Devoid to il.e Mining, Umbering and jfB '"arming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living. cnfec. VO L. I 'ollaii Grove, Oregon, Friday, Anc?. 11, 1899. jSTO. 29 id High v,rve, Ore. tstlnv"" 0, ' NEW Eakin & Bristow. PRICE 5BW GOODS! NHW GOODS! NKW GOODS! ghirt walU, lb-Its, Collar , mid Cuffs. Jr7 one a lcuty. Clii!iiMr tliun you make tlifin. Trinirnltiic anil Irc Bilkn in nil col- lis fford to wear tlii'in. Kill GIovm in nil color ami latent ,tre faitcnlii)n at 1.00 nnil "J .25 ;r ptlt. MoiifSfline Po Sole. In nit the at trietivn color. Price 25 jh.t cent, lem thin but year. Spring Wrappers. They nrc perfect. Jfontedto worry nluiut making them cmii ve V'ou tho trouble. hkin I Itetow. GO TO Aim. Ict Siinford'N, ' FOK Fashionable Dressmaking. Utin Street, Cottage Grove, Or. J. E. Young, I ATTORNEY AT LAW, UBnOn UilnillNl, West Hide. Cottage Grave, Oi'Cfoit. L. L. Stevens, Attorney-at-Law Special attention given to Mining Business and Collections. Kuokxb .... ... OllEIIOS. Wm. RENSHAW"418 - -THE EXCHANGE ALP WALKCR .... MMtpr. DRAl.KR IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Main Strtet, Cottage Groec, Ore. Aokxth Wanted Fou "The Life ash Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world' greatest nnvnl hero. Hy Mtirat Halstead, the life-long friend mid ad mirer of the nation's idol. Biggest and beat book ; over 500 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages half tone illustrations. Only $1.50. Enormous demand. Big Commissions. Outfit free. Chunceofa lifetime Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Cuxton Jlldf., Chicago." Old papers for sale at this office. CALL FOR COUNrvr WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that tho follow ing warrants will bo paid on presenta tion at my ofllco on and after July U. 1809. Iutercstxm samo will censo' uly 12, 1800. All Lane county warrants from registered number 5358 to 551)3 both inclusive. Dated, Eugene, July 10, 1800. A. S. Pattkuson, County Treasurer. Note till?: You can procuro tho Bo hernia Nuggot, your homo paper and tho 8t Louis Globe-Democruo for $1,76 per yer, cuyh In advance, GOODS! Eakin & Bristow. OUR CRESCENT BICYCLES. Only ,'!r,.oo caHi for the best goods. ! Durability and price, collided by none. , To cveiy lady who buys ono ofoiirW.OO iclialii wheels within tho nuxl 00 days wit will give n Koynl Carpet Sweeper worth $2.50. Outing Flannels, Fifty plecce. at re duced palees. New patt;rns anil col on, o:ii...ii...... m... i. . I wiiifiiiiuo, uiiKiiiiiiun iiiui iriijicricg I t 10c to 25e. i I Dress Linings. All the latest things t in nlaln nml fancies. Near Silk. Hill: Stripes, and l'ercaliiics mid Sileeies. 1'orcnllnt'H. An nHcoilinnnt of rotors that do not full to attract favorable at tention. Wiw (fi Brisk. These Illustratrated Publications. Wll.l. II K SENT IIV TIIK NoilTHKItX PACIFIC Railway Co., to asv aiiiiuf.hh ui-ox IIKCKIIT, IX STAMPS, Oil OTHKIl WIHK.OFTIIK AMOUNTS NAMED WONDKHLAND An annual publication of about 100 pages, gotten up in inor't attractive style and beautifully illucl rated in half-tone. The contents of each number are varied and didcieiit from in predncesMir. The N'oitTHKKN Pacific bus become noted fur this publication. Tim FinkstThino ix ItAII.WAV LlTKIUTUItK. .Scllll six CdltS. YKI.I.OWSTONK PARK MAP A lelief map of Yellowstone Park. Printed on 1 rut paper, and suitable for mounting or framing and for use in schools, class rooms, etc. Tho best mail of tho Paik that is publicly distributed. Mailed in pastlmard tubes. Send lOcts. MA5CAMA I'AMPHLKT A nieelv illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Kanier, Washington, the grandesl ice-covered peak in the United Slates. Send two cents. KOOTHXAI FOLDKK An illnstiatcd folder and relief majt of the Kootenai Region in UritishColuinbia north of Spokane. Send two cents. AKMY AND NAVY HOOK Tolls about Mb the U. S. and Spanish armies and navies at beginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Cuba