Nu GGET. 0DMAN of DCVOtC(1 l tllC M'IR. UberiK and Fannin, "g Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Irving. TO. VOL. I Cottage G-rovo, Oregon, Friday, 4, 1899. jSTO. 28 GOODS! BOHEMIA NOTES. '"We Tr.4e -7 J "1CIIC5. in. Eakin & Bristow. "price NBV GOODS! NKW GOODSI NEW GOODSI Ihirt waliti, Dulls, Collar, nnl CurTn. Iter; one a bouty. Cheaper than you o otki tltscn. Triminlnic anil Dress Silks In alt col on iml itrles at price Dial everybody Mssflord to wear them. Kid UIovc in allVolora ami lalmt rivl fastenings at i.ou and i.'.'n per pair. Uouim-IIiio I'd Sole. In all llm at Uictlve colors. Price 2fi per cent. e thin Ust year. tyring Wrappers. Tlicy are iwrfect. Xontedto worry alwut making them it can tare you the trouble. Bakin & Bristow. GO TO Mrs. Pet SanfortrN, FOR FuhlODible Dressmaking. Uiln Btreat, Cottage (.trove, Or. J. E. young, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEssOn Mln lret, Wel Hide, Cottage drove, Oregon, L. Stevens, Attorney .at-Law Social attention given to Mining Business and Collections. EuuKaa .... ... OurooN. Wm. RENSHAW" -a.THE EXCHANGE ALP WAI.KCR .... Mmpr, DKAI.KR IK l'INK WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Main Street, Cottage Groee, Ore. A OF. NTH WaNTKD Foil "TlIK LlFK ANI Achievements of Admiral Dewey," tho world's greatest naval hero. Ily Murat HaUtend, tho life-long friend nnd ad mirer of tho nation's idol. Biggest nnd best book ; over 500 pages, 8x10 Inches j nearly 100 pagcB half tone illustrations. Only $1.60. Enormous demand. Big ommUslons. Outfit freo. Chance of n mo time. Write quick. Tho Dominion Cojnpany, 3rd Floor Caxton Bldg., Old papers for sale at this office. CALL FOR COUNrY WARRANT8. Notice Is hcroby given that tho follow JJ'fJ wnrrunta will bo paid on prosontn- 1809, Interest on Bamo will ceaso luly J2, 1800, All Lano county warrants from registered numbor 6358 to 6633 both inclusive. Dated, Eugene, July 10, 1809. A. 8. Pattkrson, County Treasurer. Note this : You can procure the Bo hrnia Nugget, your home paper nnd the Bt Louis Globe-Democrao for $1.76 per yr, cash In advancs. Eakin & Bristow. OUR CRESCENT BICYCLES. Only .Vi.OO cash for the bust uoods. i Durability ami price hi tutted by none. j To eveiy Imly who buys one. of our f.'tt.OO cnain wheels within tho next 60 days will Kite u Royal Carpet Sweeper worth 2.W). Outing Klaiini-lii. Fifty pica, at re duced palces. .New putteruii nnd col ors. Cretonnes, HilknllncN nrul Draperies I at 10c Ui 'JAc. Dress Linings. All the Intent tiling , In plain ami fancies, Near Silks, Silk Stripes, nnd I'crealines nnd KNeeies. I'orcaliiiiK. An assortment of colors that do not fail to attract favorable at tention. ialrin & Bri These Illustratrated Publications. WlM. HR HKNT IIV TIIK NoltTIIKUX PACIFIC I HaII.WAV Co., TO ANY ADDIIKHK UPON HECK I IT, IN HTAMI'H, Oil OTIIKIt W!SK,OVTIIK AMOUNTS NAMKD WONDERLAND An annual publication of about 100 pauri'i gotten up in most nttractive style and kautifully illiiHtrnti'd in half-tone. The contents of each number are varied and diu"ei cut from la preilacefHor. Tho Noiitiikk.n Facikic has become noted fur thin publication. Tub Fixkht Thing is Railway Litkuatuiik. Send six cents. YKI.LOWSTONK PARK MAP A relief map of Yellowstone Park. Printeil on tirm paper, and suitable for mounting or framing and for use in schools, class rooms, etc. Tho best map of the Park that is publicly distributed. Mailed in paotboard tubed. Send lOuts. MA.AMA PAMPI1LKT A nicelv illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Kanier, Washington, the grandest ico-rovered peak in tho United States. Send two cents. KOOTKNA1 FOLDE It Aii illusiratcl folder and relief map of the Kootenai Itegion in UritishColumbiu north of Spokane. Send two cents. ARMY AND NAVY BOOK Tells about both tho U. S. and Spanish armies and navies wt kginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Culm nnd ndjacciit. islands. A vest nocket historv well worth preserving for referenco. Send tun cents. In sending for these write the address carefullv, and state where advertisement wasscen. cba. s. fek, , NOTICE. Uniteh Statkh Lanw Okkiok, Roseburg, Qro., July 20, 1899. Notice is, hereby given, that tho ap proved plat, of survey of Township. 