. MiJ 'tl coj till 'ol "Jul "Jhll 'Ort liocl Will Ml J HOLY OA n l' tj oiuu un. ,w,,ct llio Ifcllc.iit Which lh "h1 .1111 Wnrlil MiiiiiI. Aulin.l. 'CI ' mrpc-I." or IcIkwii. which W . iiolrli by HfOlllllII ArilllM en ' v . f ....til I'M hhImIm (if It H(rllM of . .irliiH of liliick lirociiilo richly Icrtil 'I' 1,1,(1 "liver with Dim iroin me ivtiniu. it ALL THE ropiilnrlty YEAR ROUND. H' . t Willi n . . in.L . i" 11V"- .... nf lil.llllllf villi- Mm 0( I 111' Kll IIWI, IIIU nil ITCH i lie iirct'inciH or ttio ttel rice w " Vtlllir(iv.i . .fHlli r.iim , Hn ). It. ,V N .....i , ll I'r.im tin. Ilnnkn, '" ImvM ,l,,., ' r' 'r7''" sl""tl Prinro Chlllcnw, tho mliilMlor for l!,,r'"y -r lo ti.lr iJm , ",K ,',,"y KuHHla, commenced his '"". niMln ,, ,J " ' 'l',n'!B0 ':,m'"' mnkli.it n lonr of th.Mvurld I fill lllfll...... . "v. uir Hi'i vici. in order to tiifco nntti of ml tl, 1,,tt '' tli' Intent iiini '"" 'H "vm,""ll. t'H linlly to Htu.lv tho moot MicueMifnl raihwiy route, whether ) h in,. I I........ 1n,"'r wniUliriH mid control of loroiifii J'ou tithe it in the sorim.'. mimtiier. "", '"""mrv ,.,.,.,H 1 '"M r"lhv"-VH- He Mm took it position uh minium or winter, is th Uio Grnndo "mi timil., t (Ir.uiui.r'u.m i..'""".';"" ,,,,M,"ll,lllO' mccliniiio in I ho locom... , Western liiiihvuy, tl.e. only triinsconti- "ifden with 111,, i . . , KM 111 ""vu'I'ool, mill, niter , mmim iinu pawnor directly tliroiiKli )'MilM ilny in Oiiiicnl hy No Purtlctilnr Hl'll.lHI. Tho fiict is now ogtitbllfdicd thnt tho n i'ii. tivn uniLu I., - ,.,i wriiiiiifi HttM,.t . ... i liuliitN I,, (i ii , . ' " r'""" nun miiorer, wuh I 'MiitH in Oret!on, Uanh- rained to il,., ,, ,.f .ii..., i i " KHtein eiiiH. ' nfte, wr,U ., ... I " " h f riniiii Hiihnrliaii htiition. When lie returnod to Itiissht lie uKiiin worked IiIh way fiom mccliniiio to station masler, and after working for several yearH in tho latter oiipxcity on the rraiiH-f.'asniun few of his i ""'xoviii cystems, lie was madts in- Hpeetor-Kcnoial finally minister ot ruil ways. UhicaKo Tinius-Iloiald. v"', an, I at friini a ii,,, i , i . .", mm Mali!) i.i. imiiin, rates, etc.. call ?."v '." N. a.ent.'o, U(,,rl Myoil mi W. -M t fit I tl . ttiu iioet. U , u,, , ... ' ' " 'mi oi ..inn,, nature that .. . iikiiii'ii oi uolunihla, Vu '--.. r,,.k,lllzu ,,,, () Blr(j'oti - "'I'-P'Mi.hM.t recently visited tho t"M ami nsked f,)r the io of Mr V mu "'I'''""'" Mr. .Miiuin iivH hero. jMuicy Cllr condnctor, tnow he wrote hooks." In () 1 " IM. nt Mecca. It In retiowcil nml irorr year at tho expctiHo of the jn from ('onsiitntlnoplo via Cairo, !f( will! " enciJii in nimiii iva .lijt forniH lnrt of tho icrcat l,iinn cnrnvaii. the inost iintiortntit I"' .....1 11.. Hfl'lH'll, lit,. . . innllj W illi il aiiiiiiiiiij I'uut itku , - "Kiiuiii, inl Mecca. iinviiiK none duty rot Kaid tlio hut I didn't ' criiinriy ikiIiii,, iiriuul t .,.,! t. the nat.vcs f ThiirliiKlM to feed their hors. s. esueolally when they are worked hard in ve.y col.I weather. The am. inn m inrive on II. :n t , r l,,.i,i. n anil V . I . I Itil. Iir. It I cm lip nun me iuccch sokj ",7, , '"I.1"" miicily I'-.' i.i 11..-1..... km... ii liiiimrril II ir lie I hi. t...., 1.1 1...1 rrlri "'liiiiij iiiKiiiiii. J uu ii 1 " ici, ;??.,w.r ,,.,.1.'r. r:.1 r,,"i,,,.y their Tl any Lritlonx reireneiit a (Kirtloti of the .