B Does Your aking Powder Sontain Hlum Prof. Geo. F. Barker, M. D., University of Perm. : "All the constituents of alum remain (from alum baking powders) in the bread, and the alum itself is reproduced to all intents and purposes when the bread is dissolved by the gastric juice in the process of digestion. I regard the use of alum as highly injurious." Dr. Alonzo Clark : "A substance (alum) which can de range the stomach should not be tolerated in baking powder." Prof. W. G. Tucker, New York State Chemist : " I believe it (alum) to be decidedly injurious when used as a constituent of food articles." Prof. S. W. Johnson, Yale College: "I regard their (alum and soluble alumina salts) introduction into baking pow ders as most dangerous to health." In view of such testimony as this, every care must be exercised by the housewife to exclude the over and over condemned cheap, alum , baking powders from the food. Baking powders made from cream of tartar, which is highly refined grape acid, arc promotive of health, and more efficient. No other kind should be used in leavening food. Royal Baking Powder is the highest example of a pure cream of tartar powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. The Advantage of One Eye. During the late Spanish-American war a certain old colonel who had lost an eye at the battle of Gettysburg was rery indignant because ho was put aside as physically incapacitated, when he applied for admission to one of the New York volunteer reigments. Filled with wrath and chagrin the colonel journeyed to Washington, bent on having a personal interview with the president. He succeeded in gain ing an audience, and the president, after listening to his plea, said, kindly: "But, my good Col. J , you have only one eye!" "Just so, sir," was the prompt re joinder, "but can't you see the great advantage of my having only one eye? When I aim my gun I shan't have to close the other!" He fought at Santiago. Youth's Companion. Tor the Children. The management of the Oregon In dustrial Exposition at Portland has pro Tided well for the children, whom wo have with us alwayB, and whose lives Bhould be brightened. The feature of the fair that gives them the most en joyment is the big steam merry-go- round. They never tire of it, and as they dismount from their prancing steeds they are always happy and ready for another ride. The extremo point of Land's End, the most westerly point of England, has been described as resembling the head of an aligator descending into the eea. A natural tunnel runs right through it, and is about GO feet high. 'Will Hun Automobile Line. Unable to obtain an electric railway or to induce the Big Four Railroad company to improve the servico north of Wabash, Ind., the citizens of North Manchester have taken briskly in hand the matter of buying an automobile to run between Wabash and that place, 14 miles. There is a great deal of travel FLINGS AT WOMANKIND. Some of Which Smnek Juit Little lilt of the Truth. A girl was visiting in town who has a these tiimmed with four miles ol lace, and her hostess is thinking of giv ing a reception for it. A woman who know" how easily tin- to Wabash, the county seat, from that nien can be fooled tells everyone who portion of the county, but the Big Four does not run its trains to accommodate it. Negotiations are now on for a horseless carriage with which it is proposed to make three or four round kisses her that it Is the first time she was ever kissed bv a man It occurs to a man with Bomewondor that his wife never got up as much enthusiasm over him when she was a I trips a day, carrying passengers for 75 . bride as she gets up over tho new little cents both ways. If the project suc ceeds tho carriage will be put on this fall and will be tho first application of wo auiomooiie. Irony. "Did ye iver notice, a mon from St. Louis?" inquired the janitor philoso pher. "Will, if ye didn't it's worth yer whoile. Up th' boulevard he struts wid hid ilevated. Suddinly thor's a red baby, When a woman doesn't know of anything else nice to say about anothor woman alio says elio has such "cuto little ways." livery unhappy woman takes pleasuro ni iiuuxing oi mo iimo wnen no will come back, and it will be too late. A good many girls have the notion that some day they may be compelled to sell tlieir nair and pny off the mort , big commotion an' he's lifted off his 1 n the ,Jome,teildi n8 te ; u, 1 story books relate. An Atchison girl . "V T " " lJ5r, ,riuuUB , who had very boautlful hair becamo I ui mirouiw rrgw y .i i ' 1 vory P00' n" "Ked to fell it for $3. rim litr InnunQQaa Imf flinf th' tanlraaaaa ..... . . . . ' ' rJ i " Alter tlie Jintr Iind been cutoff tlm nnr. chaser refused to tuko it, saying sho could get a switch for S2 in Kansas Anthracite coal on Bellinghain bay has been found to be big discovery. