Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 13, 1899, Image 7

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    r ww in iiiiii'ri ri
il Hill mZm
an Interesting City
to Visit.
311 Ol
ve l
. . I H.iiliiilii.r 9M
. -i rir ' -
.. .1... !1H.
...i IllrtllKlHltl KxpOKltlOII,
'.hi full iiiiiNt at rortiam .
x inow - . . .
mri'l HHIIIt imiut i-t inu w in
i.m in tho Northwest.
net . . .
. -thlnx nhOUl " Kruno
w ....ii u tiiiiv lin. for no
Jii been spared to nmkn every
ducted with it llrat-rlas in
l--t. Th iicconipliHli this r
tffiiuoccHHiiry to invest $12,001)
1111(1 tlllri JtMOUUt Wlltf
IIAlvi ....
W forthcoming- 1 enterprising
... mntinl l'oriiiiiiii vn;m uuwu
. .....1 tl.uwl in
JIr pOCKUin mm iiiiiiiiwn m
for thO V rOCOglllfc" uw uu:v huh
U ft 1-rOftt 010001-108011, llll
.mr and Instructor mi entiirprle
tneflttl Olllini nuriiinuni,
nvliictd of ovory section of tin
.S.t aro freely given place in the
. .. .a . I 1
-linn at I'ortMHU, nun v miiion,
ifleldn, ftirtorloH, forests and Hah-
jjll mftkoa grand showing, una
ire gmwiH nun grniw-s tutu any
tmii. lui wit i itrfiiiri rii
UlH.O. Doitoli. Oil. It. C. Judwiu
tOOUJI. riplllgl HV COII0CH.MI io-
,t and have on oxhihitlon thou-
. . . i i
lie rooclllieilH 01 grumiiaim pniiwun
ifnlta and vegetables raised in tho
-int, all of which mukti a spion
ifcnrimi for thin rich region.
tho many tlttiin mioh nt tlio
Hon in Portland limy no men
tho mining uxiiimt. lonaoi
.lilihowinu iimt where it enme
vA ltd value in kIiowii, having
j collected by J. P. Marahull, and
,i li a reproduction of u quartz
a,withitabig timbers, ahafu und
yli, built by J. F. liatcliehlur, of
Portland Hallway Co.. who In a
steal mlniiiL' cnlnetT.
In largo HIuiuliiHted cavn in a com
ih hatchery, in whli-hyounx wil
It say bo plainly awn in all atae
inching out, und thiiro in n full
n Itoyal Chinook kilinrtn nlwaya
litre aro a gront ninny hIkIHh to aco
w exposition. Tito rualiatio nv
-Mionof Multnotnuli falln is worth
milcn to enjoy, ami itiHiigntat
ma. TJto real wntor, with tho
of Hull Itun river liuhind it, fnllt
W; and tho rustic lirldun in tliore
tikencoplo to croiw, and thu nylvan
Hind fernx and iuokhoh and big,
L-tii trees. Tliu falln are uttraetiui;
tciowds nud will run all tho timo
fecloniii,', October 28.
wtland ia n very attnictivo city to
it, and it hna Httclt a splendid htrect
Jijitcm that tho atniUKer can aeo
t Insineas aection, tho nttractivo
pwand tho Kiilendiil miburlw all on
Imgle 6 cent fare, while comfortably
!d in ojxiii electric cam. Two car
wpaiw tho door of tho vrroat oxjiohI
lmililin, in which tho t-reat fair
(the North went 1h held tho Citv &
nban lino and tho Wimhinutoii
t line and all tho Htrnmrer hua to
il to tako a car which in nlainlv
Fea, "Direct to tho Kxiw.sltlon."
IM wnr museum, which in under
ft direct supervlHion of Captain K. S.
PdTiFda, Colonel D. M. Dninm mid
wal 0. Sumtners, in u trrand niuht
I'M. It wiih thu cnrrj'Ing (ml of a
SllUnt idl'ft Rtliintiil iv Dim Mn.
m ono of Portland 'b moat pntriotio
MtnterpriBlnt? buaineaH men, and it
r-l be tho means of nddini iniinv dol
i-ltO tho fund bnliii. ruluiul In flin
fon volunteers who lost their livoa
S tho recent wuro.
