Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 11, 1899, Image 7

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I. ..runner
HllTN I'Cll I'.SCltf) Hit .... ., I.,
-lorO till' nun mijiii
WW . tvhlln Ihi! lilotVmhiiiiil
'.'il.rii (In Hill. MH Vl-I, IIIMIHII' III
V nut HiitlMfiioKiry (xiiiiiiM.
I'riilli'li IIIMIIIIrili'hll'iic
LAlnsnil)'"1' iii",'i'"' n
!P"P. ... I HimI ImiIIh me In- II,.
menuier in uiu milium
lii" .,1,1
Mi' ii., in
burn, im i
city ki,i,.
Hlltit lllj( tl
'"If Iioiihi. r i .. i , I
., i , , , , "Kiiiiri; i
,,:""r"1 i"'''-r w;i
1 1, I""l
I ... Ilin mii.v
in"'- . ii,i l... ......ii.i....
I...l,.nl Willi " ' " "iiijmiiiik
I. j , tiii imiiiiirat'iory, iiuin miilo
jfcinnli'. 'i'"1 "IIIHt ot "lu nilM
ittU l,"'r",'"',I 1,1 nmiiiH to
Inch oil t"' "m 1,11,1 ii'ii'iiin".
lSe UiroiiKi" l'""' "i ri'il kImhh.
.rillrnilM)' i'i'"'l without HOHIU llT-
I it dlniurliii'"-'' tiiKHiK pinco iiiiioiik i
Lnork in'i'l"- Nw It W'iih a ilmi
IjjjjjtlO Illi' ui'iliii iii'uvrrn inn m UIO
noiv ii'i '" iwu oi mo women;
Uptime) nil- mi-mo wa wiii'mi.
Lofidiioji rcKtiliilloiiH wont nlioluli-'
; pored and m iiniotint of Hiioh on
Ilbtf I1"""""1"""1 "'"" im vi- any
BvrnuticM t (I 'KTrciu circci. This
law of nlTnlrH wan uwtiinii'il. until re-
ItoU;. ' '"' 'H'inraiui rroin work ,
tjrrfcuou in iiiiroiiiroriaiiio couiIIIIiiiik. i
BlfBK"i " , ,,''rc(i lo mime bright
..Wllmt tin' ri'd imiicH of kIiihh mlchl
Lit fault, nail It wiim decided to try I
jriit lli? K'rcon imni'M wonlil
Rt i IJC ciio'i win liiNIIlIIUIIIt'OIIH.
rwn mat nay n miuuoh peace fell
lootbc whole uorkHliop that hail nev- j
iflwD know a In-fore. Itleltcrliij; ami
ViWog cii'h'd an If liy eiitiianlineiit, ,
ijdTolce of iiuin or woman wuh novvr
wi ra'HiiI above n wlilHiivr. Saw
fork IT. Hi. !
if 1 1 1 1 1 itni.ii i
l.."lHf ,.... . "V ",,n I'm.-
"rn, tut,. , HiiuviiiiirH.
i. i . ...... i.
I.,,,,,...,, , .. i in..
I 'lil'llllll
II 1 1. Ill
""III III 11.11 I I ........ '
'""I i . r; w tii
""" 'II, . I. ., " ttwnv t-Mi .
i . .
"""" " "rj,:0 8 '""tl"K fi tuiy of
wh.,.1 V , cu,u,", 'v ri'piililicn,
Hfllllljr I. Illo.llt II,,,.,,
Kl... Ii" :VvV''"0j l""1"""1 "". IlruK.
Illin-I l.orle Oho that hIiowh no nur-
fact) OKlppniyH.
J'lll(!llr Alluvial ll0IOMltHi OlUtllCOil-
lainliiK iliiMt.
Koo. Wall-TIio lowor wnll oi flldo
of ii loii or vein.
Cap-riick Tho forniation overlaying
tun fiay dirt oi oro.
Wall lliiniiilnry of vol;i, lodo or
iuiIko iiiuI iiudoHiiiK tho biiiiio.
UreiiHtiiiH Taking oto fiom tho fnco
of a initio or hunt! of a drift.
AditA ttuiuol or voln or lodo a
IiiiHuaKi) for watur tiiiilomrniinil.
Hliaft A votical or liiuMim iniuitn.
