Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 16, 1899, Image 8

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the pursuer a woninn with n bnrc
haul, and light brown h.vr nil
around her sacred, white face.
"Oh. Mr. Malcolm. " she cried
rilli co.Mu.0 i lr -;:i';":; ;r S 'PausiNEss
Thu followlni: l " t'usiiy wrlttun and
read by .Mlsti I.illiu Taylor, daughter
of Joe Tnylor, of Cottage Orovo precinct,
Five ycais ago I was running
the passenger locomotive, No. So,
on the through route between
Pittston and Harrisville.
It was a cold night in December,
with considerable frost and snow
on the track, and a biting wind
blowing a thin drizzle of sleet
from the north. There was a
clouded moon, but it gave suffi
cient light to make the track
visible for a good distance behind
us as well as ahead of us.
Hawkins was in the cabe with
me, and there is no better fireman
in the country than Hawkius. We
had passed Woodstock, fifteen
miles back, and had whizzed by the
express at West Maltby. We had
before us a clean run of thirty miles
to jHarrisville, where I went off
duty, and Carson came on.
We were drawing a half-dozen
passenger coaches and a mail car,
and expected to reach Harrisville
at 12:30 on time.
"By Jove!" said Hawkins, wip
ing the dampness from his face
with a grimy hand; "it is a nasty
night, and I shan't be sorry when
we get to Harrisville. Hope
they'll have something hot for
supper at old Barker's."
Just as he spoke, I thought I
heard, faintly sounding through j
in a voice hoarse with excitement, 1 before thu 1'nrmorn Instltuo hold nt
"the bridge over the Muskavoy is
down and the track is in the river
Oranco Hall Mny 12 11 ml !!
Air caution coit no money and poor
inKti iiiuv have an lino ones as any.
" I Therefore many aro built and much
It was Capwcll'e little Bess, and K,.jt,f is lno r,,HUt. Drifting in not an
Capwcll was the telegraph opetator hmd work iu rowing. Thurofnio many
at Woodstock. Bess, whom I had ' boatn u-u drifting down thu .dream of
taken into my engine many a time ' time and M,o result I. wrecked live.. It
J .... : . , . will not do. in thu Ratno of life, to UNO
when she was a child and taught nio f(tur0 nm, lWfleel lI0 ,,r0HUnt,
her all I knew about running old 1 m)l.wi it i,0 ctiuuh to look out for thu
preesnt alone .
Many parents living under limited oir
So. Aud I had nearly lost my
place by it too. Bess, who two
weeks before had driven me nearly
wild by going off bicycling with
the superintendent of the road
Bess, with whom I had quarreled
and parted forever!
.But," I said, "why did you
not warn us at Woodstock?"
"The dispatch came a moment
after you had pulled out. You
left half a minute early, you know.
You always hurry from Woodstock
now," with a little upward glint in
the eye that I knew full well.
"Why didn't your father or some
man come?"
"Father is down with a broken
leg, and I have bean supplying for
him. And 104 was all steamed up
'cuiiiHtnnceB aro viewing with anxiety
I the quvAtiun of their children' future.
And thu tmcccsa of that future depends
j very much on thu preparation made for
it now .
It in a very (rood thine for boys and
j.irlH to decido what they are golnc to ho.
It indicate" that they have ambition if
it amounts to nothing more. A dollnite
fixed purpose nmoiintH to a great dual.
If a boy knows something about farm
ing and carpentry and Minilar things,
and declared that he will follow one of
these, it in moro encouraging to my
mind, than if ho should pick for himself
some occupation of which h knows
nothing. It seems to mi that in such
neaso ho is following his real tastes and
natural aptitudes rather than a pleasant
It does not sneak wall for a com-
p.n-nts help ih' nucceed. they
L-Uloltbv U-tllng goofthuprtHt and
taking hold of the pienmt.
Do not fall h'l contentment with
vour children because tlmy can do many
"things null. The day of doing many
thing has gone by, ami tho
specialties has come In. U I '
craco to Jim n Jack of dl-trades a .1
master of none. l'roftiom.l excellence
is worth more than money making
power, for It Is happlm-
combined, and aocitrily sgaiusl want
besides .
Thu farmer of today I' farmer
of yoiterdiir. We 1 eipeot many of
our voung ioople to beatmi humors.
Hut wo u.usn'l let them think that a
farmer Is morely a tiller of the soli .
Lot them have a good definition of the
word. Farmer an enlightened and
progressive- son of America . The ruling
class of that country. Ono who dona
manual lalwir but takes recreation. Thn
I . 1 .... .j. I.,.IIm a . . . I . . I.. . .
peMon whom an iwauun vf. ... v, , 5lSC5.S III (III IIS IMlllU hpt
.1 ...I.... lu.f .limit In, IHH'ds it
Vllllll ailT iimii'i u - j
moro and has bettor opportunities of
adding to It after he gels it. Ono who !
loves to study the wonders of nature, as j
ho is brought m couiaui wmi uium
through his work. One who possesses
tho-o active, well-developed faculties of
mind, body and soul without which life
is not worth living.
