BOHEMIA Divotul UMlitMiniii, Lumbering mid Farming Interests of tliis Cominunity, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living. VOL. X Coinage Grov(,()reg-on, Friday, 18, 1899 NO. SO GOODS! BOHEMIA NOTES. NEW Eakin & Bristow. PRICE UKW GOODS! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! gh!ftwiU, llfltn, Collarf, nndOulIV. fur; one a luty. CliniK!r than you tin nukwtliuui. Trimming ami Drc Silks in nil col ciitmi "Ivies t price Mint cverylody imtfTord 1i vinir tliuni. KM Gloves In "II color and Intent nrlo fastening t "i"' -' lM!r ptir. Molil-Hl'lilH" I Sllll'. Ill Mil tllM Mt Iriclivr colors. I'rlcwt 2i :r mil. less Ihm lt year. Spring WritiM'r. Thry are purft-ct. 5onixlt worry almut making them tifti bto rem tho tumble. Eakin & Bristow. OUR CRESCENT BICYCLES. Eakin & Bristow. GOODS! Only I.Vi.lK) cash for tile hunt mux! Durability nml price equaled by mum. i '''H l-iitlit'H Shoes-Fine Shoes. To evciy duly who buys one of our fJM.OO I "r !r' '-'-00 lUw "r(! vt!,'.v to ,,uilt chain wheel within tho next IH) dnvH ",,r ,-'r,0 X0 f'O lini-H urn uo will givu ii Kovul Camel Swecn'or 1 M,,v,'r llcd. Come and scu our prices i worth 12.50. Outing Flannels, duccd pnlees. Now oti. Fifty pieces, nt re patterns mill cul- ikin I Bristow. 'Creliinnc, SilknlinoH Mini Draperies nt I Oc to 25c. i Dreni Linings. All the lalest 1 1 1 i n u - in plain mill fancies, Near Silkts, Silk Stri(fn, niul PcrealineH mid Slleeies. I'ercalincjj. An assortment of colore that do nut fail to attract favorable attention. nml you will surely buy. Latent styles in nil wiiltliH. ChambrayH. AH colorH. New Table Spreads and I'orliers in leading colors. Calicoes! Calicoes! Calicoes! Von will acknowledge their Mtiperiority at once. Now Kibbons! New colorH, new slyles mid new prices. Your cash trade is what we want and ii low prices and best goods count for anything we will get a large share of it. (akin (S Bristow. ' Eakin Bristow. qq to These Ulustratra'ted Pet Sllllford'M, Publications FOR Fashionable ItaiakM. UiinRtrent, - Collage Grove, Or. ' Wll.l. UK HUNT II V TIIK NoitTIIKIlN PACIFIC I K.UI.WAV Co., TO A XV AIIDIIKKtf Ul'OX JIKfKII'T, IX STAMI'S, Oil OTIIKIl WISK, OK TIIK AMOUNTS NAVKO ATTORMBY AT LAW OBIrtOn lUlu leet. Wot Hide. CoUtifie. (ifOt'tt, OiTfon. L. L. Stevens, Speciai attention given to Mining Business and Collections. Kl'gkxk - - Oukoox. Wm. RENSHAW" aTHE EXCHANGE: ALP WALKliK .... Mr. DIUIJCK IK I'INE WINKS, LIQUORS, CIGARS Main Street, Cottage Groee, Ore. AORSTH WaSTKI Foil "TlIK IjIKK anii Achiuveiiients of Admiral Dewoy," tin) world's greatest naval hero. Hy Mtirnt HalBtead, tlio lifu-long frientl and ad mirer of the nation's idol, lllggent ami wst book ; over WW pages. 8x10 inches ; nearly 100 pttges halt tone illustrations. Only f 1.50. Knornious deinnntl. Hig CoininUHioiiH. Outllt free. Cluinco of a life time. Writo tiulck. Tho Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Caxton Uldf., Cliicago. WONDKIt LAND An annual publication of about 100 pages, gotten up in mod attractive style ami beautifully illiiHlraled in half-tone. The contents of each number are varietl mill ililfcienl from iH preibicesMir. The NoiiTiiKitx I'AfiKif has bcconie noted fur this publication. Tim Fixkst Tiiino is Itn.WAV I.lTKii iti'uk. .Send ix cents. VKI.I.OW.STONH I'AKK MAI' A iclief map of Vellowstone Park. I'rinled on lirm paper, and suitable for mounting or framing ami for use in schools, class rooms, etc. The best map of the I'aik that is piinnciy insinmiieu. Mailed in pastboard tubes. Send lOcts. MAZAMA I'AMIMll.KT- A nicelv illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Kinder, Washington the grandest ice-covered peak in the united Slates. Send two cents. KOOTKNAI FOLDKK An illustiated folder and relief map of the Kootenai Kegion in ltritishColunibia noi lb of Sjiokaiie. Send two cents. AKMY AND NAVY HOOK- Tells about both the U. S. and Spanish armies and navies at beginning of Span-ish-Amerlcan war. Map of Cuba and adjacent islands. A vest iiocket lustorv well worth preserving tor reference. Send ten cents. In sending (or these write tho address carefully, and state where advertisement was seen. Gen. I''1'nK"r.,'jB,:,1,;v HT. I'AlUi. MINM. GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF. Cotte Grove 01d 'pabcrs'forshle'iit' this office. r ' ; ia r u ' CALL FOIt COUNTY ' WARRANTS. Notice is heroby given Mint tho follow lK warrants will bo paid on presenta tion at my ofllco on and after July 11. JnflO. Interest on samo will eoaso uly ji lfiOO. All Liuiu eountv warrants mm registered nuinbor 5858 to CoH.'l I'oth ineluslvo. Dutcd, Kugohu,- July 10, 1800. i A. S. I'ATTKHROK, i Pnmtf if 'IVtMiunrnt . I 1 I VIHJUIV. w Note thi : You cftii pYooure tho J5o Imnla Nugget, your homo paper and tho 8t Louis- GloboDemocrao for' $1.76 per yfiiir, easli in ndvaiico, NOTICIC. Uxitkd Status Land Oitior, Koscburg, Ore., July 20, 1801). Notice is hereby given that tho ap proved plat of survey of Township 21, S.,Kango!lH. has been recoived from the surveyor general for Oregon, nnd on August 22, 1800 nt nine o'clock a, m. Tho snid plat will bo filed in this ollico. Said township being within tho Cascado forest reserve, the land embraced therein will be sub led to entry on and after that dato or the perfection of claims initiated prior t executive order of September -8, 180.'