BOHEMIA NUGGET, g C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Kntorci nl tho (HMtonire nt CottRtto Untvc, Oregon at Scooml CIhm hihII mutter. Subscription price. SI. 00, In niltnnrr. Atvx-tllii(t rnten application. lumtn kiunrii uptm Friday, Jun 301899. State Gncampment Lurch! lurch: Lurch! .Thanks to the Public for your liberal patronage during the winter scn.ton.'- We are now giving the riiu A H suite oiirniiiptiioiit while 1 in fussiou nt Me.Minnville lust week ' transacted the followinc biisiiietu. mJB j Olliccra elected: council of adniinis- t SllZ JS'JlJrtZLIln SILKS, SERGE, and BROCADE DRESS SKllirs .1 .1 lent; U F I'iko, Wasco; J A Itirlingatne, interested in the ' . . .,1 1.- 1. 1 If you are in building and stead lUWH, UCIUH1C IIKL'IUICU 111 Ult success and growth of your local ( Delegates to national encampment, A paper become vttiftltniff n rrrrA nnlprnricinfr nnnpr and unless the citizens m the town 111 . , 't .,,,.,., which it exists are enterprising Tlieiitnoiint expended for relief during enough to support it. Your local pa- the year is Jois.'-M una by the onions iwricvniirfnmn'c nrlvprticiiicr tilf- I K eliof Corns. $1?0).92. o j ...uiirii 1 l a n miiiviiiii vii..iiiriiiuf , . r. A town cannot prosper and V Franco, Oregon City; A V (.lard me known to any great extent broad, Grant ; A C Sloan, Portland, autagood enterprising paper1 Tho adjutant general's report shows .. ... ... . '52 nosts in tho department, with a LURCH! Our Spring Stock will "oou be rcntly and open to your inspection. Absolutely no iiiiTeprc.scntntioii ofjoods LURCH! IH Qvict. per is vour town's advertisiiur me dium. Support it. Strengthen it by K eliof Corps', fr..92 Besolntlons in protest of reduction of tho annual state the np- Davidson does good watch work. rs,. riliU,n 01 Mtu llniiirifli. . w - 1 . : 1 .1... 1 .... . . 1 vv. j "in i.uw.i ... if o - ..... , .. 'reiiiicuuu 01 inu milium cimu I your patronage, that it may make its , pn,Iirintion wure anbmittetl ami atlopttNl For quality ami cheapness in fresh visit 10 lis natrons ana loreitrn ..1 .. ,..1. 1:.... .1... imuii . in tim i'.ntiii hiihii mnrKct. l a"" ! il I VCUi U 1 1 U 1 1 UUIlllllVlllllll illU 1 f" ... . readers, each week, in an improved etlieient administration of tho t-oldicrs Notice Ilonienwnv it Burkholder' condition over that of the previous ' home. ad. Shoes, shoes, shoe. week, thereby substantiating the GAR Chicle. If you want glares fitted to your cye fac t that the town is pushing ahead. At McMinnville June 20th a depart- go to Davidson the Jeweler. Your paper cannot improve unless nu'"t of tnB k'tues of thetmind Army ! ro.-h cmidios everyday, 1111100 Irotn . . 'of the renublic was formed bv Mrs nnru dinar nt thoTiiilor tihoit Wo sell good goods nt good pnreti for our customers, Central .Market. The . . . Agnes Winslow of Chicago national aiwuj luipuvcmcuiuiinc 13 president, and Mrs Mora Davey of men of the town," are cn-j of tho G Alt now number eight circled business terprising and of the push-ahead sort, and that the town is going sky- rd. It is Htdd that Witiconsin turned out 10,000,000 pounds of chew anniiBlly. If vou want a wagon eeuie mid look at the StoiiL'liton before biivintr. 1. It. O C. Taylor recently returned from a trip to Texas, has been ad vertised by the Junction City Bulletin as a principal in a proposed bullfight to be added to the Fourth of July features ot that city. Mr. and denounces the-Bulletin in the i correspondent Guard We don't blame him and we would feel very much like sweeping out the Bulletin office with the "funny" editor if we were Mr. Taylor. About as dirty an in sult as can be thrust at one is to liken one to a Spaniard. in the state having just formed one nt McMinnville with 20 charter members The otlicera of ft lift ilpimrlmnnt nf Orn. gon who were elected and installed are: I Piullii-m Mrs Amy Livingston of Albany, prosi- The Perkins Iioliomin taee took 18 dent; Mrs Elizabeth Wand of Salem, paw-engcre up and fix Imek laxt week. ccinui iitc iiresiuriii: .iirs Jennie i i .1.: ti. ... i , it ... ., I rvT " Kim iiiuvniiie une io ruii ui iiiuany, junior vice presuieni; iGnirns A Veucii -w v. ! ir until j 4 .IliiWIli; l . . . . . .... . . . . . treasurer; Mrs Addie HetiHtis of Port- L, . V ,'. ! 