Ike immeiiHo cxitoaition building nt
wland haB boon vastly improved in
Bfy Irt of ItH interior, and Ih guy
m flags nnd hunting, and nt night
Kmit a Bccno of Bplondor raroly
iMllcd. It has 8,500 oleotric lights,
w preecnts a picturo to bo long ro
holered. Kdlmntvi for tlin Navy.
Uoil,l..i . ...
u.iKion, uct. v. Acting hocro
7 Allen hns prepnrod tho Htatement
"wlmates whiMi .-itt i 0t.,..i(.i
mm for tho mnintonnnco of tho
Ut I icll.lii . . . . .
tear, ti
itiu ni"ount to ?7a,oai,ou,
km 7 creaho over tlio apjiroprin
I It'10 curront year of $2-1, BU7, 187.
ucinded in tho incrcnao for next
ftTA nnnwn. I - A I ,1. . n ..
fpuilic works nnd nnvy-ynrdB nnd
!ton8. Tlioro is also nu cBtimnto of
t.i021.nnn t n. .
,ul ulo uow unyn, ncuiioiny.
" Aroog lrnloii Downy.
v. r . . . . . . .
far f. T ' uul W'iho Spanish mlnlB'
JJuko D'ArcoB, who hnB just loft
in, iuancnostor, Bnid with ro
"coptioa being glvon Ad-
43ml it? U0t BurI'rlso mo in tholonat.
Hat l i , wo" 18 a rnvo nnd noble
le tho oxtrnordinnry Borvico
s rendorod his country no honor
treat yt Bhowa him 1,1 rotr 18 t0
''"8 nrousod tho ndmirntlon
coni world by tho gallantry of
77 ' U(l 110 would itottBnmll
fml u' vho coul(1 not rocognizb
iliS "naBlvo froo oxprossion to
"miration for Dowoy's valor."
Iiiiiirgnnt Onii'tiri ,,r vi
M-,;;i;,i!,,.""r"u- curt
ofm()Htoftll, feJ g;
oini1()(r y riT ,u!.i!'?-
Itf.v.iH ,i VJ.,!""r' 1'nblo
olH ' , "r u,ruw """or liwurKont
aro coiidmimi.,1, ' "'"".
or w , r
in m. . i"'u itcciiHiiuon was mado
in tliiiKo ciihih .. i .' .
. " " reason o re red
lor tlio arriwiM n,. ...i . .
-- m.-iiniiiiun is all
UIIIICatlOIlM of nil n...l. ... ...
limn '. i , i"""nKnniHirrosl
dent nlaya sinco hint February.
n Z , u, " UH 1110 K"vermnent
isuall Ht the exiM-iu.,, f members of
tho imrtv ikiL i i .. .. .
Ui revlv activity and airain to im-
IMllr firmllf . r .
: r.jn-ii ior suciii nrrosta,
however, and the Impressment inU) her
army, mutters are fairly quiet.
lliCr i,r U'liiilnhiintliiK.
Fan V
..f.l -""'I'M, I. llll! OJlll'UrS
oftho whaler HhIiuu toll of thu terrible
III tit if II. t
" iiuMiiiennou, a willoi, in
tllO Arctic. (In A n, on icji.u .t..
, .,, 4,1,, join, mo
units were lowered for an enormous
WllHlK lllul ,.(..-.. I I i .
-iik-i ii iiurXKiu nan neon
fixed in the whalti's side and ho had
started oh ut tremcmlous speed, HuH.
chnnbett htejijied carelessly into the
miiii'u l.d-1i i i .1. i i
- ' i""i cuuKiii his lejr
and ho was drawn inU) the water. In
passing out of the l,oat the body of the
man hurk-d itcelf iiKiiinst 'lliird Mate
Nlklto ami one of the crow, knocking
Isith overlsmrd. Tiie mato scrambled
ti. .....i ..i.. ..i i ... . .....
I- ..u niiiniiuu mo nijio into witn ms
knife. Then begun a chase for tho
whale and tho Uidy of tho man. For
three hours the minister raced and sunk
to the Isittom Ixiforc ho could bo lanced
and tho sailors' body recovered.
Will Hull I'rom 1-i.rllKiiil.
Washington, Oct. 7. Tho Thirty-
ninth sure, and jiossibly tho Forty-fifth
volunteers, will sail from Portland.