. creating said reserve. J.T. HiimoKH. Kkoibtku, J, II. lloorii, Receiver. K We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Kloor- me. Rustic, biuinir, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT NOTICK. We want wood on subscription. That means wo want it now, not after the rainy season sets in. Rring it in. IiollKMIA Nuooet. A years subscription to tho American Iloine-maker, given with each cash-in-advance subscription, at $1.50, to Bo hemia Nugget. S 1 1 K IU KF'S SA U: ON KOUECI.OSU K K . Notice i heroby plyeu that liy vlrtiioot an the sub- T....I linnr 111 lllilld tlult scrlptibn llst'of tho Bohemia Nuggqt is growing daily, u.HUhnt.the,P!opnetors npprecinte tho atronago given tho paper. execution nu" usuo" ' "" " nf thoHlntcof Oreson. for the Comity oJUne, on tho llth lny ( July, IBM), on a JmlKiiienl ran Octnlior, 1WS, for tho of Klvo Unnitrcil ami SIxtv-fonr niul m-im ilollnrs, with Interest thereon from sni.l .list iliiy of October, , 18W. nt tho rnto of s ver cent nor annum, mat moo at torney's foes anil tho farther sum of 10 i-osts, also ai'crnliiK costs. In a suit wherein W. B. i rlsma" Vas plaintllf, anil I.oulso .eonnr.l was ilofonilnnt. anil iiKftlnst tho ilofonilant, Loiilso Looimni, nml locreo of forolosnro anil onlorof riuo romierou n'", " h '": in anillni! mo, In onlor to satisfy falil JuilKinont d oosts, to soil tho following ilcseribo.l real Tots ono, two, three fonr, ilyo, six. soven nml clttht, In block No. 1. in llnzloton s Second Aililltlou to Cottnuoarovo, Crogon, situated In 'Nm' oreVorcTln of tho state of !...'. i.?;.. .riLnmn with said Writ. I Will olVor fo'rs'nlo tho nVovS."rV.ft,L,:rof!:',lLSt Musick Mink, Aug. ri, 1899, In coming into the Bohemia mining district, from Cottage Grove last Monday, the writer enjoyed a ride that shall be fresh in his memory for "many moons." Shortly before 7 o'clock that morning the stage, drawn by four well groomed and spirited horses from the well known Fashion Stables, presided over by Ed Patterson, the junior member of the firm, wheeled down to the Hotel Sherwood, where the baggage and freight going to the mines was put aboard. A short stop at the post office for the Bohemia and way mail, which by the way has increased wonderfully this year, was made, then the passengers climbed aboard and we were off for the gold fields of Lane and Douglas counties. Only three passengers were aboard Monday, Mr. Frank Jordan, who has the gold fever to some extent, and who is now hard at work de veloping something alleged to be way up yonder in richness, Mr. Shelley and your humble servant. The road is an exceedingly good ' one and in point of scenic pro duction the last 20 miles is certainly Hard to surpass. We arrived at the red bridge at 1 1 130 o'clock, 20 miles from Cottage Grove. Here we partook of an excellent dinner at the well known stopping house of Mr, Burnett. The roads split here, one crossing Row river leading to the Musick mine, the other extending on and terminating at the Noonday mine. The ride up the mountain is one of interest to the lover of scenery, from beginning to end. This grade is an exceedingly good one, the road is smooth and one can hardly imagine, upon gaining the ridge which has an altitude of about 5,550, that the 6 mile grade can be followed with so little effort by the horses. It is a slow trip to be sure, the time consumed in going up this six miles of mountain road being alxjut four hours. We cross and commence the descent upon the saddle between the lofty peaks Fairview and Bohemia. As we turn over and down the mountain the Musick mine stamp mill greets the eye and the sound of machinery startles the ear. Musick mill is situated about 1500 feet below the summit of Bo hemia mountain. From this view you can look up to the rocky peak of Bohemia to your right, and towering old Fairview to your 'left. Mr I. H. Bingham the superintendent of the Musick sustains his town reputation as one of the jolliest entertainers iu the diggings, and nothing is too good for the many visitors to