BOHEMIA NUGGET. . Only a little while boys nml we ' will talk with you over the wire. C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Entered At tho poMollleo it IVHrko drove, Oregon nafe'ecomt Class mult nmllcr. Lurch! LURCH1 Lurch! A telephone line to llohcinia is; ftllllir(. duiiuir the winter sen.),, The sooner' Thanks to the TuDlic lot yum i o- now an assured fact the better. Hutucrlptltin price. VI. nit, In mltnnrr. A,1W.II..B rtrB ......In known upon ;Uj)lete ns JU)y tow j tl,e lor the size of the town Cottage ye arc Ilow giving tlie. P.rnvp ran nut tin as ucocl an all- . ' - -4 nppllcatlnn. : state. Friday, July 14 1899. , i i SL j Why shouldn't the citizens of Cottage Grove feel proud of Ho lt has been suggested that people hernia? It takes Hohem.a to ntake nrr ,ro SERGE. lllUl BROCA J )Jb DKUSS SKlRTQ in the valley towns contribute ' Cottage Grove, and Cottage Grove 111 dlllVd, OIVVJJ, dllU lv -IUfc sotnething to the Portland re-! to make Bohemia, btatul togetlter. ceptioti fund to be used in the en-1 Get that phone line up. . . T 1 I , - tertainmcnt ot the urcgon vo.un- A short time now and we will teers when they reach that city.,, ,,. b t homet s,m This is hardly right, and Portland , yc not arrange for n lUtle banquet should not expect any outside a.d. Qn Qur Qwn hoQk? Coltngc Grove Portland is patnotic111 ibis we are , , tfaat Hne of proud of our metropolis; Portland ; Mue vomJer, Shal, we wd. wanted the boys-so did otl,er ' come them? towns Portland got em iei ner entertain 'em. Salem is a patriotic J city so is Eugene. Either The Eugene Register which has of, been successfully and ably edited these towns are just as much in-1 by C. D. Edwards for the past two tcrested in those volunteers as years has been leased by Messrs Portland, but were they first to re-; V. G. and W. F. Gilstrap, two ceive those brave boys just home j able and well known newspaper from scenes of strife, neither one men of this state. While we regret would have thought of asking J to see Mr. Edwards leave the Portland to put up forthe good time, j journalistic field, we cannot help We are all proud of our boys and ! but feel that he has left his paper in their achievements, and we want the hands of gentlemen who will them to be royally received at Port-j maintain the Registers present good land, and its Portland's place to see j standing, and who will be favorably that they are properly entertained, ! received by its patrons without outside help. A few days more and these ''marching home' LURCH! Our Spring Stock will soon be ready mid open to your inspection. Absolutely no misrepresentation of goods LURCH! In Bi'tei". boys will come to Salem, Eu gene, Cottage Grove and every little hamlet in Oregon from five to one hundred and fiftv bronzed warriors of southern wars. Every town and hamlet will then upon itself take the responsibility of re ceiving and showing the sterling appreciation of the populace, and we will all need our pin money. Portland will have the honor of securine them first, so Portland foot the bill. We'll keep our money at home and if we haven't soldier boys come home to honor with such an humble re ception as we can give, we can put it into a monument fund in sad sweet memory of those who should, but alas, did not come. LATHAM LINKS. The arrival of Frank Smith at the state prision from Jackson county increases the number of life timers there to thirty-one. Lou Swartz is the only Marion county man among the number. Salem Sentinel. The Sentinel seems to be proud of Marion county's record as to life penitentiary birds; but are we to understand by the above that all of Marion's murderers are either haneed or imprisoned for life? Fanner are busy haying unci the merry music of the mower Hounds in all directions. Walter C4nroutte nnd Gus Gross spent Saturday ami Sunday on Row river. William Scott and Elmer Brooks cimie up from Crawfonlsvillo Wednes day. They went to Bohemia and lo cated claims nnd will soon return And do some