Orders were issued today to Colonel
ISullard, commanding tho two battal
ions of tho Thirty-ninth, at Fort Cook,
Neb., to go to Vancouver barracks for
tlio purine of suillng to tho Philip
pine islands by way of Portland.
rso ordors have been yet issued for tlio
Forty-fifth, but there aro good indica
tions that this rcgimcut will also ren
dezvous at Vancouver and sail from
Portland. Tlio determination of Sec
retary Itoot to give Portland a fair
show of tho business to which it is en
titled by its location seems to liavo per
meated tho San Francisco authorities,
and even General Shafter hns now re
commended that tho Thirty-ninth eail
from Portland, and so strongly that it
Is believed ho will include tho Forty
fifth as well.
Vrnrmiflii Nut HiitMflrd.
Piirla. Oi-I. 7. Si'iinr Ifoini. tho
Venezuelan agent hero, in tho course of
nn interview, said:
" llionwurd was not what I hoped,
but wo must make tlio best of it.
Whnt can you exis-d in a contest be
tween an elephant and an ant? One
thing will result from it. America
will nccept no more nrbitrntions with
Ktimiwi. Ynu will ceo America laid
tlmi-n a fri'sli intoriiationnl code, which
pho will apply to the Old World whether
tho latter likes it or not. Tho South
American states, including Ilrazil,
will rally around tlio united stales ior
tho purpose of effecting an economic
union. Wo shall try to establish n
monetary union on tho basis of tho gold
standard. These projects need not im
tilv a hostilo nttitudo toward Europo,
but it must bo bomo in mind that
Kuropo Btnndfl in much greater neod of
ua than wo of hor."
To liritiit l'ucltlo Hlntet.
Run Francisco. Oct. 7. Tho San
Francisco board of trado sent tho fol
loing tolegram to President McKiuloy
"Tho bonrd of trndo of Snn Francisco
enrnostly naks your consideration for
im liirL-n mid imnortant interests wost
of tho Hocky mountains by appointing
. . . t n iir I
a roprosoutatlvo irom uaiuorum iur
flm Piiciflo coast, to ill! tho vacancy ex
isting in tho iutorstnto couimorco com
Olft of tho Orookor Kitnto.
San Francisco, Oct. 7. Tho Crocker
Kfltatp Company, which is composod of
tho hoirs of tho lato Charlos Crockor,
ono of tho builders of tho Control Pa-
cillo railroad, has mado n gift to tlio
omnloyos of tho Southorn raoiuc rail
road of tho Crockor homostoad at faao-
rnmonto to bo usod ns a hospital ior
Southorn Pnciilo omployos.
TTO ennti n frnnnnil sohodulo for tllO
cnumorntion of livo stock will bo put
forth, in n tontntivo form, by Statis
tician Powors of tho consus offlco, for
disousslon, nnd, if uocossnry, oorroo-
tion. Tho count will ho maao Juno i,
1000, in order to permit nivrmomoun
compnrisons with tho count of livo
Btook in 1800, which is rocordod as of
Juno 1. .
llurnod nt Her Poole.
kt Vnrir. Out. 7. Tho Mallory
Btonmor Loona wns burnod nnd sunk at
hor wharf in Enst rivor tonigni. auu
cargo, consisting of tobnoco and 8,000
t.-i f nntfnti. nnd vnluod at $250,000
uiura ui w..v-i ---
to $300,000 is a total loss, nnd tho
boat is little Dotior wiuu a wiuu.
Nntlvn of tlin Nnw Ifnlirlilmi It.mntn n
Vancouver, 15. C, Oct. 0. A re
markable Btory of cunnlbnlism wus
brought to Kydnoy, Australia, n fow
dnys before tho Hailing of tho steamer
Aornnv'l to this port, by tho French
steamer .Teanetto. Tlio victim of tho
display of savagery was n nativo of
iiuwiui, named Amaru, who ucted ns
orderly to tho immigration department
at Noumea, in tho Now Hebrides.
About Six KllltllH IU-n Afrinril mar.
ried a nativo woman of Aoba, in tho
Now Holirides group, nnd on passing
that island on tho Hocond day of tho
voyngo of tho .Teunotto to ono of the
outlying islands, ho decided to visit his
wife's tribe. Accordingly tho couple
woro put off in u small lioat, and it was
only n few weeks ago that tho stenmcr
mado a second call and learned their
fato. iy mistako thoy had landed on
an unfriendly Hhoro and were taken
Tho man was tied to a stnko nnd hiB
torturo begun. Tills consisted first In
allowing vicious jungle snnkes from
which tho poison fangs hud been re
moved to attnek tho man's lcgH.
