Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 13, 1899, Image 6

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rubllihcd Ererr Friday.
Comprehenilvo ltevlow of the Import
ant Ilitnnnnlnct of tho Pint Week
Culled Fmui the Telecrapk Column.
Tho Thirty-fifth infantry has Bailed
from Portland direct for Manila.
A Chicago rat-catcher is reputed to
make $6,000 a year at tho business.
Admiral Dowoy at his Own request
has been formally destached from tho
Tho United States revenuo crtttci
McCulloch, fo'rmerly dispatch boat of
Dewey's fleet has arrived in Portland,
President Andrado is said to have
given up tho struggle in Venezuela and
to have engaged passage on a steanior
sailing for Now York.
Agents of tho British government are
now in this country picking up horses
and mules by the hundred, and arrang
ing for speedy shipmont.
Shipping men fear that disaster ha?
befallen the Cyrus Wakefiold, a month
overdue at San Francisco. Five pei
cent reinsurance has been paid on her.
General Otis reports progress of the
war in the Philippines. A robber
band operating in tho western portion
of the island of Negros has been exter
minated. Western roads are consdering a prop
osition to discontinue tho practice oi
granting reduced rates to officers oi
volunteer regiments returning from the
The Pacific Biscuit Company, other
wise known as the cracker trust, has
been fully organized and is now doing
the bulk of the cracker and candy busi
ness of this coast.
The president is said to favor a de
partment of industry and commerce to
be represented in the cabinet. ' It is
being urged by tho Business Men's
League, of Chicago.
The big Ehip Edward Sewall, with a
carrying capacity of 16,000 tons has
been launched at Bath, Me. She will
engage in the grain trade between San
Francisco and Liverpool.
A Pretoria dispatch quotes "Oon
Paul" Kruger as saying: "Bulletc
came by thousands at tho time of the
Jameson raid, but the burghers were
untouched. Over oue hundred were
killed on the other side, showing that
the Lord directed our bullets. The
Lord rules the world."
The patent issued to James E. Lor
for a certain kind of crown and bridge
work in dentistry has been held valid
by the United States circuit court for
the southern district of New York.
This patent has been the cause of an
immense amount of litigtaion, and it
is said that nearly every dentist in the
country has used the crown and bridge
St. Paul plumbers are on a strike.
Emperor Francis Joseph has ap
proved the new Austrian cabinet.
William Waldorf Astor paid his
taxes in New York, amounting to nearly
naif a million.
Brigadier-General Eaganhas decided
to appeal nis case to congress anc
hopes to secure vindication.
The British government has placed a
large order for canned meat and tinned
fruit with one of Chicago's packing
a party oi American soiuiers wer-
ambushed by Filipinos. A signal ser
geant was killed and two other Ameri'
cans were wounded.
Joseph Kirk, the town marshal oi
Inez, Ky., was shot by a desperado,
A posse have gone to tho mountains af'
ter the murderer.
As the result of a severe electrical
storm on North beach, Washington,
tne nouse oi tne iite-savmg crew was
damaged by a thunderbolt.
Two masked men stopped the Shef-
fels stage near Ouray, Colo., and took
the mail, but overlooked a box con
taining $12,000 in gold.
Indianapolis is carrying back to tho
South the Confederate flag, which her
soldiers captured from the Ferry, Tex.,
rangers during the civil war.
A writ of habeas corpus has been
granted to Captain Parker, found guilty
of misappropriating funds, and who
had been sentenced to imprisonment
The Venezuela boundary award is a
compromise. Some of Great Britain's
claims are disallowed. Her frontier
will start at tho Waini river. Tho
award was unanimous.
The first race of tho America cup
series resulted in a fiasco. Time limit
was five hours and neither boat finish
ed in this time. Excursion boats in
terfered badly with tho racers.
The sword awarded by congress was
presented to Admiral Dewey by Presi
dent Moklnloy. Tho address was
made by Secretary Long
responded by saying that he now had
proof that republics are not ungratoful.
Thero is a big stampodo of minora
from Dawson to Capo Nomo.
