Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 25, 1899, Image 2

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I'liblltlicil KycTT Friday.
Comprehensive Ilovlow of the Import
nnt llnpiionlncpi nf tho l'nit AVeok
Culloil Fnim the Telegraph Column!
Tho Colorado volnntoers linvo nr
rived, hi San FranoWo from Manila
General Davis says tho deaths from
the etoim in Porto Rico will reach
2,000. '
Tho partner of Ales McDonald, the
Klondike king, denies Uio lattor's
The meat combine lias forced New
York butchers to taiso tho price three
pent a a pound.
According to news recoived of the
fleet now in Boiing sea the whaling
season was not a great success.
The California Passenger Association
lias agreed on a rate of $37.50 to the
Missouri river for leturning soldiers.
An emblem of n badger four feet
long, cast from a Spanish cannon, will
ndoin tho new battleship Wisconsin.
At Cnxbondalo, III., striking miners
were arrested for violating the court's
injunction against interference with
Illinois wants a deep waterway to
the Gulf and u river convention will
be hold in Chicago in Ootorber to or
The anti-expansionists talk of put
ting- a national ticket in tho field
ngainst McKiiiley as "Continental Re
Eighteen thousand unstamped cigars
were captured at Tampa, Fla. The
factory lias been carrying on a profit
able traffic for some time.
Tiie automobile is to be given a test
for war service. An experiment will
be mado in carrying messages and mail
from Chicago to New York. J
In a brush with tho insurgents who
nguin attempted to retake Angeles, tho
Americana lost two killed and 12
wounded; tho insurgents' loss is esti
mated at 200 men.
Admiral Sampson will have charge
of tho naval reception to Admiral
Dewey. The North Atlantio squadron
will probably meet the admiral a day's
euil from ,Tew loik.
President Ratchford, of the United
Mine Workers, blames the state author
ities fur the trouble atWardner, Idaho,
He says the miners' organization is not
ciiminal nor dofender of criminals.
A Paris special to the New York
'Journal says that a syndicate has plot
ited to kill Dreyfus if the trial result
in acquittal. The plan included the
It i ling of Labori. Assurance is given
that speedy acquittal may now be
looked for.
Portland, Or., is to have a bicycle
The Santo Domingo rebels have es
tablished a junta at New York.
Advices from Honolulu say that vol
canic action of Mauna Loa has entirely
Willamette valley hopgrowers have
Agreed on 40 cents as the price for hop
pickers. , July reports show- that both exports
ana imports increased over trie same
month last year.
Andrew Carnegio has sent another
$1,000 check to tho Anti-lmperialistio
League at Boston.
President McKlnley spoke to the
scholars at the Catholio summer sohool
at Lake Champlain.
A suspicious disease, having all the
symptoms of bubonic plague has mado
its appearance in Portugal.
M. Labori is recovering from his
wound, and expects soon to bo ablo to
attend the court-martial.
A case of yellow fever has appealed
among the marines guarding the gov
ernment property at Havana.
Lily Langtry, tho actress, has again
married. Tho groom is but 28 yean
of age. of English parentage.
The Unitod States cable steamer
Hooker is ashore in Manila bay and
efforts to tow her oil havo proved un
successful. Mexicans are holding the Yaqui In
dians down, and the miners now think
tho Yaqui's war will bo confined to the
Indian reservation.
Tho navy department has received a
letter from Admiral Dewey speaking in
high terms of the treatment lie and his
mon recoived at tho hands of tho Aus
trian people.
Tho shooting of M. Labori stirred up
All Europe The opinion is general
that Drefyus' cause is loser thereby
ffiom tho eulorced absenco of the at
torney during the confrontation.
Seoretary Wilson while in Chioago
After his recent trip to tiio coast says
Uio learnod something of Philippine
(agricultural conditions while here, and
Js enthusiastic over tho future of tho
are to
of lo-
The Chilean ministry has rosignod,
Quiet has boon restored In the liluo
fiahluArlctpliMrngua. , ( , n
Lieutenant George F. Tolforhns boon
appointed census hupqi visor for tho
Second district of Oiegon.
Dawson Cltv saloon keepers havo
(formed a trust and will mnko whisky a
dollar u dunk this winter.
Gold is roported to be nunin (lowing
Into the bank of England and British
financiers aio feeling bettor.