Then a flro wus mndo at his feet nnd
his legs were horribly burned, though
tho injury wns superflcinl so thnt tho
victim would not dio under tho treat
ment. Then ho was mndo tho target
for tho spears of tho tribesmen, who
(inully killed him. Ho was torn to
pieces nnd pluced over n flro with two
sheep. In fact, nccording to tho Btory
ho was eaten with tho sheep.
In tho meantimo Amaru's wife had
been provided with another husband.
Tho matter wiib rcjiorted to a Uritisb
rnan-of-wnr, but It is thought no action
has lcen takon.
IVliy tho Onllforiiln I'roiltict IlrlnB a
Higher I'rlce In thi. Miirkctn
f Mm Kimt.
(Jrnrrul Ornnt'n Coiiniiiinil Atlvancod
l'roin Iinim,
Mnnila, Oct. 0. General Fred
Grant, with three companies of tho
Fourth infantry, two companies of tho
Fourteenth infantry nnd a band of
scouts attached to tho fomer regiment.
advanced from Irnus this morning,!
timing tno insurgents irom the cntiro
west bank of tho Imus river. Threo
Americans were wounded. It is esti
mated that 10 Filipinos were killed.
Companies C nnd II, with tho scouts,
crossed tho river at tho big bend and
advanced westward in the direction of
tho lJiimcayan road, tho insurgents
firing volleys, but rotiring. Twenty
Filipinos wero discovered in trenches
at tho lliuucnynn church, about mid
way between Pacoor and Cavito Yiojo.
Thcso wero routed, six being killed.
Hiley's battery of tho Fifth artillery
mado an effectivo sortie about a mile
HOjttli of lincoor and shelled tho west
bank of tho river at closo range. That
bank is now held by tho Americans.
Heavy Lost of Mulo.
Washington, Oct. 0. A cable mes
sago from General Otis to tho wnr de
partment brings word of the loss ol
several hundred horses nnd mules on
tho transport Sinm. The messnge fol
lows: "Mnnila, Oct. 0. Tlio stcamei
Piam, which left San Francisco August
18 with 40 horses and 328 mules, en
countered a typhoon September 21 off
Northern Luzon, in which all but 10
mules were lost. Tho animals were
killed by tho pitching of tlio vessel and
tho lack of air from the necessary clos
ing of tho hatches. There wero no
casualties among tho passengers.
It is stated nt tho qunrtermnter's de
pnrtment that tho mules which were
lost on tho Siam wero trained pack
mules, which wero considered tho most
valuable sent to tho Philippines.
Homo In WliliiRton for Dewey.
Washington, Oct. 0. Admiral
Dowoy hns elected to accept n houso in
Washington already constnetod, in
stead of having ono built for his occu
pation. Tho admiral waB officially in
formed today of tho purpose of tho peo
ple of tho United States to prosont him
with a homo in Washington, fie
frankly oxpressod his gratification at
tho tender, which ho immediately ao
coptod. IIo said had tho proposed
homo boon tho gift a fow wealthy men
ho should have- felt indisposod to no
copt it, but ho noted tliat tho fund had
ovor 48,000 subscribers, indicating that
it was to bo really a gift of tho Ameri
can peoplo, and as such ho would ac
cept it with na much plonsuro as he
had tho sword bestowed upon him by
Washington Soldiers Decora toil.
San Francisco, Oct. 0. Governor
Kogors nnd sovoral membors of hia
Btaff, bosidosanumborof ladioa, visited
tho gonorol hospital today in search oi
any Washington mon that might oe
there, bo thoy might docoroto tho suf
ferers with tho stnto modnl to bo pre
sented to tho men of tho rogimont
when it hns returned. There wero six
Washington mot in the hoBpital Nol
son Churchill, Louis F. Brlttaon and O.
II. Hovoy, of company II; Robert E.
Buckliu, of company K, and Josso Ar
nold and Robert T. Golden, of company
O. Goldon was bo ill with typhoid
that no ono but tho governor was nl
lowod to sco him, but tho othors wero
all ready and anxious to boo tho dolo
gation, and in each ward wliero there
was a Washington man quito a lovoo
was hold. Govomor Rogors himsol
decorated each man, at tho snmo time
acknowledging his sorvico in the nam?
of the stnto.