Tho First Washington volunteors
havo arrived at Sau Francisco.
Tho modical department of tho army
considers Vancouver a desirablo placo
for a sanitary hospital.
Reports to tho marino hospital serv
ice say there were S!8 now cases of yel
low fover and threo deaths at Key
Tho Uuitod States transport Nowport
has arrived at Sau Fiancisco, 38 nays
from Manila. Sho has 465 members
of tho volunteer signal corps aboard
and 13 civilians.
A cablegram to tho war department
from General Otis states that tho trans
port Indiana sailed from Manila with
43 oftlcors and 010 men of tho Tennes
see regiment. Tho rogimeut left no
Tho steamer Cottage City, from tho
North, has among its passcngors Sena
tor Shonp, who has spent soveral weeks
in Alaska, visiting various points for
tho purposo of obtaining information
relative to future legislation for Alaska.
President Calloway, of tho Now York
Central railway was beforo tho indus
trial commission to civo testimony re
lative to the question of railroad trans
portation. Ho favored a pooling law,
and advocated the prohibition of the
present brokerage system.
A riot prevailed in tho barracks oi
company L, of tho Eighth infantry, at
Fort Snolling. With only a dozen ex
ceptions, the company was locked in
the guardhouse. Tho troublo arose
from a charge of robbery preferred by
Corporal Former against Privates Stout,
Kelly and Brazillo. They had been in
St. Paul on a spree.
Captain Cope, of the steamer Ameri
ca Maru, which left Yokohama, Sep
tember 27, reports the transport Tatar,
with tho Kansas boys aboard, sailed
Tho Bravo Boys Havo Ar
rived at San Franoisoo.
runllnili- of Stcnm Whlttc nml Cnlll
npr Continued While Iho TruiiMiorl
1'iiitcd Down tho liny.
San ?rancisco, Oct. 11. Bearded
And bronzed, sobered by tho hard cam
paigning of a year in a tropical coun
try; not much liko a regiment of young
men that went out a year and a half
ago, tho First Washington volunteers
returned this morning on tho transport
They woro glad to get back, wore
tho men of the First Washington.
Thov cheored tho sight of land, they
cheered tho parties which went out in
tugs to show their feeling of happiness
and gratitude, and they cheprod as they
passed by tho men-of-war in tho bay.
It was a jovial, whole-souled recep
tion tho regiment got. Scareo a man
in tho "Fighting First" failed to find
a friend in tho throng which, repre
senting the state of Washington, went
out in tugs to greet tho returning vol
unteers. Friends were reunited, hus
bands mot their wives, Hons their moth
ers or sisters, for tho first timo in near
ly two years. A recoption that lasted
four hours was hold aboard tho trans
port. Tho Pennsylvania was sighted at 10
o'clock, but it was noon beforo tho
quanintino officers had finished their
work and tho ship was ready to reccivo
its visitors. Tho official reception
committee from tho state of Washing
ton, headed by Governor Rogers and
Senators Turner and Foster, alnoard tho
Mlllt the llii.hw" I" Kutlr'ly HaiU
fiirlnrv -Hlft.lnMi.l Ar. Nonri'.
' Antnrln. Or,. Oct. l. The run of fish
i, fmvdaVHlmn bum fairly
i... trnck of tho combine ia
r... .. of the Columbia rive
run, as it receives alwut live tons inlay
from Shoalwnter bay, 1 l''"
at ono of tho canneries hero. I ho
i.rleo for fih which aro now under
mo,l to be sllvorsldos is 2 cents iMir
ivmnil. Ktoidheads are very scarce.
lint: cnmiiiand f) COIlts. or 0V0H 10 COIltH
if ti..v nilil Ihi mourn! in carload lots
aii dlii lmvmn havo had a practlca
l.ltiiiHim on tho Drll'O of filth until
today. O. Alter rained tho price to 2 (J
oiiiitu mill till! Trcscott Packing Com
pany instructed its buyera to pay tho
same price. Tho only cannery that 1h
now paying 2 1 cents Is Warren's, at
r.iMiimiii.t There is every reason to
believe that this prieo will lo doubled
month is over, when tho
usual fall fishing season shall lo over
An Astoria fisherman, who has been
working on the Slletz rivor since tho
oiwiing of tho season, has returned, and
reports that for tho first few days after
tho season owned thoro was an abund
anco of fish, but slnco then not enough
havo been caught to pay tho living ox
pensos of tho fishermen.