and adjacent islands. A vest iiocket lustorv well worth preserving lor reference. Send ten cents. tlioue write the address carefully, and state where advertisement was seen. ., Glum. S. I'KK, HT. I'Al'Io MINX. NOTICE. Unitrd Statks Land Offick, ItoBoburg, Ore., July 20, 1890. Noticois hereby given that tho ap proved plat of survey of Township 21, S., Range 3 E. bus been received from tho surveyor general for Oregon, and on Tuesday August 22, 1899, at nine o'clock a, m. Tho said plat will bo filed in this ofllco. Said township being within tho Caacado forost resorvo, tho land embraced therein will bo sub ject to entry on and after that date for the perfection of claims initiated prior to executive order of September 28, 1803, creating said resorvo. J.T. UllllKJUS, Ruoihtf.u, J. II. Rootii, Receivor. Just bear in mind that tho sub Hcriplion list of tho Bohemia Nugget is growing daily, and that tho proprietors appreciate tho patronage given, tho paper, Eakin & Bristow. GOODS! Khoes Ladies Shoes Fine Shoes. Our if 1.50 mid $2.00 lines are very to bent ami our $2.50, 1.00 anil $,'U0 "lines are never ciiialeii. Come anil nee our price ami you will surely buy. Latest t-tylc-H in all widths. Chanibrays. All eolorH. New Table SpreadH and Porticrs in leading colon. Calicoes 1 Calicoes! Calicoes! You I will acknowledge their superiority at once. New Ribbons! New colors, new jfityleB and new prices. I Vour cash trade is what we want and if low prices and bent foods count for anything we will gut a large share of it. Eakin 4 Bristow I GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF Cotiw Grove g Mill! We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT NOTICE. Wo want wood on subscription. That means wo want it now, not after the rainy season sets in. x Bring it in. Hon km 1 a Nuucikt. A yt-nrs subscription to tho American Home-maker, given with each casli-in-iidvauco subscription, at $1.50, to Bo hemia Nugget. SIIKKU'F'S SALE ON FOKKCI.08UKE. Notice Is hereby given that by vlrtiioof nn execution only lesueil out of the Clri-ult Court ofthoHtntoof Oregon, for the County of Ijiiio, on the Hth liy of July, IS'JO, 011 a Judgment tendered In wild Court on the Ulst ilny of Oetobor, ISiW, for tho sum of Five Hundred unit Hlxtv-four and WM00 dollars, with Interest thereon from mild Ulst day of Octobor, 181)8, at tho rato of 8 nor oont per annum, and JW.OO at torney's fees, and tho further sum of 10 posts, also accruing costs. In a suit wherein V . 8. Chrlsman was nlalntlll, nnd 1-oulxo I-connrd was defendant, and against tho defendant, Louise I-conard, and on a decree of forclosuro and order of snlo rendorcd In said court, com manding me, In ordor to satisfy said judgment and costs, to sell the following deseribod real property, tuwlt: , . Lots one, two, thrco, four, llvo, six, sovon and olght, in block No. 1. 1" llazloton's Second Addition to Cottago Grove, C rogon, situated in I.ano count v, Oregon. ,.,,,, f Now, therefore, in tho name of tho stato of Oregon. Incompliance with said Writ, I will oiler for salo tho abovo described premises at imullo auction, to tho highest blddor, for cash, subject to redemption, at tho south door of the court house In Kugono, l.ano eountw Oregon, on Saturday tho 21IU1 day of August IKW.botwcen tho hours ol 9 o'clock a. in. and i o'clock p. m., 1 o'clock p.m., on said day. 'Vte'd this 1Mb day of July, Hhcrlll'of I.ano County, Oregon. Hy II. J, Iav, Deputy. Quick delivery Tho Weekly OrcBon.lan,. TUli YAQUI WAR. Chicago, Aug. 8. A special to the Recorder from Guaymas. Mexi co says: General Torres lias almost com pletely .surrounded Dicam, a Yaqui stronghold, where nearly 2000 savages are massed. On the ar rival of the artillery and the ma chine guns, the Mexican general will close in on the Indians and pre cipitate the biggest battle ever fought between the government and the Yaquis. The reports from General Torres regarding the killing ofRemleyand Miller say their bodies