JUET.I '"I tq U... I hN. JOE praises pmumk Ifhe Great Catarrh Cur WHEELERl 5 JOB WIIKKI.KIt'H CIIAIK.i: HIV .M AN mrr Wifer-Gl'lltTlll JOM-pll Wlicolcr. rou,. Uni.,,.1 o. . . 0 , L ni? the wviiliy fomrn in front of , .., , " " ou"tt or ""'"van. -uf-r - .... . . miiib; 'rn.iiit 11. t k: :,riL': t. ZiZ m.? : " "'cT, ... :r;m. "-hhii,,, Kiv,K ,, ll0n. ,, GET TIPS FROM CROOKS. Hunk ( niclntn Tnke Mean to I'rotecl Tliolr Trennure from Thieve. It Ih mi id by n police ofllclnl at Otty Hull heiildimrlcrs Mint hoiih. nf t"h t'lty IxiiikH, wliows lionnl of tinlUH j t-riHli Iiiih iiccn liicrciiHliiK InrKoly of I liu', luive lici'ii i-xiicrlmt'iitliiK wltli mi xiM'dlciit Ion In iihc by Hunk of Kiik- uiiiciriiK or jiiiyuiK known crook h for InforiiKit ion of raid upon their vaults. The Hiuik of KiiKlnml'H llrnt cxtR-rlmc'iit of thlH kind lnt'H from 1850, when the directors of the lunik listened to a utiirtlltif,' proposi tion mndo by a "ditch dlRger." 'J'lie laborer told the directors that he lind discovered a new and unsiisiK-cted tiw'thwl of Rettlnj? Into the cellar vaults, where the gold and wllver him were kept, and that he would Hell his secret to them for money. The directors hesl tated, believing that they had taken every precaution apiliiKt loss from the vaults In puttlnK up heavy masonry, with plenty of Iron bars, and by man ning the building with armed watch men. Hut llnally they granted the man, who seemed to talk fairly, a chance to try his plan, and a night was named for the underlaklng. At the appointed time a committee of the directors descended to the cellar pil!IISISII!l!ilgIiIEii!lSlSBii 1 THE 'YOUTH'S COMPANION rijtiB with H-imtors Kullivan. Iloucl, (U1V ,. V 'f "''' rollof that LW J" their g(K,d opinion f S iZ .J"k,M,-W' V h-ro-ua. It l recommended to me i TT , , "hH- wthow who hnvo tiMtl It us an excel wit tonlo and twirticulitrly elfectlvo m core for catarrh." United Statei Senator MoEnerj. United States. Ban.tir Rn.rk IerM..uIed by a friend, I have used I e-ru-na aH a tonic, and am (dud to Itthtlfy "n- it has groutly hd me In Mre gth vigor and appeMte. I have on. b. U Mov.mry, united Mttto ln-en ,i viwd l.v M,. i ...... u ... . ftMtorfromlulHla.ui. Kays the follow- markablv ellieaeioiiM ,. a cure fc.r tl, aluiOHt unlu-rwil complaint of catarrh. V. X. itoaeh, Larlmore, Xorth Dakota." h lanyard to re-ru-na: "I'e-ru-iia Ih an excellent tonic. I IbrenMxl It nulllclontly to wiy that I Mleto it to Ut all that you claim for jj,g, D. MeKnery, Now Orleann, Icolilanfl." Tim ttilrmlwn tlmt niniMi clilllu ntnl fix l. ...1.1 .....1..!.. At lirooh iiiucouii iiiembranes made porous by catarrh, l'e-ni-.m heals the mu tool inciulirnnus and prevent, the cntranco of malarial irerms. thus nmvi'ntln,. tad coring thwo affectlonn. A free Uvik on catnrrii M-nt to any addrew by 'Hie l'c-ru-mi Drug .Manu faeturing Co.. Columbus, Ohio. AN ODD SNAKE TRAP. Ittua'tTIa nit IU Own Temper Im- prlanii it Cohrn. Df. Arthur Htrndllng. the celebrated wle Mrnut who In hla own person feooDJtratcd huudre.U of times the troth of the theory of Immunity by boculatlon In the case of snake-bites. Mil of an odd kind of snake-trap that tinght Its victim securely. It was a Uicult tin, and In the bottom of It ' we ionic u.ncaroons. A cobra spied the tin. but a inouso m ahead of the cobra. The little tilcf wan having a good time, regaling I Itself on macaroons, nil unconscious tilt a make was preparing to regalu ladf on mouse. Into the tin went the head of tho Bike, but the head that went lu was dMtlned to come out less easily. The rwgh edges of tho tin Irritated tho totra, ami Involuntarily It dilated Its tood. That made It a prisoner. With tie hood dilated the head could not bo withdrawn, anil the cobra remained la lt tin prison until mornlnir. when II was easily captured and killed. in. Mrndllng. who knows the natives of India as well as ho knows the sunkes ef tlint loud, tells of an Interesting tieory held by these people. They aro Urmly convinced lliat for i-verv human Wng a snake bites It loses one Joint. N'ben the number of deaths the snake Us caused eouals tho immtior of IIh Wats, tho venomous head alone re mains. The snake has now reached tie height of Its wicked desires, and 't Hits point It develops wings and trl- wipiiantiy disappears. An exception to tills rulo Is found on tie other side of the world. In the case the rattlesnake, for tho natives of rae parts of America nro said to be "eve tlint this snnlto gains a tlilmblo jr every man It kills. Hy counting tide they enn