Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 25, 1899, Image 5

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..ii.ii Hvliim at Hiilmn hn
... on i"1
r Mr. N hari) Hiiimki tin
ii'- i.i.i. manner 111 urn nnviiini
-.itulfllllll iii-""
' .....ill WHIM. Jll RinjHIIIK 111 Lllll IMJPIH"""' "
' I nil iiiiiiiru M
.1 ...naiiflriir .iw v.i.nj ,
r- inimrira worn in iiutniiiiii
Ill IlimiV ttlulillii.i.
.muci " .
. aliflFL IIIHIIImU i.wii. mim I. II I .
i v iiuiiani
.. I ll 1IlllUiK I..
)f, Vttry ""Kl ""ii:, in
i'-. Unrinirlli'lil itml wi til Mr.
'? ' . . I .1... II I. ..II. II '
Jlilnitrct'l. .Mr. oiniiiiin nun ion
ii,it In opiiruuuu iiosi rjumruiiy,
i...(hnroilliiiy """""iiii
II.. Il.. II... In. I. II....
nDtodiU) horioruor iiouse. i ney
i- i.. i... . 1 1 i '
. It ... ...... .H, Ifl-l ...I.V.I..
jplfltel rU won v mu mini- ..ikiiiiliir niiit rlll mi
.ti ... .
. .-L.. iitttM.f ril rilllip iiiiiiiipiii if
UrrWtU norm vn.
XeitSumlHjr licv. hoiii. iyoppiu win
..i. hi farei! II nurmoii ill tlm
.!. n .'luiri'li III ill I H !liv. liri'imrn.
. i. ...In,. In Hon Mulim. Ifiwu. wluirii
.. I anlitr . IIIVIIIIIT rcillHI . irillll
' ... tti.. I.. I. i. I r
Ucli lit eonteinpl Men KrwIimtuiK. "v
i. i. I....... l.l.iMilrli.,1 tvltli ill..
riit in euureli 01 hum cuy lor iwo
an now, and hnn mmlo tunny (rlrmlR
i . -Ill nKir.1 In Innrn nf iilm ilntiurl llpn
j,j . i , t - - .
CUlMi Hold.
Uit wct-k J. I. June oll lilii itrotip
gaining rlalnu Jolntrtft tlm Miuiek
Ki8lnxnil Mllllnif Uompny'iiirotM)rty
.1 . L.....u.. .tm II... Ila.t.l ..n..
u I. Ii. Illntcnani, ninnnKcr 01 tnu
Xuifk MinltiK ami Mllllnic Uxiipany
It rtVI Tlila i.pmllk i1 .IrttliiH In
Iripokcnof ami the price will in
. .11 I I
TheNuyget la in receipt of anaUloxue
l!i8UU Nurinal Bchool ni Drain, fur
Mtint for th in plain Iitiiih the mlran
ltithit may bu ilerivtxl ut that in-
fliutlon. Tho.u winlilnir ii runr of the
BkMkihqul'l nn$, John n. Walker,
faiMtat Drain Kormal 8cliuol, Drain
Fir Colorndm Spring.
iiaea Hvmonway of thii city left
UtnJay for Colorado HprinK whoro he
rill look into the merit of certain
property there. Should the property
fleet with hia approval ho will proh-
Wj trade Cottage Urovo property for
t, aad in that event contemplates mnk
ibli home there.
Itnprovcmenta are ntlll Koinjr on. Mr.
ff.S. Dennett in now erectinK an at-
ndive duelling on hia lot tu-rorn the
trttt from the w.liool liouee,
'itliwina Uxlti, atory Jind om-lmlf.
John Baker, and A. II. Nicholn mutated
k8itn Bennett nro iirt-rildlnit over ita
A'tinie Frank Garontte ha
fwntly addwl n wing to Ilia residence
mi Fourth trret.
Rtitralnlng Order.
OaADBiutlSJiiriKo Issucl
Drelimlnitrv roair.itnlnc- nnti.r uiwiii
Pttition of Kdward H. Lonrh. H. D. !
ka&hlln and 0. G. Wurnlor, real rain-
"t underground work at the Ilelenu
;ine, owned by Jennings Dro. A Hru-
This la the tninu now fn litica-
Ji in tlto circuit court of Dotiglaa
Good l'ronpect.