wun tno Kansas ooys aooaro, saueci govermnent tU(, Fearless, circled about
two days ahead of him, and should j thfl tmllsport the volunteers cheering
Ixiard tho tug,
tho north yel
ling itself hoarse, or frantically wav
l 1 . T T 1-
v", tho prominent men on
Peu uio lariar caturuay uigm m ftud tho conimitteo from
cue iog, out no is not sure.
The Maxim-Nordenfeldt Gun & Am
munition Company, Ltd., of London,
has shipped two six-gun batteries of
mountain guns to Manila. They were
inspected hero prior to shipment by
Captain Georgo W. Vandusen, First
United States artillery, who will follow
the guns Thursday. The ordnanco is
of the latest pattern.
Oberlin M. Carter, tho disgraced
army officer, has paid the fine of $5,000
imposed by the court-martial. His
check for that amount was sent to tho
United States District Attorney Bur
nett. Mr. Rose, of Carter's counsel,
has been called to Savannah, and Judge
Lacombo has, therefore, extended tho
time for submission of briefs in tho
habeas corpus proceedings.
Admiral Dewey will receive a $1,000
watch from the municipality of Boston.
The city will spend $12,500 giving
the admiral a welcome.
The Marquette Club, of Chicago, en
tertained President McKinley at a
banquet in tho Auditorium Saturday
night. Thirty-five hundred guests were
According to tho Sebastopol corre
spondent of tho Daily Graphic, tho
Russian naval credit for 1000 amounts
to the ernomous total of 87,500.000
Tho Thirteenth Minnesota regiment,
returning home from the Philippines,
was royally entertained in Portland
The regiment remained over night and
attended the exposition.
Tho Spanish government has sold
the Havana floating dock for $600,000
to a syndicate of era Cruz merchants
Several New York firms havo been
asked for terms for conveying tho dock
to Vera Cruz.
Admiral Dewey has chosen J. W,
Crawford as his official secretary. Mr,
Crawford is an employe in the office
of the judge-advocate-general of the
navy. Ho will hold the rank of lieu
tenant in the navy.
Near Chicago five persons were in
jured in a collision bewteen a Haw
thorne race track train on tho Illinois
Central, and a freight engine which
stood upon a siding, the switch of
which had been left open.
Don Emanuel Aspiroz, Mexican am
bassador to the United States, and tho
first of the distinguished guests whom
Chicago has arranged to entertain dur
ing the fall festival, has arrived in tho
windy city from Washington.
The third attempt to sail the first
race boteen the Columbia and Sham
rock, which took placo Saturday.
proved a failure, tho wind giving out
when tho yachts were five miles from tho
finish. AVhen tho nice was abandoned
tho Columbia was slightly in the lead.
A petition to President McKinlev.
urging tho friendly services of tho Uni
ted States in mediation botween Great
Britain and tho republics of tho Trans
vaal and tho Oranco Free State, has
received the signatures of moro than
400 representative men. including 80
odd presidents of colleges, 50 church
dignataries, governors of states, may
ors of cities, justices of tho United
States and state courts, senators, con-
Tho admira? ' ?a!men' T1018 nd th couspicu-
vua m jmuuu umiiurH, uie proiessions
and commerco.
The regimental
"Tho Star Span-
ing handkerchiefs
band strove to make
gled Banner" heard.
Tho Eoldiers woro delighted and
eager; so much so that ranks were
broken and tho men who ought to have
been in company formation swarmed j
to the side of tho boat to exchange 1
greetings. Cheers for Wholly and
for Fife and Weisenbcrger wero given
by tho committee, to bo answered by
cheers from the volunteers for Rogers,
Turner and Foster. Colonel Wholly
bounded down the gangway with out
stretched hands to greet Governor Rog
ers, with tho exclamation: "Governor,
I havo brought you back youc regi
ment." On board thero was no attempt at a
regular reception. Friends seized each
other's hands, or in their joy embraced
at tho head of tho gangway. Relatives
hurried away for a privato chat.
