r3 AND in on DESTROYED I' iin,li Ruin YYJUU n M PILED ON THE DEACH MPS ,r",r'll,fl , , ,.. tfnrn I.llt Motmr u.. mu" j.'.r.ue. " Hnmli. ..,1. 'H ,!l4(lruit cvolono thatnvr; vis- -wi !.Hto.l Cariabollu, Moli.tyn, H At Cnrml'll" (inly iilnu houses , j, JKinof nO"'C" l"Hf"l I"" ofn, r,B ..rovii. A ooiniiiunlontluii (mm J " J .inl... Il.ul 200 families r.. Mlul'Ktoul 1ioiiihi or shelter, nnd in.my ' 'oJMl. oy ,wo ""U ,J0"UrH '""rk la of wo""" t,,wl1, . ' tn Mt l.L.vii Intci tint gulf. Tin nu,K.toll TallalmMM & "'"'' il ot (," ! it iriulu' I (r n iIIhIiiiico ol MtX ",,IL A lmM"',lK,,r ""J" " eh 0f .iMji.Ii. M""' l'"",,,K,"'H wim '"1""I. l'ro,lLm Ihelr im.ui" urn unobtainable. jjt jlj Williams, coluro I, whs killed hi ('"ue"- Nl n,1"'r" ,n", ,,r"" Bin Sdlfltt ,'"'k',, n,u,lMl Nt'n u( A'"" coM1,iLBweipcri'd 10 rut'"v''' i1u '""'It'"" onujffjM.i rejorio.l Iroiii Mclulyru or I..m- VltBl.y nl.tp lr'K t anolinr In Don ,n) tt'H,,r,j rtv nnd upper anchorage im et(fUBM,nil high hiI -Iry nt St. Ucnigo mid o Hlaiel. Twelve wru loaded will. bnilr fliw reii'iy writeii. .hhiiiuk it' ll) l.-.f.Bl"'0' """" "", H ""'M 01 wrtM'K,,U- dna.:tjBjan ilio Italian Imrk lortunln Mi tick, liit-BiU'I'1'1 '" ,w" 'r01" H,t"" "ti'in. fy tirHi'ii(! il'"' oilu-r Tneiiln wrecked weio lootiaBw Noi wcmn harks I'niiavuhi, Vale, ' ijTir.llif'.er. 11 ui-loo mid Elizabeth; the ''. o b'n ,t'' I'litiirm, itml thri'o jultii ,ttl;jtHt'i'i. t l.ii uteiuiicm Oilit rihI Cup. lie! l'ii' Fuiy I'.'iitM ol iiiulu 2U limn LerBtrtluit- Hotliiiij: ol tlm untiro llot-t il,r,jH(jn t mvisl. ' f . iB Fit iini'lfiitifiixl IkjiUhk wrn ncov- I toiu!() icxlay. ciipiiii"l to liu NiiilorH. a ku U Tu;'!uat umia Iroin lien- to liu n;is;Hwf't"l ll.' wriirkuu, iuhI all Hiniilo if!((.Hii. ti leinu hIvhii. l'ifty ilontiliili' liom I Milori with liroiiylit liurutodiiv ninl uru etijcf Um:caiHl (oi. Jti tiB A man mcuMiik o( chizoim in IhjIiijj a(ijBl'Hlieii toiHKlit uiid all jioshIIiIu uiil xiimH "11 li K'ven tho Cur raiMillo ili'Mitnlu. One tit il I ion (lolliirk will not cover U;. m u my I e f HloNiiinr Orriritnl Ml' Hnt. Tillalmgnio. Kla., Aii. 7. The flmt it-'iij lDlelli;'er.co coiii'oniiiu tho Hininifr cfiip- H C.ffCPiit City, which wiih ruixirlcil lost fa- H Taeadiiy'it storm, wan ruoulvoil Intro ifi.i H tly. Tiiu iteainor in mifu up thu ! H C'bitlalioochcu rlvor. Only (our Iioiiku m M lenain in ''iiriiiliullu. Tho ilupot, ,f'' n "nl (toieii, wiirulimifcH ami iiiiIIh, mn I in' 'nc1, 11 " buitiuoKrt lioimcM, cio in ' m 0ilutuly wreckoJ ami tho atooka do ii" itioyet). ZiM YAQUS ON THE WARPATH. "u B Ih 51",lr"11 IihIIhii Trmibln L'mialitnlly Chicncn. Aim. 7. A hdooIiiI to tho l;U Tribune from tho City of Moxico Hiiya: H ''l""'"''8 (r""1 Ouayniita hIiow tliat tin M the Yuijui iiiHtirruotioii in ooiiMtautly n1 M rowiiii m oxtont, ami all tho Iiuliimn ill H In ttio kiwiih alonK tho rivoi aro liaiiiK I'' W in arms ami tnllno lii ilui wiwiiIh mill fliouiiiuliiH to join their coniianioiiN aU B- reajy arrayed iiKiiinat tho a.itlioritlcR. if. Jack Itanieov. tlm ftiimiiix frontior lb( charucit'i, ami tho Amoiicaii plu.toh' 1,4 m "''la'r' ' AMIlor, woro on tlm way M ,oA1""l(J,i when tlioy woro attackoil by e m the IndiniiN ami klllml. H is rcnortoil that tho Itoiimro family b m ero captuieil an tluiy woro alimit to it 9 etnbai k on ono of tho nloois ami that at tlieywuiu killod. TroopH aro purHii- B fK tho baiulH BiippoHoil to havn the I- Hj family. Tho tokrapli lino south I. from Alain ia lifia Ikuiii put Tint In dians iiIoiik tho Mayo rivor aie quiot nil do not fiooin to bo inalinod to join ho insnirection. Uolonol AdkoI Garcia 1'ona tolo Rrnpliutl yoatorday that Don Carlos Julo, tho notoil niorchant, has not Iiimmi Killed nH roported. Oflloial adviccH up mi VUOIi"v, nowovor, statu ciuaiiy tnai AWT flnr in f.. .....I. 11.. .... v.uuuum xtirrun iiiruun iuuis u- juin, thuv fun ml ton (load of illti