Two 17-vcnr-old bovs woro killed
while stealing watermelons in Ourav,
Colo. The murderer says ho only shot
to scaic the boys,
Tho hunt for gold on Kotzobuo Found
biought fearful results. Sovon per
con t of those who wont into that in-
hospitable country lost thoir lives.
From the reports on the world's
wheat crop thero is littlo to indicate
failure in either Germany or Russia,
whilo England's ciop is hugo.
Angorcd by tho action of a gambler
who assaulted one of thoir number, the
Indians of a grading camp at Wiiiblow,
Ariz., threaten to exterminate tho
Japan has issued her new law
latlng all faiths and beliefs.
pagan ami Christian religions
bo placed under absoluto control
cal governors.
At Wetnmpka, Ala.., Potor
and his 15-year-old son wcio
from jail nnd lynched bv a mob.
were accused of shooting Hall Jordan,
a respectable citizen.
M. Labori nppearod in court Tuesday
morning, and H ins condition will per
mit, he will conduct the caeo for Drey
fus until a verdiot is reached. He was
warmly greeted by tho prisonor.
A seaman of the British ship Aninhi-
trite was caught by a tow line, dinwn
overboard and drowned as tho vessol
was entering the Columbia river. An
other member of the crew was lost in a
similar maimer in Honolulu harbor.
A plot to escapo from the guardhouse
was unearthed ut Fort Sheridan. Tno
prisoners had tho bars of the guard
house all sawed through and had ob
tained possession of tho key to tho
magazine. Knives, powder and cut
ridges were found in iheir possession
The government is confident that th
situation in Samoa is under con
trol. The Badger was saluted and
cheered by tho natives as sho sailed
The temporaiy government set up by
the commission is fully capable to huh
natives in check thongu they do ut
tempt to cause tiouble
The iron miners' of Miohigan aro be
coming restless and threaten to strike
Tho Roanoke has readied Seattlo
with $250,000 in gold dust from Capo
Five people wero drowned by the
capsizing of tho schooner Savidge near
Detroit, Mich.
It is said the trust conference ntCh
cago will be a representative, non-poli
tical gathering.
Nebraska has raised $35,000 for her
bravo regiment and wil- bring them
homo in a special train.
The seat of tne Yaqui Indin war has
been removed to ground advantageous
to tho Indians.
Eight hundred tons of supplies left
Philadelphia on a transport for the
Porto Rico sufferers.
Seattle won first place at the annual
meeting of the Pacific Northwest utli
letic Association at Astoria.
The secretary of the interior has is
sued ordeis to restore to public domain
the land once reserved for the Columbia
river boat railway,
Two Indians and one white man wero
hanged for murder at Dawson lust
month. They wore the (list legal exe
cutions in that country.
General Meriitt, after a talk with
President McKlnley, stated to a corre
pondont of tno pfess that thero would
be no ohango in tho commanders of the
Two French lieutenants
Violent Mob in Paris
a Churob.
wero assas
sinated in tho Soudan, where they had
been sent to take command of a column
of troops. Revenge is thought to havo
prompted tho act.
In a head-end collision between trol-
loy oars near Philadelphia thirty peo
ple wore injured, some fatally. Care
lessness of the molormati is given as
tho cause of the accident.
Tho Twenty-sixth regiment ntPIatts-
burg, N. Y., lias received orders to pre
pare to leave for Manila withi.i a week.
Liko orders have been received bv the
Thirty-first infanrty at Fort Thoinas.
Prince Henry, of Prussia, who com
mands tho German squadron in tho Pa
cific, will visit San Francisco, on board
his flagship after ho loaves China.
President MoKinley has extended him
an invitation to visit Washington.
Mr. S. S. Peterson has nurohased a
sito at Port Angoles, Wash., and if sat
isfactory arrangements can bo mado ho
will put in operation a shinirlo and
liollow-waro plant of gigantic propor
tions, which will give employment to
75 persons. Tho matter of grantinir a
franchise to Mr. Poterson was favor
ably considered by tho council at its
last meeting. '
Criioltlx nnd 3rnMn.M.t Thrown Into mid KHvil-rniitiill"""" Crowd
UItoi the INillce H ' I'ls''1,
Paris, Aug. 22. Paris was today
the scene of most serious diatuibnticori,
recalling some aspect of tho communis
In response to an appeal of tno Journal
dn Pouplo, groups of anarchist and eo
clalists guthoied about 3 o'clock in the
afternoon in tho Place do la Ropub
liquo. Tho police had taken precau
tions, mid theio seemed to ln no dan
Kei of disorders. Sebastian Fanro and
Faberot, well-known levolutloiiiiiy an
archists, weio tho ring-leaders. Fame,
standing on tho pedestal of the stiituo
which lises in tho center of the Palato
de la Repuhllquo, adresncd the ciowd.
