Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 11, 1899, Image 5

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    VIM Rotli Knowlton left for Klraiik
I""" ..........
nTAwliry wont to MiReno yesterday
, ,...HI Monday.
ttil . ......
I.... f-IMIOtlH liciirinu hii; -mm
L vnfff through hero Thursday
atf-M--. ,
wore viaittntc Mm. H. Mann
.JmmIaV a
... vionfl one rf Hie jovlnl farmer
(Row "Ivor was doing business In
..ri ol more trouble lit the
il.Jeni mlnr. in nClrIy unfounded iui.I
Joinj Into the district Is entirely mi-
jjr.fii-o. Walker the genial merchant
( Walker, 'accompanied bv his (rieml
n p, fti.lwell of ('allfornla bavc the
jhifgrt office a pleasant call Wednesday.
Oliver VentcJi. Rdilnr Woolcy of the
filler ami Prof. Day returned from Ho.
hemln Tuesday. They report having
ftn Editor Howard tolllnu nnd sweat
ing over the mountains in tho district.
Henry Wanner ha w Improved from
the effect of his wounds thut he was able
lheflrt of Hie week to leave Iho hospital
itPn Francisco, mid tnko a trip to
isVeles. He will come home In alsiut
lo weeks.
Friends ami relative were surprised
)r the arrival Wednesday mornlni: of
Jltnry Ijinde, Klnier Poollllb- Hnd .1.
S. Undnay of Company O '-?nd Oregon.
Tl(. boys are tdad to lie home and wo
jrciiUd to Kit them and find them
Iwikinu so well .
"MIm Annie Underwood, of Collate j
Grore, sister of Mr. (Sen. Kinall, in j
vidilne, at Silver Lake. Ml I'ndrr
vi was one of the early teacher in'
Pauley school district and hn a hot of
friends in Lake county. I-nkcvlew
KryiMcr. ;
It sain looks natural to sec Henry
Lande on our streets, and Henry hn
rhnwn hi Rood nctnt and soldierly
qualities hy doffing hi uniform and j
vearimr civilian clothes, wo arc proud j
of nil our loys they wero the true blue
tuff. I
Dr. II. C. Scbleef, a graduate physi-1
rian and un!"on of the IMiysIn-Medh-nl
College if Indlannfxdl', In.. and lnle of '
Eugene. Ore.. ha tnk.'ii the place for a ,
time of Dr. fnapp. The doctor i oecu- tbe oflW of Dr. Siiami where he i
will lie plt-aied M meet all who wih to
we him.
Clin. K. Wilkinson, a former repre.
centatlve from tbl conntv. died at the
lirune of hi parent riundnv morning of
consumption. Mr. Wllkln-on bad the
distinction of lxlnc the youngest retire
serilative tbnt ever served the people of
Orison, and lenve many friend to
mourn hi Ion.
Itrfumcit iiie,-
Tho Barrett-Wood party reMirned
from NVvtmrt lat fiatnrdav. Thev re
ioit n splendid time Mr. Ix-wi i
oournlnir therealiout.
Talked About.
A well known tmvelinir mnn who
mopped here lnt week I authority for
the Matement that the recent Doheniia
trlke la talke.1 of in Southern
Orpiron and that down there everybody
apeak well of Cottaue fSrove and her
proapectu, miner enpecialiy are all ex
citement nvtr Hohemia.
D. Lincoln, the well known candy
man hachanetsl nl quarter, from the
hulldlnir formerly uatMl an a meat market
Into the one recently vacated by
Mr. Pnltr.mnn. Mr. Lincoln will atock
up hero with a choice, lino of con
fectionary troodH. Ho will alo keep Ice
cream and lemonade. Call on him.
Hontoii Coffee Houne.
Mr. Ix-on Violey of Kucene, who
spent a day in Cottage (trove recently
announce that ho ha prchaed the
well known Ninth Htreet lunch counter,
in KiiBonO. Mr. Woolcv has eliriatenwl
hi place of buaineaa thn Iloton Coffee
Itoune, rihI will Hervo lunchoi from
Cent up, Mr. Woolcv Is worthy of
sucocHH nnd will no doubt gut n liberal
Property SoUt.
Tame Humuuway last, week aoid the
hulldlnKand lot, Corner Main and Third
ctreeta belonuint! to Win. llomenwny.
to John Crowley, recently from
Vancionvar, Waah., who expect to put
in a saloon in tho near future. Mr.
Crowley in a man of experience in tho
naloon huincga and proponea to run an
up to date place of lnfHlilcs
William Hetnenway, nr., Friday pur
chased from II. E. Untfarwortd tho two
loU in tho roar of 8. It. Tiper's hard
ware Htoro, corner of Plat alul Third
streets, Mr. Homenway contemplate
hiilldlnii a cottage oil tho property this
Mr ,,, M, j linklllh vm
A D Lincoln wnnt down lo KRWI0
y-Motday lo visit tlm 8(1(,!r.
MMai, McQiieon acuorr.p.mi,,! hurl
""f weorRo tocoyoto Monday.