Reception on tho Triinajiort.
Later in tho day a reception in tho
master's cabin was tendered Lieutenant-Colonel
Fife and Major Weificn
berger. Tho governor, General J. M.
Ashton, Judge Thomas Carroll, Sheriff
A. U. Mills, Captain Tuttle, of tho
revenue cuttor Bear, Manager Iligsby
and others wero present. General Ash
ton toasted tho First Washington, and
Colonel Fife responded, saying ho fully
appreciated, as did tho regiment, tho
compliment paid tho men by tho pres
ence of such a reception committee.
He said the arrival of tho committeo
was tho most agreeablo sight ho had
seen since ho had loft homo, a year and
a half ago. Colonel Fife toasted tho
governor of Washington, to whom ho
alluded as one of tho best, if not tho
best, governor tho state had ever had
The governor's attention to the regi
meut, Colonel Fife said, was appro
ciated, and tho regiment felt honored
by its reception.
Governor Rogers mado an appropri
ato response, stating that tho First
ashington was composed of men who
did not go to war to kill their fellow
men, but the people of tho state appro
ciated in this instance tho old biblical
statement, "greater lovo hath no man
than that ho would," etc.
"This wo feel tho regiment has done
not only for the United States, but for
the stato of Washington," said Govern
or Rogors. .Tudgo Carroll paid tho
regiment a high compliment and toast
ed Weisenberger as "Our Dowoy."
Major Weisenborger responded. L'ivimr
reminiscences of tho regiment's war
The visitors wero givon lunch abonnl
the' transport, mail was distributed
among tho volunteers, fruit and cigars
wero passed aboard and divided, and
tho rest of tho day was devoted to pri
vato greotings and welcoming.
Stamped!) From J)nvin to Nome.
Victoria, B. C, Oct. 11. Tho steam.
er Tees, which has just brought $50,
000 in gold from Alaska, ronorts thnt
a stampede is now on in earnest from
Dawson to Nome. When tho minors
who arrived by tho Tees loft the Vlmi.
dike, rivor steamers wero being loft
without crows, tho seamen deserting
to join tho great crowd hurrvhn An,.,..'
tho river to tho now Eldorado. Navi
gation will closo noxt week on tho up
per rivor, and tho steamers will go into
winter quarters near Whito Horso.
Tim lt..pliiiriit Will I'rohnbly t.cuo
From I'ortlmul.
Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 10. Un
official information received hero dur
ing tho imst few days indicates strongly
that tho Forty-fifth infantry will bo
sent hero from Jefferson barracks, in
tho near future.
Tho two battalions of tho Thirty
ninth infantry, Unitod States volun
toers, together with headquarters and
band, under command of Colonol mil
lard, recruited at Fort Crook, Nob.
which were rerently ordered to proceed
to Vancouver barracks and tako trans
ports at 1'ortlaud, Or., for tho Philip
pines, aro exacted to arrivo here some
time next week. Major Parker, com
mauding the Third battalion, recruited
here, transferred his command from
tho barracks to tents today. Tho en
tiro regiment will occupy tents, as did
the Thirty-fifth when hero.
To Wolroiun Ilmri'jr Home.
Montjielier, Vt., Oct. 0. An olalior
ate programme has cen arranged for
the reception of Admiral Dewev here
a week from today. Tho first event
will bo the parade, which is to movo
at 2 P. M. Admiral Dewey will ride
in open carriage along tho entire lino
of inarch. Tho corps of cadets of Nor
wich university will escort tho ndmir
al, who niton his arrival at tho state-
house will enter tho reviewing stand
and bo formally welcomed bv Governor
Smith on behalf of tho stato, and by
Mayor Renter on behalf of tho city of
iiontpeuer. Admiral Dewey will then
review tho parado.