21, 8., Range 3 E. has been recoived from tho surveyor general for Orogon, nnd on Tuesday August 22, 1800, at nine o'clock n, m. Tho said plat will bo filed In this office. Said township being within the CaBcado forest rcaorvo, the land embraced therein will bo sub ject to entry on and after that dato for tho perfection of clnlms initintod prior to executive order of September 28, 1893, creating said resorvo. J.T. Bkidoks, Rkoibtkh, J. II. Booth, Receiver. Just benr in mind that tho sub scription list of the Bohemia Nugget. Is growing daily, and that tho proprietors npprcciato tho pntronage given the paper. Eakin & Bristow. GOODS! 4 Shoes Ladles SIioch Fine Shoes. Our fl.Wl nnd 2.00 linen are very to beat mid our $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 "lines are never equaled. Come and sec our prices and you will mirely buy. Latest ttyles in all widths. Chntnbmyfl. All colors. Now Table Spreads and Portiere in leading colon). Calicoes I Calicoes! Calicoes 1 You will acknowledge their superiority at once. j New Hibkns! New colors, new j styles and new prices. j Your cash trade is what we want and i if low prices and best goods count for wything we will get a large share of it. ?akin & GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF Cottage Grove t 111! We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT NOTICE. We want wood -on subscription. That means wo want it now, not after tho rainy season sets in. Bring it in. Bohemia Nuoget. A years subscription to the Amorican Home-maker, given with each cash-in-advancc subscription, at $1.60, to Bo hemia Nugget. SHKKIFF'SSAI.EON FORECLOSURE. Notice la horeb.r given that by virtue of an execution duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of thoatntoof Oregon, for the County of Lane, on the 11th day of July, 1839, on a Judgment rendered In said Court on the 31st day of October. 1R0S, for the sum of Hve Hundred and Sixty-four and HMIW dollars, with interest thereon from ald 31st day of October, 1898, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and 150.00 at torney's fees, and the further sum of 110 costs, also accruing costs. In u suit wherein W. 8. Chrlsmanwas plaintlfl, and Louise Leonard was defendant, and against tho defendant, Louise .Leonard, and on a decree of forclosure and order of salo rondercd In said court, com, In ordor to satisfy said Judgment nnd costs, to sell the following described real nroiiortyi towlt: , . Lots ono, two, three, four, llvo, six, seven and eight, In block No. 1. In Hailoton's becond Addition to Cottngo Grove, Oregon, situated in Lauecountv, Oregon. Nnw.therofore.inthenamo of the state of Oregon, in compliance with said Writ, I will oflor for sate the above described promises at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cah, iubloct to redemption, at the south door of the court honse in Kiigeno, Una county. Orogon, on Saturday the !2flth day of August 1899, between tho hours ol 9 o'clook a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., tn.wit.ut 1 o'clock p.m., on said day. Va&lim. UUi .tSy oi July, ShorKTof Lane County, Oregon. By II. J, Day, Doputy. Quick dftivrry-Tlio Weekly Oresonlan. Planing Devoted to Mines and Miners A Nugget Corres pondent's Batch of News. BoimMiA, July 28, 1899. Strangers to numerous to mention in camp. More business in Bohemia than in any camp in Oregon. B. E. Hawley of the Calapooia Co., came in last week loaded, for bear, with four four -horse loads of supplies. This looks luce there is going to be something done in that end of camp. J. E. Young our genial city attorney is in camp doing a large amount of development work on his claims just to the southeast of the Noonday. We are informed the workmen have struck a fine ledge 3 feet in width that shows gold and pans gold. This is another proof of the permanence of our camp. Everything that there is any work done on always shows that there is gold here to induce capital to invest here in the near future. Albert Leroy is pushing development work on the Laura group situated on Champion creek. Here is a fine group but little spoken of, that if situated in Colorado would soon be gobbled up by men of money. There is ore enough on the surface of these 5 claims to keep a 20 stamp mill pounding for 12 months without going under ground and timber and water in abundance for all purposes. There is a great future for this group. We wish you success Albert. The Oroplato, Baltimore, Gold Finch, Orphan Boy, Mountain Lion and Cottage Grove, owned by Jenks and partner have as far as de velopment has been pushed showed up a very high grade of free milling ore in large bodies. This enterprising