BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Ti,e Council Does Some Good Work Kntewi t the iKwtomco i cMmre roc iii Special Meeting Assembled. OrCKmi m Second Vlt Mali mntter. Larch! LURCHI Lurch! .Tim ks to tbe Public for your liberal patronage tlnrliiR tliowlnlcr season. Socnu . . .. ni...u.H . iJ9tM...HiHvviMhKti.oUv oo.moii We are now giving the Hn1.h Price. I - .ivnrti-n.B lmaa of jewiem! Interest as follows: iipiirHilnn. I Itjfveles were prohibited running iion t ho walks between the tlepot and j west corner of Dr Wall's rv&idonee on Main and Wall street, also from Bo hemia Xufftvl oltke to A I" Johnson's Friday, Junk 23 1S99. Bohemia Niienet agrees with the pnoterty on Main and Itiver streets West when that esteemed paper A standing order excluding bicycles I .!. .1.1., ..f U'mII ulK,t ili.rii... in its remarks w th reference to , .. , . . w r the months of June, July and Angus railroads gaming nym . w-8 iswULHl through property, say ttiat ine An ordinance iwssed second reading right of way for a railroad through establishing tho grade and grading from a ranch means not only the giving thedepot to Fourth street and Fourth to up of the land, but often endless in-; Kansas. .... Till! Ml convenience to the owner, and this In SILKS, SERGE, and BROCADE DRESS SKIRTS Tho recorder was authorixeri to draft oH(irinnmi fit flirt 1 1 rt 1 1 f 1 1 t( fuin It Mil should be taken into consideration WM Blnjet( an(, for B0(Ml8nijxlllg tie in fixing the value ot property, as ssine wjtj, crushed rock. Tho ordinance regulating the date of regular meetings of the city council was amended establishing tho lirst Monday instead of the second Tuesday of each month as tho regular meeting night. well as the benefits to be derived from the mills and railroads. The Nugget is not in favor of giving the railroad anything, and as a rule the railroad is willing to pay a fair price, but not willing to pay a price for right of way that cannot be realized upon the property perhaps iu ten years after the railroad is j built. The building of a railroad always stimulates 'the price of farm M property. It makes the county; and in the case of the proposed Booth-Kelly -Company Mohawk railroad, it will clean up the brush and timber land and make the property valuable. When you con sider the right of way without prejudice, it is fair to presume thct the increase iu tbe value of the property through which right of way is given, and the general im provement in a commercial sense of the community, wih more than offset the inconvenience occasioned by the granting of" a right of way. Iind is not so valuable in Lane county that the most of us cannot give a few of the broad acres, that a railroad may be built, which in the end will in crease the value of our land posses sions ioo per cent. The salvation of Florence lies in the possibility that she may in time be connected with the Willamette valley by rail road, thus tapping the valley and per chance, Eastern Oregon, mak ing the Siuslaw river the comercial exit and entrance for a large acreage of Oregon. To do this first, upon application by a syndicate, a right of way must be granted, and no corporation is going to give ex cessive prices for right of way through a county, through which they cannot figure upon running expenses for at least a number of years, after the completion of the road. "Cattle and sheep cn the hoof are bringing higher prices now, says the Baker City Republican, with very few fat stock to ship. Mr. William Pollman said recently, '-'Cattle are high now, steers bringing $4 to $4.50 and cows S3. 