troops horn Coacorlt. and four of tho body Snard of tho Yaqul cliiof, Mnhlonado, al tlm body of Halo. Thoy nay notli 1'iK luia boon hoard of jho chlof. Kitiiiitiou ii riiviiiiiiiiii. Wa8iiinBton, Auk. 7. Olllolal re ports to tho inarino .hospital Hotviuo om tlio Soldiers' Homo at Hampton Jliow that tho yollow fovot Bituation Vmro C0ltlnuuH favorable. Burgeon "Into reports to Dr. Wyinnn that tlioio 8 nothing BiiBpioious in tho town of "iiupton. Tiioro were no now eaHoa a'iil only ono doatli nt tho Homo today, "ocordiiiR tonropoit Dr. Viokcry, tho 'urseon at tlio iiiBtltution, Rent to the Gi'Beoii.Konornl tonljlit, Dr. VioKory ProBlng tho opinion that tlio im uiio ludp on tho way there should bo ttillloioiit, na tlio opldenilo neoms to bb eiieckud. Tlio coidon around tho Homo " tlm imniodiato ndjolning vIIIuko of Y'oobiiB, Surueon Whlto sayH, is as ll8'it as ho ovor hiiw it at any wlaco. REBELS REOEIVINQ AltM8 "mi """.M.mt Tl,.y II,,,,,. J w...r. i.ltl., the country may Iry tin (in.,,1, ,,,, lh() ' ob, o imrmlt tho Amiirh:.,,, t.oopi, ,r, v nU,,,,l,,0n' T1'"A-""I'." "nay .luriiiK thu rainy H.uon ,,, i.lly l.o luspootoil to doanytl,.,iK morn th.ii. hold whnl it hH u,(illnil J(ii( o pin for the noxt ciiii.i.aiL.n. ti. kiiiiiI to ih.fijml In not vory rent. I On tho koiitli of Manila wo 'hnvo I linns, about IS ,iCR llWay, wll0,0 ,10, fourth ami Koiiiteenth infantry, with I nuvi'ial kuiih from tho Sixth nrtlllury, I mo ktnliniicl. Thin tuiritorv was Uiiin. il within tlio luHt two weeks by , tho hard lluhtliiK at I'arimiKpiij, at whlcli .ivoii tlio rattlo of the rifles can ! he hiiHMl in Manila. We hold the road ! that Ming to Iiiiiih through I'nranaiuo 1 and Hacoor, oi-ry inch of which who gained by hard lluhtliiK. Norlhwaid tlio farthest point In tho control of out aoldluis in Han J'Vrnando, II iiiIIm from .Manila, on tho railioad. Thu rallrrnul In uy uiIIch in loiinth in all, but thu ltiHiitintH control all the track butwfim Khii Kurnando and I)a Kupan, the northern terminal of the road. The Americans hold Camidaha, cast of Kan Keniaiulo 10 iiiileH. Thoy hold all tho towim along tho railroad, of eonraii, to Kan Fernando and Ua liuii);, neven milen east of I'ulihin. ltfftoi tu continually come from Da liuat' that tho town is entirely biii rounded by the enemy and Is about to bu carried by hsbiiuU. Hut Colonel l'lige and thu Third infantry have ho far tliiven the rebels back with dinae tioim 1011 every time thoy have assault ml thu town, and ho declares he can hold it for an Indulluito time, although bin position there if by no mean an eagy one. Hupplii-s and mail can only be canted over to Halliiai; from the railioad under an escort of not leaa than ICO men, who are invariably at tacked ome 'vhere along tho road, both going and coming. At Han 1'einaiido two determined at tacks along tho wholu rebel line n ere uiiidu laat week. Tlio second engage ment 1 axled three hours, when thu in Biiigonta were driven back with heavy oneen. llullels fly continually ovur lKith places ami stray bullets frequently find victims. Heavy shipments of arms are said to bo constantly arriving f i out Japan and Australia and, it is said, even from our own country. Cartridges picket! up in the iusuruenta trendies bear the trade mink ol a big manufacturing llrm in tlio United States. The insur gents have throe factories where they manufacture cartridges and other mu nitions of war. If they were kept on the run thoy would liavo no tlmo to to equip themselves that they could re turn after defeat, better able to light than they weio before. Thoy aro learning things evory en counter with the Americans. Tlio pa pers in Manila havo continually ro foried to tho fact that the rebels weio pioiie to shoot too high, and they seemed finally to havo learnod tlio les son and now thoy aie netting tlioii idiots well down ami Bhowing a gieat impiuveuiont in