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their cuiiureu u unrig me teeming penou. Recently a ship of only 3,500 tons carried from Para. Brazil, to Now York a cargo of rubber, which was insured for $3,000,000. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Fence anil Wire Works. PORTLAND WIKK fc IKON WORKS; WIRK and Iron fencing; oillce railing, etc. 831 Alder. Muuliluerjr unit Supplies. CAWSTON fc CO.; ENGINKS, BOILERS, MA ctilnery, supplies. 48-SO First St., Portland, Or, JOKN POOLE, Portland, Oregon. can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is unequalled. are insoide. Oh, he's a bitter lobster." Chicago Evening News. Fair at Portland. The music at the Oregon Industrial Exposition is simply grand. It is by Bennett's full military band, which gives popular classic concerts after noons and evenings. City that Globe. would answer. Atchison Cathedral of Cologne. The cathedral of Cologne is naturallv Tho amusement tno cmot placo 01 interest in that fam features of tho fair are never neglected, and there are astonishing acrobatio and aerial feats, grand cake-walks and many other good things to delight, surprise and please all who come. Why It Succeeds. There is nothing remarkable about tho grand success that attends tho Ore gon Industrial Exposition at Portland, for it is backed up by tho enterprising business men of Portland, who spare no expense to make tho great fair a splendid success. Tho men who conduct it are: H. O. Brecden, presi dent; I. N. Fleischner, vice-president; R. J. Holmes, treasurer; W. S. Stra bio, secretary; E. 0. Hasten, assistant secretary; H. E. Dosch, auditor; George L. Baker, superintendent; J. P. Marshall, Ben Selling, II. L. Pit tock, D. Solis Cohen, O. B. Williams, Dan McAllen, A. B. Stoinbach, J. E. Thielsen, D. M. Dunne, R. O. Judson, L. M. Spiogl, Sig. Sichol, H. D. Rams dell, B. S. Paguo, General O. Sum mers, Col. I. N. Day, Georgo Fuller, Captain E. S. Edwards. ll Tl . 1 - . i , . i uub uiijf. it wuk. utmost six centuries 1 and a half to build, having been begun in 1248 and finished in 1880. Its stylo l of architecture is Gothic, and It has eight chapels, which contain the re mains of eight archbishops, and tho skulls of "tho threo wise men of the East." Tho Church of St. Ursula is docoratod insldo with tho bones of somo of tho 11,000 virgins who, with St. Ursula herself, wore murdered bj tho Huns. War Museum, It is worth a trip to Portland to seo tho war museum at the exposition there. Captain E. S. Edwards took his coat right off and went to work, and has gotten togothor tho largest col lection of war weapons ever soon in tho Northwest. Most of them wero cap tured in tho Philippines by the Ore gon 'volunteers. Tho museum is the carrying out of an idoa suggested and followed np by Dan MoAllen, ono of Portland's most enterprising business mon, and it is all for tho benefit of the monument fund. HOW A KINO KEEPS COOU Monarch Bit. ln.OI..rlceon tit. llottoin oT I.ne. It remained for n barbarian poten , " of the East 10 devise tho most . feet menu- of keeping cool In the umlng heat of Hummer. Hero, those o J us who can nfTor.l the clmt.ge. clow up our house, m 1,11,1 ll10, to the seashore and to the mountain!, where we make n pretext of keeping cool and looking happy. Hut this Ori ental despot never closes hl PU aco. nor upends his time lighting niosquUoon or other pests at tho seashore or In tho mountains, lie Just steps Into a luxuriously llttod glass paluce. Rives ii signal to his henchman and Is lower ed into the depths of a pellucid Inko, A "HOT . . i , i oi ilium mirpnrm dim own ploiiiiuRqtiuiioini mid iiiHido was tho (uiiiilcst puhIi in nut life," ho hiivh. coo TITE KINO OF r.IA M. A it 11 m i ii I il m 1 i f.. i.t4.. . i lfroin the ItiMTf-ry win. nl." V"H1 hi-rv., it. Ono of thu waiters at it ,, . restaurant Is a bird of pnHKJ, f"r llowory mid was a mm,,!,,,. 