Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 18, 1899, Image 2

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    "ASLAND stood on
the crest of the bill
ami looked across
the waste of tangled
gorse. no wipeu
his forehead with
Jilhls handkerchief
and stretched him
self at full length ou
the sun-baked turf
"What weather!"
he growled, fumb
ling Idly with his
sketch book. "Too
hot to live, almost,
and only May! That
girl must be as mad as myself to think
of walking on a day like this.
He glanced down the winding path
with a pathetic curiosity, unbuttoned
bis coat, and fanned himself vigorous
ly with his sketch book. Then he lay
EtUl for fully ten mluutcs.
The ejaculation stilled a ponderous
yawn. Ilasland spraug to his feet,
pulled off his coat spasmodically, and
faced the girl with a flush of embar
rassed pleasure.
"Miss Thornton!"
"I I had almost abandoned all hopes
of ever seeing you again," he began.
"You know I was away when you left,
and "
"And what are you doing here In the
"Trying to kill two birds with the
proverbial stone," he answered lightly.
"Endeavoring to earn a living and get
ionie fresh air at the same time, and
faring badly on both sides. It's too
hot to work, and tlie heat won't give
the fresh air a chance. I suppose you're
staying in the village, E:h Miss Thorn
ton?" "Yes. at the manor. I have a sltua-
. tion there for the summer."
She looked down at her dusty shoes,
and Hasland realized with a little pang
of pity that fortune was still unkind to
her. She was wearing the same plain
white dress that she had worn the first
time he met her wo summers before.
"And do you like your new position?"
ho ventured.
"Oh, yes." She raised her head with
a start. "I am companion to n lady,
and she is generally very good to me.
I have not a great deal to do, but some
times "
"Well?" asked Ilasland, with eager
"She Is very Irritable at times. Poor
soul! she Is lonely, and I think she has
had a lot of trouble. I have been here
nearly four mouths, and we have never
had a visitor. She lives in London dur
ing the winter, and I think her niece,
Mis3 Colmore "
Ilasland was busily engaged in tilling
his pipe, but both pipe and tobacco
pouch slipped from his lingers, and his
teeth closed together with a snap.
"Miss what?" he gasped.
"Colmore. She was at the last drawing-room,
you know, and they say she
Is engaged to be married to Lord Flsk
erton. She is coming to stay at the
manor for a few weeks."
He rubbed his chin and gazed away
pensively toward the river. The girl
held out her hand, but he did not notice
It for a moment.
"I must really go, Mr. Hasland," she
Bald. "It Is almost 4 o'clock. I cannot
tell you how pleased I am at having
Been you again. I hope you are selling
plenty of pictures?"
"I shall see you again," he ques
tioned, furtively evading her glance.
"I am staying at the Inn. Oh, yes, I am
doing fairly well," he went on, hastily.
"There are some charming bits of
landscape down in the valley; It's a
regular artist's paradise. But, Ethel
Miss Thornton "
, "Good-by."
1 "Au revolr, then!" he answered, re
luctantly, raising his cap. "I shall see
you again one of the days."
Stretched there In the sweltering
haze ho mused with half-closed eyes
over the days ho had spent In the shabby-respectable
Loudon boarding-house.
Every morning at 0:30 precisely the
plaintive creaking of tho unpalnted
gate would draw him cautiously to his
window to wa ch her set out cheerfully
to meet thnt monotonous unchanging
round of toll.
"Poor little girl!" he said, rising and
picking up his sketch book. "And what
a coincidence! If I can see Kate Uio
fates may tnkc It Into their heads to
smile, nfter all."
He descended the hill whistling, nnd,
crossing tho common, reached the
dusty road leading to the village. A
rumble of wheels nnd a rattle of har
ness made him turn his head luqulsl
tlvely, and then a scene almost identi
cal with the one thnt had taken place
on the hill half an hour before was
Ilasland staggered under tlie hall of
questions that followed, but struggled
manfully to nnswer them. Giving tho
coachman orders to drive slowly, sho
tripped down and they walked on side
by side.
"Have you seen Aunt Carrie?" she
"Good gracious, no, Kntlo! It's tho
queerest thing In tho world. I only
came down here a day or two ago, and
I hadn't tho faintest Idea In the world
that sho was within 100 miles of the
place. I haven't seen her or hnd a lino
since our mutual understanding nnd
tho battle that followed. I supposo
she's as flinty as ever?"
