Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 09, 1899, Image 5

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    I t MuiKlity uvuiiIiik number of
L(JroVo'H HimrtHineii hold a moot.
.1 ir,.rti'il ii iitiriiiiiiii'iii nxi nmi
"'..i.iii (imniiliiUloit lo bo known iih
.. ..... (iwii'i! Hod nmi Uun Ulnli.
in in-
. mi to. IT. II. 1TIIIU wan
: a II 'I t
.. .i r..,( lent ; V. J. uowam, vice
.,. i Itulnli Wliiiinlu, aoerelitry,
B i v ....
i unmi' 1 nil rtlifirtr-
. k ill K. Hnin -
...i i.iii fct wa flxutl at fl aM
I to Lo in ""-'' rii'lHv,
l t "I"'1' ttini' tlit flub will iimiii
lit to tit Into oiicoi moru iimuriiii
c a committee on coiiHtltutloim aiiiI
law hnvlmt Imhiii appointed to drnft
I ri'iiort on that ualo. in lint inimn-
e inninlHirH will bo solicited, und
nowhonrr Intt'M'nlfil anil iirHiro to
inumbiirii, should make np
cfltlon itiiiiiiMlhittflv. A Unit '.'0 dportH-
n have already Iwr.oino iniiinimrh.
oiho eil,-
Iraml Mm J M Hliorwood ar In ro
ut of cable advice from General OtU
tt tlmlr cn Monry Wagner wuh
,r In tint bwttln par-
jpicl m by tlio Oregon Iroopn on
nn3. Mr Wagner's wound Uln the
Uliandu ropoiltfl aeveru. Henry
Si23jerK'' ago on June 7, two divn
k Mnn woiiinUil. Ho wan born In
jjlm county hiiiI rmuoved licru when
lo vomit; and him ainco made hit
ne hurt: Homo tlinu before tin;
unteur wt-ro nulled for hu cnlhttcd In
it Aihhind where ho wan at work,
went with that company. The
l( ilimiitch atiiioiiucoit that Kluier
ilittlcboin this city and a member
Co C was wounded Juno in the arm
ihtly . Mr Doolittlo wuh 10 year old,
i bom in Ifabel, Mich. Ho in
rried and in tint liitlmr of three
Mren. 1 1 tit family rouble horo.
tlclc I'rcpareri.
fliclcD of incorporation of tho flivcr-
elioid Muting Company of thin city
hrbreti prepared, with J W Cook,
i lli-mcuwuy. It K Smith, Helmiin
rThoiiifMoit mil Chan A Hardy an in-
IKiratur. Tho mining property of
proponed corporation coimiata of
'roup of neren minna on Homehi'avcn
It, about twomilu out of the Noon
mine und near the mining property
I Joncn. known a tlio Confidence
up llie property ih comnueriii
y rich, and will be puidied to the
tm (ant a ponaiblf, 'JM feet of
nel work having already U-eu done.
nut yc. Hull.
lie KoHcburg Ituview aunounccM Unit
. Sophia K. Mt'Kinncv, through tier
erncv. J. K. Young of this city anil
('. Woodcock fif Kugcnc, hurt brought
itagauint tbcS. V, Railroad Company
damages in tho mini of $ 10,'iV), in
DonlitK county court. It will be
em tared Hint Mr. MeKinnoy ntix-
inol iujuritu which aro alleged to Id
mnncut, in a freight collision nuar
Ilivtdo while traveling from Von"
a to Cottage Grove some two month
I "l Accident.
i I, of Monby Creek met with a
bud accident Wednemlay. Ho w,u full-
, Mtee. which b.ukeollaml .livercd.
.? ,'eo ''fnUil from the Htump
Hllvcr mruckhlm in tin, forehead and
Pi t I.OHculptothe Imuk of the 1B1M.
AHlbff()lll the lr,() Hlr(Jck hm Bd
kiiwkwl hi,,, aUIIM.0M ,)r ,,oj WBB
willnl and ilreHno.1 v(JIltl, ,1(1 r(J.
porta him improviiii
' U I'lciHCll.-
i a. HciiM, who iiime ti, BiU(,
"If-nuk luiuothiiiK KOotl for tli 0yn to
'"k .ipod i tlc W1,y 0f0IU) M tlioi oiighly
" plc4C with hin ptOHpuct. 1 1 in
claim u un tho weat mil ol tho nJgo
from the fiimoua Helena nilno, and Iih
recent dbicoverlea whow up excullently
in tho way of fmo milling 'quurt.. An
other fealber in tho cap of Bohemia.