-t ll"k' carrleil on iiicii h miotn. r . .. ... ... ... .... . " .....w,o v.a ( ' w -iiiulu ni'uuun uu iuuii lur 11 .ntbroiIKO " rw 01 v..i.r.M.,.r. ,.cl , imv itl ,,)W ventH ,hu , fllniy of flyo ; f jtbt fcititnl precedliiij 11k tleparture. herd of hnllaloen in the world. u day. 10 l IllCllllilltl ,!(, Mifllui.u In ...II inure on-oiift mil iN illri.clrU v. Dlarovnry nt l.lfu I'liint fio full of viKortlmtlfoucof its leaves ho jl n tied to a wiirin wall another plant will vrnw. It. is then- hiinie liriMclulcH wiiif.it jfiiahld IIoMelter's Hloiiiach Hitters to iinuiMt to life and duty the overworked Kiimirh. Tho suli'erur fnuii dystiepia or ai. v Ktiimiicli trouhle nicds it. A private tic VC"" cover 1110 ,IL'ck f tc bot- Preparations nro now boitijj undo to Btart a to nporativo colony on the bhures of Lako Kiio, near Toledo, O. ItcmcintxT that you con buy Jcsio Mooro A. A. Whiskey for tho same prico that is Paid forordlnury whiskey. For oulobyall iirst-cluH dealers and druggists. It is said that tho peasant of tho south of Franco spends on food for a neutal Milt liako (Jitv. that Oliailit mill r,i,. tiiretiiuo city on tho slioros of Ameri ca's Dead Hen. Tho climate of Utah and Colorado is tempoiato tho year round, which makes tho travel over tho Itio Giando Western Itailwny, in connection with either tho Denver & Jtio Orande or Colorado Midland rail roads, un unbounded success and do Ii(,'lit. Tho Dining Car servico is un paralleled. Tho road operates only tho newest ot Pullman Palaco and Ordinary Sleeping Car equipment, as well as Froo lleclining Chair Cam. For illus trated matter apply to J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washington street, Portland, Or. DKAFNKHS CANNOT HE G'UTtKD 4 4 The Laborer is Worthy of His Hire." 'But a. tudge-earner can earn more if he has vigorous health. The blood is the life-giving and strcngth-maftmg part of the system. If it is pure, all is tvell; if not, it should be purified nvith Hood's Sarsa parilla, 'which makes the tveak strong. hawut In Berlin tho pawnshop is a royal and philanthropic institution. Any profit that is mado is spent in charity. lii two xynilMjIIcnl trophies that each J lf jccoinpiiiiy Tt. Till' 'fioopy i containing a copy or the Koran. fotb ire ci(iiiHiiciy cniiroitireu in kjopoti green cloth, and are held In ,pany the pilgrimage from FITS ''pX, TL Titl ee arc U.o n.al.iii.il. n kind tjlW?ijt!'il liu8iSJPTti?& and u pyranildiil coiiHtriic-, Atcau.. pi1iiii-j1u.,iv1 KWW" 1M"M T3 . HSiSpfBS la","'""'"'" 2Fk I'im's Cure for CoiiHiiinption Is the onlv coiik'Ii ini-diciue used in mv hoUHe. I). 0. Albright, Miltlinhurg, I'n.,'l)ec. 11, 'W. At C!liii,t,nu'n Vnlltl Wia Mm liar. Heneial Mamiger Mcdowan, of tho hers have buried tho hatchet. A reso- Indianapolis Street Kmlnny Company, lulior has been adopted allowing every has umuigud f..r tlio erection of a car shop to keep open SundayB hereafter, plant, and tho the company will build and tho price of shaving on that day and icpa'r all of its own oars. will ho 15 cents. I!y local application", ni tlicy cannot reach tho dlKCBted portion of Hie car. There Is only one way to cure il( lnc, and that In by conntltu tlonal romcdlcn. Uealncts la caused by an In. llarned condition of the mucous lining of tlio KiiMHclilan Tube. Wlien tlila tube gets In I flamed jou have a rumblliiK