Arch Piiier wh ihowimr Ida friends ill
IM. -I... . . . ....
-.v, uii uv ueiini oi uircc leui on nm
i; . w ..1. I . .t n i ...1.1..1.
..... ti.u JUIICIIIIII, II. .......
r i,u ... .i . . . .ii
-. f,ii.vit mil uii.v. i. iti, j
- nu ojbi iirvu in oku""
flew Saloon.
Gottira Gravn nnw liaa fniir mitnnnn.
'Dim Ilro.l.. .1.. -i ir
- -w - ' "
inaiii.f ... . - - i i
i uii iiin niininn u n r mil iii i iitr
Uii flt....l.... mi i .. -a
aaaiiva a nil ill n i .n linn i n ii ii ami.-'
"ieiy fitted up md from now on Al-
"lnV bmivarl li,ii. ...Ill l. ii
, I'V. u . nil! I'll lU II
wPi aawcJI aa otlior bevtiraget).
"Fa Jolm n row rx9 Vunn m t liltll.
;vwieniait wk. Iln ndvlnoi! .lilM.
Dton nf M.f. ..I... l. fn...wl
watts Vlyjr mm V aVUIIlt illU
Kl And lnilt. fiiifuwMif AvniflaafMl lio
m veteran of the Held to his master.
'Mtbted to tho tinderalgned, will
P'eaje lettlo before Scptembor 16 1890.
I, WMn ' " . : , " "u" KIIUWM in o (j,jn wrtl(!ll
y wKk o,wUr. f fnrmc an,! n bo,lr(, Kt,,,,,!,,,, Uoltl(: )mi
Jnli " I""' ""Vlum maid,, nil,,,,, o, t Vokolnunu, ..a,,, , . '
jrfl vritli refmnco to mono who JtIl '
2Un ,K' rfl,lmUWl M",,1 "'r,!r'"K '"HNu.,CT; I wiltiyoi'i
lu .willtlfV 111 Lllf! ITXL1IIIL LIIHL lllil tlii-u .....I I I... .. .
, W'1V '"MANILA. '
U-wi IJcttcrs Hcara j,romA
IMillippine Cold Hunter.
The following luttur
11...... 1. . . t .
. . . I Ull i I
'"in-ioni tuny i ilium nrriviMi tit
'HUUitV. IV It Imil n i,. ....... 1 .... . ,
. y nii'ic iiiiii'iiiff I niii.i hk. i.i.i r .. .
Willi til, 11 1 Ill I ....
i wu will IK! Ill V llknlllllnil,
Jni'iin, tomorrow, when. u. .... '
II I U 11 I "Jl I .1 Ill
"reooius pooplo bound for
mm wo nxiiwl to ltd t hern nlmnl
Lllll I Ml. ui 1 i Ii. .
ikhhi. i TusoenM art'
very j
ti.ii.t I
mini mi i mm awn, Wo
liimi i, ...i. .i.i
I rimiiiln yoniH,
Ikwi IIkttkiih. Mimll,,, 'hlliiiliieii.
I'lrttHhiu Feature.
A fentiirr tlmt plnceH tliu old ns well
aatheyoiitiit with this Waller I. Mitin
Ciriiim which exhililtH at Ktiiroiii-j Tlnirn.
day, Hi'pt. 7ih will IkjiIiu appeiiraiu-o of
ixtythr(! performitiij hornt'M in the
ring atone time Thin in iinitiif tinn.
ahly the greutcn nuinlier of traiinil
tlioroughhrcdH over neon together, and i
In without doulit the inoHt remarkable
exhibition of aniiiinl trninint! attfiiipttd
and tlioronghly nfcompliMliud.
1 Out Lout.
j (Jnite h little excitement wan wra
iloned by the iliMiiiipi-arancoof the little
on of Mr and Mr Dick Joiiningi!. The
lltfle fellow atrayed away from bin
mamma at the Sherwooil Hotel, and no
one Meeinrd to know where lie had Kone.
after nome K-arnli, it wan formed that
Kome boy who knew the little fellow
I had taken him home.