Hon B K Hard int wuh Htricken with
pnralyaia Wediiiluy, and bin cliiiiifto
for recowry are doubtful. Mr llardini;
wan one of the territorial ettlorn of (Jre
ton and llured coiiMplcuuualy in the
drafting of the earlier lawn
Moved Over,
Tho builditiK occupicil by Herbert
I.-iuli'a HNnaylng ollice on Ihe corner of
Main and Fourth ttrruta wan moved to
the cantitiilo of the lot TucNilay after
niion, pieparatory to tho erection of the
new brick by J. I. Joiiuh.
do tt Starter.
The Fmhion utablci had tho pleanure
of icndirif; tt atuiitn and eleven addle
horae Mondiiy conveying minora to
the Bohemia milieu. Thin In a Rood
ntarter, the first decent day wo have hid
tli in year.
Vlmvyett Jtcitltlrncc.
It. J. Juiiiiinn ban leaned the J. I.
Jonrn renideuco nroitcrty now owned by
en I. inch and will move into tho name!
next week. It in one of the pteilirnt j
renidencen in the city, and this week win!
reliniftliud innide.
Public library inembernhip fee f 1 .00
per year. Open Tuemlay, U'odnei'day
land Friday evening from hcvoii to nine.
! Hooka can Ui kept liut two weeks, nn
, lewn leuewed. A few nianr.inuH are
micniut; from the riKim. IMeane return.
If Itatlroad.
)r. Oglcsby who ia at thx head ol
proponed Bohemia railrcnd from
action City to tho Hdhemia uiiuen,
i in the city tho firnt of tho week und
convernutinn with n reporter made
tatement that ho wan now milking
ngementn for a survey of the routo
i that an noon as that waa done the
pitnl with which t build the road
'Iilil bu at hand providing tho routo
a feasible one.
U bin homo in thin city Thuradav
ping at 0:15 o'clock Juno 8 1809,
ibmaii F Nichola aRed 72 yours 11
Baths aud 20 daya. Tlio funeral will
held at tho Methodist Knincopal
ych Friday morning at 10 o'clock,
?c0 1809. Mr Nichols was nn old
Iter and tho Ord Post G A U will
e charge of the funeral. Tho Inter-
it wjll bo nt tho IOO F-Masonic
e Itock Crunher.
pio rock cruslior recently bought and
-vercd horo by tho county, iH now
'y for business. CommiHsinncr
Jlcycamoup Tueaday und inu con-
Mtiou Ham that thero buun con
erablo delay occiiHioncd by tho non-
ilvl of tho online which waa also
Ichased by the county, but Frank
Imbrick's engine was rented and the
BhorwaH hauled out Wodnoaday.
l his homo in Junction City after an
BeHsofmany wcoka. Tuesday morn-
JJiino 0 1899, Hov. W. M. Houston,
fi us years, 0 months and SdayH. Up
pa minister in tlio Cumberland rreu-
tfian church, and was well and
Prably known throuchout tho Wil-
Bette valley. Ho loaves u wife and a
"uer ol children.
c p council.
Iteuular nervicea each Sabbath. Sun
day school 10 a. m.; pn achiuK each
.Sunday at II a m. and 8 p. m. except
the 2nd which will bo given to tin
Providence church near star on How
river. Firm Sunday al 3 p. in. will lie
given to Shields school houeo and 3rd
Sunday 3 p. m. to Seam nchool houee.
Junior C K at 3 p. in.; V I'S C E at 7
' p. in.; prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.
m.; the monthly business meeting ami
social in held at some members iimno
Monday 8 p. m. after tho 1st Sunday.
'The Ladies Aid Society meets each
Tuesday at 1 p. in. to work, at eoiuo
friends or meinlier'a home. Your
presoncc aoliciled at each church ser
vice. Strangers made welcome. Come.
W. V. McGr.E. Pastor.
Hereafter the serviess at the Metho
dist Kpiscopal church will bo ns fol
lows: Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching I'vc-y 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sun
days nt Ha. in. and 7:30 p. m. Kp
worth Len-inc at 0:30 p. m. Prayer
meeting evi-ry Thurnday evening at 7 :30.
lAst us tho Gospel "it is the power
of God." Strangers and friends are
mnilo welcome to all meetings.
M. O. HniNK, Pastor.
Services at tho Catholic church will
henceforth take plnco each third Sun
day in every month.
No church at tho Christian church
this Sunday. By order of the
Wo wish to publicly tonder ourthanka
to l)r MclCinney of Eugene and Dr
Snappof thin city for tlioir hroicflbrtB
during tho critical stago in our son
Frank's illnesH. Wo nro satisfied be
yond all doubt but for their skill and un
tiring efforts ho would not have sur
vived .
Ma ank Mas J II MoFaiu.and ,
All parties that purchase 25ct in
goods or bread tickets Satu.dny or Sun
day will bo givon it check for ono dish of
nronni free.