Among otiier things ho said that tho
anarchists should bo musters of tho
streets. The police then inteifcicd
and dislodged Finite and Fuboiot, mak
ing threo nrrostB. Tho ciowd at this
point dispeisod, but a column of dom
onstiators, headed by 1'iuiro and
Henri d'Hori, mado for the Placo do
la Nation. Tho polico luoko thioogh
the column and a struggle for tho mas
tery followed. Shots weio fired, and
M. Goullier, comuiusary of police, was
twice stabbed with a knife.
The rioters piocceded toward tho
Fuubnrg du Temple, at tho coinor of
Ruo Darbori and the Ruo fat. Jlaiiri
Popincourt, thoy formed up into a com
pact bodv. Hatchets wero suddenly
produced, with long knives stolon fioro
tho countors of shops, and a opneon
t rated rush was made upon the Church
of St. Joseph.
The aged sacristan, seeing the mob,
hastily olosed.tlio outer gates, but these
weie soon forced witli hatchets and
bars of iron. Tho massive oaken doois
were then attacked. According to tho
first account, the wild hordo burst into
the church, which instantly became a
sceno of wild pillage nnd sacrifice. Al
tars and statues wero hurled to tho
floor alid smashed; pictures woro rent,
candlesticks, ornaments and hosts from
high altars were thrown down and
trampled under foot. The crucifix
above was made the target tor miesilus
ianu the iigitie of the Savior was fruo
tured in govern! places. Then, while
rancorous voices sang tho "Cannae
note," the chairs wero carried outside,
piled up and set on fire in the center of
the Hitiaro fronting tho church. When
this stage was reached, tlie crucifix
was pulled down and thrown into the
flumes. Suddenly the cry was raised
that the statue of the Virgin had been
forgotten, and tho crowd leturned and
tore this down also.
An attempt was made to fire the
choir of St. Joteph's with petroleum,
and the ttremen wero called in to
quench the flumes. Several parishion
ers wero severely mauled in their ef
forts to defend the church from sncri
lege. The church is situated In tin
pooreet Quarter of tho city. So disord
ers of any kind occurred in tho fashion
able district.
Meanwhile tho sacristan, who had
been captured by tho anarchists, es
caped, and oalled the polico and reptib
iican guaids, who promptly arrived,
win. iiiituy consiaoies. mev wero
compelled to fall back in order to foim
up Into line of defense, as tho annich
ists attacked them fearfully with
IMil ItuT.y Swt TliU?
London, Aug. 22. The Naples corre
spondent of the Daily News tolegrapliH
the substance of an inteiviow he had
with Admiral Dewey thero during th..
admiral's recent visit. Admiral Dewey
said he belioved tho Philippine ques
tion would shortly be solved. In his
judgment, the inhabitants are
of self-government, and the only way
to settle the insurrection and to insuro
prospeiity is to concedo It to them.
He declared that ho was never in fnTnr
of violence toward the Filipinos, and
remarked that after autonomy had
concodod, annexation miuht bo talW.,1
of. When asked whether n i-nnfllnt lm.
tweon Germany and tho United States
over tho Philippines were possible,
Admiral Dowoy replied, according to
bj.u uurruBfj.jiiuuni;
It is impossibla to fornix tt.n un
III . . -
. ... ..... ph. Tho Daily Chron-
. .M"1: V .1... following f.onult-
It ..dUllllllllItt!
I-iiri c.M.ic, . . .... lllMt
A detiiehn.oiii u ' -
romptciod an atiiu lt upm M. UimhIh h
Zl, which U llkoly to load to blood-
. i ... I I. iiiiir.llllL1.
Xo1ni.Iv is allowed to n.pionh tho
homo, the cavalry cluugos imu.uu.i.
k-saly brutal.