N. 15. Mlllor, prosident of tho Oro
gon Stuto Uoard of Horticulture, in a
recent paper, makes many valuublo
suggestions to tho fruit growers of tho
Northwest. Mr. Miller says:
Tlio prnno growors of Oregon oftor.
wonder why thoir French prunes do not
command as good a prico as tho Cali
fornia product. An examination of
tho ordinary mothoda of curing of tho
average Oregon prune growor explains
much of tho cause of this difference
in value.
I have just roturncd from a caroful
investigation of a number of pruno
dryers, und found much carelessness
and slovenliness. In tho first place,
thoy pick everything from tho ground
that thoy find thcro at tho first pick
ing. Somo aro half rotten, some half
dried, somo sunburnt, and almost all
immature or defective. Those aro dried
and go into tho bins with the general
crop. Then again a strong man goes
over the orchard, shaking the trees as
hard as ho can, bringing off tho prunes
in every stngo of ripeness, mnny of
them altogether too green to make a
good product. A dish of these prunes
will have about as many different
tastes or flavors as thero are prunes,
and nono of them will bo truly first
class. Many of these dryers are operated
in tho most careless manner, without
thermomctor to indicate the tempera
ture, and as a result, no two lots aro
cured equally; and so in tho drying, as
well as in the methods of gathering,
many varieties of flavor are developed.
After being cured they aro often
dumped into coal oil cases, dirty pick
ing Ijoxcb, and finally bring np in a
dirty barn for storage. Tho dirt and
filth alout some of these dryers is in
tensely disgusting.
Good fruit, clean nnd plenBant to tho
taste, nnd uniform in flavor and qual
ity, cannot be produced by such methods
nnd will not command a good prico in
tho market, and until better, cleaner
and more systematic work is done in
tho gathering, drying and packing of
our prunes, we will be far behind tho
California price.
In the first place, the Bunburnt, im
mature and partially decayed fruit
Bliould not be dried. Tlio trees should
not bo shaken, but the fruit should
ripen on the tree and be allowed to
drop, and in this way you will secure
uniformity of ripeness. A careful
uniformity of temperature for drying
should be maintained, and the fruit re
moved when it reaches a fixed stand'
Pruno buyers should examine the
quality of fruit much more carefully
than they do, and by variation in prices
reward tho careful nnd conscientious
producer for his good work. So fnr the
buyers have offered so much for dried
prunes, regardless of their real quali
ties. Associations for elevation of the
standard of the quality will do much
good. I realize that many of tho
fruitgrowers are doing good, conscien
tious work, and are turning out a first
class product; but I have been sur
prised at tho extent of careless methods
in gathering, drying and caring for tho
pruno, and desiro to urge upon nil the
utmost enre in every detail of produc
tion of tho pruno.
IllR Wool Hale.
The sale by Robert Noble, the Idaho
sheop king, of 1,000,000 pounds of
wool from Mountain Homo, Idaho, rep
resents tho largest amount of wool ever
sold at one time by an individual
grower. It represents the clips of
1807, 1808 nnd 1800. Tho wool was
sold to A. Schott & Co., of St. Louis
Tho prico to bo paid for the wool is
stated to be $160,000. The money
will bo paid in a few days and the wool
will be started to St. Louis as soon as
possible. It will require 50 cars to
movo it. Mr. Noble's clip next year
will amount to 500,000 pounds.
Plant to lie Sold.
The Western Machinery Company's
plant at Tacoma, Wash., will bo sold
by Receiver Bryan. J. II. Hardy, of
Chester, Conn., is tho highest biddor,
ho having offerod $7,000 for tho plant,
and unless a highor biddor steps in in
a fow days, tho court will accopt tho
offer of Mr. Hardy. Mr. Hardy is a
practical man and Bhould ho buy tho
plant ho will enlarge it nnd bring it
up to a high Btandard, bo that he can
do any marine work necessary. He
contemplates putting in a largo amount
of now machinery, which -will groatly
enlarge the capacity of tho plant.
Honda for Sale.
