Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 29, 1899, Image 5

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lf"f .nnollll''1"1 l,,Hl ' 1 ''"m'H ll,,M
I I lilt" I" "!' '
L, tlio hardware- liiiMluom In
P1" , Mr. riillllpH Ihih buun
IV liMillMlf i
' I Jll I 1 !
Mr. I'lilUM'14 miH l""'M u'
lint IHIHt. I) IIIOIIUIN lllllllllllg II
. iinulv ir'KMl IiiihIihmm. Ah soon
tt till mlrscun I'd llliulo to llm
...ilillnir now occupied by H II
Phillip" A. .lonim Hiouk M ill
llii-n. wliurn limy will bu
nionl tlmlr (iIuihIm iiml
Olumvood is Uic ,ScCe of n Terrific
Forest Hire.
l'roil IUnor Voatnl. arrival In (Jot-
; '".vi. nn-H.irtv Di.imlnK nt 7
O clock ImvillL' riinin nn fl. I i
,1, ., , . , - " iiurnuniiu
111 IH4 (!HV!H(
. .F .
3 . .1... I.i. ItrlllllMltl Hint .Illllllill u i tlll.m il
fr1" . . . . . r. ..: 1
from tlm MmuImI,
" I" "v and no ,lf hours. ,..,,,
i-:. in it in. Aif. vii
Iwbefow J"lk! Hamilton to lnivo Kniunlnyli.iKlfi.ii busily cim-ed ,
!7temH)riiry I nji : In iioii tho , ing l.iHni.i.oy lighting f.,ron 11
iLj inliiu brought l.V 0. 0 . Warner ho nay tl,t.r iHt ,,.,, fn , ju
ten!"1"" "ifri-ihii i iMiti-i) fun in it. Ho
. dliolvixl, denied Monday, is authority for tlio stat..m,.ni t
ht temjwrury I i J Krnntitd by ivrrlllu forest tiro Ihih been liiirnine near
I" ft. .....mill I u tlriiitii. i I f ! Int. ........I ..f t r.
iijim niii .-.., ............. ..mi "niiiuuH mure una Saturday, nm ii,.,i
Ijeontog IroM Iron wormiiK uio mum
in- nun ii him i every oliort to slop Its
iinyri'iH lint without success. At ..
pills tli" r irlittul owuoiniiip ot tho . un. lio InuJ oiyht ttutn willi hiui tryiiiK
i iic mru in uuiiiu mi in inu tnixK uio names nut tliuy wore
...... IV I..1 ........I.. ........ 1 .1.... . i . ...
fill 01 HI" I'wi'K'"" "Hi"; unnn. ""i-fimn iu control u. i iioy worked
11 i . . . -
America. i ""r" i troiu Jumping the road
VinUlnC I.. Hnulu anil wifn of the ,,,,t Ht ,ltMt lt ' I muuIi liu t-Uvay thai. J
rulnnleem 01 Ainonrn, u rciiKioun ""nu iu num n uacK nun it
winlwtloii not unlikii tlio Knlvalinti i'r","wl "io nmil niul hiinied ahoiit 10
"r . ........ I ll . . lll'ri'K nf lllnluii- it. . u.l.. ll
In iniiny rrni)C(u. iiviii Pirelli ' "' nuwuvur
no won
now Iniriifil over nhimt
jroi; ; ,i ..,,.,
I crrlce hero IriMt hiinnny, aim inniiMiiiMi " "u" nwum numi uio
. . . rt'in fitui 1 1 'i u
U.- .ttimli Ulltl HflllL' tit till uiilU. " "is
... "(HI iH....u .i. ,.r I t i i
I ht'ir IKWrerH, lliuy ri - ' uini in an inn uuni.
wrinrtlie valh-y with tlio vii.w of u,,"wl,',!,lt.v Jainao Uiiih far (lono
MiWIilili'K '"r" "t varh.iiH plan.. jt ; " not yront but Hit. oiitcoiiii i hanl to
L..M that Cam iin Hiwlu will riToiu- " " . umim-m uniuuaiiy
r m i i
iptoo OBICIII an ii t i 'iiuiiiiiiiii.
Jf.K. Church A tjmlnt inrutt.