McFarland Meal Company filed unat-
! larliment ai'iiitiKt (!lnra Ci'ilderMof ti e
I Hohemia Motel, tli i h week The cai
Mime n j) for hearing befoie Jnctice
Vanglin Wednefdny, Attorney .1 K
; Vonng opjiearing for piaintifr and J M
William defendant. A judgment wan
rendered in furor of plaintiff for f10 and
For nohemla
Al Cliurr lilll, Hoi Dnvidcon and At
torney J K Voting, luft on the Htage
Friday morning for iiohemia for an out
ing. Clia. Hofr, formerly of the St Louin
Jeweiery Co., (.rant l'af, i now pre
siding over the repair work of Sid David
aonti during lii abnenre in nohemia. Mr
HofT i highly recommended and all
work entrusted to him will receive
prompt and careful attention.
Quito a flour famine was experienced
hero thi week. For nevornl day it wa a
diflicult matter to get a naekof flour. It
i undertKi tiiat a car load of Kttgene
Hour will lie received here Monday.
Krneat Iockwood came in from the
mine Wednemhiy and will remain un
til Monday.
F. it. I'him.ihiih ha bin now Htoek of
heater in. Go and see them they are
The lower Mory of the Sherwool block
will Ih' HnlRhed ready for occupancy by
the 1st of the month.
If vnii wnnta cook stove, whuiik
stove or camp h'ovo go
to F. 11.
Ilousonndlotin Eugene to trado for
... :.. rVill.inri drnVII
ilHjoiru iii.
Anyone wishing to buy a good side
ddlo will do well to call on Mrs. C. h.
Cy Milk-r wants
wood. See him.
100 tier of stovo
t .i...
a wimuu "I
kindling wood for 2r,ots. "jj"
A two-horso wagon box load, dry
kindling woml for 25cts..UiSagi.m.i
Tlm M. 0. 0. Bnkery announces that
1h from I
wIUb1vo.i fine cake. Tlio i-hkw -K.
AU A,Joijt y0,J
ilamoM Hart Ih in fiom the tninua.
Joe IJrown Ih Iioiiki from Jlolioinia.
Krnnk .lenniiigH in viHltlnn in town
UiIb week.
Al Churchill 1m in from liohomiii or u
few diiyH.
Attorney J. S. Medley wiih it vlnUor to
Kolioiniu litHt week.
Dick .leunlng returned from tlio
Helen nhiHt Monday. -
Attorney J. H. Vouitg was u visitor
to Kiigeno thi week .
Mr Tlio Awbroy lottirncd homo from
Kugeiio last Wednesday.
Dr. Simpp ha returned from liia niin
'iiv'cliiiiiin In ftohemiit.
Mih. .1. H. Medley loft TueMlny morn
ing for a weeks vIhII at I'ortlnnd.
Herbert Leigh and G. G. Warren
viHiting in Uoliemiir tlii week.
Mr. howl of J,ewi and Ventch
tnriieil on WedncHdiiy's local.
C.J. Howard ha returned from n
10 ilay visit to tlio Doliomia district.
Clin. liruueau of the Helona came
down for a few days visit last Tues
day. .Sam Bennett is boH carpenter on the
new Bennett residence now under con
Htriietion. F Alnpau di, representing It G Dunn
& Co, the Mercliantite Agency, was in
Cottage Giove Thursday.
Hon. S M. Yoran of Eugene returned
fiom a i ip to Iiohemia Tuesday night
well pleased with what lie saw.
Clms. Vandenl)tirg with Grifliu and
Veutch of this city, is doing business for
bis hoio'e in Bohemia this week.
!'..(. JenningH came down from the
mines last Thursday and transacted
IniHiiiess in Portland tlio last of the
Wm. Faler the gonial member of the
firm of Falter and Neis, Albany, was in
town this week in tlio interest of busi
ness. Chns. Lovelace, one of Co C'e veterans
who has been visiting here for a few
day left for his home near Yoncolla
Mayor Bristow left Saturday morning
for Newport where lie will join Ills
family. They expect to return homo
Damond Sherwood is down from the
Musick mine rendu'' tin a bit. Ho
walked in yesterday, covering the 40
miles in 11 hours.
1'rofohsor Orton. who is nresidim; over
thu destinies of a summer school at
Coinstnek. was a passenger to Eugene
on Saturday morning's local.