1 ......II viiiu II. ..1 . III riiuiii ii.mv " nrrvil II, n i 1 "Ilnll.tV iJilllii.r" In M , 1 """Ul A mil. A imml iiiiinu " 'ml -I J i "run lilt vu Ii . told of that niuiiioriililii lll'lll.l 1.... Mill' III II.. I... l"'llll 0 "'till. "I ' Win ovor n (lllllll.ii,l..l, Tilll kltllllltll U'llH Mil mi. ..II .1 "' ink uvorythlng on tho (iiii.i,!,,"1' 11 ...i I. ..j.i .1 i. v "in Miniii ii Kin uiuiu ii iin ,( Tho bocoiiiI courso was LiiMik.! ' eitoh flah come nerved n 1( jll6 . J an U'n ,-fllllil nut tnm 1.. . . " V , 01 hill watet and waiin 'tun buiiiu in iiiu mi) n kiii rillllii.l nn. I I I .....I ..It ...l.l rviC iiiu uiim miii mi, nii i-Ki" natlcii0n, th' outside. Bit v. vonM ,,r .i,,..i , , ..... .1 . '""Sin nig ni-uiiiB iiiuiii luiiurs trym' to can thuir Hall. 'This is Die timid,,,,. i tiitililook I Iver tnoltl.nl In m0 ,fH(. (J nun xiiiiiiiiiuiy iiiuii in iiiu hi-mi (hijIijI lt d gtll 11 MKII1 IIKH II IlilnoCuiil 1 m,l 1... 1.. 4l... I.I...1 .1. "Vi mi. in iiiu kiiuiiuii inuro wnn tktitM nil tiigui long, u wan no Hinnll th wultom oouliln t ronoli tlm .lialicri-uij nnu iiioy got to Hcrnpping for fi0n pincca in tno nnu. unu inun W3 KiiooKeii stilt with it turkoy. imil vfbtd they ploked him tip I thought liowjf tleitil. 1 1 1(1. (ill tint level. Hut wasn't ii l ooi i. 11 wiih only -rari.,,i siiuoe. Aniillioi tltinkey full inioii,! Bitlitd iind one of the cooks put n can of Ico cream In 1 1 to oven, tlimkniK U tt lirown gravy lot thu lieef. That', (J Iho Btjuitro just its I'm tMlniK touj Uut the wo i fit of nil wns whun wocaml to tho wine. It was '.Moricitn chaml pnguo in bnlf pints, without ico, and J till tho kiuking mid hollumn;! QRl fieslt gent told mo it wni the unit thing ho Iind had that night that a good and waiin, mid lie hardly ealil if when a waiter that wits t little jaml nccldently poured about n quart ol boiljj in' co lit-o down the buck of hit iteckl Buy, you ought of henni him cum llotween you and mo, a good iiianj waiters got to bluing the wino, inJ thuy found ono uf oin with ISempti hot ties in IiIb pnutti leg. Thai's lion est. 1 saw it myself. It vnn the lioti test Imiiqut-t 1 wns ovor at." N. 0l Tlincs-Dutiiocinl. Tlllt I'lllllpillnr Wnr Is proving iiiorvsttihhurn limn iiitii iiat It needs a vigorous conlrnt ! airuigtitea ninttc-n out. We should tncklt-the l'lillfl Ijijilnes mid overcotno tin-in n Huitnitr'fi dlUIIIUUII lUlll-Ilt II RK'ISIIl IllUlt tlon, ttiitlnrln. ft-ver mill iipie The lullll Ii i-hort imil dccl-lvc. mill for lift)- yeanthl iniiers nnvc niwnv won. where he cnu see the fishes disport themselves and observe other Interest ing sights of the watery depths. This Interesting potentate of tho glass submarine palnce Is the King of Slnm.1 He has .1 very long name, tuty seven letters In nil; but for short he la called Chulnlongkorn. The glass p.ilnee of the klug Is 20 feet square and 15 feet In height. With the exception of the floor It l entire ly of heavy plate glass closely lltted Into steel frames. The lloor Is of wood and steel, and directly under It Is a second or false lloor, Into which are stored weights or stone. hen tloatlng nil these weights nre removed, but when his majesty desires a cool ing, tons of them are rolled In nnd the room slowly and silently sinks until It rests upon the bottom. It Is then at a depth of about twenty feet, nnd so arranged that an abundant supply of air Is obtnlued from numerous tubes leading to the surface. Ity menus of other tubes he Is eimhled to hold con versations with those In the royal pnl- ace on shore, nnd also to transact tttato business. The furnishings of this sub marine ens tie nre ns lavish ns Ihoso of the Imperial palace. This fastidious potentate of Slum Is young man. hut despite his age ho has (500 wives. Notwithstanding this large assortment, however, he Is so sacred nnd mighty that he must marry nobody benentli him In rank, nnd his only equals being members of his own family, his ofllclal wife