The following: iipoiiitintMit of tlm
in hi'ailwav a il c.llinhlii
! Kort'Mt ItaiiKcr Vi-ati-h Htalog that thi'
I lln. u-.iy ut lii. 1 1 H'l.l... ...I... ;.. ......
(Vrton M. K. coiifuroiici', for Lnnr 1 ,,, ,, ... ,,
wu , , . ... nany with Harry Hart, u'nit working
iJTLl f ?r Swan trail, tho objee I
Mr ....... ! . .... ,M.,,B , 1r )m, , ,)ut ()f ,h0 lrli)i ov.r the M K .hnrcl, at K... i jit.Br Y(..iU.h wmm 00mmnk.a.
rBe; Rev A , Ml. LntrHno, o Astoria; ,, wllll ero WttIleHday and
l R C llurkwHI. Pr s ie .l, to W)H hlArmwl , u utute v s
laiieciiurcii. "..n'.ii. .v., ... w n0liil.itaifif.r U'.illim nt K, in. :u
fwour out tlm nei't'HHary wnrrnntN for
arrt'it, which In; iliil anil at the hour of
fUlmo tirow. ri'tuinoil ; II it Klwortliy,
frtivell; liinctlon City, 0 I. Me-
fkrion .
fecullar Formation.
Frank Hii'Iich. tlio wll known
plntriml pronpoi'tor in in tlio olty from
dn'onvillianl will vinit din InliTitH
(gllolicinin iliMtrii't. Mr. IIiiIhh haH
m iKrinii'iiM from liix Oanyonvillu
ami.iI if fit n flirt i.tMilllnv furfilMl Inn
it. ll.,nv,.,l nni- Htr..k f cnlil h.v. ' nlworo whifh KlvOri IIH a Hl.rpl.18 HtOIlk
infltHct-n n layer of a flnto formation.
Retold I ihtinly vinihlo to tin uyo
itA Mr Hmthi'K hiivh ho can inaku a
tiolnt! to pnvH TliLrcilav ovfiiinc. ho
wart nioiiioiitarily oxiiutttin iiiHtriic
tioiiB to make an arrest.
Havlinr boiiKht Mr Knox's stock of
! of moiiio nrticlw wo will eoll tlic eamo at
rc'dniNvl ratoi for tint next 30 days. So
f if vou want Jiardwaro come and hoo iih.
J'JUI.T.II'H ft JoXKri.
rool thine panning it out.
Monrinv nt 1 oVIock, Sopti'tnlMir 117 Given Hall.
191, in Ktiitimv, Mr. Ii. 'IJ. I'itohir iiml On tlio L'Oih of nuxt month the Ord
JliiiNflllc Ki-rr of tliix city. It wan J J'rwt O A M of thin oity will jjIvd a crand
qnlto a FiirpriMo In iniiiiv of Mr. . m including mipper. Arranointint'j
Pitchcr'n frifndo, hot notwitlmtundini: are sointr on and in next week 'a ifnio
inrmv of frh'trU U lnth"r jnrtios morodi'llniti! jiIhiib will Ik- spoken of.
tfre thi wee!: ofT-'riii iwnwruttilalory ,Uwi et the date fixed In your mind.
fiprPMionf. Thovuio lrtith popular in ( (n,ntin 80aial will ba civen at the
Cntlnisr Orovo. n:ul may liappinefi at- , M (f ,.,rni, Saturday eveninjr at 7:30
tfmlthcm. inViw in hnunrof Rov and Mr M O
It Ik Mid
that tho
Snnthurn l'aeifio
Drink. All are invilwl.
J V Cook Is in tho
city, returned
Company will on October 15 chaimo tlio frnill (ri to Portland.
Mi into throinxh traiiiH, a sehediilo ro JooGarontto ia visiting at Hoae-
firifiE nrranuen. a unv uii
through tho Willamotto vnlloy in n very
Wrahlo thlnir to tonrintH, and the
Southern IViHc Company in ever on
the nlort to increase tho comfortMof its
Fine Fruit.
nohomhi Nini;et ia under obliiMtiono
to Hrfi. Marv A. TriiunellH for fomo
tholcoOraveiiHtoln npplo raiso 1 on hor 1 ill,e
fnn just out nf town. Mrs. Trunnells
haieven trees of this varletv of fruit
nd in ordinary yearn harvest" ovnr n
hundral bushels therefrom. Thev nro a
tn(Mt delicious fruit. Thanks.
