FRANK COODftJl R. A. SANDERS, SUMMONS. in tho Circuit Court j.f tho Hljfio i.f "roro Ijuio County. J. K. Vo'i'iK. u ".V:,; Kovw.wHo of o. U. hereby ro itilro.l to il'" .1 n t o wo ,...iii.lalnt 11,0 HKHln! you In tl 0 " " 1 f Utloil Milt by iho tlrst Uay of tin next ''" ', thentnivo untitled Court fol ol;iK ' A? GAMBLING EXPERIENCE. Two Drummers Got Left on Their Little G-WU- J .is. for a Joke: We Sell What the People Want. . . . .rropiieltu f HturuiKTOH or The Popular Cir.ur nn,i Co.l t tllllMV V"m! 1 IN. onu 4, ' 1 n i i nn BOlimiA v I I II I "It's a sail story," said the drummer to a Detroit Erce Press reporter, as he counted up his available cash. ".My idea was to say nothing about it, but I under stand that the oilier fellow is going around telling the story as a joke on me, and I might as well give my side of the story, for the truth is bad enough without having it exaggerated. "One night last week I found myself obliged to put up for the night at a little country hotel some miles west of here. It was a chilly evening and several loungers were loafing in the bar room match ing pennies to kill time. They were as much interested over it as though millions were at stake, and it gave me a tired feeling to watch them: "There was another drummer, a friend of mine, who was doomed to pass the night at the place, and suddenly I was seized with a bright idea. I had collected a bill for my house for $50 and had chanced to be paid in $5 gold pieces. I got my friend aside and said: " 'See here, let's wake this morning up and show them where they are at. I have 10 $5 gold pieces. I will give you half of them and we will start a fake gambling game and astonish the natives.' "My friend agreed to the plan and we started matching $5 gold pieces on the bar, while the loungers gathered about and breathlessly watched the game with their eyes fairly hanging ou of their heads. "We had been at it only a few minutes when the village marshal came up and arrested us both for gambling. I tried to explain that it was only a joke, but he wouldn't lister., and showed, his determina tion to take us to jail for the night. We prevailed upon him to send for thejustice of the peace, who saved us trom the lock up by holding -us on our own recognizance to appear before him next morning, at which time he gently fined us $25 apiece and confiscated the evidence to pay the fine. "If I ever try to be funny again hope someone will kick me!". "I wish to express my thanks to the manutactuters of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market sueh n won derful medicine," says XV. XV. Massin gill; of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who nnist also feel thankful. It is for sale by Benson Diiug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons and Ai'I'i-eoaois, Drain Druggists. A FRIEND OF WOMEN. A Canadian editor, being asked if he had ever seen a bald-headed woman, replied: "No, we never did. Nor have we ever seen a woman waltzing around town in her shirt sleeves, with a cigar be tween her teeth. We have never seen a woman go afishing with a bottle in her hip pocket, sit on the damp ground all day and then go home drunk at night. Nor have we ever seen a woman yank off her coat and swear she could lick any man in town. God bless her! She ain't built that way." t Wm. RENSHAW 2THE EXCHANGE ALV WALKER - ' - DEAI.KK IN Munuger, FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Main Street, Cottage Croee, Ore. You have good goods to buy : we sell thi'in. You ' want honest goods; we liuve them. Ooods thtU are up-to-date; we sell tliein. You want the value of your motiey ; we give it. You want to trade with people who save you money ; that's us. U'e do the laruest C-A-S-ll t rude in Lane comity . Why? IJecuuso we have one price to all. All goods marked in plain figures. Ladies' plush and cloth capes, $'J.''o, $3.50, $5.00, $7. 