Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 11, 1899, Image 8

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    The Orcgonians arc mustered
out. The army has lost a thous
and or more gallant men and Ore
gon has regained the services of
that number of stout-hearted sons
who have, during the year past
borne its name far afield and always
with honor. S. P. Bulletin.
The S. P. Co., has conceived the
idea of making an exhibit of the
products of Oregon, California and
Nevada at the Paris exposition.
This is a show of enterprise in the
right direction and our people
should earnestly co-operate with
the company to make it a success
The Bonanza pocket mine,
Sonora, Tuloume Co., Cal.,
at "Dewey," replied the proud mother
t i n site ninktul nn the voting nbo-
... , ,
ciiritrii notu'Hh.
credited with a production exceed
ing $2,000,000. A single pocket
contained more than $500,000, and
one mass weighed $40,000. Most
of the gold was taken out with the
use of band mortars. The gold
was usually found associated with
tellurides, generally petzitc.
William Wardorf Astor, the New
York millionaire, became a British
subject in July. If this country
isn't good enough for him to live
under and be protected by it is to
be hoped that he will take his
millions and stay on the other side
of the pond. We don't particularly
need him in our business over here,
Yesterday 240 Indian horses were
delivered at the stock yards here
for shipment to the Ltnnton
cannery, where they will be con
verted into canned hoise. They
were delivered by Yakima Indians
who have contracted to furnish the
No president since the days of
Lincoln has had anything like the
responsibility to meet that have
confronted McKiuley during two
vears of his administration. No
president was ever more bitterly
denounced than was Lincoln dur
ing his first administration, and yet
today his memory is only second to
that of Washington in the hearts of
the people. Abuse is being heaped
on McKiuley today, but history
will put him down as one of the
great presidents in the long list of
rulers. Newberg Graphic.
The main reason why Canada
will not carry out its amusing
threat of going to war is that Eng
land won't let her. It is a com
fortable position for a nation to be
in to be able to do the blowing
and let another do the fighting.
"My lord," wrote an Irish over
seer to his English landlord, "the
tenants declare that if you do not re
riginariicro and proudly exhibited
him. The customer was nearly
prostrated, and her husband had to
go away out of the camp to give
vent to his emotions.
cannery with 2,000 horses at $2.50 duce tfae tfaey wm assassinate
per neaa. 1 ne animais were noi
In first class condition but will no
doubt make pretty fair canned
meat. The Dalles T. M.
Captain Saunders, commander of
the transport Newport, in answer to
the question, "Is the game worth
the candle?" said: "Yes, indeed.
The islands are an empire and
capable of sustaining a great civi
lized people. Their retention will
add to the glory of the country and
immensely to its commerce. The
respects with which America is re
garded in the Orient is something
marvelous compared to conditions
before the war with Spain."
inform those ex
was the answer,
"that no threat to assasvnite you
can intimidate me." Canada does
not proposal to be deterred from the
assertion of her "national" rights
by the fear of any consequences
England may have to suffer.
Seattle Post Intelligencer.
Cottage Grovo Chapter 0. H. No.
I through itn committee reportH the
followini: resolutions on tlio death of .1.
0. Stoiid'erof tliiH place.
Whereas, It Iiiih plenml the All Wio
Father to remove from our iniilnt our
beloved brother J. C. Stotiflur,
Resolved, That while we how will)
luiinlile submission to the will of the
Most High, we do not the less mourn for
Mir brother who Iiiih been culled from
bin labors to rest in pence.
Ilesolved. Thnt in tlio death of our
brother, this Chapter Iiiih lt one who
was over zealoim in tlio work of the
order by bin many uetH of kindness, and
charitable deeds, not only to nicnilorx
of this chapter but otlierHiin well lie en
denred himself to all.
Iteaolvcd, That this chapter tender it
sympathy to thu bereaved family of de
ceased brother.
Resolved, That theso resolution be
pprend upon the roVordn of thiH chapter
and published In tbo papers, and copies
sent to the family of our deceaied
'Fraternally Submitted.
K. V. Coohwkm. 1
Maiiki, Wy.v.vk i Committee.
Ckma Luhcii )
m, :. fiintril.
,,.,,. the servient the MMjm
,IUI KltiHCOPld oliitffli win
Siindav school
h caching every
iliiyHiit 11 a. in.
worth League at
When an abandoned claim is to
be relocated a new discovery must
be made and a new shaft or new
tunnel started, as the work formerly
done cannot be counted as a part of
the assessment work. It is as im
portant to define the boundaries
the same as though no location had
ever been made upon the land. It
is not necessary that the new lo
cation should conform to the lines
of the previous location, as. if de
sired, only part of the old location
may be included in the new. It is
always well to state what portion
of the new claim covers an
abandoned location.