Poor fellow," sho said sympatheti
cally. "It must be a horrible experi
ence to be cut off with n shilling or
without even thnt; but I'm sure It
would bo Infinitely worse for both of
us had we countenanced her pet scheme
and married. I am very fond of you,
Hal, but "
"It would hardly have been a Darby
and Joan existence, eh? What does
aunt think about your engagement with
Lord Fiskerton?"
She didn't like it at all at first and
gave me homilies by the hour on my
base ingratitude In abandoning her in
her old age. She declared she would
leave every penny she possessed to
some home for lost donkeys, or some
thing similar."
"But she seems more contented since
she got this new lady's companion and
she never writes me without lauding
this person to the skies."
tV sudden bend in the road brought
them In sight of the straggling village
street, and both paused simultaneous
ly. Hasland was embarrassed and Irritated.
"I I wish you wouldn't call Miss
Thornton a 'person,' Kate?" ho blurted
out, after an awkward pause.
'Oh. you know her?"
'You see, Kate," he stammered, with
sudden resolution. "I'd better make a
clean breast of It, for after all you owe
mo something. The fact 13, I'm In love
with her over head and cars. She's
had a rough passage, poor little wom
an, but even taking that Into consid
eration, I can't ask her to marry me,
my pr.ncely salary being something
lino !?i,ouu a year. If you can do noth
Ing else, be kind to her. Promise."
"Of course I will," she answered.
The old lady was not in a pleasant
temper. She motioned to Miss Thorn
ton, who had been reading to her, to lay
uown the hook.
"I think a little sunshine will do me
no harm," she said sharply. "Let ua
walk down as far as the river."
Tiiey crossed the quaint wooden
bridge and turned down the shady
patu unuer tne willows.
Near the gate that barred the path
stood an easel, and an nrtlst was busily
at worn unuer tne shade of an um
The recognition was instantaneous,
anu me oiu inuy caught her breath
gaspingly, while Hasland compressed
ins ups.
Then, for the third time In the three
days the little tableau was enacted.
"Harold," she said hesitatingly.
The old lady stood Irresolute for a
moment, and then extended both bauds,
which Ilasland caught In his.
That evening, Just at dusk, Harold
nasland nnd Ethel stood on tho broad
veranda together. Ills arm was about
her waist.
"It Is all so strange," she whispered,
"that I can hardly realize it yet."
"It Is strange," ho answered, with a
kls3, "but It Is true for all that." Lon
don Evening News.
Chlcnuo Small Hoy Ucllc l'o I',l,v
fc..ft,-ii.. riiithltlir.
Rmittnnr Is till) loVOUS SCaSOIl WllCll
the small hoy goes down to the hike
rnnit. .-limbs over the frowning wall
of the Illinois Ualiroad Company, trcs
n.isKiw liimn t in rlirlit of way regard- of tlu warniiiL' signs, and takes oil'
his clothes In view of tho audience
when he has reached the breakwater.
1-iv.i iiin f'lilioiixi Chronicle. Then ho
Junius Into the shallow water uml
flounders gleefully In the sand for some
time. Passim railroad trains mien
with passengers disturb him not. IK'
pays no heed to the disturbed gaze of
i-.intiiiint mi i -ii;i nvuniie. who
views his antics with undisguised U
favor. Ho wnnts to Hwlm, and there
is the water, and what more Is neces
sary? Anon comes the railroad police
man with raucous voice and threaten
lni? club. hnrtlliiL across the tracks,
lilting tlie air with strange oaths and
ni-iliiL' crixicmllv us tlliHIL'll lie Wore
trying to disperse a riotous mob. Then
the small hoy takes his clothing, usual
ly consisting of two piece, and hies
him along the piling to the convenient
shelter of a boat house. If the uniform
ed minion of the corporation pursues
him he slips Into the clothes with two
motions and defies the law. If the eoj
per gets tired of tlie Job ami weakens
In the pursuit the small boy drops the
clothes and dives Into the water again
If only one small hoy did this lie
might not attract much notice, mit
there Is more than one small hoy in
Chicago who pants for the cooling wa
ters of the lake on sultry days, and
when scores of them line the break
water pier they occasion some com
ment among passengers on the subur
ban trains. The boys have never ac
quired the bathing-salt habit. Tho
law prescribes It, but the small boy
never did have much resect for the
law and ignores It unless It begins to
chase him with a club. Therefore the
spectacular effect of the bathers Is a
bit startling to the eye as viewed from
the Hying trains.
