Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 28, 1899, Image 5

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    ... I
. if. i run
oi'v. . m,.in vi .r n...
rnvo another of Iholr iinjoyable r -..
in thrlr many friends IiihI
V) evening. Tim m-ciislon was
Ctni I'-y ll,n Mif wt
U Kiiott I'lrin 1 1) i
M-,n: ' ''v ., d ' N 'k "
MeKI",v- ,..;... .
llflH'' .....v. .MH.,
A rni'
A few limits 10 nn.
H'or . . ,
UrCCfl'l' 1 ,,,u "'" """
nni)11I)l-,l H..- f.n t tl.Nl a delegation f
Lmu..'..t ,u.-li. wo....'., fro... the Kii-
iv ............ ... i
.no fin"
Hero riirmiiw in luiriin
...lur mii'i iiil I'Hi'ort.
Of roilrXl thin
d .vim luiili"! with pleasure nud nil
i i-iii, iiml "hoiiikI of inorri-
i"1 ..... ..1..1.1 ..1..1....1. .i...
put Mmn i) n'l isiKiik " :nn;iv mr
1111 ' . .I..l.., i.
jnio tl" IV Ml'HlllllllCM F. I. OlIlK
i ,l m iK'1"" "' fiicU-, Vinii
1iiili'v. M. WllkiiiH, A(l Mill. ran.
1 1 S Tl"r. l,,i'"i,, i nn-
mm. ' 1 "" .iiuiniuy.
M l''f""d, .IchhIo MiiiWi,
Mulliu Wl.itiiiorc. mnl
inn i - -
,iruni;i' ii it "'' M,,,,l '"'HrH. n. j.
iMiiiv .SiMMlun.nM, After h
,,ort ri'il the yin-ntH with PMmrtcil to
Limit. ""'I "ill'T tl" Jlilojilioii of tin-
new iiu'iil"'r " "l loiiili'il with nil
fOCl lli'HK" i
ilic iMii'i'ii't room wiN it m'i'iil of
ii i .i
plfUMIllrv t'l HfVITlU HOlir-, WIII'll Ulf
Bi'iii- 'li-li'iciition with fompulk'il to
.Tjirt on ihi- riitnrn limno. ('oiiililiirhli' 1
IfUHinL.iii win iMirrniit hi to MiMirH
)iy mi I Sti-i'ltfriiHH Wi'ro Hilccti;il an
roirl i" tint ili'luiitliMi of prntly ami
cleuT wiiii'.i ""'I i.i'it'rutiio'l that
lln-muI M'-HrH . Day iiml .Sii'wliraKH hi
linia't'l 'Imt it "tin on Mciiouiit of limit
pM l.jukx in foinpurinoii to tlu-ir
lfiitlii'f"'"vn ii. tho Pity of itiinIiiiI ,
Uk hi in iiinl iidw poiirl iionp. j
lloei r ii wan iifturwanl uiikii.illy ,
! illrviil ilnit the huliiM Iiml no clioieu ill
tlinimiii-r wliHii'Vpr on the Iwcic of ,
i tun that they uerp in tin
I rnpl"v lliii- livery ftaiilp. hi.
Vi'u imi " t in-lo in niplilly urowiii-.'
jti'l i iii-iiiiiiiu' very Kijiiilr muouc,
tin UiIiiii of t'liitmtH Orm e. ll in raiil
l that .irnl more mum hum will he!
Mp.I to thi' roll in liin iiihi r futiiiu ntul
I Ui M.iii.liiy nielli MIhh Mau .Mtljmen
vu ml 'I'lfl.
A Srw llnhrmla.
... . . , ti
jicur. uiyiornnu siiiiiwiii in im-
Iitnna have heini prop4llillK near
Dinile for the pitfL ni ek. They liavo
tuckiil oil it nuiiiher of in !
oncofHhii'h thi-iiold imii Inr f cell with!
the imki-il eve. Nothini; Ii known of
th ow of the lelu or Uh value hut I
Iwtn yeiiticini'ii Im'Iipvij ilint it will pav.
Mr. Tiivlor mnl Mr. .Sinipioii are drift
In;; a tunnel into the IiIIImIiIi' near their
t.iiiiii aii'l fniin all indipatioiirt Hhould
tr.kethe ledve ,n a nhort time. Mr.
