Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 09, 1899, Image 4

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    Lure til
Cottage Grove Tostoflicc Broken in-
Thanks to the Public for your liberal patronage during the winter season.'
Kntered at the poMnllleo nt CotUue Orove, j tO This TitllC ft Good Until.
Orognn as Sooomt Class mull mutter. in ..Ivhiic. ' Again Cottage Gruvo In stirred up We are HOW giving tllC-e-
, , over a robbery aHalr. Tills time it la i
AilvprtUliiR rule limilo known upon . ... i i i : i ..1 .1. ... '
1110 poHluiuce nun u JJUWI ui UUUI uiri
WppllCHllQU. I luulo )0
- I Lust Wednesday morning somo timo
Friday, JUNK q 1899. j between the hours of IS turn 1 o clock, n
Telegraphic communication from
Manila chronicles the wounding of
two Oregon soldiers near and dear
to the people of this vicinity,
namely Henry Wagner and Elmer
Doolittle. It is with grief that we j
hear the sad news iust at the close
! number of citizens who werostill
j thestteets heard a loud explosion
about 11
Chrisnniu who was standini!
block westof the post olllee talking with
Marshal Miller, who whs doing night
watch duty, heard the noise as did Mar
shal Miller. Both wero of the opinion
that someone was doing mischief and
they made search but failed to locate
the place. Shortlv nfterward Mr. Chris
mam upportunr
of the great struggle, so far as the man went homo and Marshal Miller
, . . 1.:.. I I.... !!... I
rnnrvrtlPfl. Man wciimnuii nm iiuumi lumiu inn iiwiuu
Oregon troops are
the news reached us a few weeks
ago when the boys were in the heat
of battle, that one or more of our
choseti sons were shot upon the
fieM, while the news would have
been painful still it would not have
been so distressing for those near
and dear, for then they were expect
ing it, but . to get the news just a
day or two before the return trip
for home, that two of our soldier
boys are severely wounded, with
everything against their recovery,
or at best subject to weeks and per
haps months of suffering upon the
hospital cot, is indeed a distressing
circumstance. But those who in
blood are near the wounded soldiers,
have some consolation in the fact
that they do not grieve alone
Every heart 111 this nation grieves
at the loss of a noble and patriotic
It is said that the day is not far
distant when the Oregonian wil
have a most formidable contem
porary in the way ol a daily paper,
published by Geo. L. Hutchin the
publisher of Portland's new paper,
the Northwest Herald. Well the
Oregonian is a good paper, ablj
edited, with a magnificent circu
lation both daily and weekly back
of its liberal advertising patronage,
but opposition is the life of any
business enterprise, and when the
new daily springs into life the Ore
gonian will simply make another
stride, and the fight will be fairly
on. This time it is predicted the
Oregonian will have not only
newspaper men and brains to con
tend with but capital as well.
The editor of Bohemia Nugget
is in receipt of an invitation to be
in attendance upon the Great
American Exposition to be held at
Omaha, Nebraska from July 1 to
November 1 1899. We would like
right, smart to be mixed up with
that little Omaha affair, but our
shoes are nigh "gin out;" and
then agnin we take a slight excep
tion to the lateness of the arrival of
the "invite." We should have re
ceived the invitation at least three
months ago. Our record from the
Mississippi to the big pond in the
good old days was six
months, and we don't feel like
breaking it.
Again the Eugene Guard clips a
piece from the Bulletin and gives
credit to another paper. What
is the matter with the Guard edi
tors? Either credit right or not at
all. Junction City Bulletin. Never
mind Bro. Lawrence. You'll get
used to little things like that. The
Messenger has been dead five
mouths, but every other week the
Guard credits Bohemia Nugget
clippings to the Messenger just the
to find any thing of n suspicious nature,
during the remainder of the night.
In the morning when Postmaster
Sherwood came down to open the ollicc
he discovered that his olliee had been
entered, the safe blown wide open and
the treasure Ikhc gone. Upon inspec
tion Mr. Sherwood was satisfied that
nothing of importance was taken ex
cept money, us the stamps and stamped
envelopes were unmolested, but in the
money matter the perpetrators of the
crime made n good big haul, cleaning
up about $900 or $1,000.
