BOHEMIA NUGGET, j . . C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Kntcrort nt tlio nostolltee it CottiiKO drove, Oregon im SccomI Class mull mutter. Subscription lrli c. 91. B. In il vniici'. AilvcrtNliiR rnten limiln known upon jipiillnittoii. Friday, Oct. 13, 1S99. For the benefit and enlighten ment of those sluring individuals who only find satisfaction in doing the county harm by fighting its ;...rpcte we wish to state, ,t mimtv court has niiii done more for the tax payer than any other administration in our !.:,...., Tim litiildtncr of the court , ' ' a n. ,i,;,rftr the rock I nousc mm - """"b for county roads, is today costing the taxpayer of Lane county only 1 mill. Where is there a man in Lane county who lives along a well crushed-rock road who begrudges 1 mill a year for the benefit of that road? Where is there a man who would change the new court house for the old one? We have a county court which dares to do its duty to the county in the face of the threat that they will lose the populist sup port. They are making improve ments that are lasting and bene ficial at a cost so light that it is ridiculous to refer to it. We hear the cry from the farmers each year that the roads are horrible. Now we have a county court that has put a rock crusher at work for us at the expense of the county, scattering the same money we paid in taxes among our laborers, crushing up rock to better our roads, and at the same time we have that class of men so "loose of soul" that they throw a slur on the county admin istration by insinuations. A man might just as well lie as to in sinuate. In fact it looks better. However for the benefit of those who prefer to "insinuate" we wish to make this correction and add a little information. We wish to state that it costs on an average to run the rock crusher $25 per dav instead of ' 'abbut' ' $50 . That this expense is paid by the couuty at an expense of less than 1 mill exti a taxation, that from 60 to 100 loads of rock can be prepared for road purposes a day. That the number of men emploved is 10; that they are citizens of our county; that the wages $1.50 for man and $2.50 for man and team are paid for by the county and they spend the money they earn in helping make decent roads in the county; that the county court is alright and that those who have an ambition to have the county recognized as a pro gressive and deserviu'g portion of the state, without regard to poli tics, commend the county adminis tration. Dewey thus far indicates that he is not particular about becoming a presidential candidate. The ad miral will show his good sense if he keeps out of it. He no doubt would make a fairly good president but there is no assurance that he would make as good a president as a fighter. The people know and he knows that he is a fighter, and while the people have great con fidence in Admiral Dewey, and know him to be a fighter they don't know and he himself is un certain about his ability to preside over the destinies of Uncle Sara's domain. The price of silver salmon is now higher than ever known in tho history of Columbia rivei fishing. The administration should blamed for this too. be The city of Cottage Grove am indulge in no better economic I measure than to grade Main street l and keep that rock ci usher at work mis winter, it has been the ex perience of every town that good streets increase the value of the property. It costs something to be sure, but such expenditures are unavoidable and while it should not be the purpose, nud we arc pre pared to say is not the purpose of the council to impose unjust street assessments upon the property owners, a move in that direction j should be made and right away too. If property owners cannot afford to grade now, when can they? If it is considered too hard on sonic of the property owners to .grade up the streets in front of their business houses, in as much as everybody admits that good streets are a necessity, why not make a start in the right direction and grade a ; block or two this fall and a block or two next spring? While it would not be as effectual a3 a thorough grading at one time still it would be a big improve ment upon the present condition of Main street, and certainly no one who has any desire to see and travel over good streets would ob jectto it. The Christian Church is having a treat in the matter of selecting a regular pastor for the church for the next j'ear. Several of the Divinity school boys have made heroic efforts to please the congre gation, notably among them being Rev. Marion Horn who preached a week ago last Sunday and Rev. Matlock who discoursed last Sun day. Rev. Horn is favorably com mented upon and so is Rev. Mat lock, he being a very polished and fluent speaker. Just to create an interest and to draw out the ma terial that the Divinity school is working upon and molding into ministers of the law of God it might be a good idea not to judge too quickly, and give some of the others a chance to win the laurels. As it is now it can be counted in no'other light than a friendly but animated contest for the place. Get into the fight young gentle men! he that wears the sword should win it. Pictures of Boer fighters, as they are presented in the various papers indicate that they will fight to a finish if they ever get at it. No matter what y u want wo linvo it at Cumming & SeJir. Wanted Five hundred customors to come and bco our umbrellafl . jnat re ceived from tho makers. Prices 60c to $3 each. Eakix & Biustow Boyd will maka 21 stnmp photos, seven positions, (or 25 cents. All work entrusted to Davidson tlio Jeweler will be promptly attended to and guaranteed. Trust your watches, clocks and jewelry with Davidson