calculate with precision ow many people a particular rattlo wko hns bitten. OLDEST CRADLE IN AMERICA. found In Philadelphia 'tormre Honaci nnd U Over JIUO Ycnrn Old. The oldest cradle In America Is In session ot tho Atlus Storage Com ply. Philadelphia. It is over 300 rears old nnd bears on the sides and oil pnlntlngs representing "The Ainunclntlon," "Tho Visit of tho Wise "Tho Slaughter of tho Iuno- AtlKmOA's OLIIKST CI1ADI.K. ceais nnd ..Tho p,ght Jlo BBypt, Jn. ,0rc 8UPP8cd to bo tho work of " Vestrls, who flourished In tho bo- nning 0f tho sixteenth ceutury, and noso rellglotiB pnlntlngs on panels je preserved to tho present day at rt"xl'-nn riiHtoiiiN. It Is a little startling to newcomers at llrst to noi Ice the universal custom lu Mexico of addressing persons of high nml low degree by their llrst names. As soon as friends are at all well ac quainted they nddres? each other by the given mime, and this Is done not only by those of the snme nge and sex. but Indiscriminately among young men and young women, young people and elder persons. In the latter case, or between elder jiersons. a respectful prefix Is used, ns "Don" Kleardo. Pub lie characters are aluo commonly re ferred to by their first names, even the wife of the president of the republic being nffeellonntely called "Cnrmen- cltn" by all classes. In the household the head of the house Is called Don lose or Don Manuel by the servants, and a son In distinction Is known a Manuelito (little Manuel). Among ser vants the cusloins regarding the names lven superiors nre not unlike those of the negroes of the southern United Slates. The lowest classes, or the ser vants that bnve grown up In a family, speak to the heads of the house as Nino or Mini (masculine and feminine for child), call the wife and mother senor lla. regardless of the fact that she may have attained three-score. The ser vants distinguish between one of their own class and a friend of their master or mistress by such distinctions. If n caller Is to he announced It Is a senor Ita. regardless of her age, that Is In the parlor. If a woman of the common class awaits the mistress It Is n senora. A gentleman of the upper clnsses Is re ferred to as a senor, while a laborer will he called a muchacho (boy). Mod ern Mexico. under their feet. Two hours Inter th Hoot opened and the ditch digger bob bed up serenely, like the evil spirits in thespeetnculnr drama. All around them lay bars of precious metal, totaling lp value 3,000.000. The man explained satisfactorily how It was dome, and aa a reward the directors assured him an Income for life on an Investment of $10,000. The crook was content, and It Is believed he remained honest eVer afterward. Hut other cracksmen were tempted hy his luck to try the same game, and the-directors were Inundated with sug gestions and tips on new methods of burglary and how to prevent them. Among other things, they paid $20,000 for a process, Invented by a young chemist, for copying the Ink, paper, watermarks and designs of the bank notes so perfectly ns to defy detection. The directors found they could use his system more satisfactorily and more profitably than their own in the produc tion of their currency. Despite the fact that these expendi tures have run up Into big figures In the last half century, the directors of to dnj- say that all the money was well Invested. Chlcngo Chronicle. 3 1 fTO m m m The Fireside Friend In Half a Million Homes. 5 m Special Subscription Offer for 1900. SI in Er,3 I 8 6 1 mmm E-'l m m Mi Hi 1 a 1 m 3 mm t A I a ra VI Those who subscribe at once will receive the nine November and December issues of the Companion FREE, and then all the issues for the 52 weeks of the new year, until January 1, igoi. This offer in cludes the gift of the New Companion Calendar for 1900 the moot beautiful one ever given to the friends of The Companion. tsr Cut out and oend this slip with $1.75, the price of your subscription to igoi. K 303 ficrul u your atldret on a Postal and ue id mall yon our Illustrated Annmmcnment Number, containing a full prospectus of the Contributors and Contribution ewjaged for tlie new volume. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. 