1 " . 1 . ' vuriniuK uintier, moner, aim thku on land, chaplain; Mrs Florence Quimby of Albany, secretary; Mrs Lizzie Woodiu of Portland, national prees u 1 1 I u Eugene is having quite a time (given to Shields school house and 3rd For your Spring and inimmer hatu go i im ... I C.h.Im.. 9 . . c ..-1 1 1 I ii Mta.1 MlllMTiir tit tin. it.l &JUIUI.1J o F. in. iu OUilTH PC1IOOI llOUSe. ( "-IJ ....v., u. .nu win jiiiiiiu voting for a the go-cart on the Fourth. -A system of buying tickets to be voted to ride in Sunday 3 p. tn. to Sears nchool house. 10 M,8B Muiiuer, nt the ,ourtb A Junior C K nt 3 p. m.; Y PS C E at 7 SRIPh btiilding-n fine line. c I t "HlllJ IIIUVlllJ UliU for your choice at 5 cents each has social is .held at some members home been instituted and something like 1800 tickets have been purchased and voted. This will swell the celebration fund several dollars but it isn't apt to place the prettiest girl nor the best girl nor the most popular girl in the "goddess" seat. It is apt to be a question of how much money the old daddie will put up for tickets. Anyone who wishes for an educa tion in current literature can be gratified by reading the local and telegraphic columns of the Orego nian "ffonf day to day. If one wishes lor literary enlightenment a close following of the Home Study Circle of that excellent paper will bring about the desired result. The Oregonian is a news and thought gatherer a high grade school with in itself. When you notice a man digging in the garden very slowly, stopping often to rest and cussin occasion ally, it's safe to say his wife has got him to work, but if he be digging like a good fellow never stopping to rest and whistling popular air, bait, Ex. he's after worms for Admiral Dewey professes aston ishment at the preparations now under way for his reception. The brave old sailor don't seem to know just how big a man he is body had the same amount modesty as displayed by the hero of Manila, this would be a modest world indeed. . CHURCH NOTICES. exhibition. Go and look nt them. Mrs. J. S. Mcdlev wishes tocall vour attention to her choice and well he lee ted line of millinery goods The most stvlish lists at thu'iiiot reasonable prices at Mis lluiurich. C P CHURCH. , lfi.',n,lw.r fl.rit Mr -U.-ll,... t- !,. !. n t . - n . . I iteguiar services eacn Jsaouatn. bun- m hierv business, that she has a ehoii-.. 1 1 tn . .1.. . . ' .-"" iu a. in.; pr -RcmnK eacn nie of l'ikm s. Cu 1 anil hii ivr. aunoay at II a rn. and 8 p. m. except .. vnnr Hnpin ,, ,.,,. . th 9ll wllipll t-JII lu r. it tin in lw. I "... 1 T . ., , " J"e3 Jiemzer, ine wen Known and rrovnience cnurcn near star on Kow,ar lni.ilIPr. r.t.a, C. . O UI 1... t.ivi. i iic. jiiiiuat ui j ii. in m.; pntyer nieetinc Wednesdav 8 n. ni.; the monthly business meeting and Ladies ready received. Monday 8 p.m. after the 1st Sunday. The Ladies Aid Society meets eacli Tuesday at 1 p. m. to work, at some friends or member's home. Your presence solicited at ench church Her vice. Strangers made welcome. Come. W. V. McGee, Pastor, sr. r.." ciiuitcit. Hereafter the serviess at the Metho dist Episcopal church will be as fol lows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching every 1st. 2nd and 3rd Sun days at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Ep worth League at 6:30 p. tn. Pravcr meetingevery Thursday eveninc at 7:30. Let us hear the Gospel "it is the power of God." Stranirers and friends are made welcome to all meetings. M. 0. Brink, Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services at the Catholic church will henceforth take place each third Sun day in every month. Rev. L Przybylski. Adminstrator's Notice. ?."lcLlg e,rebJ' 8-.T-n that the tinderslfmeil S?f duy ttppolnted by the County Court 2lkine ,Coun-'. OffKon, a1inln!trator of the estate of Jame I Hunt, deceaeed. All fienons rv.!,1f,ms,lsalul 801(1 etate are .hereby 152 i,1iSdi,,,rent Sesame to me propcily itM:,l' hy '.w fe'iu're1-, at Wtldwood, Ore:, n? ?i8loim?!?th"J'ih0da,e