must, therefore, be his half-sister. She rules the harem. In looking at this semi-heathen king It Is hard to believe that he Is tho sa cred ruler over 8.000.000 people, nnd still harder to appreciate his absolute power. The w'jole people nre his slaves, nnd his simple word Inflicts In stant death on any mnn, or robs hlni of his property or family. He has tho right to call his subjects Into his Her- lee without pay nt any and nil times. and every mnn In Slnm Is forced to give him pnrt of his services during n tmrt of each venr. 1 ...... Although Slam has no nntlonnl debt. ' There Is more Cats rrh In thit 1 ;hl"J V, t 1 tuuuny maul nil Ullivr uinr. pu V. he taxes the people as no pleaHos, and and until thoUit few yeari whiui'Tom;(11omj Often forced to sell their wives nnd rcineilles. arid bv cun.lantlv Ming to enrti children. By this means the Klnc'n ' rl.Ul 'o1 P'onoJ?"relJ'',"!nl Tlioro is nenrly 113,000.000 in thj United States treasury, the proceeds ofl sales of cotton which fell into tbi louurai iiamis during tno civil warj This money Iwlnugs to the owners c(. tho cotton or thuir lioirs. if they prove their claims. "The Prudent Man Setteth His House in Order." Your human tenement should be grvtn even more careful attention than the house you live in. Set it in order bj thoroughly renovating your whole system through blood nude pure by lilur.gl Mood s Sarsaparilla. Then every orgin wui act promptly and regularly. JtbCuA SaUafxiAl TJiero nre ulwut COO species of huin-J mini liirnV nil natives of America,! und most of them confined to Contrail and South Amorica. tuuiio utv iiuvu wiui treasure, nnu ills ' tionai dlseaso, ana th.rt-loro requires c"""r yearly income Is $10,000,000. Thin ho ' SPUW,?1'- XcToob5, iqunnders In cnrlehlnir hla norinnnl In ilm ml f Knlti'tnHn'mif pnrn nn tho msrket. surroundlnr-a. I It Is taken Intui T10 IJuHlnesi Instinct. Too many people nre nccustomed to think of politeness In address na nn- proprlnto In company, but qult out of place hi business. An caiKaclnir man- ner Is useful everywhere. This axiom Is nmuslmrlv lllti8trntf.fi by a story wldch Justin McRnrthv ...11- c . . ,. . .. - leua. ooou nner tno civil war, ho says, rnally lit lo from lO'lrol'SWj ...i . . ' . . 1 . 1 1 .. in inn u iiv, and mucous surfaces ol the syntcm. Tli cy " ono hundred dollars for any caiio It ; euro. Bond for circulars and testimonials, ab-i dress. r. J. GU KNKY s tu-i Hold br DniKglsts, 760. Hall's ramify Tills are the best. Tho least troublesome nnd most pro-1 fltnblo animal to raiso in this counirj is tho ehoop. Itnproveil Truln K(iiiliint Short! ns nndi ... tudylng the crwil. when a Vhrlll. I 'i1. r youthful voice nor-r.aff.fi 1 "Hougn train, and n dining t..r - , rnn' ot,i nnsuoon inauiiuarateu. xjio 1 I happened to be standing on. bridS 1 r ,Th? - B: ,&, 3 in New York, amusing myself by' n " hnV ttMbal0tZfa studvlnir tho erou-,1 .T. "Lm I llur"y car. to their 1'orllund-C The chance dUtS of mmtJ wlt" T.SZ titles was ready nnd liberal !, '"" T. 'B T '"X n ,M t conneo tlnip whra nn mnn i ii . nnd ord nary s oopnrs. Direct conn uratnl to dvuSi V ldlTxWC,i0, r" " "ode at Granger with Union Y JusSen a ?m . lino trom Pol"tB n 0mn' fi a JUSt tnen a rival boathlnolr nnnawt I , n u. ..... nit cs. rival bootblack nnniuwl i ".7. 1 I i , 1. '.uv-n olticS. . 1 11 ir r r iTi n r 1 f 1 ifinnn t 1 11 1 1 uuow 1 nnu imagining where tho cnuno of mT " :.:: .. call on J lnf1lfrMtiw inn 1 . lur iiuoruJiiiion, nuuo, ..-., - 1 lnuiirtjrcnco lay h0 advanced, nnd nnv n n N nonnt or uddross w. pushing post tho unsupcnSBr,,i m.Z.' I ',, 7 g ' ?l,r,,nr Auent, nnt h fnir m ;; . " ix. uuriuuri, uonortii ut. - nnt ho gnyo me a military salute and Portland. appealed to mo with tho cnptlvatlng lorUn,,Ul , words: s. A snail's pace was carefully observed ..B-,. bciiurai, snino yer uootsi in l'loronco, itaiy. bovui . . j I had my boots shlnfwi n t,n. lncoa ., ni,,,-! imtwoon two poiuwi ww. .uu oiuu - ii"." , 11 ...na I . T iirnB I Thr. mna . . . ... 'ton feet apart, nnd startou. ,". ;ow;;;7,,,:'V"rirK,ngB18lltw ascertained that tho fastest . biiw. now nnviiiin i...t 1 0 ascortainoa man nm - ..iiqI nl DS Ub0Ut ,s uu uwucces. raco traveled at tho rate of a mil ful 1 in 1-i days.