Menl" Turk, Hun .Mine, rVi,, Cnl., nr-crcd-ltcil
ut tin' I in vfrit . l,oriitwin, Hitnmc
and cnrefiil iittcnlion to Mental, Moral ami
jjiyriitii inuiiiiiL', iiiitccii i (i it'N iiiiiono
ffirciiioat ."ciiiiiiIh fur Ilni on the
('nilM.--.V '. C'lTimirlr. Will ' n-i,fu in
I lie new IiiuMihi; AiiuiiM. l.'.tli. Itnh v,'i- i
lloitl, I'll, l)., Principal.
It Im lioHt to liuwaro how you toll
your druatne. Tho vory Intent duciHion
of porooii 'way up in Boston and pay
oholoKy 1h that tho trtio Hpititual con
dition of tho mind is roveal-id hy tho
dreams ratlior than hy waking experi-
T.ikIIpii Van Wnnr HIiocii
J ho fnM-jgt llotvln (Ivor ill the world
In thn i JSrJtisJi India, with u
dencent of foot in 180 tniloB.
I .( ,, 7V,' oiiuiniuinn.
M. Hum, Willmn.MH.rt, iu( (,-0Vi V1
voi ii.
Upraifio KunnhiK a drift upward or
rinini; ahovo a Hhaft or lovol, iiiHtead
of nliikini,'.
Winzo A Hhaft contioctltiK ono drift
luvol with ntiothur, hut not loatihiiiK to
thn Unrfiir-K. 0
III tho iiiiildla f mm 0I tuniiiB in ' I lot ho A maHH of wall or rouk or
tentrnl India tho other day a tter "l,iur harron matter ohtriidiny into an
bounded into tho inl(lt of thu phtyorH. nlurini lodo or flHHtitc.
Kl,, r , Contact Lodo A lodo lying between
tn- ill Htti'iitimi i rii ed to the dunlnv 1 i:.i. s .
mlvcrttuciMciit .in tin. ,.,. ,,r i n,. . :. "'f'ii kukih oi kiuk, as, lor ex-
l-..l.. .... ,s l'"Ov v IWII ii.,, ..I,. ... I 1 ..-
lion for pniHiiectiiiK or working milieu ' 10 Hl70 B",uUcr alUlt using Allen's Foot
Hanging Wall-Tho upper wall; the V0' ? Iwd to to shaken into tho shoes,
rock or wall reHtlng on the lodo or ' , '"f" t,8,,'"r "cw "Itoes feel easy;
vni. "r , gives Instant relief to corns and bunions.
Dimosit A l,r!p i,t rU ,iuii i ' It,,H tho greatest comfort discovery of tho
a 1 I ,. i i "l,'IOt .T"1 .tte' Cure " f-t, blisters and caN
J IZ m Ur" m' ? ",y lir, Vt- FooUKasclsacertam
foppingH Ledgo mattor lying upon 1 cur for IhltmuIm., nniu ....i
the surfaeu, or tho outcrotipini; of u
A nun I
Ii determining whether or not n per-
j It a habitual criminal under a
ratote making hltn Mich after two
I tenner IniiirlnoiitiienlH for felony It Is
M lo State vs. Marlln (Ohio). !.'
!LIIA. (l. thai Imprisonment torinln- !
itf by tincoiidltional pardon cannot '
k counted. !
lit wrt.ius conillct of ntithority on
I-it doty of land owners to keep prcm- j
M wife Is coiiKldercil III Hltz vs.
WMIdk iV. V.. -I.'l l It. A. MS. in
tin It Ut held that there Is no such
Hardware C'oiiipuny.
Until the rolgi, of Henry VIII., Kn.
glifh sovurelgiis. as well as their sub
jects, alo wllh tho lingers.
Mutlirrn will l,,,.l n'i,,.i
i, ,,,oil,n I, riJDlll.
I.'?, , vr"l'. th" f'nwly to use fur their
Chililnii during the teething period.
Ill Mexico school children am al
lowed to suioku In school hours when
their Ickmiiim Hie well prepared.
lit-iiiomlier that you can buy Jesso Moore
A. A. Mdkcy for the same price that is
paid f;ir ordinary whinkey. Korsulobyall
lirst-claa dialers and druggists.