4. tvM
Proprietor of
The Popular Cign, ail(j
tioucry Store nf'
Fancy Vanned l.uncht,
Dealer in
Cigars of I.ow ami
Grade and Prices to sun the Ttad
Main Street, Cottage r,rove Q
Eakiii & MpisioV
Tl'dllMK ttl (iCIUTddi
UuIUK l.lf,,,,
A oO-cout premium will bo given
every cash sulMCrilwr to ltoliemla
Nugget at II.W cents per year. He
member thu American Home-maker,
or MeCdl's Magiuhio you have your
the distance behind us, three short, passengers were crowding from the
niiinitv. either its past or its future,
for old Dawson to take the freight ! when a majority of the young people
up to Moutville, and there was no j show a dislike to farming. It shows choicoand the Bohemia Nugget onu
one but me to come and try to save that tho ideal 01 larming nas 1101 ueen year for l.r0.
the passengers and Charley!" jkoPth,Sh- j j
For I had caught her to my j peo)Io ftru t00 optimistic. If they were
breast, and though I knew that not they would die. The pen of a ToU
Hawkins was staring at us from ; stoi would be well employed in piotur
the cab window, and the friehtened ! '"K 1,18 "ve of brave, over-workel am-
il'Oll Onn
III ll l III
Call on
I) I Pi
17, ut i until 11 vi H
Blouse 3'aiiitin,
fi'u !! Ilaiiii,
sharp whistles of a locomotive. I
strained my ears, and caught the
sound again distinctly, and nearer
than at first.
"Good Lord!" cried Hawkins
"Wnat was tnatr It s coming
up behind us! It's a runaway
engine; and if so, then God help
There is nothing a railway en
gineer dreads more than a wild en
gine, for there is no way to control
it, and nothing to do but outrun
Hawkins turned towards the
coal box, and seized the shovel to
put in more coal, but I stopped
"Wait a moment," I said;
"possibly there may be a meaning
in this thing."
We were just shooting on to the
high trestle which crosses Good
run's Meadows, from which the
land slopes gradually down, for
twenty rods or so, to the rocky bed
of the Muskavoy river.
Leaning out of the window, I
could command a view of the track
for half a mile behind us. And,
as Hooked, I could see distinctly,
coming on in our wake, a loco
motive, with no cars attached, and
a long, black cloud of smoke trail
ing out behind on the frosty air.
It was running at nearly the
same speed we were going, and as
I gazed I became satisfied that
whoever had a hand on the throttle
was timing the speed to ours. I
waved my red lantern from the
cab window, and was answered by
a green light swung frantically
from the cab of the pursuer, and
borne faintly on the air came a
single wild cry, which sounded to
me like "Stop."
I slowed 89 up a bit, in spite of
Hawkins' angry protestatious, and
our pursuer slowed also.
"There must be danger ahead,
and they are come to warn us," I
said, "and a green light is the
signal at Woodstock."
"Why in thunder didn't they
warn us at Woodstock, then?"
growled Hawkins. I brought 89
to a standstill, and the locomotive
which had followed us stopped not
twenty feet away. I leaped to the
ground and went back. A woman
rear platform of the train, and
glowering at us in amazement, I
kissed her as I had never kissed
any womau before.
"Bess," I cried, "you came to
save me. Say it, or I will "
"Yes," she broke in, softly.
' You and the passengers."
Bessie is my wife now, and she
signals me with her white hand
every time my train flies past the
little cottage which is our home.
Superintendent Sanborn forgave
her for taking 104 without orders,
but I do not think he ever forgave
her for stealing his heart and then
returning it in the original package.
Clara Augusta Trask, in Boston
Unless you want blueksmithing done
in a skilled manner. I do not work for
nothing but I am prepared to do work
at living prices and guarantee satis
faction. II. D. Hemenway.
Bad management keeps more people
in poor circumstances than any other
one cause. To be successful one must
look ahead and plan ahead bo that when
a favorable opportunity 'presents itself
he is ready to take advantage of it. A
little forethought will also save much
expense and valuable time. A prudent
and careful man will keep a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoon Remedy in tho house, the
shiftless fellow will wait until necessity
compels it and then ruin his beet horse
going for a doctor and havo a big doctor
bill to pay, besides; ono pays out 25
cents, tho other is out a hundred and
then wonders why his neighbor is
getting richer while ho is getting poorer.
For sale by Benson Dkug Co., Cottage
Grove, Joe Lyons, Drain Drug ist.
bitious women who aro both hopeful
and in despair. They are not wise, yet j
they are noble. They do not know that
hard work is of less value nowadays j
than up-to-date business mothoda. Tho
Rrm Ton istf Work,
13011 100 jciirrinire Vx
Main Street
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Cottage Grove,
and Bohemia.
Land Ollico at Kocbtirg, Oregon.