(;lii'idu Hawk win fine if .in 1..
lr x.y ran,,, ,, from Km,m fm
') .v loam. (;Ih,0 ,m1hn(!( ,ia father
'"'I "other who went down on tho
K'oll Cliriman returned velerdnv
ro.n Sonthrrn Oreon looking ln(t j,,,!,
earty. llo reportM liaviiiUa splendid
time while Kone.
Oregon Troops Mustered out
Him Franeicco, An. 7. Tho Fecond
Oregon nifiment wa miiMcnil out of
the cervine of pnele Sum tflay-each
man received hi dlchiire paper from
the miiftteririK officer, and panned on to
Hie ttaviliimler ulu. i.nvn .....1. ..i.i:..l
what money wuh due him.
A the men were nembled fur llic!
lattime, previou lo their diffoliitinu I
a a reciment,(ieneral Owen Summer
addrvoed them with n few word of
farewell and advice. He cautioned!
them not to do anything, in the nhort
time that remain "before they are
finally dihaiiditl, to relied on the ex- J
ccllent record they have made, and mIho !
to he on the outlook that no one cliould
take undue advantage of them, (ieneral
Summer, who i very popular, wa en-'
thiinlaMirnllv cheerel hy tho men of hi j
Chaplain Gilbert was made the
happiest man in en nip by an evidence
of the regard in which he i held by the
men, in the form of ?20() a a library
fund. The little, tender hearted chap,
lain, who ha buried the fallen comrade,
often taking hold of the pade hiuiHclf,
i uuiverally esteemed, ami my ho
prir.e the affection of the men more
than any pant favor.
At the M. K. parsonage, Sunday even
ing, August filh, Rev. M. 0. Brink
officiating, Jus. N. Boyd toMissOra h.
Pickard, The Nugget join with
their many friend in wishing them
happiness and prosperity through life.
At the M. K. church Sundiy, Aug.
(lib, I.ev. M. O, Brink officiating, Jo.
Sllnnet of Wallace to Mis K. IIofTman'
of Voncolla.
J. W. ShafTord, former snperin
lendatit of the O. C. Telephone line
wn In town Monday. Mr. Shnmird has
1hmmi for some time employed on the
Snake river line and his business here
wn for the purpose of procuring tele
phone and telegraph poles. He in
formed the reporter he would return in
about two weeks and see what could be
done in regard to tho Bohemia line.
A two-horse wagon box load, dry
kindling wood for'J5cts. at Saginaw
11. K. J.. lO.
Harvest hand are in demand in Sher
man county. Many men who uRiinlly
go to the county for work at this time of
tlm vear have kciit away tins season on
account of reports that the grain crop
would be short. It is now entu tnat tne
wheat cron will average from 15 to '20
bushel an aeic.
Haying nearly finished, considerable
grain cut.
Mrs. Dreece is sum-ring with u lame
arm, as the result of a fall.
Mr. and Mr. James Kennedy liavo
.... I Mr Ivix.milv wbO
UOtlO lo i uriin.ii. j
r . . !..!.! ..I lt.iti.
is sutlerlng witli appenmciiiB, wm
un operation jiorformed.
. . T. 1 1
While Mr. Pel' Inn .' ami inerrosv uva
. r .1. ,it h
wero returning irom uouagovtruvu
n, .ni.ow from tliem. breaking
.CI.." H""
tlmlr wagon to piece and scattering
tiling generally, but no one was hurt.,.,.nna'v bus arrived
JMIIO m.H.l.ui.rc
and he is now ready to manufacture
1 Hon.
Mr. Piper of Cottage Grovo was up in
iI.Ih vicinity Sunday.
Tho gold ntino hero is still being
worked and is improving. Mr. laylor
has been sick for some time and is
unable to work much.
Tho Divide Sunday school is still hero.
Mr. E. F. Smith iiaa nearly completed
his hotiso.
Deer bd careful now.
11 About you.
The boys are home.
Hurrah for the Second Oregon.
The Boyd gallory will bo open Mon
day AugiiHt 21.
Win. dimming of dimming cV 8ehr
Hpent biHt Sunday in 10. .gone.
Location notice latent revised at
Hohemia Nugget ofllco.
Mr. and Mr. It. Lurch and daughter
are riiHtlcntingat Newport.
Sol DavidKon wa doing bimine in
Hiigeno Friday.
(ieo. McQueen left Monday on a vlult
to hi mother at Coyote.
Walter Hohh of Kugene wa u caller at
the Nugget ollice Monday.
Rev. Wooley returned Tuesday to hi
homo at Kugene.
J . W. Cook was a paHcenger tin Tues
day's not th bound local.
Tho. M. Gardner was doing business
in town Wednesday.
Win. Horn was in town Wednesday
on hindncs.
J. I. Jones has the frame up for bis
largo now barn, jiibt south of town.
Attorney .1. M. Williams of Ktigene
transacted business in Cottage Grove
Mrs. C. II. Cottle and daughter spent
a pleasant day last Sunday at tho h. me
of Mr. and Mrs Horace Mann.