Iml Annrohlot
iT..rrp..i.i.- . .
t... 'i in miimodiimnni uf
Turin, i" , , ,,
voMoiiluy'H oventH, judicial prouoo. ngH
have been ii.Htit.iti"! 8 "'' '"'
v...r nnd four othotis for roinilllon,
f vlnlm.eo and ntU'inpU to mur
der, and iiLMiiiiHt dim wttont for roll
blng a building nml burning its furnl-
lu f..r hiiiilWIIlL' wiliuunn "mi
... i.i,. t,i rlritmia MSieuiblago.
A member of tho Anti-Somite League
Pav M. G.iorin Inw ' '. "10r"
.. I'r.iin today on all
churches will ho guarded by pickets of
lepublican guards, and dotucl.miintfi n
i....... ... I n,.viliv will ho hold ill
llllilllll. . ,
rn.til i llllkn fnr OVOMtUlllUUM!. lllfluniH'
l.v tint riotorn to thii Church
of St. Jomji'Ii i estimated ut 8,000
francs. Tho church is rturiouiulod by n
cordon of polico. and no olio Is allowed
to approach tho building. " i" point"
...i the i lot im Demons aro
dom 15 to 20 years of ugo
FH 1HK IS Slfil
Flu-lit With Kebela.
Manila, Aug. Sa. On
the Twolfth infantrv Was Ifllltwl ami
another was seriously wounded whllo
reconnoitering last ovenlmr nnrth
Angoles. Tho Americans encountered
a large forco of insurgents and llrnvo
them lrom ther position.
Weutonant Colo, of the Slid. tnf.
try, with 80 men, encountered inn i.
surgents intrenched in tl.
of the ialand of Nmma nM,i i
tliem, nfter an hour and a half of fi.
vere ftehtini!. Tim AniArUnn i. i
, " wi ivKiia IJUU
threo men slichtlv bnri mi,,.....
dead insurgonts wero countod in tho
trenches. Six rifles and a anantltv nf
roservo ammunition were oaptured.
u.durgonts recently out tho cable
n Lacuna de Dav. lnndin If tA Pnl,..l..
on the south shore of tho lake, but the
break has been repaired. I
i ..rill. Itnrlnl Will Ho Oh.
rnl lir Vlrcliiln Mim.
Washington. Aug. 21. Piepaintionri
for tb.i olmrrvaiico of tlio 100th aiini-
voisaiy of Ueorgo WuBliington'a dentil
urn hhIiil' actirolv conducted1 bv tho
committee of the grand lodg'i of Ma-
s fur tho stato of Vliginla mid br
local !odi:e.. The Masonic obnoiv
iincos which will tako plnco in Alexan
dria and at Mount Vernon, December
13 and H next, aro being thoroughly
discussed and planned.
The programme as virtually Bettlod
upon opens with tho iiMcmbllug of tho
grand lodge of tho Mute of Vitginia in
Alexandria on December 18. Karly
the following inorniiig the statu grand
lodge, accompanied by lodge No. -t, of
Fioderickubtirg, Va., of which (JenorHl
Washinctoii v a men. bet; tint two
local loilges. Federal liwlgo, of Wash
ington, and roprosi'iitutivu Mkihiiih
from all over the world will procowl to
Mount Vernon, wjiero the funeial serv
ices of December 18, 1700, will bo du
plicated as nearly us possible.
Turin Klro's (lrMt florin.
Ponce, Potto Rloo, Aug. 23. It it
now estimated that the .iodic uf 2,C0U
victiuiH of the recent liuriicano huvu
been buried, that 1,000 ikjuoiim weio
injured during the storm, and that
2,000 people aro still missing.
There are opportuniticd hero now for
investors. There is tho greatest luck
of money for repairing damages, ru
planting unit repluuihhing stockH.
The alcades appoiutod com mil tees
for tho distribution ol relief, stoicd.
etc., but the military authorities oh
jected to it.
Ponco is healthy, though bodies con
tinue to bo found in the fields. Tho
authorities havo decided to bum tho
ruins of Ytihuco.
Silly I.Itki Wrr
Nohern. N. C, Aug. 23. Reports
today nom tne const of oitli Caiolina,
whore tho West Indian huirioano
touched last week, show that there
were a laigo number of lives lust and
much damago done to proporty. Four
teen fishermen, in trying to cross Piin
lico sound in nkifTs, wero lost. Four
bodies linvo been recovered. The
schooners Goodin and Aurora woro
wieckod. The L. R. Hill ie ushoie.