In tho lino will bo several relgmonts
of tho Vermont National Guard, many
G. A. R. posts, commandorios of tho
Knights Templar and other secret so
cieties, organizations, school children
and citizens' delegations.
Deportation of a I.cpi-r.
Washington, Oct. 0. Tho commis
sioner of immigration is in communi
cation with General Shafter, at San
Francisco, with a view to securing pas
sage on a transport for Mrs. L. M.
Todd, a leper, living in San Francisco,
whom it is intended to deport to tho
island of Molokai. Tho British consul
general at San Francisco, W. C. Pick
ersgill, became interested in Mrs.
Todd's cat-o and protested against do
porting her to Molokai. Ho was asked
to make provision for her i aro and iso
lation in Canada, or eloswhero, but de
clined to do so, and tho treasury de
partment today directed Immigration
Commissioner Schell, at San Francisco,
to proceed under his previous instruc
tions to secure passage for Mrs. Todd
on some army transport.
Stock Tend Upward.
London, Oct. 10. Tho stock ex
change market last weok closed quiet,
but with a decided upward tendency.
Consols yesterday several timos touched
103, closing at 103. It is long
sinco thero have been such largo movo
ments in prices resulting in small net
changes as during tho weok just ended.
Tho gloom and depression early in tho
week sent prices down sharply, but by
Wednesday a turn came, and tho pub
lie commenced huyinir. Even tho fnlsn
report that Natal had been invaded was
mo signal or frosh buvitiL'. as hrnk-..
had many orders to purchase as soou as
war broke out.
Evory Proparntlon for
.in South Afrloa.
Ordrr. Tor th lte..r,n, I
nent-Hrery Wl , , "U,I1
- "Ullrn.j
Ilnclilnnrjr In Mi.ti,,,,,
London. Oct. ti vi....
tho result of Unmt ..... . r. ma?l
...i.i. .1... .. : "
Willi 111!) Mllllll
- 1 . X
ovury department if ti,
t.i.i.iv tu ..u l i. . 'ininj
.,. in oi.. .
tilltloM had boimn. Ti,.. .... T1
!... .i .vux,n 19
iirmi' r,iKi.riii n.wl .1... wl I
" " i... ; ; """iiaoiiinj
pin waiuum, mil uvury Wilful Of t(j '
X " '""" motion.
nun. ami. luu mi.i'iiii npju'arcii
uiiiivu umuin were iii'in
Hum!. I
i evurv um.i.
.from tho war office
tho kingdom, and the 10,000 lull
which apiHjareii posted throughout!
i.uuiii.j tut.uj am Nun to Imyg
Hienucni witn tne 11n.pl1un.1t1,,,,
pared for into had tho I iiHlimln.
1 1 1. .. . '
niiuiiuu nucii 11 tuiip.
ai 1110 same timo iml 8nlui,l
Mr. Balfour wero Imhuiii thn n.JJ
.. 1 i .1 - - - v
timers tor 1110 reaspemiiiitii m
.. .. .. . .....I .1 1. ..
iiuuu, iiiiii uiu imiiiiriiuy wai con
tinting it tnuiKiort8
wero tho preparations that 25,000
Mrve liavu already Itmlvi.ltiaivrpJ
coupon uckois which .-cititaln In.t4
tlons where each mini Mmll rcjonl
rainvav irannimruiuoil in tht, r.ia
designated, and 11 monev order for t!i
umlliuuft lor proivislotw en route,
1 tt'.v.lll.dnl. ,v .1 ..
. . - "i
Mint Of) lHir cent of the rfkcmj ro
bo fully complied within ixlv
tho meantime, tho memben ot thi
nouses 01 imrnament are arranzinl
return to London, and a forcoof
In busily engaged in cninpletinz
improvements at Wostmiimtir
ltio linK)rtant news from M
Africa comes from Miifckm?,
iwicu on ,-uiuniuy uiu lirillin ci
was amused, tho men Mood to t!j
arms, guns wero Miiibcriil ntnl pat j
wero dispatched in the direction o'f
border. .So hostilities havo ocean
as yet, but tho enemy has moved jr
tically to M10 bonier, eight mllei
Mafeking, in force, Chtimnted at H
0,000, comprising fivo cornmindj
Tho garrironing and forttfving of
town aro practically computed.
streets aro Darrlcaded. anil a ir,'j
system of mines has been laid.