Entrance to the like was gained by
opening the wooden door which had
been placed in protection of the rear
wiudowof the private office. This door
was hinged on to the side of the window
casing and was bolted clear through, and
fastened by hooks from the inside. The
hook was lifted bv iirrinir and the
wooden door swung open.
A stick was used to fasten the window
down from the inside by being braced
from the top of the lower Bash against
one of the cross pieces in the upper
sash. Evidently the robbers knew ex
actly where this was used as thny dex
terously broke out a small bit of glass
from the corner of the section against
which the stick was placed, pushed the
stick in upon the floor, raised the win
dow and crawled in.
Everything seemed to belwcll planned
for they didn't waste anv time. Thrv
drilled a hole into the safe door, nut in
a cha ge of powder big enough to blow
open a safe door twico the size of the
one worked upon, stuck a fuse to it,
struck a match to the fuse and let her
go. It must have been a terrible shock
for it broke the big iron door hineos
short off nnd thew the door fullv five
feet striking the wall and leaving a hie
dent in the wood and paint. The com
bination lock was blown clear out of
the door and was found upon the floor.
nve-gallon can of coal oil which was
setting near the wall was hit bv the
door HB it flew acmes the rnn.n un.l
kn eked over spilling on the floor. One
can hardly imagine how the town
escaped a fire aB burned matches were
found scattered around the floor over
which the coal oil spread.
Tho robbers removed the treasure box
and departed for whereabouts unknown.
Postmaster Sherwood notified the
officers and search was made fnr
clue but up to the present time no clue
has been found. Marshal Miller at the
suggetion of Postmaster Sherwood ar-
restod some suspicious looking char
acters but as nothing could be nroved
against them they were released.
Our Spring Stock will toon be rently nnd
open to your inspection.
Absolutely no misrepresentation of goods
Ill Brief.
v urdens growing.
Ponds drying up.
Davidson docs good watch work.
Get your ribbon nt Miss Hoiniieh.
Notice Class tiros. Pinning Mill ad. "
For duality and cheapness in fresh
meats go to the Central meat market.
Notice- Hemenway it IlurklmlderV
ml. Shoes, shoes, shoes.
If you want glasses fitted to your eves
go to Davidson the Jeweler.
Fresh candies everv dav. made from
pure sugar at tho Tailor shop
We sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
If you want a wagon come and look nt
Now let's celebrate.
Wanted, a real
calamity howlers.
live issue for
People are now making prepara
tions to go into the Bohemia dis
trictthe Klondike of Oregon.
Cottage Grove has decided
celebrate the Fourth of July.
good thing.
Let's make it a suc-
We can't have the Oregon boys
home on July fourth but we
musn't forget to touch off a few
crackers and "holler" a time or
two for 'em just the same.
And now it is reported, sun-
posedly authentic that the Oregon
ooys sail trom Manila for home to
be mustered out this week at Van
couver. It is to be hoped that
such is the case. Thev hav don
their duty to the country, showed
their patriotism, and won honor
and renown upon the Spanish field
of battle. Let them come. home.
Oregon wishes- to welcome her
veterans of the Spanish war.
the Stoughton before buving. F. B.
F. II. Phillips lias his sample Me-
Cormick mower on exhibition. Go
and look at it.
U. 8. postage stamps will be used in
the Philippines with tho word "Philip
pine" printed across the face.
Mrs. J. S. Medley wishes tocall your
attention to her choice and well selected
line of millinery goods.
The most stylish lints at the moit
reasonable prices at Mis Heinrich
We have a shipment of carpet just in.
Come and note reduction in prices.
.Makti.v A Cochran
Remember that Mrs. Med lev is in the
millinery business, that she has .1 choice
hue of goods. Call and see her.
Buy your spring and summer lints of
Miss Mcinzer, the well known nnd
popular milliner
For yourSpring and summer hats go
to Miss Meinzer, at the old photo
graph building a fine line.
Ladies ready mado dress skirtt just
Kaki.v A Hiuhtow.
dimming & Schr have made arrange
ments to receive a weekly shipment of
very choice creamery butter.
Shillings Best teas, coffee, spices
flavoring extracts and baking powder,
at dimming and Schr s.