They don't give the boy much of a
chance In Chicago. If he tiles a kite In
the streets lie Is arrested; If ho plays
base-ball on forbidden territory he Is
chased from It by the police; If he
throws stones, one of the prerogatives
of all boys In all times, he Is brenk
Ingthelnw, and if he goes swimming In
the great, cool lake which stretches so
invitingly before him lie Is harried by
the police and arrested If they get near
enough to him. The city eternally for-
make shift irttli wlmt ho fliu.s-thc
la am the pk-r- ami If ho mien,
in a ni ii ' H,m,nior Hpei'tnclo
to nil beholders he fi'oln It l not "M
Suit in the inoni.tln.0 bathing nun.
m from the Plorn with mir h scan
mote ctlon from the gaping world as I
furnished by the lulvei tlHlng nlgns ami
"Sftrulsng-,..,!.., year
ly everything jminll buMoi'H or
If Hit 1Hi4tt.l Hi.
t 1Ih, r lTl(Vr,e,ll,'li
Tho pretty, glt-llni, rr,nJT' 1
ueuuiy once capiivnt,.,! ,
able men uf Clih 'IIL-II in,. I li
society circles, but ,, , ' " '"'jtto
KimllMh lord mmM u "rr"'l
India, him Just milled i i.r ',','r,l'lllt u
nought admirers tin- ,.,,.
r - J1Q 0j
' roi.icE 1 "
Sinning a Lolt-Hiunlcd Admission.
Three citizens one a lawyer, one a
doctor and one a newspaper man sat
In a back room recently In tho gray
light of tho early dawn. On the tablo
wero many empty bottles and a couple
of packs of cards. As they eat In silenco
n rat scurried across tho hearth Into
the darkness beyond. Tho threo men
shifted their feet and looked at each
other uneasily. After a long pause tho
lawyer spoke. "I know what you fel
lows are thinking," ho said; "you think
I thought I saw a rat, but I didn't!"
You can always please a woman by
guessing under her age.
bids him to swim In the big lake unless
surrounded by proper facilities in the
way of bathing suits and bathhouses,
but It does not furnish the suits or
build the houses. If both were sup
plied by the munlciaplity the small
boys In droves would take advantage
of them. There are two or three pub
lie bathhouses In Chicago, hut they are
not wlmt the average healthy boy
wants. They nre all right for the pur-
wants to do In Chicago Is against some
law. Hut, while the law express.)- for
bids bathing In public without the out
ward and visible signs of a bathing
suit It offers no recourse to the pain
ing youngster who, free from school
and home duties, wanders about to
ward the great, blue, cool looking lake
on a hot day and Is possessed of a de
sire to "go In." lie sees no reason why
he should not. The lake Is public
property. lie climbs on the pier or
walks out on some rotting Htrlnger,
"shucks" his clothing and wades slow
ly Into the water. Perhaps a score
or a half-dozen go In together. In half
an hour a few more boys, drifting Idly
along, we the bathers ami are Inspired
with the same desire to swim, anil In
they go. Policemen oftwi try to arrest
the lawbreakers, and there Is n hasty
exodus of tlie happy lxys when they
see the minions of tlie law coming.
I) vclopiiKMit r ICiiuIIhIi Luii-jimsc.
If some recently published statistics
are to be trusted the English language
Is developing more than any other,
past or present. While the ( Senium
contains 80,000 words, the Italian -I.",-
000, the French 30,000 anil the .Spanish
only 'J0.000, Dr. Murray's English Dic
tionary Is expected to contain no few-
BOYS HATIIIXG ON THE L A IC H ' li' it nx ' c
poses for which they wero designated
-to furnish bathing facilities In crowd
ed tenement districts. Hut tho boy
who wants to cool off and snlash
around In tho water does not want to
go Into a building under a roof and
slip Into a warm, nauseating pool, the
limits of which ho can see with half
an eye, and whoso Bcnnt dimensions
are shared by a hundred others at tho
same moment. He wnuts to get Into
tho lake Into tho limitless, heavlnir
body of blue wnter which lies at the
very door of Chicago with nothing
over him but the blue sky and plenty
of room for 100,000 other bathers.