bound or Iroper fect hcarlnB, ami hcn It Ii entirely closed (Ii'Hlnt-M la the result, and uhIcbh the Inflamma tion can be tiikenlmt and this lube rentnred to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed foreicr; nine cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh, which 1 nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cafe of Uealtiessfcaused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bead tor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggtrts, 76c Hall's Family I'llla are the best. Contrary to expectations entertained a week or two ago, there is little chance of tho Seats for Shop Assistants bill passing through England's parlia ment this session. An English mechanic has discovered that salt restores apparently drown animals. A Ilfillclitful Trip. A journey East via the Denver & Rio Graudo Itnilroad through the far famed Itockr Mountains is in itself a marvel of scenic grandeur unsurpassed in tho world, crossing mountain ranges, deep penetiatiug canyons, scal ing stupendous cliffs, and, in a word familiarizing the tourist with tho grand and beautiful in nature. Pas sengers going East should by all means take this road as it affords a trip void of tho dull monotony of desert and plain, with equipment up to date in every respect. Perfect dining car serv ice, thioagh sleeping cars and free re-clining-chair cars. For tickets or any information regarding this line call on or address Ii. C. Niohol, General Agent, Denver & Itio Grande Railroad 201 Washington street, Portland, Or., or any agent of the Southern Pacific Company, O. R. & N. Co., or Oregon Short Lino. Women as well as men can ride on tho cars such is the translation of paragraph No. 2 in tho rules to the public, prepared by tlm Korean presi dent of the Seoul electric railway. ra luitiui, and koiu.v itKCKi'ri.c!,i;. bmtltlous reverence by the tnultl- M. The Intrinsic value of the holy prpet ! Home ?J,'.,000, mid Its enpturp ft tribe of marauding IkIoulns, he wn Medina and Meccn, Is n matter sirotuH the pious Indlguntlon of tho pit Moilcni world. Headache Sick headaches! Always trace them to a lazy liver or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter, Instead of being throvn out, Is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, awful, throbbing, sickening pain. CASCARETS remove the cause by stimulating the liver, making the poison move on and out, and purifying the blood. The effect is almost instantaneous. Ladies, whose sensitive organisms are especially prone to sick headaches, do not suffer, but find relief in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Look, out for Imitations and Counterfeits ! funeral!" Kansas City fndependent. " MEXICAN SALVE. S4 lr ClirU Ifuller for I.I ft pen- feller'. I'enrilt. 'What Is this Mexican iwlve I henr much almut lately?" linked Jcsho Senfeltcr. the veteran olllcer. What Is Itr repented Chrln Hnllor. fit of the local police department. J. tne greatest thing In materia !'a." 