The Oregon Klondike is located
in Lane county its the .Bohemia
mining district. Keep it in mwd.
Mm Geo Wall visited Saginaw
Mrs W II Medley returned from Cres
well Sunday.
Commissioner Bailey came up from
Eugene last Tuemlay.
C Vanschoiack of How river was in
town Thursday.
Work on the Ottrunder barber shop is
progressing rapidly.
Harry Hart, student of the IJ of C is
vinitinghis brothers in this city.
Mrs Thompson and son Willie re
turned Sunday from Eugene.
The little son of Mr Farlow on How
river broke his arm Thursday.
.1. (J. Powell of How river mado this
olllce a pleasant callWednesday.
Mm JM wards of Cedar creek was in
town Wednesday.
Lnvi fiour was a pleasant caller at the
Nugget office this week,
Mrs Henry Ventch left Wednesday for
a visit with bar parents at Corvallis.
W G Killingbeck of Saginaw was a
caller at the Nugget ofllce Wednesday.
Johnny Koeney tho well known blind
violinist came up from Goshen Mon
day. Glon Stone, who has been suffering
with grip for pome time is now reported
Mrs Fletcher who has been very sick
for several weeks was out on the street
thin week.
J. B. England, ono of the early
ettlcrs of thin section paid the Nugget a
plcanant'call Saturday.
Dr. Oglesby wan up from Junction
City this week in the interest of the
proposed Valley and Bohemia railroad.
Mien May McQueen who has been
visiting with her people at Lorane since
school cloned has returned to town.
W. O, Marks, cartoonist, and repre
senting Portland's new paper, tho North
west Herald, wan in Cottage Grove this
Editor Frank Wooley wns a passenger
to Junction Wednesday morning to at
tend the funeral of his uncle, Rev. W.
M. Houston.
G Meddow one of the well known
mining men from Bohemia, was in town
this week and paid the Nuggot man a
pleasant call.
Marion Vcatch and wife, of Galice,
camo in from their placer on Saturday.
They left on Monday's excursion for a
trip to Portland anil then to Cottage
Groro, where they will remain until fall.
Oregon mining Journal.
Wo desire to extend to tho many kind
friends who so kindly aided us and
offered assistance during the illness of
our son Frank our sincrc thanks. Wo
are pleased to state that ho has passed
the danger point and is now rapidly
J II McFari-axd and Family,
A ytars subscription to tho Americon
Home-maker, given with each cash-in-advanco
subscription, at $ 1.50, to Bo
hemia Nugget.
3 kindB of ice cream at M C C Bakery
Saturday and 8nnday.
T. A. Lewis, boot and shoo repnir
shop. First class work, low prices.
Opposite Sherwood Hotel.
For tho next 30 days Boyd will give
ono Photo button with each dozen
Chittcm bark and Oregon grape root
bought at Luroh'a
Planing Mill!
We are now prepared to furnish
all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and
repaired. We will also work Floor
ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or
Size Studding, etc.
New Firm.
-Gumming & Sehr.
We are now fairly established
and are adding largely to the al
ready well selected stock of general
merchandise, formerly carried by
Gumming & Huston, with which
they built up such an extensive
The new firm will use every en
deavor to merit a share of the pub
lic patronage. All of our goods
will be of the very finest on the
market and will be sold at the very
lowest living prices.
C. M. Hknderkk,
E. J. Patterson,
J. A. Fryer.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M- Heiderer SLGo. Prop.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonadle Prices
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Eeonomy It not
buying- Shoddy
We now haTe a Fl'LI.
STOCK of the
A New Invol
Dry Ooodi
H (
I ami ,
f Jturkholdar. I
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
Stoves and Tinware: Hardware
Suudries; Carpenters Tools; Gar
den Tosls, and Miner's Supplies.
The Best Line of
Agriculture Implements in the
City, Including the Celebrated
:::::: Stoughton Wagon::::::
Mccormick binders and
PLOWS, Etc. Headquarters for
Plumbing, Tin and Sheet Iron
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with u.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat arid, clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips''
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
Sooiething has tone wrong. Goo
Griffin, tho popular barber, has ucrubbed
hit floor, blacked his stove aud put up
lace curtains. Somethin' wrong,
aometntn' wrong
I was seriously nfllir.tod with a cough
for several years, and last fall had a
more severe cough than ever before. I
have used many remedies without re
ceiving much relief, and being recom
mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, by a friend, who, know
ing mo to bo a poor widow, gave it to mo,
I triod it, and with the moac gratifying
results. Tho first bottle relieved mo
very much and the second bottle ab
solutely curod me. I havo not had as
good health for twenty years. Respect
fully, Mns. MauyA. Beakd, Cl iremore
Ark. Sold by Benson Dnua Co., Cottage
Grove, Joe Lyons D ain Druggist.