marksmanship. Tlio few Americans who cauio ovoi to Manila a week ago Tuesday on tho Ksmcraldn from Hong Kong weio as tonishod a few hours after sunrise when their ship hiul steamed (Hit to qtiaian tine, to heai heavy cannonading from tlio monitor Monadnock. which was in plain sight down tho coast about live miles bolow Manila. Sumo of the t.as sengers thought it wiy M""u fcort Hiluto in honor of the airival of foino dlstingiiislied naval or army hero and tliev eagerlv ijuestioned a soldier who sat "on the stern of tlio health ollker's launch. "That," said tho young man. that h nothinu. That's just a battle." It wasHomo time before tlio passengers could l.ollevo tlio Americans and insui uunts were llnbting within siuht am Bouml of Manila, wl.e.e the war had stinted six mouths before. 1 he battle ,aged all dayandat 4 o clock in the fturnoon the rattle of smal arms could bo distinctly heard, and lato in the uvoning tho health olllcor told us tho llgliting h'l hoon at Paranaquo. CZAR WAS GLOOMY. Ilcl.lrd to AlMllrat.. Ill' H.nine .. r... Ciiaan'a Vlnlt. II Mil unit"" " London, Aug. 7.-M. do lllowitz. tho Paris correspondent of tho limes, gives extraordinary explanation ol M. Del Casso's present mission. Ho as sor s that it was decided upon quite do J (or a "reason which admitted Sly'aiiattauiv tho story in on ho ' i' 18 Uim ", B(,"T o 'which la... bound to attach impoit ance." T'his is tlio explanation: .12.npo.or Nicholas is disappointed and t o.l f theth.ono. The absence o n heir excites his sopors it.t ous fool RUHd ho connects himself with Z s Si Ioboii.1. aocor.ling to wh ch an WORSE THAN REPORTED. ftirrlliln Work ot tlm Htorin In North nrn I'liirlllii. Tallahassiin, Kla., Aug. 5. Tho first train sinco Monday from Carraboll, thiotitrh the storm ridden khI coast Hoot ion, reached hero this afternoon. The train crew and passengers ngreo In stating that reports sent out of tho destruction wrought by tho storm have been extremely moderate. Carraboll is literally wipod from tlm map. Her docks and wharves, containing nbout 400,000 feet of lumber and 00,000 bar rels of rosin, wore quickly swept away. Thirteen or 14 largo lumber vessels in tho bay woro swept ashore, and aro now lying well upon dry land. These vessels contained soveial million loot of lumber. No information is obtain able as to tho loss of life from those vohsoIs or from tho largo fleet of fishing bouts in the uoiglioihood. 'July two or three huts nio loft standing in Carraboll, and one colored woman is known to have been killod by the falling of a house. Citizens of Car raboll ato in a state of wild confusion, and aro Hocking in every direction for relief. The town is isolated and the wires aro still down. Tho towns of Molntyre and Curtis Mill aro demolished, and laruo inter esis havo boon destroyed. Tho coast results, Ttreni and Lonark, aro more seriously wrecked than at first reported, and visitors havo fltilfeied groat hard ships, thouu'li no loss of life is yet known. Fifteen men, said to havo been fisltliig on an island called Dog island, just bolero tiio storm broke, cannot bo found. YELLOW FEVER SITUATION. No Ni'W Cinra, No Morn I'Hlntltlea, No h,irritil. No ContiiEliin. Washington, Aug. G. Tlio yellow fever situation at Hampton continues favmable ami encouraging, in the opin ion of tho ofllcials of tlio marine hos pital service. According to oflicial re ports there baa boon no spread of the contagion since yesterday nor has any of the caeca now under treatment piovod fatal sinco that timo. It is Imped to confine the disease to tho sol diers' homo and Phoebus, but Surgeon Oerieral Wynian thinks it too early t make a definite prophecy tegarding tli outbreak. Nn it In Wnalilnclon Stittn. Washington, Aug. C. Marino hos pital otllcials at Hampton havo suc ceeded in tracing and locating a former inmatonf tlie soldioia' home, who is believed to hnvo brought