Tavlnr will nen.' for hi eiiiiie.ind drill
if Hip lead eomiii up o expeetiitlon-. It
lu been known for yeum that there w.u
Kl around there hut until now no' f lirt linn hun iii.ulu to ll.i t
.t. Hold .-an he mined here very
Hh-hpIv it U-wK only mill
t iiin.ixi liro.M the "hue of mip-
lilifH, V iiiile.4 to f, itham the nearem '
luppinu point anil plenty of wood and i
witUT. ork pan lie earrleu mi tliero
ni'iirlv all the year and we have i;ood
A Fine Workman
("nptaiu ShpIih, foreman of Horn and
I'liine'H nun fhop in Kuuene Hpent hint
Sunday in Cottage drove, vlxitim; liin
iiiiinoroiiH friendH here, and the NtiuKut
inaii in ple.iHed to he reeoiiiiized nn one
of them, ('aptain Saelm iiiih the repu -
' . .. .. .
tntion of heiiij; one of the work
men on the l'aeifln eoi.nt, Hay nothini:
"f liin inventive kuiiIiih, whieh Iiiim al
ready hroinjht him proininenco au.oiiK
JTuiul Cut. Friday Joe Wooley who !h work
iiiR in tho Cl.iiH. HiiHtiiiKH wood camp,
K"t liiH hand cut quite Heriouniy. He
wan UHsiHtiiiB in throwing a Imnkintr loj;
into iiosition on the road, when tho ax
of Mr. lIiistinaH, who was doini; Homo
work on tho log (dipped, and gaHhod Mr.
Woolny'H hand neverely.
In order to aecomniodato puestH the
proprietor of tho liohnmia Hotel Iiiih
rnrtted the rear of tho upper floor of tho
Knox building oceupied by 8. It. I'iper'H
l.nrdwaro Htoro, nnd had tho hiiiiio par
titioned into bodroontH. Tl.e rooms are
vry neat and will Horvo u good pur
1oac. Nonvcnh:
"II. Miller, nrooriotor of tho Star
")) oflioo, hujono, nhowod oxeollent I
t'nterpriHo In kuUIi.k out a liandHoino
souvenir for tho lCditorial AHHooiation,
which viHited Uiikuiio laHt week. A
copy of the Houvmiir hnn roaehed this
office, for which tho Nui5ot extends
ImHV . v,. .... . .. " " Hon
'itv will icnvi
I HfMI fl V llll
Hohom.a camp on u
MlllllU. Ilni-ii... I.:.. ..i
I,,. .., " "K IIIISCIII'C
HI" II CP II .11 I
Ki'iii(.i'f KllP1
I J ' "
He. 1 1 linn Dr.
",;,rn,r""'t'''"".H1ntnlnHl,c w Vol-
' n .lIJnrt 1.1. Imslnoss
11' "
... : "mr"lory l" visit to ninei-
Illllll, l
llll. tiftfltr It U....I.....I
I... ..hi..... ".""'rt!
",' " " KiMlli-nl sclnml, with it.o
Vll-w ..fhoini! llllKiMit fr.m. I i.
tl,xt .,,,, Mr H -
,) ,r ' ' "'I""
on liin eastern visit
Mr. into (trieaoll mill fainilv, o( Win.)
'iinin, reached thin city Wedm-wlny, J
'.ndtlie N'uu'Ki't anknowlcilKCH n plontant i
''llfroni Mi. (IriPncll. II,. j
t.iiitinl Wim nriBin fanner mid him !.
':dcl In i i,t Irs lot in tlif Wm, Hi.
f-.kN hidlv of Oregon iiml i wt. '
pIimm-I tt,ti, i,jM poc-tion. .ihI luck t
inm iiml may hn locate horo
For the Mhirn.
Mniuliiy iimriiiiiK Hon. II. It. Kim-iiid,
, . .
Ifllhlly 1 lir... tl t .
- in. huiihiiiiw, r. k. 1
"""kin, Vihti.r Kiiiculd anil Kntli Mi--1
li"tT f Kimi-nc mill Alf nn.l Urmv !
'n''-f li'ft hv Ht!t(, for ii few ilayt, out-
'"'"i.i , wm-ro nicy t-o in the
iotcrfht of thi'ir iniiiitiL' !
" - I
in' iiiiii liin (hit a I'plnmt, I
f i . , . . .
-I'M- IJUKIM IttKl lllH "only InRllll" ,
'' piiHfenu'iTM for tho liolii'tiiin rnmpH j
Moiiilay nmrniiis. Jou ecukH cniiiloy-1
'."'lit at the Miinii-k Mining mnl MilliiiK ,
.. wluro In- Iiojii-r to bo (thin to nup-1
port tun litli of 'cm. Joe ih a
nniiint: koimi lutrlior atia oiihl to do
ImHlmum up thi-rc
Walt I'lnmed.