Ex-Postmaster Lewis, of Chico,
Cal., writes:. "I wantto again warn
any and all persons that have an
idea that they can come here' and
make a fortune, that they are tak
ing the chances of being one out of
a hundred. Stay where you are.
All the gold that has come from
the Klondike would not pay men
to go through the same experience
that I have seen them go through.
There is a party of eleven men
from Boston living, next to me
who have the reputation of being
the best workers in camp. They
have sunk forty-two holes from 28
to 89 feet in depth, and drifted
over 150 feet the gross returns for
all this labor, besides building
cabins, hauling their grub from
one camp to another, with the
thermometer ranging almost 40 de
grees below were 1.35. This is
only one party there are dozens
more in the same boat." Ex.
Always reliable Xho AVeekly Oregonlan.
A certain baptist minister has
very bright 6-year-old son who has
evidently been very attentive to
church services, and especially the
baptismal part. One day the
father missed the youngster and
finally located him in the barn,
where he was very earnestly trying
to make Baptists out of four half-
grown kittens. The parents
watched the operation with much
interest. The youngster had con
verted a large pail into a baptistry
and one by one he soused three of
the kittens, each time repeating
tue service as Dest lie could re
member it But the fourth one
didn't take kindly to the water, and
after several vain attempts to get
the cat's head under water, the
lad gave him a throw across the
barn and exclaimed: "Well, darn
you, be a raethoaist it you want
to:" Ex.
A gang of Indians from the
Grand Ronde reservation in Yam
hill county, were lately encamped
out in a grove near the head of
Savier street, doing their best to
gather in a few dollars by catering
to such as make a fad of collecting
baskets. A woman who was
anxious to secure a few of their
baskets persuaded her husband to
accompany her to the Indian camp
one evening, and on making her
wants' known an Indian woman
placed her baby on a blanket
spread on the ground and proceeded
to show her wares. While the
customer was making her choice
of the baskets, the baby crawled
off the blanket and proceed to stuff
a well developed mouthful of dust,
grass and any old thing it could get
hold of. Presently the Indian
woman noticed what her child was
doing, and calling it by name, told
tt to stop that, and then went on
with her trading. The man, who
heard what the woman called the
child, said nothing, but at the first
opportunity told hiswife to ask
what the baby's, name was.
Wlipron.s, Our beloved brother, .1. C.
Stoufler has been removed from our
midst by the hand of Death j and where
as, while we. bow in sorrowful sub
mission to the will of tlio treat Archi
tect of the Universe, we console our
selves with the thought that our brother
lived an honorable and upright life, was
a good man, n Rood mnson ; and where
as, in our sorrow, we desire to express
oir sincere appreciation of his true
worth nnd character.
Therefore, be it resolved that in the
death of our brother the craft bus lost a
worthy and cherished member: the
community, an honorable, just, and 1111
right man and citizen; and the family 11
kuki ami indulgent husband am
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be sent to the bereaved famil
with an assurance of our deepest
sympathy and condolence; a copy
spread upon tlio minutes of the
111111 a copy sent to the city papers for
Respectfully Submitted
D. O. McFaim.and" )
PAnwiv Hkistow V Committee.
T). T.Awimuv J
Hall of Cottage Grove Lodge No 5, A
F. A.M., August 5th 189''.
be iih fol
at 10 n. m.
1st, Und nnd !hd Kim
and 7:110 p. m. Kf
0;!I0 . Mi. rnivcr
.. M'l ,t,IVlVItllllgllt I I'M).
.mull IIII.F V r I Hlir"".' - ----
Let us hear the UospM "it in l.o power ,
of Cod." Stranger mid f. lends uu
1 ... ..11 iMiuiiinii. 1
iniuiu welcome un -
M. 0. IhiiNK, 1'iiBtor.
... ...I. ..II.. uliiiri'll will
Services ill ino uuin .
1 ,..,f,ii. tnlfii nliico ciii'h third bun'
dav In every month.
Rev. 1 1'
0 r cinntcii.
Regiilur services each Sabbath. Sun
day school 10 it. 111.; preaching each
Sumhival 11 11 in. d l m. eept
tho'Jiid which will ho given to the
1'rovhleiico church near star on Row
river. First SuihIhv nt :t p. m. will he
given to Shields school house and Ilrd
Sunday .'I p. in. to Sotirn school bouse.
Junior C Eat: 11. i V I'S C H t 7
p. 111.; prayer meeting Wednesday H p.
111.; the monthly business meeting and
social is held at miiuu members homo
Monday 8 p. 111. after the 1st .Sunday.
The Ladies Aid bouiuty meets waeii
Tiiiisdav at 1 p. m. to work, nt muiio . JU
friends or member's home. Your
precunei solicited at each church ser
vice. Strangers mnde welcome. Come.