13-5 i i- . m. . i- I i-iJtl ww m Mut um. m mm m mm a mm m mm m uh mm m few B m Wi2J Wlmt .. IIhiI. Guest What have you got? "Waiter I've got liver, calf's brains, pig's feet "I don't want a description of your physical jieculiaritics. AVhat you have got to eat is what I want to know." Boston Traveler. Amateur Art. In these days, when so many people have cameras, a great many good pic tures aro produced, and the amateur photographers of tho world are now competing for cash prizes at the Ore gon Industrial Exposition at Portland. Many good pictures are on exhibition. CITQ Permanently Cured. No fltsornervouftneM IIO after llrst dny's une or Dr. Kline's Great Nerve, llestorer. Send fur FREE 82.00 trial bottle and treatise. D.t. 11. IL KLJ1JK, Ltd., WO Arch street, I'blludelpbuv, Pa. Cannon". Cannons for uso In warfare appear to hnvo been made of many substances which would appear very unsuitable to our modern Ideas. It must, however, be remembered that In tho early days of artillery powder was very coarse and slow-burning, nnd the range was very small. The wear and tear, there fore, on the bore of the gun was as nothing compared to what It Is now. For lnstnnce, tho Swedes In the time of Uustavus Adolphus used canuon of leather, and lu KK10 similar wenpona were made In Scotland under the direc tion of Sir Alexander Hamilton, who hai) seen service In Sweden. Cannon imvii also been mndo of wood anil ntnno. Rome times lined with a bore of motal and sometimes not. Cannon mndo of nlmost pure gold have been found n iniiiii. It Is said that after Curten left Mexico the Mexicans tried to Imi tate his cannon In terra cotta. Krupp has been credited with an experiment in minor trims, that Is to say, Held pieces of small caliber composed of a motal coro surrounded by compressed ..nnnr null). Such cuns would, of course, bo very much lighter, and would bo much easier to carry auout Minn inctnl nuns. Of guns not used In the most curious were those used to flro salutes at a winter fete In Petersburg In tho year 17-10, when six .a u-nrn made of Ice. It Is siild that they lind an effectlvo range of sixty yards, and that they all withstood the tost of linng wuuoui uuibuuk. HOME FOR INEBRIATE WOMEN. Lady Fotnemet Molten New Departure nt Diizlmrt I'etrent. In her home for Inebriate women at Duxhurst, Itelgate, Kngland, Lady Henry Somerset has put Into operation several new plans which are expected to assist In the cure of those whom she calls her "patients." In the summer time a number of occupations have been provided which will keep the pa tients employed out of doors. The form Port Patrick is tho nearest place on tho const of Scotland to that of Ire land, tho channel being only 21 miles across about the same distance nsthnt which separates Dover from Calais. It has tho reputation of being tho tradi tional point at which St. Patrick land ed from Irelund. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a God-seixl to inc. Win. It. McClellan, Chester, Florida, Sept. 17. 1895. LAD V IIXNRY bOMKllSET. has eleven hives of bees, nnd this year over 300 pounds of honey wns gathered ed aifl sold, all the work being dono by women. In the farm hothouses, which are 300 feet long, a good crop of tomatoes has been raised and disposed of. In the winter time the patients aro kept busy at weaving fancy aprons and at knitting machlues, on which underclothing Is made to order. All kinds of plain and fancy needlework aro also done by patients. Cleveland high school teachers earn $800 a year. Tho first Australian, newspaper, the Sydney Gazetto, was published March 5, 1803, 15 years after tho rise of tho colony. Tho delay wns caused through there being no printers among the convicts, who represented every pro fession, including tho legal. The plant was brought out in the first fleet, but it could not be used until the anthori tes caught a compositor. To Do Avuy With Ear Trumpets. A telephone has been invented for deaf people which is intended to do away with the necessity of carrying large and clumsy ear trumpets which are now in common uso. Tho new de vice consists of a small transmittei which is fastened to the coat, while tho receiver can bo carried in the pocket except when wanted. It is then to be placed to tho car exactly as is an ordinary telephone receiver. The whole apparatus is worked by a small electric battery, which also finds a place in the pocket. Not only is the new apparatus more convenient than tho old-fashioned ear trumpet, but it i& claimed by the inventor that it entire ly does away with the necessity of talk ing in a loud tone of voice. Chicago Tribune. BUY THE GENUINE STROP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. WXOTE THE NAME. MACHINERY, all kinds . .TATUM & SOWEN... 