W.J. If inner tho IniHtlini; IiiihIiidhs '
maniiypr of t lie Sniittle Itiilimtry mnl
M.ninj.' .louriial. who wiw Iiph looking
uji tin-Hohi-nia minpx htHt week Hppakx
in hih priiicc of that whlcli liu tnw up
in the camp. lie wnn fO well 'Jilcns'i'il
that he lonitcil a claim before he left.
lliiitilhif ltvKlilaiu'i!.
W. V. JohiiHon of tho grocery firm of
linker and J-ihmton haB purcliai'i'.l '.lie
Brink propcity, mid comiuetu'frd the
eri'Ptioii of a remdeuep thereon .
the Count.
Tuewlavuioriiini; Mr. and Mrs. .1. K.
' Harrott. Mr. and Mrn. Ilert Wood, Mr.
and Mm..!. I!. Lpwih anil daughter left
,. ,, ,
ii. Vllnllillil.
A Comrade Writes About I Its Con
ditiou -He was Hopeful at Manila.
, , n
Ul xxva of tl.e Oregon
Volitiileers at San I-raticisco, Iratik
1 Woodruff one of Henry's old
iej,UjjSl of Co C, had the kindness
. M a1 MRj jnvood I
, ...i.:t.
Mlomng letter which
interest in the wounded soldier
and his thoti(;htfitlness for the
a))xioiis friends and parents:
qn oari) stkamHU OHIO
July 12, 1899.
Mk. John Shurwood.
Dear Friend: I
will write you a few lines to let
i you know how Henry is gutting
j along. lie was shot by a Mauser
1 nxQt through the left side of the
!.,,. ,.., ctranire to say not ail
1 ,,l,
:, ;. lust belore
entrail was cut. Just Deiore going
aboard Claude Hawkins and I went
over to see him and he was getting
along fine, was laughing and joking
with all the boys. He said they
were about to move him aboard the
hospital boat Relief which will soon
come to San Kraucisco with the
wounded, he also said he had
written to you, but as we might get
there sooner I told him I would
write too, as I was with him a
minute after he was hit and stood
with him as long as I could. He
was hit while his company was
charging over a small ridge. The
natives were on tne high hills on
both sides of us but they did not
last long as usual. Klmcr Doolittle
was shot through the right arm by
a Mauser bullet about five inches
from the shoulder. He is getting
along fine, and is on board the
Newport. The rest of the Cottage
Grove boys are all well.
Your Friend
Frank Woodruff,
Co C, 2nd Ore.
""I'l'li'il tin.
Ail Aboot yon.
Jim I,yh'ln in from the mouutaiiiH.
J. II. White in down from fJohemlu
Jack Welch of Bohemia was in town
tli Ik week.
MIhh Meinzer was a visitor to Utigeno
lust Friday. 4
Tlulpli Whipple Ih rusticating 111 tho
II. I). Lincoln Is homo from a weeks
trip to lioliemhi.
Mayor llristow came up from llioeoust
last Wednesday.
Wm Ilawley and wifo of Lorniio were
in the pity Tuesday.
J. M, Sherwood was a visitor to K11
BMif InH TiiPKlay.
Jumps llemenway did business in
l'.ii(,'Ptie last Tuesday.
Jack Klophenstlun the popular miner
is down from the mines this week.
Andy Nelson and Arch Piper aro back !
from a two weeks outing at Bohemia.
I. II. Bingham and Pat Jennings
eaine in from Bohemia Wednesday
evening. ,
llr. W. W. MeOoyof F'lix, California,
cancer specialist, is in the city treating
Mrs. M. Kolirer.
B. F, Fuller of Albany who has
timber intoreits in tills vicinity was in
tin-eity Monday.
J. F. Miller, who has been looking
Holtemiaward tho last week returned
home Wednesday.
ICd IIebard left for Yoncolla foe a
two weeks outing with friends last
Saturday afternoon.
M. Uidwell is doing a nice job of
painting oil tho lesidenco of J. T.
Mark ley.
Geo. lirumficid returned from a two
weeks outing In tho Bohemia district
last Tuesday.
Wm. firiflith and son Howland are
now at Mr. Griffiths' Broadway claim
doing development work.