Finding himself without the fnnin.
ties In tho way of bathhouses and bath-
ing suns, tne small boy Is oblVd to
er than 250,000 words, more than half
tLV ?l .'?V C0"10 ,at0 UH0 llIrlK
l?8t m centur'- A great part of
l ose additions are, of course, tech-
SU n Bclentlflc terms, which tho
wiser German translates.
n ..f cooll Kopronoh.
would I go to heaveu?
would!" yCS' darllU8i f courso
"And If you should die, would you go
to henven, too?" J b
"I hope so, dear."
"I hope so, too; because It would bo
EiShT1 ,fr W0 t0 b0 klowi as
-Life 80 MOthor 18 I
DurlihuiiKa, one of tin- i mUr na
men of lllniloostnn nm! : JaJi!
or of Lord Curzun. Thli II r.n0 p-
has resp'clftilly plarni m ? i.t- l sposil
of Ldy Cureon th .l. u! i bcrj rf
elephants that are aiming i vaitp
sfMsioim. thus making Lnd l unntbi
IMMSvwwr pro tent, of m-ro of thew
lordly creatures than any UTv:vm
In the world. Her Indyship h.nderti
oped a great liking fur th ilcpMsU
and frequently takes tu amaue of til
friendliness existing hctuiru the t!
roy and the iiiaharajah t ride fortb oa
one of the gorgeously rnparKoued tit-
pliniits of statu.
With that happy spirit oi frank
friendliness In the company of unfo-
lings that only an Aim-rk in woman
knows how to Indulge wHlmiit Ion o!
dignity, the vicereine has made ucwlf
the Idol of the attendants nt tlicpa'ct
of the I nil Id ii prince. To pi u- irate '.to
reserve of an Oriental of h gi degree li
a feat that not every wh!t man or
woman, even among the upiH r ten c
India, can boast of having nccompllili
ed. To Im given the freedom of til
magnificent palace of his hlgliticis lt
Maharajah of Diirbhungn Is a compli
ment even to n viceroy and vicereine.
The elephants belonging to the rajah
are under the control of an old maa
upwards of eighty years of age. Kith
elephant rejoiced in nji appellation
fnkeii from the names of mythological
or historic heroes; and It Is their vcter
an keeper's boast that every clepliant
Is known to him by name. "'
The title dates back only to 1S03,
when the then Maharajah Chutlet
Singh was formally recognized nnd In
vested by the Hrltlsh Government. Ho'
the origin of the family can he traced
as far back as tho reign of the Em
peror Akbar, whoso lieutenants they
wero In tho province of Hehar.
The growing friendliness of ufh
man for Lord and Lady Cirrzon H
viewed with pleasure by those Intcreit
ed In tho welfare of India, for If t
hearts of the natlvo princes are wltn
the Queen's representatives the ts"
blllty of the Government Is doubly "
sural. To have won so emphatic a
demonstration of regard from JM
Maharajah of niirbhungn shows tbai
In the future of the great Imllnn em
pire the American wife of Lord Oirzon
Is destined to play n significant part.
Anecdote of Jtomi Hoiihour.
Mine. Itosa Ilonlieur (Hosa stood foi
llosalle) was not without a sense o
humor, so it is told of her that wul
presiding over a school of design it
Paris, tho pupils being girls, the nrtis'
was disgusted with the class, because.
Imitating their teacher, tho yoiinj
women had cut their hair short
"Grand DIeu!" cried Hosa H"lie"'
"how horrid you all look! Tills Is noi
a class of boys. You sliiy c "
1.f nlnnn mill do VOlir UCSl 1
JUKI 141. It w - - . ..ftlll
as to retain all the advantages of
t.i. nnniinnnllv curls hei
hair and starts out fiercely to bo IlaPM
in Spite of Fate. (Iy fnto Is meant w
I unappreclatlve husbnud.)