M.iv I" 1KIKI
Notice is berebv given thai tho follow- ftll TITl V ll nil CO fVT"
ing-named settler has tiled notice of his LJ if x J -alWUaU IU1
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will lm 1
made before Joel Ware U. S. Coin-1
missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on June
29 189h, viz.Theopbile F. Hossu on II.'
K. .o. ;u lor tiie I: A '4. .M-;
SW yA , Lot 2, Sec. 215, T. 1U S R. 5 W.
He names the following w iineeecs to
prove bis continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
Isaac N.Doak, Henry Coleman, John
L. Bailey, Ivan McQueen, of .Siuslaw,
J. T. Biiiixiks,
nitre I'luiiting
Work J ltd in ntml
Cy. niller,
General Blacksmithlng.
Two Doors North of F.ukin A llnilesi,
Cottaijc Gruve, Oregon.
Saul your ortlvrn by Telephone
W. II. Beagle,
K. O. IPerkins
deputy -
U. S. Mineral Surveyor.
Sccial attention given to Mmitr
Claims aud procuring of Patents.
Ckants Pass, Okegox.
Notico is hereby given that tho Tax
Rolls for tho year 1898, will bo closed on
the 15th day of Juno 1899. All persons
who desire to avoid costs and expenses,
should pay before that date.
Datod at Eugene, Ore., May 29th 1899.
W. V. Witiiekb, Sheriff and Tax
Collector of Lane County, Oregon.
Agents Wanted Fok "The Like and
Achievements of Admiral Dewey," tho
world's greatest naval hero. By M 11 rat
Halstead, the life-long friend and ad
mirer of the nation's idol. Biggest and
best book ; over 500 pages, 8x10 inches :
nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations!
Only $1.50. Enormous demand. Big
commissions. Outfit freo. Chance of a
lifetime. Write unick. Tho Dominion
was climbing down from the cab of cSS?' 3rd Flr Caxton m
Land Oflice at Itosuhnrg, Oregon
May J. 1899.
Notice is hereby given that tho follow
ing-named settler has lileu notice of Ins
intention to make final proof n support
ot ins claim, and that said proof will he
made before Joel Wnro, U. S. Com
missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on June
17,1899, viz: James II. .Sharp on II.
E. No. 0348 for tho E y. SW W, W V,
S E H, Sec. 2ft, T.22 S., It. 1 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
Frank A. Rankin, William T. Bailey,
of Eugene, Oregon, Baker Stewart,
Robert M. Veatch, of Cottago Grove,
J. T. BitinoKH,
Land Office atRoseburg, Oregon.
, May 22, 1899.
hotice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
n( I.Sn .... I .1.... I I ...
u inn viiiiui, nun unit sum prooi will
bo made before Joel Ware, U. K. Com
missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on July
10, 1899, viz: George Layng on II. K.
No. 7409 for tbeS N W Lots 3 & ,
sec.30,T.2lS.,R. 1 W.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
John Q. Doud, Joseph 8. Burnott,
James T. Hunt, of Wildwood, Oregon
George Dowons, of Cottage Grovo, Ore
gon. J. T. BitinoKH,
Gives the Choice of
Two Transcontinental
Adminstrator's Notice.
Notico Is hereby given, that OeorifO M. Hiiw.
lS..&" WHO'' administrator of tho
estate of George W.Ozment,dooensol. Ali uDr.
,J."n,!j?.YiI!H cltt,ms aKainst mM e"t are here.
hy notified to present the urno to said nilmlii.
lstrator.Ht Cottage drone. Oregon, wit In ix
,n"nthBfrom tho (Into of this notloo X
Dated this 26th day of April, 1SW.
John m. Williams.
Attorney for Estate
LoW Kates to all
Eastern Cities.
Ocean Steamora Leave
Portland every 5 daya
San Francisco.
For full particular call on O. V. Ar TJ
Agent, Frank Jordan, Cottago Grove.
, II. TIlJIlMiKnT,
General Passenger Agont,
Portland, Oregon,
J. S. ilfi!ll.EY,s$-
Attorney At Law,
OH co On MilnHtreet.
Cottage drove, Oregon,
A perfect wuillary. flf-iupportif
bathing apuratun, rubltcr lined and tu
n door.
Produces cleanliness, health snd
clear complexion.
Dispels colds, fevers, (kin dltttni
and nutaveous eruptions.
Prevents diseases.
Recommended hy eminent physlci
Prof. Hudson's Kloctric Homo l
mator sold by Cius. E.
Ouklaml, Of.
subscription at tho NuR"
Old papers for sale at this ofi
For Fl rat-elans
Painting ar(d
paper H01
l'apev Guavantceduot to Cr
Office, Nam Street, next to
Young's law office.
fl. A .-!,... Ifmr.n. maker. rM'W
AIIV illllUI I Villi ww .
magazine of pronounced worth hi '
homo ithnH vlaited, tho aubacrip"
prico of which Ih 150 cents por year,
ho given ono year freo to ovcry
aubnorlber in advanco to uu
NiitfKOt. Whon you aubscrlbo p"
mention It clue It will not bo lrm
to yon.