Miss Minnie Spong went to Kugene
Tuesday to be in attendance upon the
teachers' examination.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J!. Phillips and
family weie visiting friends on Silk
creek Sunday.
Joe Baker of the firm of IJaker and
Johm-ou returned Tuei-day from a busi
ness trip down the valley.
W. IS. Hawley lias the foundation
laid for ids new residence in iho Mc
Farlktid addition.
A two-horso wagon box load, dry
kindling wool for 'J5cts. at Saginaw.
T 1 - t
u. r. it, vjii. i
in.... T .... r .
..iir rjui.iy ..lumber unuiu uuwu ...uji-
day from n Sunday's visit with her
parents at Voncalla.
Kd Hebard tiie popular clerk at
Lurch's returned from his two weeks
vacation at Yoncalla Saturday last.
Miss Madge Wilson of Yoncalla ar
rived lie u last Sunday morning, and is
the guest of Miss Ida Currin.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kakin and Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Lurch left on Tues
day's local for the seaside at New
port. Professor Holland will leave the first
of Hext mouth for Prinesville, to take
dun go of the public schools at that
J.I. Jones nnd family, Mrs. Ella
Benham and daughter, and Miss Laura
Jones of the Drain Watchman, left
Tuesday morning for an outing in the
Bohemia district.
Ilalph Whipple returned Saturday
last from id two weeks outing in tho
Bohemia district and from his looks one
would Judge tho trip had greatly bene
fitted bitn.
Judge Hamilton of Roseburg nnd ex
( overnor Pennoyer of Portland, were
passengers on Monday's north bound
Why is It the citv council does not ad
vortise forbids in a business manner in
tho newspapers, when they have con
tracts to let?
Salem which lias been in darkness for
Rnino time, has again resumed the
electric street lighting.
Tho Hood Itivcr Fruitgrowers' Union
has completed Uh labors with the straw
berry crop of the present season, and
hns mailed final checks to the growers
The average sum per orato returned to
growers is about $1.G0.
G. Medd'ws, tho well known Do miner, spent Saturday and Sun
dav in Cottage Grove. The Nugget
acknowledges a pleasant call.
Vnrest ltangor Bob Veatch accom
minted bv ids wifo wero down Sunday
from Hohemia. They returned with
their children Monday.
iVini Smith one of Bohemias genial
miners returned Friday last from an ex-
n.i..i rin through Arizona, Now
Mpvieo and Utah. Tom reports the
mining industry flourishing in that
s c.tion.
ri.o indies will bo obliged to confess
during the coining coiibus. The new
liw says that women who refuse to tell
llini.- nlrn or indulge in inaccurate, state
monts thereof shall on conviction lo
n..n,i ion. as shall all other persons rr
fusing te reply to qiiostions.or inakii'K
also stiiteiJieiite.
Can not be surpassed for real worth
Crockery, Glassware,
Granite ware, Tin
ware, Wood and
Willow ware,
And the way they hold prices down
will prove beneficial . to every
economical buyer. A large
shipment of Syrups just recieved
Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs
and glass.
Look up the
cuwinc & seHr
, C. M. Hkndbrkr,
E. J.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M- Hertderer & Go. Prop. f
Reasonadle Prices
' First-Class Turnouts,
Konnomy Is not
Inlying S-hoddy
We now baic a KUli
STOCK of the
A New Invoice
Dry Ooods
Stnves and Tinware: Hardware
Sundries; Carpenters Tools; Gar
den Tosls, and Miner's ouppues.
The Best Line of
Agriculture Implements in the
City, Including the Celebrated
:: Stoughton Wagon:::
PLOWS, Etc. Headquarters for
Plumbing, Tin ana ueet iron
I Ilcnifiiway I
I nn.l -1
j' liurkholdor. 1
Vk 7
J. A. Fkykr.
'& Proprietors of the Bohemia w.
t and I
; Black Butte Stage Iines. w
Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
! Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with us..
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy o
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips',
old stand, Cottage Grove thregon.
Adminstrator's Notice.
Nottwls horcliy given that tho undorsiimod
has boon duly appointed by the County Court
of Ijino County, ureuon, Bdintnlslrator of the
estate of James Q. limit, defeased. All persons,
having claims against said estate are hereby-:
required to present the same to me propcsly
vorlllod, as by law required, at Wlldwood, Ore.
within six months of tho date hereof.
Dated this the :th day of Juno, 1899.
J, T. Hunt.
Administrator of the estate of James Q. Hunt,
Masons' fruit jars all sizes, Vacum
fruit jars all sizes, extra caps and rub-'
bers, jelly glassos and fruit fillers. All
at tho lowest possible prices at Gumming
& Sehr's.
A full suit of summer undorwear for
50 cents at Kaki.v & Bkistow's.
Overalls, the best you over saw, 60
cents a pair at Eakin & Bhibtow's.
Remember Dr. l.L. Scofiuld, Dentist
when you want dental work done.