It him been observed in thu hospitals
Unit nails on amputated fingers con
tinue to grow.
flTR i'nmuimUr fatti. No lltior n-TTomncM
L l"fl't dr i u. of Dr. Klliie'i Ort
J.WTO lt..lrrr. B4 fr KltKK .00 tri.l
tjott Uan-J ltr.ilw Jj.l. II. II. KLIMIJ, IAL,M)
I.nst year the touilHtM from thu
ample, porphyry and Hlato,
Hed-rock Tho bed of a motallifeioita
depoiit. commonly npplied to tho slate
underlying auriforotm gravel.
Drifts TunnelH loailing off from tho
main shaft, or from other tunnels or
levels through and along the vein.
Loilo A loiigtitudiual flsauro or
chasm filled with oro hearing matter
ami having well-defined sido walls;
lode. lead, vein and lodge aro synony
mous. Ileservca Oto reserves aro the vein
material still standing in tho tniuo bo
tweun thu shafts and thu levels that
have been driven in or through tho
cui-o for Ingrowing nails, sweotintr. smart
lug. hot, aching feet. We have 80,000 testi
monials. All druggists and shoo stores
sell it. 25c. Trial tiackiigo KUBB by mall.
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, I.e lioy, N. Y.
Legal determination of what consti
tutes a spendthrift is likoly to como
out of a suit over a will in Chicago.
T. W. T. Palmer, who was left an in
come of $20,000 hy tho will of his
mother, Mrs. Benedict, is suing for tho
estate, valued at some ?500,000; and
thu trustees allege that ho is a spend
thrift because lie spent $100,000 in two
years, and offer to prove that ho lost
$50,000 in three months on tho New
York Stock Kxchntige. Whether los
ing money, in this way makes a man a
spendthrift will then be left for the
jury to determine.
Ti o ws" Tiiiin
tet; toward trespasser even If they, r l"0. V"' ' , T. 1
wcMldrcn. and that neviltrenee t P." ',"'M,,,e" nJ oliiewliure left over
f riuu.uuu in isova bcotia, and a great
iucreiiso is fully expected this year.
cMIdren. and that
Iwtea right of action In their favor
Itmt k so gross us to amount to n
tuton Injury.
But the limitation of n general ticket
1!riu.iage on a railroad to the day on
rtcblt is sold In held, In Lotilsvlllo
Iud Nasln llle Itnllway Compnny vs.
ter 'Tenn i. 1:1 r.. it. a. 1 10. to he
Iittitld, tinli-ss there Is an express con
tnrttoilint iffect. based upon n con
jJtratlon, or an alternative Liven to
iilfpirilms. r to have a full iuid imllin-
Sri ticket.
Oca who gets tliion n train with n
tdrt which he knows does not. uimiii
I III fare, entile him to pasMtge. Iwcause
tie time for ublcli It ptiriMirtM to be
n:.d has expired. Is held. In Trezona
I 'i Clilrago (Jrent Westeni Halfway
umifliiy ilowai. -I.'l f.. It. A. i:iu. to
tvc no right to recover damages for
t.0S ejected. If he refuses to tinv fare.
!i!thougb he thinks the time limitation
The first nt tempt to suhjeci llfe-ln-
iiarance poliries to taxation win defent.
Id In Slate Jtonrd of Tax Commission.
f-'IVJ, HoUldny (1ml.). V2 I,. It. A. 82(1, 1
tc paid-up or non-forfeltahlo and ,
l"ly paid p life-inKitntnce policies
tre assessed, but the Court held that
te existing statutes, though providing ,
' the taxation of all nronertv not
Inprtssly exempted, did not provido ,
By Special retrtllntlniiH tnr llu. vnlnn.
i00 "s peculiar kind of property. ,
Cenlis baa nlwnys been njclate(l
nithcare'esiness In dress and verv fre- '
Quentlv iiiiii,r,,u .,,i. ..i...., i ,
wrd Itosse. who built thu famous tele
pe that bears his name, was an ex-
ift mechnnlc ntld was nlun Knineu'lmt
careless aliout his dress.
Onotie occasion tho earl was looking
wougli the engine room of n largo
puwnctory. Ho Hitddenly hecaino In
wrested In Honiethlng he saw nnil. talc-
out his watch, Htood looking from
the muchlno with n peculiar snillo
011 liU face.
Tho engineer i,min nlnnn "Wnll
t's upV" lm growled. "What nro
3 Krlniiing nt? What have you to
-J fault with?"
B miswered Lord Itosse, "I am
ot finding fault. I ntn calculntlns
,'lg bc'f0l-t-' tho holler explodes."