yellow fever to that place. His namo is William Thomas. Ho arrived at tlio home on a transport from Santiago, whore ho had been visiting fiom July 2 to 5 last. He was admitted to tlio home as a vet eran and soon after developed chills and fever. In the light of subsequent events experts believe there is littlo doubt ho was affected with a mild case of yollow fover, although it was not diagnosed as such at tho time. When well enough to travel, ho left tho home ami his baggage was sent to Phoebus. Tho man himself went to Columbus City, Wash., wliero ho now is. Itriiifity for Tubrriiloali. Washington, Aug. 5. Anew remedy for tuberculosis, developed in Franco, has boor, repotted to tlie stnto depart ment by United Stntos Commeroial Agent Atwood nt Houbaix. It is n treatment called to tho attention of tho academy of music by Dr. Mondel, and consists in tho daily injection into tlio bronchial tubes of cssonco of cuoa lyptus, thyme and cinnamon, hold in solution in olivo oil. Tho oil in de scending slowly, comes in contact with tlio walls of tho tubo and uppor lungs. Tho gas sot free saturatos tlio air in the lungs nnd nets on tlio mucous mem brane In 10 cases treated, after ono or two wooka tiioro was in nil a lesson ing or co'mploto cessation of tho cough or expectoration, as well as a return of sleep, appotito and Btrougtli. Hi-mi unit Arm Mown Off. Cumberland. Wis., Aug. 5. Chria Wobl. a fnrmor near Peskin Lako. this county, committed suiuido today by doliboratoly blowing oil his head with dynnmito. Ho placed a quantity of dynamite in tlio ground, laid his head ovor it nnd touched it off, oxclaiimng: "Hero I go, nnd tho Lord go with mo, " His bend nnd arm woro completely lorn away. I'linlo Preilleteit for Onrmnny. Berlin, Aug. 5. Tho Deutclie Tngea Zoitung today publishes a sensational nrtiolo predicting a gent panic in tho Gorman mouoy maiket. Tlio papor said that during the Inst six months 1 C05.000.000 marks of now slinrea woro issued, of which 518,000,000 woro industrinl Eoouritioa whioh it is al leged exceeds tho wholo issuo of 1808. A masa of ovidonco is quoted to prove tho exiatonco of unsound speculation. JiiiiipuilT'i-oiii lliooklyii llrlilco. Now York, Aug. 5. Ilanna Hnusor, i.n,.nnrns nt flirt ilnrnld S ninno theater. HUlinmui v.. .,1, in thia oity, jumped fiom tho middle span of tho Brooklyn bridgo nt B n'ulook thisnftoruoon. Ho wna rescued in tlio water and will recover. I'liiiaton Will VIllM It Out. il, Kan.. Anu. 5. A lot- ..... ni.nrnl FiuiBtoii wna received 1UI Hum w. .-.- by Dr. K. Anthony, of tho Leaven worth Times, today, mo general an nounces ho will May in tlio army until tlio wnr in tho Philippines ia nt an end, nnd will not muster out with hip regiment. TO PROTECT GAME. CoiiIim of Him Nw I.iw ICnuctml nt tlio l.u.t Hfliui of lli Vh1iIiik Ioii I.CKliliitnir. Following is a full synopsis of tho new game laws of Washington as is sued from tho ofllco of tho gitmu and llsh commissioner at Olympia. Tho recuiit legislature amended tho old laws in several respects, and it will bo well lor those who contemplate going into llie fields or woods of this stnto on shooting excursions to carefully peruse tho following and to preserve the sumo for future reference: Open season Moose, elk, caribou, antelope, mountain sheep or goat. .September and October. May lie hunt ed witli dogs in tho sound counties only during the month of October. Deer SetitcuiborlG to December 15. May bo hunted with dogs in tho sound counties only duiing the month of Oc tober. Grouse, pralrio chickens, aago hens, nnd nutivo pheasants August 15 to Deconiehr 1. Kxcopt that prairie chickens shall not be killed in Kittitas ami Klickitut counties before October, 1001., Quail, Mongolian or imported pheas ant Aro protected nnd shall not be killod in any part of the state before October, 1001. Kxcopt Mongolian or imported pheasants may bo killed