Tho Rcswiok and all hands aro tenort.
cd lost. Iheco losses all ocuried in
i'linlico sound. It is believed that as
many iib 00 persons lost thuir lives In
the storm.
I n fx n I i niui Hrnrnntl.
H r 1 1 A ..
iwiiiiiu, iiug. will o a rocon.
noitering party of tho Twonty-fourth
I..- . . .
...luinrj, uiiiiur vju niain urano. wuh
cioasing tho Mariquinn rivor on n raft
today, tho hawsers hroko. Tho our-
ront, very swift at that point, caused
to capsizo, diowning nino en-
iistod mon.
Tho United States
from Sim Frnnoisco July 21, with Gon-
erai uoeepii wiiooler nnd ins daugiitor,
troops ot tho Nineteenth infantry nnd
mum nnni i,uuu,uuo lii coin has arrived.
Ho Will ' Not Submit t0
land's Dcmau(s
It ! Hlllll llnnlllitir
i ii
nnd (iruimn i-ir Him,,
r..M a u 1..... .
.... t., ,.nj nilpi -
Iiomlon, An. a.- i tnr0 u rft,
rrimy uuuui that iWiH.7,r
imn luiuniMi i() flu MM 1 1
ii .... . MIOiU
tun mi.
tttitnl t an.!. . a "I'Uu.rl
" "i ii.niiiri n
I . " J 111 )
Hut tl.iu l... ' . "y
i ugly.
...i i... ,i... tii.i i ' 'J lent
V " "-I...I. K"V IIIIII01 , ....
mount to positive -t.isai, ,, ' ''u
'II.. ...
'MfMMiil ..ftt
ii. hi n
k rtliNir litiii i ' M
Bomiiwnai vuriiiod l.v it,.,
liiuul of
D.tatdUhod (nut.
noiiuoininltlul, but llll-rc
diinces which limply
incut. Tho loiion
iiii. f, i ... ...
..... v....'...iii i.iiir'ii mil ...
ii.., i, i,m... --"wiu
is not tho il.i:htH ,i,mi "
now bollnvo war ia ii. ii ...i.. u ''"'I
(In lll.i rmilifit-.i.... ' ''"i
.'. win, . i
Thoy would fur rnilmr ii.r. ...
nnrt. il.illntil mi....... ,i ai
ixlng mifiwoi whu li tho l!oerM,t.
i.i. .. . "".KB
linn num. i. mi Kirillfi
II.I...I ...I.I l .
-'mini i. w inn imvu piiiin fitenti'tU
- - ,, limit iH
Under tho oirriiiiiMuiKcs, xtnlcb t'f,
iiiuiiii'u iiiht i.xinin, iiggiptiifo ijB
nuui.n v-uimiui-iiHuij ix' munition to hi..
ly it III tno eyos of ti.o world an
i. ni. ...i. . ,. . . " I-1
i-.iikhsii miiioriiy wiiu still ticdiraitr
would Ixi an outrage. Jl.wrcr if v.
uiiaiiiueiinin iiiin is wnv. it u ,,J
Pronldfiit Krugor'M ci.intr. ro'-jivl
trill w It I. a.., ill m. ,.,.. I
... ...vw i . . . .... . it.,u.ii n asj
... i .
iwih tno ijoors ciimpiut.-ijr MJ,
which U not liki-ly. u.a emu ',
(ldiukly develop into v,a-.
It Iikm iloveloiu-.l Hie ;:
has wion nwaro nf tl.o napjie ol c.
TrniiHvntil goverinni'iii'. autvtn rii
ernl days anil thut .t uaa r, , :, In tho war nfll. n, I it ii it
alile tlmt Hreiit H-iiim, r l !'..ri!-J
iiouncoiuoiit an little an ii'!i!)r
A high nllli'Ial i'X r. f-( l to a rr
RVIIiailVU OI lliu prCHM 111 iJ,J..,!ii
what hn tunnel "KniL'ur's r . ;i
and hvMorisy." Ho sm
Tliu kind of gamv uhi'iii Kr ;j
playing must Imi c oar t i Aim
Tho protMtatioim f tic I'."i j,
they wish to live a piu-t ajr. .i!
life, tuny bu the tuisouf toiot ! l.i
Voldet, but tho gang in I'M r i it
finiplv after uiom-v Tnciijli I'io
dent ICrugor nays tunny harsh U.n.i
tho uithiiiders, ho never lieiitstt!
make inouov out of theai. eitbe
fair or foul meaiix.