hereof. ' Dated this tho SOth day of June, 1809. dc"ceawd!tratr ' th C8tate of esTll'unt, ICE I Ice by the pound or ton . Under 200 pounds lcents per pound, 200 or over 1 cent per pound, at M C C Bakery. TO TRADE. I wish to trade painting for lumber hatllimr. from Snr-; It every Also will do painting for shingles. Call oi I "'-op next to Miller's cigar store. B ; L. PlCKAKD. i im The Fourth of Julv , t -- V Villi and up. Head them . made dross skirtfc just EAKIN & liltlhTOW. Miss Mcinzor will haven choice line of new sailor hats on early in the week. Suits! Suits! I Tailor made suits!!! Up to date in evcrv respect, from $15 up. Call and see samples. Gko. Boh LSI an. Miss Annie Heinrich tho milliner hasa choice line in latest styles. Call and see them. "The Champion" the best mower on earth . For sale by Griffin it Vuatch. If you want the lntost styles in hats nnd millinery goods at lowest prices call on Miss Annie Heinrich. The'Northern Pacific have recently established an agency in our eity with Mr. James Ilemenwny as agent. Cal on or write him in regard to tickets to all Eastern points. 3 kinds of ice cream at M C C Bakery Saturday and Sunday. T. A. Lewis, boot nnd shoo repair shop. First work, low prices. Opposite Sherwood Hotel. Cabinet photos at Boyd's gallery $2.00 per dozen. Chittcm bark and Oregon grapo root bought at Lurch'H Bargains in lawns, organdies, ging hams, etc.. for summer dreases at Eakin & Brihtow. Buy your shoo dressing of Eakin & xiuiBTow. nicy Jiavo tho kind want. OUR SPRVjlG liWES Arc Now Open for Inspection! We arc Ottering Some Bargains in the Following! Men's Heavy Shoes $t35 t )M-25- Hoy's Shoes $1.25 to a 35. Men's Kiue Shoci $1.50 to f.V75. Men's Hats ,50 cts to $3.00. We have a Full Line of Ladies' Shirt Waists in all! Colors. I 1 We also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, D ess Linines. isnirt waisi dels, JL,acnes' Wcckwa c, etc. jSTew York IRncvel; Store. E. WALL & WHIPPLE. :CElTRBAi MEAT KET and Company: COTTAGE GROVE - - - OREGON AN UP-TO-DATE MARKET Hecf, Mutton, Iork, Veal Smoked Hams, Hacon, Ktc. Call anil See L'n McFartuutl Co IV Wilt 7W v., uim BENSON DRUG COMPANY! H. tl. C, A Complete and Well Selected Line of the.. Best Drugs in the Market Kept Constantly in Stock. jSTew Line of Trusses irist in ii.!.... t . . ..... w 1,1m wnmpany. collage Clfovr. Ore. James Hemenway DKALKIt IN Keal Estate and Mining Property. Kepreicnti Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Companies. Strict Attention paid to Colleclloni Office opposite Sherwood Hotel. NOTARY rUBLIO you Special salo on ladies ehirt waists for tho next two weeks. Will soil them at greatly redueed figures. Will sell many of them at first eost. Eaki.v & BltlHTOW. Sailors at cost at Miss Hoinrich's. call early. ' '"Clover Leaf binding twine, pllro Manila, and the best tnnchino oils. Go to GrtiPFiN' & Veatoii. Always rcllabIc-Tt,o Wopkly OroBonlanl THE RAIN DOPS. Did you ever consider thi nfr.t ,r ii. ... .1 .. r...i.. x.rih nnd her veuetntion? As t!nv ,hnA v... .1 1-.. 1- .1.... i.,t1 . , , - j '"""I jiuiii mc tiumis nicy uiu khuij with the gasses of the air. Thus they carry life's own energy to the sod and all vegetation. Kadams' Microbe Killer, n co.nbinntion of (lis trecttng gasses and warer, has the same efTect upon the human body, piinplilet1" lVC UP0" Uie SOil nml ve8ctntion Cnl1 of se,ld fof 'A. p. Howard, Ag't, Kesidcnco with J. K. Barrett. Cottage Grove, Oregon. roil SALE Oil TltADK , ' 1 1KAW" j Just bear In mind that tho ub- I n..tult.. ft , . .. ... . "... A tl , , , ; nu'ijiuon list ot 1110 JJOiiemia iiibk - too acres 0f land, with good house, : growing daily, d that the proprictori "' y' two 8lrea"1 f running water! appreciate tho patronage given the on tho p ace; an excellent stock ranch ! paper. In a good community. One of tho best; county schools within 1 miles; aur-j " rounded by some of tho best fanncH In ! Komomber Dr. 1. L. Scofi.dd, DentUt J-ano county. Will trado for Cottage i when you want dentul work dono. Orovo resident property, hnproved or! . unimproved. Inquire nt this oflleo 1 . una oiin.0. Q,pk rtPl,wr-The Wp(). orcconian.