The county treasurer of Malhour
county will soil up to Septembor 80,
coupon bonds of school district No. 80,
amounting to $1,200. These bonds aro
0 per cent somi-annuals, issued in do
nominations of $300 and rodoomable in
20 years.
A Mammoth Enterprise.
The Astoria Company, a New Jorsoy
corporation with a capital of $20,000,
000, will oreot a mammoth 6aw mill,
costing $2,500,000, at Flavol, on
Young's bay. A pulp mill will bo es
tablished at Lowis and Clark falls,
whore ono of tho largest papor mills in
tho country will bo orectod. O. P.
Huntington and II. J. Piorpout Morgan
are back of tho enterprise.
Distributive Trade In Still of an En
couraging Volume.
PradstrcotB says: Distributive trado,
Tfhilo smaller at somo markets, ia still
of encouraging volumo, industry is ac
tive, railway earnings heavy, prices
Btill tend upward and bank clearings
increase, while failures lessen. Fall
festivals and other celebrations at sev
eral cities havo had an appreciable
effect ujion retail trado, and proved a
stimulating factor in wholesale lines.
Industrial activity is widespread, and
strikes aro fewer and less costly than
in most years. Though lessened by
holidays, bank clearings, swelled partly
by heavy October disbursements and
partly by general business expanding,
tend to enlarge as tho season advances.
Business failures nro apparently at
a minimum, and liabilities aro certain
ly less costly than for many years past.
Prices as a whole manifest aggressive
strength. Farm products are especial
ly prominent in this direction, the
South's greatest staple, cotton, owing
to short crop, advancing, and, owing
to active speculation leading in extent
of gain with an advance of nearly
a cent for tho week, of nearly 2 cents
as compared with a year ago and of
quite cents as compared with tho
low -water prico touched in the season
of 1808-0.
Iron and steel hold all of their old
Wheat (including flour) shipments for
the week aggregate 5,183,380 bushels,
against 3,872,455 bushels last week,
5,407,273 bushels in the corresponding
week of 1808, 4,823,401 bushels in
1807, 4,050,772 in 1800, and 2,244,328
bushels in 1805. Since July 1, this
6eason, the exports of wheat aggregate
55,000,413 bushels, against 52,408,121
bushels last year, and 60,080,412 bush
els in 1807-8.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 58 50c; Val
ley, 50C0c; Bluestem, 6162cper
Flonr Best grades, $3.25; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 35 36c; choice
gray, 33 34c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15 10.50;
brewing, $18.50 10.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10 per
Hay Timothy, $011; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 45 50c;
seconds, 4042c; dairy, 8035c;
store, 2227c.
Eggs 2122)c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,
$2.003.50; geese, $6.007 for old;
$4.506.50 for young; ducks, $4.50
5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12 K
14o per pound.
Potatoes 5060o per sack; sweets,
22&o per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 50o per pound; celery, 70
75c per dozen; cucumbers, 50o per
box; peas, 34c per pound; tomatoes,
25o per box; green corn, 12
15c per dozen.
Hops 7 10c; 1897 crop, 5 Co.
Wool Valley, 1218o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8 13c; mohair, 27
80c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8Mc; dressed mutton, G
7o per pound; lambs, 7)o per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$0.00 7.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.504.00;
cows, $3.504.00; dressed beef, 07o
per pound.
Veal Large 07Ko; small, 8
8o per pound.
Seattle Market.
Onions, new, $1.25 1.50 per sack.
Potatoes, new, 75c$l.
Beots, per Back, $1.10.
Turnips, per saok, 75o.
Carrots, per sack, 90o.
Parsnips, per sack, 90c.
Cauliflower, 75o por dozen.
Cabbage, native anil California, $1.
1.25 por 100 pounds.
Peaches, 0580o.
Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box.
Pears, $1.001.25 per box. .
Trunes, COo per box.
Watermelons, $1.50.
Cantaloupes, 5075o.
Butter Creamery, 27o per pound;
rlairy, 1722o; ranch, 1217o per
Eggs 2728o.
Cheese Native, 1814o.
Poultry 14c; dressed, 15o.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $3 11;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Wholo, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, por bnrrelr $3.50;
blended fltraights, $3.25; California,
$8.25; buokwneat flour, $3.50; gra
ham. Dor barrel, $2.00; wholo wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, qao.uu,
olinrtH. nnr ton. $16.00.
Food Choppod feed, $20.50 por ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $35.00.