This Transvaal nnrstion cann
judged by recent occurrence.. Y
must go linak CO yearn. Itlm it
hanging tiro nil that time, i'Im
sooner it in Kotiloil now the Itlte
Though tho oflklul did iiotacii
sny imi, it was clear thai ho w.
war was tho only meiiioJ ol i1-'
It is lonrnod that the i!0T(r 1.1
is roiiunrhut uunoved at tlinp
slight inturost in tho TianiTii.1,
A spoical dispatch fiuuil-peT"
say thuio is great dniigcr of an
break of violence on tho frontier n
that tho scum of Houth Africa u"'
listing throtigliiiiit the culony, .:
being sent to Pitsaiila ami Jj'jih,
on tho bord t,
Iluilnraa rrtliin i.fllin t'i.l.irH.1" " A witr.
Cripple Creole, crolo.. Aug. 23, Fim
has uttoilv destroved tho business r-v
tion of tho city of Vuior, -ausni
loss estimated at 2.000.000.
Hiiuni.ii. i uluirttv iillur noon.
fire rnued until evening, comoni
eviirvtlihiL. in im ui.v. It had Uorijt".
it is t houiiht. in tho Merc'ini.H
niHoinini tho Rank of Victor, on W"
I 'I'lilnl Blmi'l flllll Vli''1"
A strong wind from W'0
t in fliimoH. and in n It'"""
tho surroundiim houe
utes all
nil io.
Criilmr IUihiipiI Hlilpwrockuil Oriw.
juu Janeiro. aul. 2.1 'Pl.n ti..u,..i
Stutos cruiser Montgomery nrrivod hero
...oi iiigiu iiom iVlOlltOV i nn. Rhn ...
it . 7 . "K re6u"" tho ciow of tho
Diuiuiioi nomoton, wJiich wont
aground at Marica, 20 miles east of this
Pott. All tho motiibora of tho Nottlo-
crow woro saved. Tugs
linn. I ....
DU'"- iu ihbciio tlio vessol.
Olympic, hU,., AtUokml
UUIIUUII. AUg. a A onnl,.l ,ll
patch from Leghorn, Italy, By8 ,ivo
I neon arrested thore on a
chaige of at acking and wounding somo
"I1!0" ,10 oomo ''oro from tho
v-uioor viyuipin,
I'nmlne oi, K.,.t C.iiut ..rAfrloa.
London. Aul. an 'iu. m i.
otn.,,.. u' i . , - uiiuruii Jills-
1,aa received n re-
Africa! " " th0 ea8t coa8t 01
Biimmoned from Criprjj
Crook, but tho town had bcon
tho early days of tho camp, nnd
piuo timber for tho most rarl,
burnoil liko paper. KITortH noio m"'1
to Htiin ilm iiriiL'ingn of tl.o Harn''1'
....... - i r - - i l ., m.
ln Minims 01 "J"
.w .,,H ii,, uiilliin,, ".
iiinito, and all iiftornoon tho
hnvo roared with tho ox plosions.
tho effort wna in vnin. , ...
mi l.i . it,... nf llin 0 l '"
lirn.n.l n ,.nllvn V little. I'UI
M..UIU1, t.Vfl.ll'1.1 II. . w. - I .,,1,
biiHinuHS portion is pnriilyzod. ,
ferlng is hound to follow. IM
i.ui ni iii
men may bo roughly desipna" .
spuco botwoon tlio head ol ionr
and Victor nvondo, extoiiding ri"
Gold Coin initio buildings, on tlio w.
to n point near Second stroot, anu"
Third stroot almost to Diamond avenu
TlMilue It""' HiiiiKi
RnnlMn An. 21. A fishing
......... w , - - n'
coninliiliiir two man v
. . . . nn"
Thursday night by tno aim
Pncfllonoar tho mouth ol i'10' .j
rivor. Quo of tho oocupami
y .1 MA 1H
Hnfilnn tuna rit-fiWlllHl. v ' i
hnvo fo'ii.iorly lived In Sliaflta com.
Cnl. His companion, uo "
wan piokod up by tho North Puciuo.
rnn "'"
said V