firm consists of practical mining men and they know a good mine when they see it. It is their intention to open up their mines and build a mill. This is the proper way to ad vertise a mine and success will surely crown their efforts. The Arosta property of 6 claims is also owned by Mr. Jenks who is preparing to put 111 a mm tnere tins tan. 1 nis group is already ex tensively developed and shows up fine in most places from 4 to 20 feet in width. This property is in the best location in Bohemia being be low snow line and in a fine body of timber with ample water power for a large mill and if properly managed will surely be a veritable bonanza. We hope to see a mill soon. There are many other claims in Bohemia of lesser note that are hardly known that will be extensively developed in the near future and all have good surface indications and if there was some way of working the ore from their large scope of country there would be a great difference. So far the prospectors are mostly men of small means and not able to put in reduction plants. But our day is coming as surely as the Fourth of July. Zinaker & Graber Co.. are grinding out gold from the Vesuvius. Now on the Stocks, Harlow mill under the management of Wilson Veatch who is a fine mill man, and Mr. Graber informed ye corre spondent that the mill was doing good work. They own 5 claims situated on the west slope of Fairview mountain, and if this mill test proves satisfactory they will put in a mill of their own. They have in all about 700 feet of work done. The Musick, Noonday, Helena and Champion are to well known the country over to need a write up, their records are established and as deeper work is attained in any and all of these mines the ore gets better grade and more in place and larger bodies which is evidence enough of the permanence and staying qualities of the mines of Bohemia. Our in tention is to bring some of the outside groups to the notice of the public. If our state legislature would get their wise heads together and formu late some laws of importance to the mining interests they could do more for the state than to build bicycle paths. This state needs a mining in spector and needs it bad and a law compelling superintendents to take out a license also foremen and timbermen and there would be more work and better work than under tha present devil-may-care system of min ing. Ross. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburo, Or.,) June 21, 1899. f Notice is hereby given, that tho following-named settler hns filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Joel Ware, U. S. Commissioner ut Eugene, Oregon, on August 0, 1899, viz: Augusta Boucken boimor on II. E. No. 9091 for tho NV H N W H nnd lot 1, sec. 30, T. 22 S., R. 3 w Ho names tho following witneseoss to prove hiB continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Levi Geor, Wallace Shortridgo, Mary Massoy, Mrs. Allen Shortridgo, of Cot tage (irovo, Oregon. J . T. Bridges, Register. NOTICE. All parties owning dogs within tho corporate limits oi Cottago Grovo are hereby notified to. pay their dog tax as prescribed hy tho city ordinance on or boforo August 16, 1899. Dated this 25th day of July, 1899. By ordor of the City Council.. Boyd gnllery will bo closed August 3, for two weeks. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Roseburg, Oregon. June 27, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notico of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, nnd that said proof will be made boforo Joel Ware, U. S. Com missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Au gust 14, 1899. viz: John Gray on H. E. No. 0693 for tho Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, sec. 32, T. 21S., R. 2 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residencu upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Josoph Perkins, John B. Moseby, William Champion, John Hubbard, of Cottage Grove, Oregon. J. T. Bridges, Register. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 160 acres of land, with good house, barn, etc; two streams of running water on tho plnco;an excellent stock ranch in a good community. Ono of the best county schools within miles; sur rounded by some of tho best farroes in Lano county. Will trade for Cottago Grove resident property; improved or unimproved. Inquire at this office. The Denver Times-Sun and the Bo htmli Nugget, both papers sent to any address for $1.50 cash In advance.