in Skamania county between tho 15th day of October and December 1. Duoks, swan, sandhill crane, rail, plover, or other water fowl August 15 to March 15. Fresh water trout April 1 to No vember 1. It is unlawful to kill game at any timo unless it is jieod for food. It is unlawful to kill gamo for its hide or horns. It is unlawful to hunt deer, moose, elk, caribou, untelopo, mountain sheep. or goat with dogs except within tlio sound counties during the month of October. It ia unlawful to firo hunt, trap or ensnare any wild animal. It is unlawful to hunt deer botween one hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunriso. It is unlawful for any ono person to kill more tiian four deer, or more than two elk, moose, antelope, caribou, mountain sheep or goat during any one season, or to kill any spotted fawn. It is unlawful to kill for Bale, sell, offer for sale or for market or buy, at any timo during tlio year, any gamo of any description, with the exception of water fowl. It is unlawful to kill for sale, sell or have or ofler for sale or buy, any ducks or water fowl exceut during the month of October, and not to exceed in num hot 10. It is unlawful to trap, net or enanare any gamo bird, or have possession of any live game biid, except for propaga tion. It ia unlawful totako thoegga of any gamo bird, or diaturb their nesta. It ia unlawful to use sink boata or sneak boata, or any (,'un other than that fired from the shoulder; or to shoot duoks between one hour after sunset and one-half hour beforo sun rise; or to use any floating blinds or artificial lights. It ia unlawful to kill, trap or take any song bird, or tuke their eggs or disturb Hick nests. It is unlawful to hunt, kill or trap quail in any part of the state before October 15," 1001. It ia unlawful to hunt, kill or trap Oriental, Mongolian or imported pheaa nut in any part of tho state, except the county of Skamania, beforo October 15, 1001. It ia unlawful to ship gamo out of tlio state. It is unlawful to catoh trout in any way except with hook and line. Tlio state commissioner is ex-offlcio stato game wnrdon. For u violation of tho game law a flno of not losa than $10 nor moro than f 100 ia imposed; if not paid, imprison ment at tho i ate of $3 per day. Possession of game birds or animals when unlawful to kill or havo samo ia prima facie ovidenco of violation ot law. Ono-half of tho fine payablo to in formor within 80 days from dato of conviction. Salaried county gamo wardens ap pointed upon application to tlio county commissioners. Sheriffs, deputy Bhoriffs, constablea, oity marshals and polico ofliceis, aro BX-oflicio game wardens, whoso duties aro to inspect wnroliousea, cold stor ages, hotels, markets and restaurants, and euforco tho game laws. North went Noivi Notoi. Rampart City, Alaska, is now a town of 500 inhabitants. A number of Portlnndors aro iiv Bnker City district oxnniining mines. Ono of tho boats of tlio Yukon river, taken in in sections, in 10 trips cloared $85,000. Spokano Industrinl Exposition will offer $1,000 in pursea for rock-drilling contest. Wostorn Union Tolograph Company haa cut tho salaries of its Salom em ployee. Southorn Oregon logmen aak expla nation of why this year logs hug the banks of tlie rlvors in driving, whoieaa before they havo always takn tho iliannol. OUR FINANCIAL POWER. .onilon Citnnot tint Vrom Kair Tork thai (told T'jnt It Nxoda. R. 0. Dunn & Co. in their weekly roview of trado say: July failures have been smaller than in any month of which tiioro is rocoril excepting May, anil trading failures smaller than in any other month. Surprising contrasts aro shown by com parisons of small witli largo failures in different years and in no class of busi ness without some largo failures not at tributable to present influence, does tho aggregate equal tho nverago of tho past six years. London again recognizes tho