50 to $4. ,A11 the fat stock have been shipped and only a few head are being fed for the home market. Sheep are high and no fat stock are left for shipment. Shipments are now being made from The Dalles and that terrritory. A large train load of sheep from there went through Baker City recently for the Chicago market." Chas. H. Chapman, ex-president of the University of Oregon has de parted for pastures new, leaving Eugene with few if any friends to bid him good-bye, good-luck and well wishes. Mr. Chapman was a man spoiled by education. He had the education 'tis true, but conceit, arrogance and, it ii alleged, deceit had him. Here the bubble bursted, and he can now start over again. Professor T. M. Martin one of the oldest and best known teachers of this county, died at his home south of Florence last week. For a uumber of years Mr. Martin had led a somewhat retired life at his country home, but for all of that he was not forgotten by hundreds who had through his many years of edu catioual work come in contact with him, and his many friends for many miles flocked to his funeral to mourn the loss of a noble, generous companion. Professor Martin while a man of rare education, was a man who bent toward, and gathered to him, the common people." He walked in the humbler walks of life, not that his ability was not such as would have secured him attention and prominence in higher walks, but that he was an admirer ot nature, of symplicity, of truthful ness. He was ever a true friend to the struggling student who longed for learning, and few are those who were under him in the school room who have not retained an affectionate thought for him. Bicyclists should use a little more care in crossing the bridge in this city. Many of them speed through at a break-neck pace, and some day they will collide with a foot passenger and one or both will re ceive serious damage; and in such cases the unfortunate thing about it is that the n ckless wheelman al ways gets the least hurt. LURCH! Our Spring Stock will aon be rendv nud open to your inspection. Absolutely 110 misrepresentation of goods LURCH! A report reached the Nugget office at press hour last night that .1. ?J r r . 1 - me residence 01 ait. uavis ar. l,ox ane had been" burned. It was a nice home and the loss is a heavy one. A maiden, fair, with sun-kissed hair came tripping down the streot: with face serene her age sixteen gee whiz! but she was sweet! On a banana peel sleek she came down with a jolt that shook her curls; but the words that she used must be excused, for she'sone Of our nicest girls, Tho naughty young chap who saw the mishap and smiled with fiendish delight, will regret the same when hefinds his name is "Pants' next Saturday night. Ex. A $20,000 fight has been arranged be tween Bob Fitz-dmmons, tho defea'ed champion and "Kid" McCoy, for the middle weight championship of the world. A years subscription to the American Home-maker, given witheaoh cash-in-advance subscription, at f 1.C0, to Bo hemia Nugget. 3 kinds of ice cream at M 0 0 Bakery Saturday and Sunday. 1. A. Jewis, boot and shoo repair siiop. irst class work, low prices Opposite Sherwood Ilotelr For tho next 30 days Boyd will givo one l'iioto button with each dozen photographs. Ohittem bark and Oregon grapo root uougnt at liiirch'H Tho Bohemia Nugget and tho great ban 1'raneisco Bulletin for 2.nn r.i- year In Brier. Davidson does good watch work. Get your ribbon at Miss lloinrich. Lane county circuit court con venes June 26 I,on Vancy's toam ran away Tuesday morning. For nnalitv and cheapness in fresh meats go to tho Central meat market. Notice Hemonway A llnrkholder'a ad. Shoes, shoos, Hhoos. If you want glasses fitted to your oyos go to Davidson the Jeweler. Fresh candies ovory day, made from pure sugar at the Tailor shop We sell good goods at good prices for our customers, Central .Meat .Market. If you want a wagon con e and look at the Stuughton before bi.yine. F. II. Phillips. Some excellent woik is 1 eing ('one on the road between this city and Latham also on the other side of IjUliani. F. It. Phillips lias his sample Mr- Cormiek binder, mower, ami rake on exhibition. Go md ! k at llieui. The Jump-otr.Joe mine has made n very satisiactory cleanup aim closed do .vn for the prason. Mrs. .T. S. Medley wishes tocnll jVotir attention to her choice and well selected ine of millinery goods. Tiie most stylish hats at the 1110-t reasonable prices at Miss lloinrich. Itcmemlter that