Lnyinff In Supplle.
Tom Johnson, tho well known minor
nd prospector nnd owner of the famous
Annconda mine, was in tlio city this
week laylnir in supplies. Mr Johnson is
ell pleased with tho prospects of his
Wino and will continuo development
ork nil winter.
BttilneH Channc
Mr. O. P. Knox who lias for years
fonan important factor in tho hard
ro business of this city, this week
Ml bis business to Phillips and .Tones.
Mr Knox retiring from buslnoss.
Official Train.
An official train passod through lmru
Saturday making n sliort stop with
Superintendent Fields nnd I'nBsonner
Attont 0. II. Markhnm of 'tho Southern
fnciflo on board.
. 0. F. Knor will put eoino substan
improvements upon his building
now occupied bv S It Pipe, preparatory
'o iU being oeuupiod by F 11 Vlilllipa &
ThoRoaort Hahinn, owned by Tom
B1w, has boon nlcoly rotlnislied insldo
8nl now prosonts 11 brluht and ploiiHinl,'
The V. C. T. U. will hold their regu
lar meotinc next Tuusday, Oct S, 1801),
at'J.IlOp m in the Cumberland Presby
terian church. Kveryono cordially in
vited to attend the meeting.
John Hicks, woll known here and
formerly attached to the Champion
rccontlv from Albany, nrnveil
here last Wednesday and will go into
the Bohemia district.
C F Cathcart, one of tho popular
drummers on this route, and a son-in-law
of O P Adams visited Cottago
Grovo Wednosday. Mr. Cathcart is
loud in tiiu praiso of Cottago Grovo as a
thriving business point.
Sain Hennett had tho misfortune to
fall from a ladder the other day and
severely sprained his foot
Itobort Martin and Miss Ilickoy at
tended tlio Pitcher-Kerr wedding at
Kiigono Monday.
Tom Johnson is in from the hills;
Having disposed of my entiro stock of
hardware ami retired from business, I
wiHh to thank my ninny customers for
their liberal patronage, and ask all who
ivo claims against the Ilrm to present
them at once for settlement or forever
after hold their peace.
I will bo about the store for n few days
with 11 liberal number of clerks to re
vive and receipt for alt accounts duo
Met'como early and avoid the rush-
u ..nt. .mnnnrimr will bo ta-
UCIIUI,ml'0 " "i-j -
vorcd with a statement as soon
;,u, collect enoiigb to procure some post-
nso Htniiii. QFK.N0X.
('"o. ItoiiHo is down from Iloheinia.
Cy .Strong vislled Hiigono Tuesday.
Mis Palmer of Ifow Itiverwasin town
Tom Iilowwns a passenger to Tiugene
Joo linker of Bohemia did tho city
Miss ChriRiiian returned to town on
Friday's local.
Alferd Strom: has returned from a
trip to California.
J. K. and P. .1. Jennings visited Eu
gene last Tuesday.
Henry Johnson is down on a few days
visit from tho minus.
Frank and Scth McAlistcr of Uugeno,
Were in the city Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Jones was a passenger
north Monday morning.
Win. Li.voly just returned from the
Klondike country, is in the city.
Attorney J . K. Young returned from
atrip to Drain Tuesday morning.
'Miss ' Daisy Thomas left Monday
morning for a visit at Springfield .
Mrs Day, mother of Prof Day, has re
turned from an outing at Bohemia.
The Guard savs K. J. Jennings is
looking over tho Blue River district.
Mr. and Mrs. J: C. Long arc borne
from ii visit to Salem and the state fair.
Miss Letta Veatch left Friday for
Roia'burg where she will perhaps spend
the winter.
W. H Lincoln returned from Kit
gene where he attended the veterans
Reunion last Friday.
Geo. Knowles returned from a visit to
Kiigene last Friday and left for the
mines Sunday,
Phil Beckley of Oakland anil John
Wise of Yoncolln two cattle men were in
the city Wednesday.
Conductor Sum Veatch and Brikman
Dow Ilufr were visitors in Cottage
between locals Tuesday.