financial power of this country. Tho Bank of England virtually admits that it cannot draw from New York tlio gold it needs; exchange moves to tho importing point; over $1,000,000 starts fiom Sidney to gan Francisco. London's net buying of stocka haa been 40,000 shares and bills against produce to be shipped aro very heavy. This describes a repetition of finance not unlike that in industries. Etiropo ia searching for wool hero at 50 cents n pound, scouicd, and for pig iron at $20 a ton. A vast demand for both ma terials haa fallen upon tho commeroial world which thia countiy alone appears able to meet for its own needs. Wool shipments from Australia havo been surprisingly little below those of last year, but Europe talks ol a wool fam ine, while this country has on hand a year's consumption or more, besides this year's clip, and prices aro not yet as high as they were in February of last year, when stocKB were many mil lion pounds larger. Failures for the week have been 182 n tho United States, against 10G last year, and 23 in Canada against 21 last year. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Portland ,Mrkot. Wheat Walla Walla, 5057c; Valley,57Jc; Blucstem, 58c per bushel. , Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $2.05; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choico white, 4345c; choice gray, 4243c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $1020; brew ing, $21.00 per ton. Millatuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $89; clover. $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 40 45c; seconds, 3587c; dairy, 3035o; store, 22J27Kc. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12o; Young America, ISo; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34.50 per dozen; hens, $4. 50 5. 00; springs, $23.50; geeso, $4.0005.00 for old. $45.50 for young; ducks, $5.00 6.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, .12 13c per pound. Potatoes f 1 1.25 per sack; sweets, 2c per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, lj2c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1 beans, 5Cc per pound; celery, 70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c pet box; peas, 3"c per pound; tomatoes, $1 per box. Hops ll13o; 1897 crop, 40c. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastorn Oregon, 813c; mohair, 27 30c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethera and ewes, 3)o; dressed mutton, 5Cc; lambs, 8 Jc per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.50; light and feeders, $4.00; dressed, $5.00 3.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 4.00$4.25; cows, $3. 00 8. 50; dressed beef, G6?4C per pound. Veal Large, 07c; small, 7K8o per pound. Belittle Market!. Onions, new, $1.25 per saok. Potatoes, now, ll?acperlb. Boots, per sack, $11 25. Turnips, per sack, 50ii0c. Carrots, per aaok, $11.25. Parsnips, por sack, $1. Cauliflower, 4000c per doz. Cabbage, native and California $1.50 per 100 pounds. Cherries, 75o$l. Poaches, 76c. Apples. $1.25(31.75 per box. Pears, $1.75 per box. Prunes, $1 per box. Butter Creamery, 22c per pound; dairy 1518o ranch, 1215o per lb. Egga, 23c. Chooso Nativo, 1012c. Poultry 1314o; dreesod, 10)c. Fresh meats Choico dressed beet steers, prime, 8c; cows, prime., 7c; mutton, 8c; pork, 7)o; trimmed, 8o; voal, 810o.' Wheat Food wheat. $21. Oats Choico, por ton, $30. Hay Pugot Sound timothy, $8Q0 choioo Eastern Washington tim othy, $14.00. Corn Wholo, $28.60; cracked, $24; food meal, $25.00. Barley Rollod or ground, por ton, $23 24; wholo, $!12. Flour Patent, por barrel, $3.50; blondod straichta, $3.25; California $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, por barrel, $3.00; wholo wlioat flour, $3.75; ryo flour, $4.50. Millatuffs Bran, por ton, IfOj shorts, por ton, $17. Food Choppod food, $21.50 por ton; middlings, por ton, $32; oil cako moal, por ton, $83,