development work. They are pleased with this county. Misses Etta Vaughn and Stella Adum jet visited Mrs. Lane Shortridge of Coast tork ednesday. Mrs. Cleo Lewis of Cottage Grove is spending a few days at Mr. John Jack sons'. Mrs. Mounts has had a new roof put on Iter dwelling house and John Hull has treated his house to a coat of paint which looks very well. How strange a change has come about ... IbgHIU IV bill. A'VII.I1JI( UllllUO ,,1111111 the last few years. We used to see a herd of pack horses start oft" with heavy loads to tread their wearv way in single file, but now we have such good roads that some men left Cottage Grove on bicycies far Bohemia. They say they ride most of the way to the warehouse. ScHIIIIILKlt. TO THE PATRONS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The editors who have just toured the Willamette valley have without doubt been well entertained and will go home with a favorable impression of the hospitality of Oregonians. But no matter how great the impression as to the social and hospitable demonstration the predorainent impression will be that when they reached Oregon they struck the greatest county in God's earth, the Italy of America. Bohemia Nugget is under ob ligations to ex-Secretary of State Harrison R. Kincaid for a copy of the secretary's biennial report for 1897-8. It is a beautiful book and contains information statistical and biographical that demands its recognition in the best of libraries. The boys up in Bohemia are not only digging out a good honest living, but they are digging out the corner stone of one of the greatest mining camps on the Pa cific coast. Arrangements have just been com pleted for a subscription school, con sisting of 10 grades, t o begin October 2nd and continue within one week of the opening of public school allowing one week for the holidays. In all, three teachora are provided for, giving to each of tho first two, three grades. If occasion requires, another will bo added, and the 11th grade given an opportunity. As complete a schedule will bo allowed each of the grades as is possible to maintain with good results. By this method, it is hoped, a majority can bo given school advantages during tho lohg intermission of public instruction. A moderate tuition of $1.50 per month will be charged. Respectfully submittod, F. S. Day, Prin. Bad Fall. Frank Knox the little son of Mr. and Mrs. O.F. Knox of this city, got a bad fall Wednesday. Ho was shinning along a pig pqn fence when ho fell striking tho fence with his cheek and breast, making a couple of ugly wounds, Frank will bo more careful next time, he plays ''middo pigs." Mrs. F. L. Keonan, of Portland who has been tho guest ef her brother Mr. Darwin Bristow for several weeks, left for Eugene Thursday where she will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hendricks nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Win, Preston for a few days before returning home. Special offer, 21 photos for 46c, 7 different positions. Got your ribbon nt Mien HcliinVh. Notice dimming ft SehrV new ml In this wk' Nugget. Trimmed goods of every description nt reduced pricon tit Mis Mcinner'si. For quality and cliciipni'xs in fresh uu'iitc g to the Central inwit market. Notiiv llomenwiiy A Burkliolder'H nil. Show, fhiH's, show. B. Lurch will commence remodeling his store sometime this month. Elmer Gnrdner nnd Jack MeCnlliHtor of Drain were in the Grove Wednes day . Ifynu want ghiHses fitted to your eyes go to Davideon the Jeweler. Fresh candies every dny, iimilu from pure Mignr nt the Tailor shop Cumming fi Sehr have just received a large shipment of grnnit ware, tinware, wood and willow ware. Cull and get prices nt Claiming A Skiir's. You should trust your watch with a first class Jeweler, Patronize Davidson. We sell good goods at good pricos for our customers, Central Mint .Market. If you want to buy a wntcli.or jewelry consult Davidson, who will cave von money. For twine and machine oils go to GltlKPINifc