were found hanging from a tree with their hands and feet cut off. The up rising reaches down the Yaqui riqer to the sea, and extends north to the Sahuaripa district. The government now has nearly 5000 men in the field. Two hun dred volunteers will leave Guaymas for Medano tonight on the steamer Jalisco. A fight is expected on Central Oregon State Normal School, Drain, Oregon Will open its doors for the new school year on September 11, 1809. Tho buildings having been thoroughly renovated and improved, new apparatus added, and other improvements made for tho comfort and convenience o( the students. GOOD BOARDING AND DORMITORY ADVANTAGES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. Uniform State Normiil School Oourae Complete Training School In connection with Normal, where seniors are professionally trained under tho supervision of a Critic Teacher, who will give his entiro time to this work. Graduates of this school are given a credit of thirty months' teaching experience which enables them to reach the Life Diploma in tho quickest and most satisfac tory manner. Send your address for complete catalogue to JOHN It. WALKElt, A. JI., President of Vacuity. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Robeiiuko, On.,) June 21, 1899. f Notice is berobv given, that tho following-named settler has tiled notico of Ids intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proot will be made before Jool Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on August 9, 1899, viz: Augusta Boucken hoimer on II. E. No. 9091 for tho NW N W H "nd lot 1, sec. 30, T. 22 S., R. 3 W. Ho names tho following witnessess to provo his continuous residenco upon and cultivation of said land, via: Levi Geer, Wallace Sbortridgo, Mary Masey, Mrs. Allen Sbortridgo, of Cot tago Grove, Oregon. J . P. BnindES, Register. NOTICE. All parties owning dogs within tho enrtxirato limits oi Cottaco Grove avo horoby notified to pay thoir dog as prescribed by tho city ordinance tax on or beforo August 15, 1809. Dated this 25th day of July, 1899. By order of tho City Council Boyd gallery will bo closed August 3i 'or two weeks. entering the Yaqui river with a large band of savages that last week attacked and burned three sloops. APPJOS EOR RECOGNITION. Insurgents Ask For Foreign Powers to Recognize Their Goverment. Manila, Aug. 8. Aguinoldo has appealed to the powers for recog nition of "Filipino independence" in a document dated Tarlac, July 27, and signed by Buencamihio. It has been received by all the foreign consuls in Manila with the request that they forward it to their respective governments. Manila, Aug. 9. General Mac Arthur's force, consisting of 4,000 men advanced live miles beyond San Fer nando today, encountered and defeated a Filipino force of 0,000 men. The enemy retreated,, leaving many dead dead and wounded . The American losa in killed and wounded was twenty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Roseburg, Oregon. Juno 27, 1809. Notico is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and thatsaid proof will bo made beforo Joel Ware, U. S. Com missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Au gust 14, 1890. viz; John Grav on II. E. No. 0093 for tho Lots 12, 13. 14 and 15, sec. 32, T. 21S., R. 2 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residenco upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Perkins, John B. Mosoby, William Champion, John Hubbard, of Cottago Grove, Oregon. J. T. Bridges, Register. EOR SALE OR TRADE. 100 acres of land, with good houso, barn, etc; two streams of running water on the place; an oxcollent stock ranch in a good community. Ono of tho best county schools within 1 miles; sur rounded by some of tho best farmes In Lauocbunty. Will trado for Cottago Grovo resident property; improved or unimproved. Inquire at this office. The Denver Times-Sun and the Bo I homia Nugget, both papers sent to any address for $1,50 cash in advance. ' f J; 1 IH J m i '. , '1