'I told my lieutenant the other dnv Jtbc was looking better than I had him for some time," said JcKse, lie told me to cut out the Mexl- lalve." He was wrong," nnld Christian; wvvcre dimply pumping hot nlr Into n. There are different kinds of '"lean salve, Jchho, nnd iih the pro- Hioa weum to hnvo Hklppcd by you M endeavor to cnllirhten vou. A k agent cnlla nt n house nnd an old il about 05 comes to tho door. lowde do, Miss; Is your inn. InV M the ngent. Sho smiles nnd her t expands, nnd he Is given entreo ue house. Then he sells n book luic the old maid dIuks his gnmo That, Jessie. Is the salve. When BIO grabs vou with Imth h.miln and H'rou how glnd ho Is to seo you, nnd ea tries to make n touch, thnt nlso Is Halve. When your barber tells you three nnnlli-ntlnim nt bin fninoiiH M brick tonic Is bringing the hair to your bnld nut ho Is trvlnrr to ilre you." Well, well, well," muttered Jesse, as rrln overspread his fnce. ics, Jesse, you don't hnvo to go to " apothecary nnv moro for salve." Mlnucd Chris. "Nearly every guy ?n meet has chunks of It concenled tout his person. You oven cot It nt Pome. For Instnnce, the old lady tells ' mat your step Is moro springy 6lI It was before tho war nnd asks IN for a now dress In the snmo breath, oro tho chesty feeling disappears oo consent to cough up for tho dress. 'Den VOU lieirln in illr for tlin coin foMl yon renllrn 41m f vnu lim'n linon W. Oh. I toll vou. .Tohro. it la trreat Mlclne. 4Ll0n Of anlrn lli.lnrtM ninnlnnnfl qulrer. Cavalry on tlio Wane. tarCflllltr nll,nlA.1 fl .l,.n, il.nl t, V vuifi;i;n;i JIKllil'B D11UV liiai " Proportion of cavalry to other anna " been steadily diminishing for a period. The artillery has been in- ISed. tlin nnn.l.., .1l...l..lol....1 A..u. ' Turkey and Spain aro tho only Lrini wll0B0 cavalry exceeds tlielr "usry rorce. ? "COIlSUltntlnn nf nlivnlMnnH" In V jlM UIVIup cases of sickness is meant tho "Both my wife and myself have been ii? CASCARETS. and thev are tba best medicine wo bare ever had In the bouse. Last tt tho Dels, as r Inp;. ger anu keer tho r Kt. 9kv (oc JK h -ble JV jbb 2 wook my wife was frantic with headache for jW two dayaisho tried some of jour CASCAHETS jK V B uplc and thoy relieved the pain In her head almost mm m -i.' i immediately. Wc both recommend Casca- IUM cnt Plttsbure Safe & Deposit Co.. Plttsburir. Pa. Keer Jm ANNUAL SALES. 5,000,000 BOXES. mm ii il illill' ill m OIBBBBHsHBHnraiaCIIanBSBWVA syaaHsHW 25c. 50c rnrrtrrTf -..nr v.it.i .ris. . otiKlv veretable compound. Ho mercurial or other mineral pill-polson In dsearets. Cascarets promptly, effectively and permanently . fii.A, f thestomach Lfver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation, but correct any and everylorm ot irrecularity of the'bowels, includlnedlarrhcea and dysentery. Sn7B.lat.bl. Mt.o U tooddo ood "ever sicken, welken or pipe. De sure you et the enuine I Beware of imIUtion. and substitute. I Buy a box ot CASCARETS uZViil Z?kw&"lWmri Write us for booklet and free sample I Address STERLING REMBDT C0MPAHT, CEICACO or NEWTORK Nt r."eQfllriR nhvctoi nn nnrl anmA frlnnri William Dean Howolls, asked whon be found timo to apply himself to liter ituro, replied: "I did so before I reallv had tho time. As a boy I was perpetually imitating thegioat authors to tho neglect of tho duties generally ixpectod of a boy." , BUY THE GENUINE YRUP OF FiOl ... MANUFACTURED II ... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. If WOTE T11K NAME. ftRTERSINK To cood and too cheap to ue i ROBUST AND STRONG. 6tich a peison Is the constant envy of the i weak, nervous person of the person w ith thlti, impure blood. Tho way to build up health Is tluough the blood. Moore's Revealed Remedy Makes Impure blood pure. It creates a cood appetite and atslsts digestion. 