Superintendent I. II . Bingham of the
Miihick Mining and Milling Company
visited the city this week .
MrsSmael left Thursday for Tacoma
after spending the summer with her
parents Mr and Mrs Stone
F.W.Kirk returned to his home at
Oregon City after a 10 days visit witli
his biother A. Kirk, Tuusdav.
Bud Robeits who arrived home, from
Bohemia last Sunday has been suffering
with an attack nf malaria fever.
Dr. Thomas well known in Kugene
and Florence arrived on Friday's local
his lirst visit to Cottage Grove.
J. W. Glass of l-lass Bros, planing
mill, this city, made Brownsville and
Crawfordmllo a visit last Saturday.
Fred Meinzer of Drain visited his
daughter Mips Meinzor last Friday on
his return from the Veterans reunion at
F. W . Bromley of Colorado, n mining
man of years of experience in Colorado
and California is visiting Jhe Bohemia
John K. Hayle of Cripple Creek was
registered at the Hotel Sherwood this
week, "and is now looking over Bohemia
Mr. and Mrs. John Aiken aro homo
from a sliort coast visit and Johnny's
smiling map is again in evidence" behind
the counters at Eakin&Bristow's.
' W. J. Lightfoot of Cripple Creek,
Colorailo, a member of the United
States Geological Survey Corps, arrived
here Monday and is now in tho Bohemia
district giving it careful attention.
Ilev. Nelson, a prominent United
Brothem preacher who is doing nctlvo
work throughout this section 01 tno
Willumetto valley was in the city Sun
day and Monday.
N.K. Leo of North Bond, Washing
tonwas in the city last Saturday look
ing over tho country contemplating
buying a farm. Mr. Leo was quite fa
vorably impressed with the country nnd
will probably locate in Lane county.
Robt Cooly who has officiated as drug
lark for J P Currin, bus resigned bis
position and is at present rusticating in
Bohemia. Mr Cooly contemplates a
tiip toCalifonia this wintor.
Dr. and Mrs. G. U. Sunpp left on tho
local Monday morning for Portland and
from tboro east on nn oxtonded visit.
They will not return until aomo timo in
Juno 1900. Their many frionds wish
them a pleasant vacation.
C. F. Hawloy, who has been em
ployed at the Muslck Mining and Mill
nnmnmiv. as amalgamator this
,,an n.imo down Saturday and loft
Monday morning for Corvnllis where lie
will resumo Jus siuuich i mu
eultnial college.
Cu mining & Sehr.
Can not be surpassed for real worth
Crockery, Glassware,
Granite ware, Tin
ware, Wood and
Willow ware,
And the way they hold prices down
will prove beneficial to every
economical buyer. A large
shipment of Syrups just recieved
Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs
and glass.
Look up the
E. J. Patterson,
J. A. Fryer.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M Henderer & Go. Prop.
'A Proprietors of the Bohemia
I and : '
4 Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonadle Prices
' First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon
t Economy Is not
lmyttig Hhoddy
' Shoes.
Wo now htue yvi.h
STOCK of tho
A Now Invoice
Dry floods
L 'M
I llcniciiway 1
mid .1
h J
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed;
i 1 1 1 1 i ii i it
Stoves and Tinware: Hardware
Sundries; Carpenters Tools; Gar
den Tosls, and Miner's Supplies.
The Best Line of
Agriculture Implements in the
City, Including the Celebrated
:;;::: Stoughton Wagons::::
PLOWS, Etc. Headquarters for
Plumbing, Tin and Sheet Iron
All kinds of Produce "bought, at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with .us.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and haying hadi years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and.
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
It. JR. Wood.-p."
- Professor Kendall , was fn . town this
week. The Professor has boon buaily
engaged this season making and de
livering 200 cords of wood to the S. P.
track nt DIvido.
Teaching School.
VYni. MoQueon commonced a term of
school nt the Tait school houso neBr
Walker last Monday.
Sam'l Goldsmith fjho genial traveling ,
salesman, did business, in the Grovo
Wednesday. '
wWo want wood on subscription.
That means wo want it now, not after
tlio rainy spnaon sets in. Bring it in.
Bo;iu.mia Nucobt.