78, $10.00, $12.50. Ladies' beaver, covet t cloth and Ker sey .luckets, $2.00, $;i.(S, 5.78, $9.87, $12.50. Ladies' Collarette, in many styles, $4.50, $4.0S, $5.00, $7 .81), $9.70. $12.50. Ladies' Wrappers, 05c, 7ie, S9c, $S,00, $1.25, $l.:55, fl.lR $1.00. Ctlttl.r In'ttiiraihiluKili-r nlio.. ?MI(. Ladies Over ikirts, $1.50, $2.00, i2.75, $3.59, $4 .00, $5.00. $15.88. $7.50. Ladies' Under Skirts, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Ladies's Kid GIovps, in black, tan and brown, 7oc, 90c, $1.00, $1.25. Ladies' Muslin' Underwear, skirts, drawers, chemise, gowns, corset covers, at the right juices. Ladies' Union Suits, 40c, 60o, $1.00, $1.40. $1.(15, $1.7S. Childrens' Union Suits. 'Joe and G'Jc. Gent's Overcoats, $5 00, $0.50, 7.09, $S.50, $9,00, $12.50, $13.05. Gent's Suits, $5.00, $0.50, 7.75, 8.03, $9.00, $11.00, $12.50 $10.00. Bov's Suits Sl'.OO, ?L'.oO, ftf.S'J, fo.uu, $0.08. $7.50, $9.00. Men s v ver-Atls, 4oc, 00c, boe, sue Boy's Over-Alls 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c. Unbleached Muslin, 0c, fle, 7c, Sc. Best Outing flannel, 5o, Oc, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 11c, 13c. The Kenblic Sewing Machines war ranted 5 years, latent fixtures, $20.00. The Matchless Urop Head sewing -Ma chine, warranted 5 years, $25.00. The Eldredge "li" Jiall Hearing, Urop Head, Sewing Machine, warranted 5 years, $30. Boots, Shoes and Boston Rubbers, at prices that will sell them. Blankets 50c, 55c, (5oc, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50,$3 00,$4.50,$C.OO, $7.00. Trunks, $3.50, $3.09, $4.00, $4:50, $5.00 $0.00, $7.78. You may have seen bettev days but not betterprices. Yours for trade. NEW YORK RACKET STOKE. Eugene, Oregon. These Illustratrated Publications. WjLL II K BUST 1IY TIIK NoUTIIKUK PACIFIC Railway Co., to any .ni)itt3S8 ui-o. ltECKII'T, IX STAMPS, Olt OT11KU WISi:, OF TIIK A1IOU.NTS KAHUI) WONDERLAND An annual publication of about 100 pajxes, jiotten uj in most attractive style and beautifully illustrated in half-tone. The contents of each number are varied and difleient from it predacessor. Tho NoKTimitN Pacific has become noted for this publication. Tiik Fixkst Tiii.vo ix Railway LrrnitATUKB. Send six cents. YELLOWSTONE PARK MAP A relief map of Yellowstone Park. Printed on llrni paper, and suitable for niouutiiii; or framing and for use in schools, class rooms, etc. The best map of the Park that is publicly distributed. Mailed in pastboard tubes. Send lOcts. MAZAMA PAMPHLET A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Rattier, Washington, the grandest ice-covered peak in the United Statos. Send two conts. KOOTENAI FOLDER An illustrated folder and relief map of tho Kootenai Ronton in HritishOoiiiinbia north of Spokane. Send two cents. ARMY AND NAVY BOOK Tells about both the U. S. and Spanish armies and navies at beginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Culm and adjacent islands. A vest pocket historv well wortli preserving lor reference. Send ton cents. In sonding for these write tho address carefully, and state where advertisement was scon. UIiuh. H. 112K, Gull. I'liNtioiiKnr An'fiiL ST. I'AUl, BUNN. KISSING BUG'LL GET YOU. Oh, Dewey, pray bo careful As you travel all about; Tho Kissing-Bug'll got you If you don't watch out I Griflln (Ga.j News and Sun. Don't forgot tho G. A. R. dance Fri day evening Oct., 20. StiBBtXW SSSvnmoii GROVH. OREGON . l.lmtlon of tliotimo l"-"","'";,I1""t .V ,v.. .I n ,0 'Hiton of this sinutnoni.. h ;h ' ' . 