29 to 35 first Street PORTLAND OR. R Kxtrnragnnt Dross In Kngland. Members of the nobility In England make a great denl of pocket money by writing for the papers and magazines. Ono of these writers Is Lady Violet Grevllle, and, according to her, tho American women are responsible for the extravagance of English women to day. Ten or fifteen years ago, she says, the American women, "fragile, beauti ful creatures." appeared in England, wearing Paris gowns aud beautifully colffuredi nnd society succumbed to them. That was tho end of dinner dresses that lnstcd for years and trous seau gowns that were worn for a life tiine. Then wns tho beginning of frown and discontent, and debt on the part of tho Englishman, but tho Eng llsfa woman was patriotic that's tho way Lady Violet puts it and was not to bo outdone by the Yankee million aires, and Bhe took to good gowns. Bibles in Plilllpplno Languages. Tho English Bible Society, which In these matters acts with tho American Bible Society, has translated tho Blblo Into Tngnl, Vicol, and Ilacuno, Uiroa languages 111 010 Philippines. When Pain the Body tFn1.T.Ann nrhnllvMnonrfiinnnn. Mich., says : I wns taken with a pain lu my UllCK. KUU X WUSUUIIKCU to my bod. The physician pronounced my caso muscular rheumatism ac companied by lumbago. "I grndually beenmo worse, until 1 thought death would bo welcomo re lease. I was Anally Induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink rills for rale Too ple, and after using flvo boxes, was entirely cured. 'I am conndent that Dr. Williams' rink rills saved my life. I will gladly answer Inquiries concerning my sick ness and wonderful cure, provided stump bo enclosed for reply, "Frank lono." Sworn to before mo at Venice. Mloh., this ISth day or April, iwa. Q. n. Goldsmith, Jusllctofthe Prace. From the Observer, Flushing, Mich. I Dr. Williams Pink Pills tor Paly People aro nover sold b) tho doien or hundred, but always In packages. At all druggists. or direct frornthe Or. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y 60 cents per box, KSM3EEE UIMS WHERE Alt Mvrun. Best Cough Syrup antes f5ood.' Use fU 1 In time. Sold by drumisis. ci DR. M ARTEL'S BOOS. elief for Women" BentTM, in plain, realed enTdope. Wrlta today for thli Kook.coutAlnini; Part ten ia and TeatlmoiOals of VK. MARTEL'3 French Female Pills. Praised by tbov.fandi of Mtlnflol ladles as safe. alnraTi reliable aud without an eouaL 4 8oldbTairdroMiriaraln tnptaj hor. Frenclt fl2 On ton in Bill. White and ltnri. TaVa nn nlher. Vrundi I)rug Cu.,331 & SSS I'ciul SU, Ken- York Clt For Gonorrhoea and Gleet get Taint's Okay Epeclfle. It la tho ON'LY medicine which will cute earh and erery case. NO CASE known It him erer railed to cure, no matter how serious or of how long atonrilncr. Kesults from Its use will a&tonlh you. It la atwolntely safe, preyenu rtrlcture, and can be taken without Inconro nlence and detention from bunineia. THICE. $3 00. For sale by all reliable drumruts. or sent prepaid by express, plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by r PABSTCIIEUICAi: CO., Chicago, El. Circular mailed on request. f CURE YOURSELF. Use ItiirfJ for unnatural discharges, lntlaiiniiatlons. Irritations ur ulcerations of in ii co ns iiirinhntnes. Painless, ami nut astrin-. ItHEEVANS ChEUICALCo. r,lt or Poisonous. kCiNCiNNTi.o.rafiraI Bo'" j npuKeUta, or sent In plain rapper, by epre, piepaid, for tl.lii. or .1 bottles, Circiil.tr sent on request. JtmMytai to s dV?j JsjRv OflftrtQU flLJ 0 w "ore. Bs-isdM Prtftnu eantsfloo. Mm DR.GU1WS IMPROVED LIVER PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headachs tori Dyspepsia, ItemoTe l'implesand Purify the Blood. Aid liiecation andPreTeiitnillousnes,. Do not Orlpe or Sicken. Toconrlnce yon. we will mat? ample free, or lull box for 23c. 1)11. ItOSANUO CO., e hllada., teunn. Bold by I)ni;glst. You deny yoursol v pleasure and comfort if you don't use it. RELIEF FOR WOMAN That tired, languid fooling, the rains In the back and tho chronic licadacho will disappear quickly it you tako rioore's Revealed Remedy It Is an ideal medicine- for women, easy and pleasant to tako. M.00 ler bottle ot your drug gist's. Rupture ' tlrlffll t v and cntiHHpntl Rl 1y, Corriiponderici l-lrrltcrt H. WOODmuu & CO., 108 Second St, Po tlnd. SURE CURE FOR PILES ITUlTlNU 1'llesprodnce moisture andoanse ltculnt SiV-'i i? . JX aa Ullnd. BleedluB or I'rotrudlng Pllrfl are c urcd by Dr. Bosanko'o Pile Remedy Hto,.,ltchln.0abl... Ins. Absorb.tumor.. . urosse. DuIllOaANKO, l'bllada., l'a, Jaratdruirs me about your case. N. 1. N. V. NO. 41-'0l. VTllllCN wrltlntr to advertisers please 11 luoutlou this paper.