Holler explodes? Why, you're crn
'J. man! Vou got out of this."
JH'll," said tho cnrl. "If you work
. minutes longer with that screw
l0Se Ihn i.nii, in ..
Ploile." tuiuuiuy ei.-
j,. , -"r...n.-i:4 luoueii ni uio screw in
'rated, Jumped nt It nml fnBtoned it
" "COIlns ho cniil,!
"vvi.v .n.i:.,r: .. .. .
hft.v "'""i. you uny mat sooner?'
n0?!liy.. 8ll0Ultl I?" nnswered Lord
-a v uuiii'i u.HOlie.
en!!?'00'1 T,, IIonvy to F,oat-
talir nln rcdwol contnlns prnctl
R.a ;no lr1(-'sl". but a largo amount of
excZu ,lc h mnkc? the Krcm wood so
loa ' 0f ?y hcayy tlin o"n tho lower
a trco will sink In water.
Far away from civilization gesture
luiiguiigu is still extuut in Austtulla.
boiuu of the tribes possess such an ox
cullentcolu that it is almost as efll
cient as the spoken hiuguiigu.
A Good Name
At Home
Is Tvwer of Strength Abroad." In
Lowell, SMdss., 'where Hood's Sirsaps
rCla. is nude, it stilt has a. larger sate than
alt other blood purifiers. Its fame and
cures and sates have spread abroad, and it
is universally recognized as the best blood
medicine money can buy. Remember
WC(S SaUafyaul
We offer OncIInndrcd Dollars Howard for any
cane of Catarrh that can not ho cured by Hairs
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop.. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have linown F. J. Cheney
for the pait 15 ; ears, and Lellcvo him perfectly
honorable In all busln us transaction: and An
uncial W able to carry out any obligations made
by their flrzu.
Wrsr & Tucax,
Wholesale DruitrlMs, Toledo, 'J.
V, no!ealo Drug -ists, Toledo, O.
flail's Catarrh Cure Is t- ken .n: - rnally, aclInK
directly on the blood and m cons surfaces ol
tbuajrst:m. 1'rl :c "Is per bo- Ue. Eo:d by all
drugrlitn. Tcatlmonl-.U free.
Hall's Family i'Uls rr th best.
Tho London Daily News says that
tho Itussian man-of-wai Gerzog Edin
bttrskskij, whoso officers and men wero
recently tho recipients of Swedish
courtesy at Kariekrona. reciprocated
by secretly taking soundings, under
cover of darkness, until thoy wero dis
covered by tho governor of tho lortress
Karisktona, is the chief naval station
of Sweden; its approaches aro well for
tified by modern naval defenses, and it
has also a ship channel which is diffi
cult of navigation.
MlesSiuan Wymar.
Miss SuEan Wymar, teacher in tho
Richmond school, Chicauo, III., writes
tho following letter to Dr. llartman re
garding Pe-rti-na. Sho says: "Only
those who havo suffered as I hnve. can
know what a blessing it is to bo able to
find relief in Fe-ru-na. This has been
my experience. A friend in need is a
friend indeed, and every bottle of Pe-ru-na
I ever bought proved a good
ftiend to me." Susan Wymar.
Mrs. Jilargarethu Dnuben, 1214 North
Superior St., Kncine City, Wis., writes:
"I feel eo well and good and happy
now that pen cannot describe it. Peru-no
is everything to me. I havo
takon several bottles of Pe-ru-na for
female complaint. I am in the ohanga
of life and it does me good." Pe-ru-na
has no equal in all of the irregularities
and emergencies peculiar to women
caused by pelvic catarih.
Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O.,
for a free book for women onlv.
Remember that cholera morbus,
cholera infantum, summer com
plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and
dysentery are each and all catarrh
of the bowels. Catarrh is the only
correct name for these affections.
Pe-ru-na is an absolute specific for
theso ailments, which are so com
mon in summer. Dr. Hartman, in
a practice of over forty years, never
lost a single case of cholera infan
tum, dyeentary, diarrhoea, or chol
era morbus, and his only remedy
was Pe-ru-na. Those desiring
furthor particulars should send for
a freo copy of "Summer Catarrh."
Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O.
It takes a snail 14
hours to travel a mile.
days and five
i hi snc
You're bilious, you have a throbbing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your
skin Is yellow with dark rings under your eyes, your lips are parched and you feel ugly and mean, as if you
wanted to kick a lame infant or kill a canary bird. Your system is full of bile not properly passed off, and what
you need is a cleaning up Inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you,
but send out at once for a box of Cascarets and feel bright and cheerful all the time.
