drops " is not Otllv the best inejliplnr tint it U tlir. rlic-nnest. for a i I.oobotll contains 300 doses. Price per bottle 1.00, prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottlfi v" n,w, I'ur 111c next IO (lavs wo will Kpnil n. acp. sninnlc i-Ki:tl to no wf sending 10 cents to pay for the mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 160-164 E. LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. I'kiii-h Mini Wlin Work. l'Omi.ANI) WIUK A IIHIN WOltKHi WIUK ' and Iron fencing; mlioe rnlltn. etc. 1WI Alder. I Muclilimry itml siippllxa. CAW8TON A CO.; KNulNKS, JtOf f.Klt.S. MA clnnery, supplier nr.tHt.. rrtlntnl. Or. JOHN POOI.R i,.. ..... n can k vo you the best bargains la Kcnera , li VT .1 l "lllllllMIIH. 1110 now rqimllcdV Wl,ulm111, b" 1,l," ls BUY THE GENUINE I SYRUP 0F FIG .. MANUFACTURED BY.,. I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C0 tV A'OTR TDK NAME. BARTER'S INK Makes iiillllom tliltik- YOUNG MEN! lmikT.aiiS?Vrfi 0le.'J rt ralai' Okay Hw-clflo. II Caie NO OIHF lliin vrn ill Wl" '"'"'' fill 5?Jf.'.. i -st'J known It iiu our la r, to cure, no (natter Iicait .rloui or nf mw lonir liumllnir lteiulu lium in um will artonhh you. It U alio utelV iafe Ml hy all rrllat.lv i Iniirirlnta, or wnt lire ilid ? .linrf... plainly wrupid, on n" l,,t i " Srli-J! ill ' "Pri. Circular nu.kd on KiliSL011 t,IOAI C0- C1"0' 1U- You Can't Make a Mistake by Taking the . .tiinl iiiiHuriiiit i TAT 1 1 M A. DOVVEN." 28 lo 35 First Street . SURECURE FOR, JSIfi tlOlTlNiUM eM'ramol.tur.na'proji; Tlil. form, n wrli . Illliid.l" itfie Remedfl I'll. ar oure-t l.y Or. Boaunko' P; w niiii iir iiiiiii ami uii,toph, 1i'.i..ti,lrM. " Jar at ilruKuI.t. or aunt l.y "'"L'v ro Wil4-. ma about your caia. DIU HOHASiMJi"i HJFfHHBBVUUI . I . . ... a W Sato PI I XT RaiCrKK a. m -ammBmax- n,tne vnilRSElfi n.l 1a atrUlnra. 01. H V. .n out I".-I theEva;;b ChihiwiCo. & prowl'1 J. H NAOEf (Tp "a" CaA! " or n,llrC8 iV, AUiSIj, O. p, A. W. K COMAN fl A C. O. TKltllY, T 1', A, ' 124 Third Street, Portland. On. Sold nj fl pr wnt In P"',tff.J rwsi inn CrtD KCLtcr i-vin lBI9i Tlmttlrcil, languid fr"!' It U dW ?1 tmck nnd tlio clironlo I inlcklyliyou tnko , Oaitiedl Hoore's Revealed RemjJ It Is mi Idem medicine lor J.0ura' le.itiniit to titke. 1. l'er b0"' A L'll' JdD. I " . flO. t-.. xr ii v ir W ll 41. la illllltfri H