Warner Brown -of tho Lane County
Loan and Saving Bank did business in
CotUige Grove last Tuesday.
Attorney Chas. Kissinger of FugetiQ
was a pleasant caller at tho Nugget
ollice Wednesday morning.
Thoi. M. Gardnur and wifo of Amos
spent last Saturday night in this city
and the Nugget acknowledges a pleasant
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Blew of Grants
Pass were the guests of T. W. Blew of
this city the last week returning home
S i.turday.
A. L. Slielton who has been doing
mad woik in the Bohemia district was
down this week, and favored Bohemia
Nugiret with a pleasant call.
Constable Warren Mc.Farland, who
was taken down with malarial fever
shortlv after recovering from the
inninpa, is now improving.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Woodford of
Portland, who have been tho guests of
.Mr. and Mrs. John Aiken of this eity,
returned to Portland Wednesday morn-
iinr. Mrs. Woodford is a sister of
Mrs. Aiken.
Mr. L. G. Adair, the popular passen
ger agent of the Southern Pacific Com
pany, at Kugene, accompanied by his
wife and Mrs. J. M. Hodson of Portland,
were passengers on Saturday afternoon's
local for Boswell Springs.
W. F. Martin, of Eugene and Win.
Gross, of tho linn of Gross Bros.
foundry and machine shop, Hugene,
were in the city Tuesday. .Mr. Gross
visitpd Saginaw and Cottage 1 Grovo
in tlio interest of his business.
Mr. Geo. Knowles of Bohomia has
been appointed freight agent for W. W.
Ilawley, tho freighter, and hereafter
will look after tho interests of that
gentleman at tho end of the route. Mr.
Hawley's freight wagon will leave Cot
tage trovo every day for Bohemia and
at that point ho will have a pack train
in readiness to distribute freight.
All partios owning dogs within tho
corporate limits oi Cottage Grovo are
hereby notified to pay their dog tax
as prescribed by tho city ordinance on
or before August 15, 1899.
Dated this 25th day of July, 1899.
liy order of tho City Counoil.
House to rout. Enquire, of J. N.
Note this: You can proeuro tho Bo
hernia Nugget, your homo paper and tho
Kt Louis Globe-Demoorao for $1.75 per
year, cash in advance, ' .
Can not be surpassed for real worth
Crockery? Glassware,
Granite ware, Tin
ware, Wood and
Willow ware,
And the way they hold prices down
will prove beneficial to every
economical buyer. A large
shipment of Sy r ups j ust recieved
Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs
and glass.
Look up the
C. M. HUNDltRlvR,
E. J.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M- Hewlerer & Qo. Prop.
Ppjisnnn lit Price
-T l ! v
'First-Class Tornoots, Doa jle or Single.''.
Kc-onomy in not
bllTlllL' Shnil, 1,-
f Shoes.
vStoves and Tinware: Hardware
vSundries; Carpenters Tools; Gar
den Tosls, and Miner's Supplies.
The Best Line of
Agriculture Implements ifT the
City, Including the Celebrated
:::::: StOUghton Wagon:::::: ,
Mccormick binders and.
PLOWS, Etc. Headquarters for
Plumbing, Tin and Sheet Iron
o now hmc n YVLh
j STOCK of tho
A New ' '-r
Dry Goods
1 Oroccrles.
I anil .1
llurkhnlilur. J
nailU VV iiJ
J. A. Frybr.
Proprietors of the Bohemia j
Black Butte Stage Ijnes.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with us.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
Adminstrator's Notice.
Kotk'ols horobr jslven that the undersigned
has been iluly appointed by tho County Court
ot l.ano County, OrnKOii, administrator of tho
estate of James Q. Hunt, deceased. All persons
having claims against gnid estalu tuu hereby
rciinlred to present tho samo to mo pronesly
verified, as by law required, at Wildwood, Oro.,
within six months of tho date hereof.
Dated this the :10th day of June, 1899.
J, T. Hunt,
Administrator of tho estate of James Q. Hunt,
Masons' fruit jars all sizes, Yacum
fruit jars all sizes, oxtra eaps and rub
bers, jelly glasses and fruit fillers. All
at tho lowest possible prices at Cummino
& Sohr's.
A fulii suit of summer underwear for
60 cents at Eaki.v & BnisTOw's.
Overalls, tho best you over saw, 60
cents a pair at Eakin &"bmsTow's.
Remember Dr. l.L. Seofild, Dentiet
when you want dental work done.