the camp, The mill is running day and night, not an hour in the 24 being lost. Some 40 men ate now steadily employed and every man has a good word for the mine and its management. Your correspondent had the pleasure of going through the mines the other day and to a tender-foot it is a marvel. Over at the Helena the new 10 stamp mill is going up with a rush and in a short time the Musick and Helena mills will exchange courtesies through the medium of steam whistles. The Stock & Har low 5 stamp mill, by the way the first mill brought in here, is running right along on ore from Zinaker & Graber's famous mine, the Vesuvius, now bonded for S35,ooo. The boys have just struck another rich lead which is paying big, and before the expiration of the bond they will add several thousand dollars to their already liberally filled sack. The boys aie hard workers and certainly deserve the good luck which seems to be hovering near them. I was over to the Brunei, Getys and Knowles property the other day. these gentlemen are doing some substantial work upon their Sweep stake claim, and their prospect are vprv bright. I had the pleasure of taking dinner at the home of Mr. Bfu id, preside 1 over by his very estimable daughter who came in from their former home, on the Siuslaw river some two weeks since, and I assure you I sat down to a meal fit for a king. In the afternoon Mr. Brund and Mr. Gettys invited me to join in a hunt down the canyon, and the result was a fine two-point buck, which fell before the unerring aim of Chas. Getys. Tho "unerring"" part of it however, wasin the tenth or twelfth shot. The diggins are full of prospectors and visitors, and the day is rapidly approaching when Bohemia, grand old mountain, will warm the imposing irown into a pleasant smile which will Hash down upon one ot the busiest mining camps in the Pacific Northwest, and, per chance, a famous summer resort. I know of no place where I would sooner spend a few weeks of recreation than here among the "crags and peaks of the Cascades. Among those visiting here are Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Jones, Miss Laura Jones, who so successfully edits the Drain Watchman, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boyd, Mrs Benham and daughter Joste, Rev. and Mrs. M. O. Brink, and Mr. Wm. Lundy of Myrtle Point. Mr. C. H. Bttrkholder of the well known firm of Hemenway and Burk holder of your city, arrived Thursday night in company with Al White. With these gentlemen came Messrs. Hart and Boyd two mining experts from the famous Colorado Cripple Creek country. They come to look into the merits of Mr. White's properties, and ostensibly to make in quiries relative to the camp in general. Tho gentlemen are said to be very favorably impressed, and it is alleged that if their report is favorable to Bohemia, next year will see hundreds of mining men with capital in here. Capital is what is needed here and prospectors realize it. So the sooner it comes the better for all parties concerned. U. S. Deputy Marshal Morse came in Wednesday and at some ones instigation took out a number of the Helena boys including two of the owners, Messrs. James and Dick Jennings. It is said that a warrant was issued charging them with interferring with a U. S. mineral surveyor. In the eyes of those best acquainted with Helena affairs, it is generally conceded that it is a farce from start to finish, and that the tax payers will soon become tired of the muss, for which in the eves of the con servative, there is nc occasion. Mrs. Eugene Chase wife of one of the, Musick mine men, accom panied by her two childred arrived here Wednesday evening. PRIMHR Tiiinspace. i.niiiii, unction, in iiiu iiiKuvnv M1....W1. .... snliloct to loilcmi'tli'ii. at 'ho south iloorot tno c mrt hoiisuln Kimono. l.ano eountv. Oregon, 0 Xt rdny tho until day of A ngnst 1SOT. I'Otwcou tho hours ol u o'clock a. m. and I o'clock p. m -wIt,nt t o'clock i. in., on """" a.od this 18th -lay ojuly, NOTICK. FOR SALE OR TRADE. All parties owning dogs within corporato limits oi Cottago Grove horebv notified to pay their dog . 100 acres pf land, with good house, 10 barn, otc; two streams of running water nv0 on tho placojnn oxcollent stock ranch tax in a good community, unoot tno uest siioiill'of I.11110 County, Orogon. ly II. J, Day, Deputy. Quick dcllvery-Tho Weekly Oregonlatu as prescribed by tho eitv ordinance on county .scliqols . within 1M- miles; eur- luii.. , ..( ir. 1Snn lounded by some of tho beat farmeB in or befo.o August 15, 1800. Lane county. Will trade for Cottage Dated this 25th day of July, 1800 By order of the City Council Grovo resident property; improved of unimproved. Inquire at this office