Mrs. Medley is in the millinery business, that she has 11 choice i lie of goods. Call and see her. Buy your spring and summorhatH of Miss Meinzer, the well known and )opular milliner. For vourSpring ami summer huts go 1) Mis, at the old plioto raph building a fine lino. Indies ready made dread akirtfc just received. K akin Sc Bin bto w . dimming Sc Sclir have made arrange ments to receive n weekly shipment of very choice creamery butter. Shillings Bost teas, codec, spices, flavoring extracts and baking powder, at Ciitnuiing and Sulir's. Miss Meinzer will haven choice line of new sailor lints on early iu the week. Suits! Suits!! Tailor made units!!! Up to date in every respect, from $15 up. Call and see samples. Gko. Boiilman. Miss Annie Iloiniich the milliner hasu choice lino in latest styles. Call and see thorn. If you want tho latost stylos in hats and millinery goods at lowest prices call on Mies Annie Heinrich. A movemont is on foot at Eugene through the efforts of tho Women's Re publican Patriotic League to erect a fountain to the memory of tho Lano county boys who died in tho service of their country. The Northern Pacific havo recently established an agency in our city witli Mr. James Hemonway as agent. Cal on or writo him in regard to ticketa to all Eastern points. Tho firm of Harlow .t Stocks, of the Gold Mining and Milling Company are talking of putting in a machine to re duce consentrates thus lessoning freight rates. OMR SPRta iNES Arc Now Open for Inspection! We are OlFcring Some Bargains in the Following: Men's Heavy Shoes $t.35 li$4-25 ' Boy's Shoes $i.2S to 2 35. Men's Fine Shoes $i.5 $3-7 S- Men's lints 50 cts to $3.00. These aro the days wherein (ho tho chittcm bark peeler preambiilnteth himself into the fastness of Oregon climate, pulleth off his coat and pro ceeded to yank off great strips of little early nsors, and solleth tho same to the compounder of vile stuff, who laughotli with great delight wlion he compoundeth a qoncoction that causeth a man to cravo rancisco Bulletin for $2.00 pgr quinine to tako tho taste out of his moutii or words to that effect, We have a Full Line of Ladles' Shirt Waists In all Colors. We also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, D ess Linings, Shirt Waist Sets, Ladies' Ncckwa c, etc. ISTgav York Rackcl; Store. E. WALL & WHIPPLE. iCETRMi WcX MARKETS jWcfaHand Company-: COTTAGE GROVE ... OREGON UP-TO-DATE MARKET Uecf, Mutton, Pork, Veal Smoked Hams, Hncon, Ktc Call a ml Sre Cn Mc.l'urlmiil Co V Will Trent Ytm Itlyltt BENSON DRUG COMPANY! a. 11. r. . A Complete and Well Seh ctiil Line of the... Best Drugs in the Market Kept Constantly in Stock. 2STew TiJLeoi'TTOssos just in Hciunn Drug Company. Cnltagr prove. Ore. James Hemenway DF.ALKIt IN Real Estate and Mining- Property. Kcprcicnti Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Companies. NOTAKY rUBLIC .... Strict Attention paiil to Collectioni Office opposite Sherwood Hotel. TIIE RAIN DOPS. Did yon ever consider the cfTect of the rain drops on Mother Barth and her vegetation? As they descend from the clouds they nrc charged with the gasses of the air. Thus they carry life's own energy to tlic soil and all vegetation. Radains' Microbe Killer, n combination f 's infecting gasses and warer, has the same eflect upon the human body, that the raiu drops hnve upon the soil and vegetation. Call of send for pamphlet. A. p. Howard, Ag't, Uesidciice with J. K. Barrett. Cottage Grove, Oregon, lSALKOUTHAI)!.:. , J(Wl ! flcrlptlon list of tho Bohoiniu Ntiget i 100 acres of land, with good house, ; growing dally, and that tho proprietor barn, etc; two streams of running water! appreciate tho patronago given l'19 on tho place; an excellent stock ranch j paper. In a good community. Ono of tho best ' county schools within miles; etir-i """"" lounded by some of tho beat farmes in j Komombnr Dr. 1. L. Scofl.dd, Dentist Lano county. Will trade for Cottage ! whon you want dental work dono. Grovo resident proporty; improved ori . unimproved, IiKiuiio at thin ntim ! ,.