W. V. Mi-tiKK, Pastor.
Proprietor of
The Popular Cigar ami Conf.
tiouery Store. (l
I'amtu annum i.untht,
Dealer in.
Cigars of Low and High
Crude nnd Prices to suit the Trade
Main Street, Collage Qrovet 0ff
Euklil & UN stow"
Trcmsadti lriu-rcicii ivintthv
iMislncss In oil lis limnciics.
C'nttHBtt (Irnvo
' Or,,,,
a. ;. (h-iiuii, iropi
Bon Ton
A two-horse wai-on box Innd ir,.
'kindling wood for L'octs. at Saginaw.
IL K. L. Co.
NntlPft Iff harnhv ulv.n r r ... .
ine estalo of J. (!. Stnufler. ( cfcnie.l All
....... ... . .,, iviiuiiiHix inn itnt from the
date of this notice, nt Cottnuo Orovo. Orcioii.
,"" v 01 AiiKimt, 1SKI.
John M. V im.ia.Ms, C. II. IluitK iiou.kk,
Attorney for Estate. AclmlnlHtrat or.
Wines, liquors aud Cigars.
Choice Brands.
A Favorite Resort.
Land Ofllcont Rosehurg, Orepin
v, . , , . AuKiwt4, 181)9.'
Notice is hereby eiven that tbofnii,,...-
lng named Bottler bus filed notice of bia
intention to mako final nmni in u. ........
of his claim, and that Hitid jiroof will bo
made beforo, Joel Waro, U . 8. Com
missioner, at Etijjeno. Oregon, on
September 30, 1809. viz: John S.
6,.1.?n.VS K,No- 0901 for f'u
NVV H, Sec. 24, T. 21, S ., It. 3 West. J
Ho names tho followiiiL' witn
prove his continiioiiB residence unon and
cultivation of said land, viz: J
iiirant, ucoro Uownes,
F. Neal. Jumos b Kill
Grovo. Lano Co., Oregon.
Main Sl.reel;
m Grove. Oimii.
Supply house for
Cottage Grove
and Bohemia.
Send your avdvi'H by Telephone.
1 1 Pickard & k
- - If on .
I Bo 58 so !aa in ting,
S'aper Hanging,
Sitfii Work,
Carriage Tainting,
Work ( na nt nlriit
' Cy. niller,"
General Blacksmithing.
TuoDooiri North of Iv.ikin & Driilot'i,
Coif aye Grove, Oregon.
H. Beagle,
H. C. IPerkins
U. S. Mineral Surveyor,!
Sccial attention jjiven to Miniij 1
Claims and procuring of Patents, j
Gkants Pass, Okkoo.v.
Gives the Choice of
Jwo TniUHconthicntal
LoW Kates to all
Eastern Cities.
Ocean Steamers Leave
l'orthind every 5 days
San Francisco.
For full particulars call on O. It. t N.
gent, Frank Jordan. Cottai?o
' C7 " - ' " -
OencralJ'aoiiKor Agont,
Poj'ilaml, Oregon..
Attorney ill
onirsOn Maliitilrcel.
(Jottayc drove, Oregon.
subscription at tli KcfiO
For First-chiHi
Painting aijd
Paper Hn
J'aper (J it a ran teed not to Cratt
Office, Nain Street, next to
Young's law office.
Tho American Home-maker, nM'!'
mnuazino of pronounced worth i tf
homo it Iiiih viHited, the 8iilcript'
nrico of which it) 50 centH per yw'i
bo bIvoii ono yunr freo to every Ml
milwcrlhor in advimco to Ilohcwa
Nnet. Whon you subperibo pK'j
t. ..i it -..I iu. forwsrSw
iiiriiviuii ii uinu ii. vjii nut
to you.
A fiO-cont premium will
every cash HiiliHcrflior io
be gi'"
Tm....i nt ti nn ...lulu nnr vcr.
' "" . Mf
m- rn,iii'u r,.,iinM vnu lutvo jv
choico-and tho Iloheinla Nugget f
yenr for $1.50.
Administrator's Notice.
U.nt B. l':.I...i(i'l
U hnrohir irlvnll tlint H. "i.e.. ill'
......xw ..w.uwj ' . ...... .inriU0.' .i
IKIlllleil llllllllllll"""
Nvilllnmii, ilepemod. A i , j;
IlllllHl U10 l i""r. BOH'"!
hnu heoii npiKil
linvlm; c Hlinn iiKiilntil uio i BoH'.
iliiemcil to prenent tho wino '",',.;;,
in mo uuui Jiorooi m hui Oref'
olllc-oof Jolln M. William?. KuSe'(""
inled thin 10th lny (if May. wiv,au
Attorney for Kutftta.