E. It. Cox, Assistant manager of the
Portland Electric Coumanv. nnd who is
closely identified with property in Bo
hemia was in thu city over bunday.
Wm Dent, of Poitland. representing
the Oregon Fire Relief Association, Mc
Minnville, Oregon, was representing his
company's interests here this week.
Mrs. Emmerson who owns tho
property opposite the Fashion Stables
on Main street is having some sub
stantia! improvements made thereon.
H. W. Rowland of tiio Guard came
back from liohuinia i ucsday night, and
returned Wednesday morning to Eu
gene. Howaid is pretty much taken
up with tho mines.
Mis. Wm. Cutbirtli left Saturday
niirbtfornn extended visit with her
sister Mrs. James of Los Angeles, Cali
fornia. Her brother. Henry, inst home
from Manila is also visiting there.
G. S. Battv, prominent in brokerage
circles in Portland, and who is now
deeply interested in Bohemia properties
has been spending it week in Cottage
Grovo going to noheiuia Weanesitay.
Cintiiin Win. Moon. Co. C, Second
Oregon, just from Manila, spent n few-
days in this city tins week, lie reports
himself agreeably surprised witti tho
rapid progress Cottago Grovo is mak
ing! Superintendent I. II. Bingham of tho
Music!: Minim: and Milling Company,
Bohemia, was an arrival last Saturday,
meeting Mrs. Bingham ami tanilly hero.
Mr. IJintrhatn has just returned from a
suinmcr outing near Astoria.
Professor!). V. Kuykendnll was in
Cottoge Grovo a fewli. uis Wednesday,
on his way toEugono from Drain. Pro
fessor Kuvkcndall will hold tho chair of
mathematics at the Drain Normal this
year. Ho is a graduato from tho u ot
O., a thorough student, a clovor gentle
man, and ono of the best and most en
thusiastic atlilets ever turned out of tho
U.ofO. Tho Drain Normal is to bo
congratulated upon retaining so onor
gotic'nnd painstaking a young man.
Captain Moon returned to Eugene witli
the professor,
-Gumming & Sehr.-
Can not be surpassed for real worth
Crockery, Glassware,
Granite ware, Tin
ware, Wood and
Willow ware,
And the way they hold prices down
will prove beneficial to every
economical buyer. A large
shipment of Syrups just recieved
Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs
and glass.
Look up the
C. M. Hhndrrjjr,
E. J.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M- Heiderer & Go. Prop. .
Reasonadle Prices
' First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single,
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Keonomy is not
ljuylns Shoddy
Wo now have a FULL
STOCK of tho j
A New I...!.- M
Dry aood
I drocerles.
Jlonriiusy I
Hint .1
llurkliulilur. I
Stoves and Tinware: Hardware
Sundries; Carpenters Tools; Gar
den Tosls, and Miner's Supplies.
The Best Line of
Agriculture Implements in the
City, Including the Celebrated
:::::: StOUghton Wagon::::::
PLOWS, Etc. Headquarters for
Plumbing, Tin and Sheet Iron
J. A. Frybr.
l Proprietors of the Bohemia j
and I
i Black Butte Stage Lines.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with us.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and ,
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
Adminstrator's Notice.
Notlcols hereby given that the underslffncd
hns been duly appointed hy the County Court
odjino County, Oregon, administrator o( tho
estate nf James Q. Hunt, deceased. All persons
havlnRplalms against Bald estate are hereby
required to present the same to me propesly
verified, as by law required, at Wlldwood, Ore.
within six months of the date hereof.
Dated this the 30th day of June, ISM.
J. T. Hunt.
Administrator of the estate of James Q. Hunt,
Masons' fruit jars all sizes, Vacum
fruit jars nil sizes, extra caps and rub
bers, jelly glasses urn! fruit fillers. All
at the lowest possiblo prices at Cummino
& Sehr's.
A full suit of summer underwear for
50 cents at Kakix &, Bkibtow's,
Ovoralls, tlio bost you over saw, 50
cents 'a pair at Eakin & Biubtow's.
Kemmober Dr. 1. h. Scoflidd, Dentist
when you want doittal work dojip.
AN.flB HEI.vniCH.