Vkatcii. F. B. 1'liillipi tins his sample Me Cormiek binder, mower, 11111I rake on exhibition. Go nnd look nt them. The most .stylish hats at the moat reasonable prices at Miss lleiurich. New crockery nnd glassware nt Cumminu A Skiiii's. For your Spring mid summer hats go to Miss Meinzcr, at the old photo graph building n tine line. Ladies ready made dress skirtfc hint ! received. Eakin A Bhistow. Suits! Suits!! Tailor Hindu suits! ! ! Up to date in every respect, from $15 up. Call nnd sec samples. Geo. Miss Annie Heinrich the milliner lias. a choice lino in latest styles. Call nnd Fee them. "The Champion" the best mower on earth . For sale by Gitim.v A Vkatcii. If you want the latest styles in hats and millinery goods at lowest prices call on Miss Annie Heinrich. The Northern Pacific hnvo recently established an ugency in our city with Mr. Jnmes Hemenwny ns agent. Cal on or write him in regard to tickets to nil Eastern points. OUR SPRfc VwtSc Arc Now Open for Inspection! We arc Offering Some Bargains in the Following. 3 kinds of ice cream at M C C Bakery Saturday and Sunday. rri r . i. a. jyewis, ooot ana snoo repair shop, tirst class work, low prices. Opposite Sherwood Hotel. Cabinet photos nt Boyd's gallory $2.00 per dozen. Farmer, buy your machine oil from Eakin & Bkihtow. Chittem hark and Oregon grape root bought at Lurch's Bargains in lawns, organdies, ging- liuniH, etc., lor summer uressesnt Eakin A BltlBTOW. Buy your shoe dressing of Eakin A Bkihtow, They have tho kind want. you Special sale on Indies shirt waists for the next two weeks. Will sell them at greatly reduced figures. Will sell many of them at first cost. Eakin A Bkihtow. Sailors at cost at Miss Hcinrich's, call early. "Clover Leaf" binding twine, pure Manila, and the best mnchinu oils. Go toGniFriN A Veatoh. Champion mowers, liny rakes nnd Studebaker wagons at Giurns A Vuatcji . Men's Heavy Shoes Si. 35 to -35. Hoy's Shoes Men's V'mc Shoei Si. 5" to S.V7S. Men's Hats 50 els to vvo. We have a Full Line of Ladies' Shirt Waists in all Colors. We also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, D ess Linings, Shirt Waist Sets, Ladies' Neckwa c, etc. .TSTow York XlnckH, S(.oi'(t. E. WALL & WHIPPLE. uiiiiii 1 1 iMiiMiwiiHimii m )Vkfarlarid Company COTTAGE GROVE - - - OREGON AN UP-TO-DATE MARKET57 Ikef. Mutton, I'ork, Veal Smoked Hams. Bacon. lite. Call ami Sn: Un Mul'ailuitd Co Will Tt-rttt Von llight BENSON DRUG COMPANY! A Complete and Well Selected Line of lite. Best Drugs in the Market Krpt Constantly In Stork. jSTow Lineol'Ti'iissf just in ltcnon Drug Company. CoIlf Prove. Ore. c James Hemenway DKALKIt IN Real Estate and Mining Property. Rrprrcnli Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Companies. NOTARY TUBLIC .... Strict Attention pnldto Collrctloni Office opposite Sherwood Hotel. THE RAIN DOPS. Did yon ever consider the effect of the rnin drops on Mother fiarth nnd her vegetation? As they descend from the clouds they nrc cliarRed with the gasses of the air. Thus they carry life's own energy to the soil and all vegetation. Radams' Microbe Killer, a combination of dis infecting gasses and warer, has the same effect upon the human body, that the rain drops have upon the soil and vegetation. Cnll of send for pamphlet. A. P. Howard, Ag't, Cottnge Grovo, Oregon, KcHidonco with .1. K. Barrett. FOR SALE OH TRADE. It., , . , .i ,. mb- ! Just honr in mind that the " . i Bcrlpllon list of tho Bohemia Nugget H lOOncrcBof Innd, with good hoiiHO, i Browing dally, nnd that tho proprietor" barn, etc; two HtrenniH of running water j appreciate tho patronago give" tbe on the place; an excellent utock ranch ! PnP2". in a good community. One of tho bent! j county schools within 1 miloaj aur-i ,,. nrtIlt..( oiinded by hoiiui of the best furnieri in i """''"'"ir Dr. 1. L. ScoIImM, Venn Lauo county. Will trudo for Cottugo i v,lon you w,uit du"tul work Jo"e' Orove renident property; Improved or' "" unimproved. Inquire nt this oflke. Quick delivery-The Weekly Or.onlV