Miss Meinzer will haven choice lino of
new sailor hats on early in the week.
Suits! Suits!! Tailor mado suits! ! !
Up to date in everv respect, from $1G up.
Call and see samples.
Gko. Boiilmak.
I am hero to do business. If you
want any hurdwaro come and mh
whether I mean business or not. F- B.
Photographs of Branton's execution
were made with the "Willsie" Camera
Winter Photo Co., Agents, Eugene.
Miss Annio Heinrich tho milliner
hasachoico line in latest styles. Call
and see them.
The "Willsie" camera, Winter Photo
U).. Jvugene, Agents, was the one used
at mo uranion execution.
11 you want tho latest stvles in l.tu
and millinery goods at lowest prices call
on Miss Annie Heinrich.
Glass Bros, of the nlanini? mill 0
t J ------ oIVVV
vuo arrival 01 lumber from the Wlii.lnr
JJros. & uwen saw mill right away now
that tho roads are becoming passable.
A largo amount of rain has fnli
during the past week, which is iust
what southorn Oregon needed. Tf if ta
succeeded by warm wenthor hounitful
crops are assured. Jacksonville Times.
The Northern Pacific have recontly
Arc Now Open for Inspcctionl
We arc Olfcring Sonic
Bargains in the Following
Men's Heavy Shoes
$1.35 to .25.
Hoy's Shoes
$1.25 to 2 35.
Men's Fine Shoes
f.1.50 to $3.75.
Men's Mats
50 cla to $3.00.
We have a Full Line of Ladles' Shirt Waists in all
Wc also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, D ess Linings,
Shirt Waist Sets, Ladies' Ncckwa c, etc.
New York ."Racket Store.
cfarland Company
UUTl AQli GROVE - - - ORRrthM
Hccf. Mutton. Pork, Veal Smoked Mams. IJacon, Ktc.
Call anttSrr U Mr Far html Co ;' Treat Van Mght
A Complete and Well Selected Line of the.
Best Drugs in the Market
Krpt Constantly in Slock.
New Line of Trusses just in
Benson Dfuir Company. Colfgr (lrof. Of,.
James Hemenway;
Beal Estate and Mining Property.
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Companies.
Strict Attention paid to Collection
Office opposite Sherwood Hotel.
established an agency in our city with
air. james tiomenway an agent. Cal
on or write him in regard t HnbMu .
- -cj - .w.vta
nil Eastern points.
For bicycle and sowing
carpets, mixed paint, wall paper, Co
himbia bicycles, sowing machines,
call on Martin & Cochran'B furniture
store. .
Heart Failure!
otdlwiriZ,?l7!l ""tyHM" If I mistake not, It li tacaaie
tl , oh,T tm , i",l"Ct'', n,, pr0,notc"' " ,li"cn"'1 Ktli i" and .rouml
0 JZ n n tU? ':allu"1 UUy ',eK"atlon of tho heart. Now is the tln
to preven this process before you become enfeebled or .,. invalid.
nrevenl?. . ' I"1 UAIAM'8 KILLER will cleanse the Mood,
prevent disease erowth. am .., ,i 1.
will ,.,, ", ' "cguiiomuuu qi wie neart. tiiiih tni rtww
will prevent sudden or prematura heart failure.
ounu or can tor pamphlet.
., A. F. Howard, Ag't,
Residence with J, K. Barrett. . Cottage Grovo, Oregon,
Claude B. Cannon, of I?npftn t-rr ! Just bear in in Ind that the ub'
lias receive! tli . 'flcrintlnn Hut nf fhfl Ttnlinmlii Nuccet U
. -v m. ui Jijuiiii ill on r ri "
f c'nstn f ! 8rowi"K ,,llyi 0,1(1 that tho proprietor!)
im. npprooittto tho patronage given u'
deputy collector
Alaska. iMi
..:, .,.:. . . ",0,,Kment "-paper,
" ",iowca but at the ratcj
Douglas comity is bein
there will nnf lU n- . ; Komomber Dr. f. L. Beofleld, uenm
o 1 r UfliC,ent I,Umber wll0 want dental work done,
ot icpubhcans left to form a rnnimi .
con,mittee.Juctiou Times. i Qulok JclImyTh0 w,e,y oreBon.n.