Be sure you get CASCARETS I Don't let them sell you a fake substitute!
.rgets iw. uitioa l Jiarryi6. a.
i Globe.
-d I
s so
'I tinva Died yonr vnlnablo CAB
CAllIiTS and find tbem perfect. Couldn't
do without tbem. I havo used them for some
tlmo for Indigestion and biliousness and am
now completely cured. Recommend tbem, to
every ono. Once tried, you will never bo
without them In the family."
Edw. A. Maiix, Albany, N. Y.
in f
uut a bnort lime. "Ana Dray, used nnnr
fefc. ANNUAL SALES 5.000,000 BOXES. &f
25c. 50c,
core CTtry uipu.uc. u. - . . ,,. w..k. or
;o;r;nV?not;r.e;h; reject, .-t your money baclc. Writ. u. for booklet and free .ample I
. .Mrelyreeetable compound. ITo merenrlal or other mineral plll-poUon In Cacrets. Ca.earet. promptly, enect veiy and permaneniiy
CASCARBTS are absolutely btrffllesi, a pure I, ' JetM eompo . con,tipiti0n, but conect any and every form of irregularity of the bowel.. Including dianhcea and dysentery,
erery dl.order of the Stomach Llr r and IntesUnes. They not only cw. W1'0 J Beware Q imltitl0DS and 8abstitute. I Buy a box of CASCARETS
Address STBRLInu kumisui tunrani, nuwuu u nan ium..
nn. MAnTr.r.'s nooir,
M w- ll(. HAlv.r.i. a
IVPlieT tOr WOITICII 1 proper condition than moi.t l.oopjo suppose. It
W 11 T , .AlBd.inelore. Writs L ,,' .mmiiRli tliat thu blood receives It's
ri.i.rn'a innro III keemnir 1110 stomacii 111
fluff oi
ISWS health or slckncs,,
Fronph Female PIl S. Hoore's Revealed
USiLWl'W Aid. tho stomach in maUn,
Soldbrlidni'iri,.in m "-
mnklne rich, healthy
blood. It aids digestion ann minus up u e icr-
vous system. 1 1'i'r bollic ai your iiruKKim a.
Rupture DR. GUM'S
rolve . ":,"
Biatf IWth Corps. rrnsecnui.K
llot Couvh
In time. 1 Sold "r
'I'asies UCO
Is what Uncle Sam uses.
Dr. T. H. White, Fortlandfor. '
treated solen
tlllcally and
conlUU'iiti al
ly. Cirrnpondinci
tOQ Second St, Po Hand.
ITOlll.Nd rile, proline. rooltor.ud'oa Itcalnr.
Jar at driiffRiBta or vent tr raall. Treat Ue free. Writ.
m. auoui jour case, uiuiiuhauku, rmiaaa.,ra.
ITUIimu I'lloproaiicrooiitareauaoauaeltcliliir.
This form. well ai Ullnd, Olaedlnz or l'rotrudlua
l'lle. are cured l)j pr. Doaanko's Pile Remedy
Htopa tlchlnf and tileediutr. Abnorba tumors, otioa
Dayton's Insect Killer will clear
the house of them, l'rlco 60 cents.
Write lor booklet. Ag-ents wanted.
COMPANY, I'ortland, Oregon.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache
nd Dyspepsia, Itemove Tlmplcs and Purify the
Blood. Aid IHircstlonaiidl'reTeiitlllllousiiess. Do
notOripeorSicken. Toconrlnce you, we will mall
aample free, or full box for 25c. I)H. IIOSANKC
CO., Plilln.ln., .cuua. Bold by Druggists,
1 to Ada;,,
IT.e Illl. i tar llniiAtnrnl
disclmrgefl, Intlammatlons,
Irrltalioui or ulceration..
, luliwi. of mucous lnembranea. .ni.Un. Painless, and not ustrln.
iTHtEVANICHEMICAlOO. ent or r'nous,
solu by liruirclaia.
"or sent In plain wrapper.
vj dApie.B, crrpuiu, tar
1.(10. or 3 bottles. Sl'.7.1.
Circular sent ou request.
W. P. N. U.
NO. 33-'00.
TT mention th
writing to
ndTortlier. pleaio