Two armored trains havo arrived
Mafeking, connltrting of three bull
proof cars, tho first of which carrl
a searchlight, while the rest of the cd
aro loop-holed. I'.nch train ii al
ideto in itself and carries its own ifl
No Way to ,rrt War.
Southampton. Oct. 0. sir Ft. Ji
Christopher Willouhby, UioaccomJ
led Dr. JamoMin into the Transvaal
1800, and who, for mrtifiitlng (n 1
rniil wiih Kflitimecd to 10 month!' 19
prihonmont. but was subfoquently
leased, was a passenger by the ftcati
Mexican, which sailed for the- Cape
Saturday. Mr. WehselH, member
Mv fur rvliiirirn. vfl
also a tiassonL'or bv tho Mexican,
the course of an interview. .Mr. we
declared that lie saw no waytoa-l
war between Great llritnin and
Transvaal, and, if not long, itwonldj
terribly severe Ho believed it wj
bo impossible to rehtrain thoyounj
Dutch residents of Capo u)ionj-,
whom blood would nrovo thicker thl
water. Tho Poors, said Mr. Weswfl
wero hemmed in. and would fight d
perately, aud troublo might oe
pected with tho natives.
Animal Hhlp T.eiinox.
tVashington, Oct. 0. Komn iHftl.
cnlty has been experienced reimrdini
tho Lennox, as tho quartermasters re
port that it will tako 80 davs tn linvn
her fitted out at Portland, anil it. ia nu.
sorted that animal ships from Manila
can be sent to Portland in that timo.
It was stated at the il nnnrtinnnt Inf..
tonight that tho Lennox would bn fitt.vl
out and tho horses shipped from Port-
SrIdKe Juinpur Will I)o.
Ulrichsvlllo. O.. Oo.t. 1 1 .Tn moo
Brady, a bridgo jumnor.
was fatally injured in
divo at Starburg vostordav. Ills bond
struck tho bottom of tho tank, render
ing him unconscious. Tin in
, and will dio.
Tha IJurbarlo Act of a rolim "J
at Ilnoodu.
c,.1 rtnf n. A iinncinl frODl I
l7ua.iiU v. k v i , .
... a .In to luu i"
lUIIll Olln. di. .HUH. ,m
baric attempt at sncido occurred at a
placo yostorday. Mrs. loo ituuuc-.
1 'nil ah wn m n tj . bocamo nngerea
sorno littlo domestic occurrence ag
ilntnrmtned tn do awaV with her
t .. hntoin f
bno procured an uniuj - ,i
inches long aud drovo tho pin into a
Btiniiudi tlirnuih tllO IiaVOl. l rcssl
hard against tho pin, sho drove 1 1 nna
in tho spine. Then, with tho Intent
of forcing tho pin out nt the back, u
i iinniinff needle W
IliUUIIIUIl Ik llinv , l,f nil
drovo this into what she thought
tno noio matio uy wu "".'." ,,te
until 12 o'clock last night did she U
any ono yhat slie had lone.
Today jura, i'touubki . B),
act, and accompanied the Ducodagj
Bioian to this city, whero Dr. l i
romovea tno pin aim jiw
tv. ...Ill Hvn. Slw w
pain uniiKs snu "'., , five
years old and has 10 children,
whom aro living.
lllBBO.t Corn Crop In ""torJ J
, fcH. .i. n 'Tids vcare' q
uiucago, vvw " t to0.
crop will uo ono oi w "rlcuitni
history," said Secretary of Ag" ,
ivtimn tuinv. "Tho total yiem
vnson winy. o 800.0
estimated will bo between . WW
Ann 1nlfl)lOl0
000 aud 2,0UO,uuu,uu
high prices offorod ior
fooding purposoa.