the jeweler, who does good work and guarantees the same. Take your laundry to Geo. E Griffith, agent of the Euunno Palace Laundry. Goes down Thursday and eturns Saturday afternoon. AlbertZinakor is down from Bohemia. John uouo lias returned irom silver Lake. Win Meyer camo up from Eugeno Thursday. Latest telegraphic dicpatches an nounce that war is inevitable botweon the Boers and tho English. No yacht race has been pulled off yet .There seems to be no wind on tho At lantic coast. Whoro's Bryan. There will bo a dance at Maconio Hall next Saturday night. Bo euro and by in attendance. W W Taylor, tho old time minor, who has been ill at tho Cottage Grovo 'kciic this morning by Sheriff Withers to j bo examined on tlio charge of insanity. Great Reduction In Summer Goods Lawns, and all THAN COST ! In B'icr. Cranberries 1 Cranl-erries! Cranberries ! First of tlio Season dimming & Sehr. For quality and cheapness hi fresh meats go to tho Central meat market. Notice Hcmenwny & BiirkhulderV ud. Shoes, shoes, shoes. If you want glasses fitted to your eyes go to Davidson tho Jeweler. Fresh candies every day, mailo from pure sugar at tho Tailor shop. Timothy seed, just received at Cum ming kSehr. You should trust your watch with a first class Jeweler, Patronize Davidson. Wo sell good goods ut good prices for our customers, Central Meat Market. If you want to buy a watch, or jewelry consult Davidson, who will save you money. Mackintoshes that will turn the rain, sold by Kakin & Biustow. Sailors tho latest fall styles are now ready for inspection at Miss Meinzcra. Buy your grass seed of Kakin t Biustow. The Southern Pacific Co's excursion trains to the Portland exposition were well loaded this week with passengers. Guikfin fc V batch Co. are tho leaileis in all kinds of mining supplies, ammu nition and sporting goods. Smoked Halibut, the best vou ever saw just in and going like hot cakcr, at dimming & Sehr. New crockery and glasssvaro at Cummixcs & Skiik'h. .loo Baker of tho gr-K-ery linn of Baker ami Johnson will bo at the Musick mine evory Friday with the supply wagon for the honeiit of patrons. IiAKKiut Johnson. Suits! Suits!! Taiior made suits!.! ! Up to date in everv respect, from $15 up. Call and see samples. Geo. Remember Dr. 1. L. Scolinld, Dentist when you want dental work done. A good 35-light Acetylene gas machine, for $65.00, new and in good order. New York Racket Store, Eugene. The Northern Pacific have recently established an agency in our city with Mr. James Hemenway as agent. Cal on or writo him in regard to tickets to all Eastern points. 1. a. pelvis, uoo t ana suoo repair shop. I'irst class work, low prices. Oppodte Sherwood Hotel. Parties wishing ice- cream or ice for Sunday, go to tho M. C. C. Bakery. Kakin & Bristow have a new ad this week. In tho ad thoy call attention to a fine lino cf.wraps just in. Call and see thorn . Bo sure and sue tho latest styles in fall and winter hats, just arrived at Miss Meinzers. Eakin & Bristow aro agents for the Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows and extras. Boys, have you seon those fino shot guns at Gkiffin & Vhatuii Co. If you want a cook stovo, heating stovo or camp stovo go to F. B. PlIILMl'H. White- blankets at Eakiii & Bristows, all tho way from 50c to !flO per pair, F. 11. PmMiii8 lias his How stock of heaters in. Go and see thuta thoy aro beauties. Pink salmon bullies, very choice at dimming & Sohr. "On with the duncul" 011 tho night o Oct., 20 at Martin's Hall. ' ! Ladies9 Ladies' kinds of Summer RtkCKET STORE.. We Have a Complete Line oi' Mens' Shoes an both Heavy ami Light weights. Come see cis ISefore ISuying. We ean save you Money. ' ' 1 v Mens' Underwear from 50c to Ladies' Underwear from 25c. to Si. 50 per Garment. ;J ?i.oo per Garment. Mens Hats from 50c. to $3.00. ' Ladies' Underskirts, 50c. to $1.00 We are sole agents for the ROYAL TAILORING Co. Come and inspect our Samples before buying your Pall Suit and Overcoat. E. WALL & WHIPPLE, Props. vmua ? Has your husband been kicking about the toughness and quality of the meat your market has been delivering you lately? About the price, too? We would like to supply your table with meats, Our steaks and chops arc ten der and at the right price; and as good cutters as the town affords. GOOD WIJIGHTjTjr gWGlVH US A TRIAL. Mclarlniid Me it Co. cor tag k grove, ouk. fNSONTDRUG COMPANY! B. A Complete and Will Selected Lino of Best Drugs Kept Constantly in Stock. New Line of Trusses just in Hemon Drug Company. Cottage (Irnvr. Ore. James Hemenway: DKALKR IN Real Estate and Mining- Properly. Represent Fire, Life and Accident Insurance C mpanies. NOTARY PUBLIC Printed by Permission, MISS ANNA HARMS formerly of this city, but now of Thurston, Ore., has taken five bottles of R ADAMS MICROBE KILLER She says, "I have received much good from it." She recognizes it as a great curative agent. If you are sick its benefits are for you. Send or call for pamphlet. A. P. Howard, Ag't, Residence with J. K. Rurrett. Cottage Grovo, Oregon IT IS HERE I The Largest Stock in South Lane! -o- -Consisting of- Slielf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves ZSateAGRICULTURAL Guns and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows Harrows, Etc. For Miners Supplies, the only house South of Port land. Give us a call. GRIFFIN & VEATCH. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. t Crash Skirts. Shirt Waists. Goods sold LESS at L. Lurch's. OUIt FALL GOODS AUK MW 01NN AND HtlOADY rou VOUK iftsrixj. TION. It r .T:-:T.-iT.- if p T II. f. tho. in the Market Strict Attention paid to Collection s Office opposite Sherwood Hotel. aue Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and IMPLEMENTS!-