1 i' Kti.1 ans" or, for want tlieroot. m . lit niu.ty to miM Court for the r lei o ( mum o.l in his oiiuhii ,,, rnforeo .icMiuidcrt Itlm- the our t . ; ; lit toMliHlliniHI.- MHO wie " 1 , ii t it III renl t.r.ipi: ty to wlt : Lot 'J. V , i II bonicnuil l.Hij.lei.1. Abl i i t i ltvof In Unol o in t Mi te mown. Ht.,1 out of the, l'" ' i.eil8B0l UIO reioryu m """'"I, ","::.., ,..! the In? V Xliuts exm-ilM) he tmtil to plHlntltls lunl Uo-i uimuin 1 i. it ........ jiu mi. v ii, tf.i.ur. r.ercio us iminimi.. ;,, n,, t,,.,,, t.v Thin notteo la iiulilWicl tn ho I "lit i .e Ueiubur 0 lSbt). J. i:. YoutiK, rinintiiv. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' United States Laml Ofllce, n,i... October I. 1SHU. Notice is hereby Kiyen that m com- nliittice with the provisions of Hie act ol Conress ot June 3, 1S7S, entitled -An act for the sale of timber lands it. the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami wthinl:!.... Territory," Dell J. Katubrook of Wal.l..rn . County -f I ny- III. tl Wlinw - - Hied in thisotliee his sworn statcuieiU No. 722, for the purchase of the S h j S E u N H S K S K N KH. tielil, MtUO OI i isciiiini". " " lots 7, 10, 9. 10 of Section .m . -o, u Township No 21 S Range No. 1 .. and will oiler prool to show that the laud soti.'ht is moro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural piirpn.-es. and to establish bis claim to said land before the KcgiMeraiui Receiver of this ofllce at Roebur, Oregon, on lhtirfday the. 14 day of December. 1S99. T I ft .1 tt itim;.i:t ! II I . llollenbeck of Eugene. Oregon, Austin Root of Springlleld, Orison, Lowu Hierl of Albany, Oregon. J.tJ. Olsen of hu-1 gene. Oreguu. ... , j Anv and all persons claiming ad-1 verselv tho above-described lands are requested to Hie their claims in this . -i ..-:.l l l.t.... f Mi.. Olliceonor ocioru sm " ".; cember, 1899. J . T. Bkidoks, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxu Office at Ro.eburg, Oregon, September til), 1899, Notice is hereby given that the following-named bcttlcr has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Joel Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on X. ........ I'! 1K0O vi TmiI! Illllimi'l- i.ut . ..... - . , sec 30T. 21 S It3, West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: uliii T. Martin, of Ilugene, Otegon, Chuiles. McLean. William Walker, Dock Dunning, of Hazel Dell.Orfg'in. J. T. Bit ks, Register. During the winter of 1897 Mr. .lames Reed, one of the leaditi1' citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., struck his leg against a cake of ice in such a milliner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without tho aid of crutches. Ilo was treated by physicians, also used soveral kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky in bathing it but nothing gave any relief until ho began using Chamberlains Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and lie believes that had lie not used this remedy his log would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm is ttnoqualcd for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by Bhxson Dnuo Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons and Aiti.k oath, Drain Druggists. CLHRGYMEN LEAD IN LON GEVITY, Diagrams prepared hy an expert for one of the large life insurance companies to illustrate the com paratively longevity of clergymen, farmers, teachers, lawyers and docters, show that 42 out of every 170 ministers of the Gospel reach the age of 70. The farmers come next, their proportion for 70 years of age being 40 out of 170. Next comes the teachers with 34, the lawyers show 25 and the doctors are last, with only 24 out of 170. Atlanta Journal. r""" TranTrinfwnYrmiiTi FOR SALE OR TRADE. Pack liorsoa, saddlo hornos, team liorsas, puck saddlus and bliinkuls. In fpiireal the lion Ton Meat Market. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Choice Hrnuds. A lMivorite Resort. GLASS Wc arc now reparc(l to furnish ,.n i.;,i of Brackets, Mouldings, Sash ami Uoors, Door and Lonaii, n.i. window frames, hcreen uoors, , Pickets, etc. W llltiows, 1 icklis, .iv.. , Woodwork of nil kinds made and ; .., Wc wilI also WOrk Floor-1 --i ine, Rustic, Riding, .ciuhk. or size StiuldiHU, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP N15AR S. I'. UKTOT Bon Ton 4- MEAT MAR KliU Main Street Collage Grave, Oregon. Supply house for Cottage Grove and Bohemia. I ' ttt TT rrl ( Vv lit J3Ccl-Jl-V'j j , A'l 'o't 1TJL ii 1 . EAST Gives the Choice of '1 mo Tra iiscoiithicntiil ROUTES in Him uniKPiiir-nxT II VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY Lo"W Hates to all Eastern Cities. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland every C days for San Francisco. For full particulars call on 0. R. & N. Agent, Frank Jordan, Cottago Grovo. W. II, IIuitMinur, General Passenger Agont, Portland, Oregon. BROS. I PROPRIETORS OF Coltngc (Ji'uvc t4 il'taii ill! X BU no ITJ II WA Vf H1J I Has 5t Hla! TO THK I OREGON UllMl NORTHERN SHOUT LINE Ocnlcr in--, fMimi-i tf I .mi. n...i . I Grnilu nnd l'riccs to the TrJH Main Street, Collude drove, of Eukiij & Bristol j i; i? i) 1 II IV X alio, imnscicki Ciriri(ifiiiyIrimjl IMlSllCSS It.S iMdiulic.s. ITltlllll'K (lrmu I.ITH. .SHAVINC. PARijQ tj.iltiiRn tirii' .... 0tf (i. ;. i,i mi,, j.roJ Call on I Pickiird Son vou House Painting, Sign Work, Carriage E'niiHin; Work C mi rti ittiiil COTTAC.K CKOVK. ORK. Cy. fliller, Generxil Blacksmithingj Two Doors North of Katun A llt.itor.! L'uttatc (! rot e, Oregon 1)12 PUT Y U. S. Mineral Survcyot - :o :- Special attention given to Minim Claims and procuring ot Patents. Grants 1'ass, Okkco.v. J. S. MEDLEY, AHnnnnv 11 fnw OIllcoOli Miiln Stitct. Cittiiv (Iroi'c, Oi'tynn. LYNX HOLLOW ITEMS. Our school has commenced !.... II I- . 1 r- .Miss JV.1111K tcaeiicr. ml Mr Lebow. of Row River wit move on the ulace which he pun off the EiiL'hind estate. It ... ------ a , will put up n new House 111 m place ot the old one. Atnntirr flii new iinnrovemcnt iw nntict'. lesse Martin is btiildini r' " ... ...... 1 n new house, George i eauuier tifU' lintmp. : is aitnmo us a vaw house, Mr Wilcox an addition tl his house: Mr. Tucker of Silk creek was ii our valley hist week and purciiay.j r.t,rt,frl 'r,n!nf nf Ti SillltllOIlS t3 WWUf,.. w. ---- , rn!f o tnrT(. nmv llOUSC. iM'B Simmons is getting orders for all kinds ot paint. Mr and Mrs James Kennedy an at the Boswell Springs. CHURCH NOTICES. U I' U1IUJICK. xvtll 1)0 li'ild at tin CP church .Sunday morning nI ovenj 1.... 1... .1 'rim imstor iirpl that ovory tnonibor bo present Snlul'lJ morning without fail. Hoiiif ' i ,1..., ..11 ..., hIiouM i nrnMHiit... A Ifi in IIUIO cunb"-B- meeting after sorvlco. TI.eW.O.T. U. will meet the M nnd third T. osduviii eticli month, ftwj ,., mi . n. v. church 1 IICKMllV Will IIICTt " , . ij ... ....11 invited to ttt1 ah lauicn tond whother thoy nru inetnbers or CALL FOR COUNrV WARRANTS Notice is hereby given htUjO inK wumintB will ho pa d ' rPffl 1800. Interest on same 'c ..ra W 8. 1809. All Lane coiiiity,""! from retiisterea nuiuoui lioth inclnsivu. 1(im) Daled, EuBtnio, SopL0)A18Uy.go?fi coiiniy'i''t'',a,ucr' ' . 1 ft.l.W V v fl I) AX i) n w i k ii i iNv" Y Ison we In'o at UDI EA A A