11.00 per bottle at your drueglau. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Pence mill Wire Works. 1'OKTr.AND WIRE A IRON WORKS; WIRE and Iron leucine; office ratlins:, etc. 334 Alder. MACHINERY. . .TATUM & BOWEN. 2U to 36 First Street ALL KINDS PORTLAND OR. Ullt It. yblJNG MEN! Stif f r boi !ft,THiS'ilr ' from 1U UM "I" ",on,',itiS, tak.c i without liiconre. Circular jnU(d on riiiuct. . m a0ss M"11 l,Jt uuiui AIL tLSt rm&. MA tS"' fVtV m SURE CURE FOR PILES IMlea ar" cured tiy pr. Bosnnko'. Pile Remedy Stopa Itchlnc and bier. line. Abforbj tumor., hio a J.r at "ruBSf.t- ur ..nt , mal Tfi'rud'ea? iu about jour case. 1)11, iloa A i nuaaa., i a. OR. GUNN'S Tivevr D PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. C"" slck Headache anyrJr.pepsVa.ntlTuoTll'Implcsaud rurlfy th. Tllnn.1. Aid Dlerstlon andPreTent lllllousness. Dp Illood, Aid iMKoaiionanurroToiinMiiuu.uoo.. uu not Orlps orBlckcn. Toconvlnce you, wo wUlmal aaraple free, orfull box for J5c. IH. 1IOSANKC 0O.,Plillttilii.,i?cuun. Bold by Druggists. Rupture t treated scion tltlcallv and confident! al ly. .Corretpofidenct .HICIlll. 108 ftcond St , Po tlind. niaaliliiery mid Supiille.. CAWSTON & CO.; KNCilNKS, BOILERS, MA chlnery, supplies. 48-60 First St., Portland, Or. JOHN POOLE. Portland, Oreqon, can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is unequalled. Wholesale Driiccl.t. nlul Photoernplilc Biippllea BI.0MAUER-FRAKK DRUG CO. HI AND HO Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon. x"fH!Hlfr WELL - yUllJ DRILL All cuttlmr of tho drill In clay, sand, grarel, rock, Ac, are tlt.charffcU t .urlaco nlth.ut rtnovlnir toal Noted ror.mce.a where pth.i .rail. IHIII.L JllllH 70lo nn TIMES A MINITTR. Profit. Inrt-c. Cata foguo ritlili I.UOMIU Os NYUAJf, TIFFIN. OHIO. Oaro: rreui DR. UARTKL'8 BOOK. ef for Women" Sent Am. In rbUn, sealed enrelopo. Write lo-uar tor mi. uooK.coniaiiunir i'anicn Urs and TeatlmonUh o( D1U MAHTaX'B French Female Pills. Pralaed by thonaands of uttaned ladle, a. sate, always reliable and without an equal. HnliittT.U druirirlll.tn mrt&l box. (Yench in top In Dlue, white and Ited. Take no other, oh Drug Co.; 081 X m fearlSt., Wew Voile City. Reli ,GO EAST... -VIA- Tliroiitrli Fnlnoo nml Tourist Sleepers Dlulni; mid HufTct Smokluir Library Curs. ....FAST TIME.... Fervloo nnd Bcenery Unequalled. For Tickets nnd all information apply to your nearest agent, or address A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. F. and T. A., Portland. R. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A., Seattle. nattbhfaSPENSION BICKFURu. Washington. 0. C. they will re ceive qulok replies. B. 6th N. II. Vols. Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878. IF riEsi HdbW afll u itrtoture. USlCIKCINNATI.O ,M CURE YOURSELF? Uae IIIe a for unnatural dlncharges, luHanimatlon., irritatloui or ulcerations of mucous membranes. IPMT.au common. Palulc... and not aatrlu THtENSCHEHIclCo. sent or polnonous. .".oni uy iiragrclata, 'or tent In plain wrapper. by expre... prepaid, for ii.iv, or i uoiiie., f.Ta. (JlrcuUr rent un reques N. P. N. V. request. NO. M-'OO, WUKN wrltlnr- to udvcrtlscra pleaso mention thla jiajiur. mliy8 wi,0 onc0 practiced. I C. II. W000AR0 & CO.