Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 02, 1899, Image 8

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Of Lane County Sunday School.
Held at Pleasant Hill.
Some newspaper men arc terrible
liars. In writing of a cycioue m
the Middle West one of them said
it turned a well insido out, a cellar
upside down, moved a township
line, blew all the staves out of a
rr.l nnd left notllitlir bllt
The following is a report of the . chn)RCl lhc Uny 0f
Lane County Sunday ll the wcek; blew thchnir off a bald
Association held at Pleasant 11,11 hcndc(1 maUi blew the mortgage off
May iS and 19: J a farm, blew all the cracks out of a fir, ,,niir ft,ner
The tenth annual convention ol 1 f , 1 lhe .viml ollt 0f j ... T ,,.', . dieektonsk it
, . r I 1 , - . n,.,. . .... - .
The Spring Poet Springith up Inte
in the Season.
The following is n poetic enbrt
from the pen of T. A. Lewis, a
Kansas man who lias seen Oregon
in the throes of winter:
the Lane County Sunday School
the populists. Ex.
Manvoltl soldiers now feel the effect s
Association convened at Pleasant
Hill M.nv iS and 10 was called to
T. Bor
sickness, Mr. Wm.W. Pitney was I jg ow frequently troubled with rlieu
nr,,-,r,int,.fJ si.pret.irv nro teiu. Aniutis'iii. "Iliad a severe attack lately.
And if it will not do for your paper
I know it will do for your uasKci.
bv the president Mrs. Clara o( hard service they endured .lining the ; T Jove tQ ramblc - the w00(l
being absent on account of tho har.left kiiul of service at the front, To see the elephant chew Ins CU
good substantial program
was i ho says,
rendered. Most of the officers, and
and proem ed a bottbi of
Pain Halm. It did so
lllllf'll i-ixxl that I would like to know
en I u vnn would c.liuiL'O inefor one dozon
6 delegates were present
beintr from Cottage Grove. Lane i bottles." Mr. Anderson warned It both
county is divided into six districts 1 for his own use and to supply it to his
as follows: Junction City , Eugene, Menus and mMKhbors. as every family
r n o,,n rnfM(T I should have a bottle 01 it in their homo
Springfield, Creswell, Cottage , for rhoutnMtUmi bllt. Ilun0
Grove and Siuslaw. Statements j bncki '6pnlinSt awt.nin):3 ,.t3, bruises
from the presidents of these dis- .,mi burns, for which it is unequalled,
tricts were received, all of which I For sale hy Hkssox Dituo Co, Cottage
n. Pnronratrinir and showed i Urovo, Job Lyons, Dram, Uruists
the vrork to be in a prosperous
Notwithstanding the inclemency
of the weather and bad condition of
the roads the convention was well ;
'attended and a ereat deal of z
And snuff the Oregon air,
The rising sun o'er Jefferson's peak
With glorious light was gilding
Grouse were plenty so to speak
But cougars and bears were hiding.
I The kinds of game we have are
The sportsman to amuse
But of ginraffs we have not any
And we are out of kaugeioos.
Tho trout within the brooks
Glide swift a silver dnrt
And safe from either line or hooks
Defy the anglers art.
There are some fish at Yaquiim bay
But they mostly stay 111 water
I "Why, one. ol course.
No " the nssismui Cmi.,
-Eve ate one and Adam ate one
too, that's a."
Then the sub-editor pnsscd
,Uong a. slip of paper, 0.. which wnn
written, "live 81 , and Adam Hi,
making 162."
Hut the poet, who is a man 01
imagination, capped thH with,
"Eve 81 and Adam . """.
Then the publisher tried Ills hand
and his contribution was, "Eve
Si 42 see how it tasted, and Adam
81,242 keep her company, 16.2K4."
Then the humorist, who had
been listening quietly, handed in
his coutributioi. "Evi St.2 nee
how it tasted, and Adam 8i2., 210
der a husband was he to see her
cat alone. This makes 8. 132.362'
"But he had another object,"
said the poet. "Eve 8142 satisfy
her curiosity, and Adam 8.124.240
fy Eve in her position. That makes
The OreyonUm.
Ami the IJohcmia Nuel for per
vear.eaiili In ailvume
. . . .Proprietor of
The Popular Cignr ntul
tioucry Store.
I'ancu Vanned I.uthu
Dealer in
Cigars of Low and
Grade nnd Prices to suit IheTrjl
Main Street. Cottage Qt0vt A
iMislncss In oil Its iMtiiKUcs,
uaMBKB Kmt; ft,
TIiih in without
(loub't the reatwt uluhhliiK oMVr olfcii-d . .
bv Orison new paper iom.
O'reiiouluii is without don hi t'xcelled by
mi,., it, iwtitit of now Imlh local nnd
Land Ollico at Koseburt;, Oregon. Defy the anglers art. 1 frcii,'ii is a clear print, nnd bculilen
Mav 1'J, 1809. I ...... . rtileclllllllf fl'iltUtu, lit"
Notice is hcrchy given thai tho follow-; There are some HSU at aqunm oaj , )f ',Ml.11(iljl)im Mlt ,i..ullni!
in:-naiiiecl settler lias tiled notice of Ins But thev mostly stay ill water literature. HciiiiMiilicr the two pnpitm,
1 intention to make final pioot 111 support j .... , , ..,,. ...... I tlm Weeklv Oniioman 11111I vmir lioiuc
eal j of his claim, and that wild proof will be I Aim tney are iinra 10 uuv., t(C Mtvlui SuH for U
..1,..o!-,o, fr tl,o tvnrl- ,v.nj : niaue neiorc juci .tie -' oin- sav
.iuu ciHunoiau .w. ...v. niissioner at Lugene, Orison, on June 1 , . i.,-
manifested and everyone felt 1 li iK9i viz.Theoplulc F. Uosse on 11. 1 As a wealthy farmers ilauglttcr,
strengthened and encouraged to
enter into the work with more en
thusiasm than ever.
The president appointed the;
following committee: Un cre
dentials, D. Read, Evelyn L. Bar
ton, L. N. Peck, who reported 36
delegatespresent. On finance, A.
J Zumwalt, Wm. M. Pitney, W.
L Wheeler. They reported the
money on hand, and recommended
that all schools in the county be
urged to pay the 2 cents per capita
Land Office at Kosebnrj;, Orison
.May 5, 1S09.
Notice is hereby given that tho follow
ing-named settlor has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof m support
1 nf hi claim, und that stiltl nroof will bo
of the average attendance for state, 1 made before Joel Ware, U. S. Com-
L'tt 1891-, viz. Theoplulc F. Uosse on 11.
SW U, Lot 2, Sec. 20, T. 10 S., R. fi v. , he scenerj here lb gnum
Henamos the following witnesses toj It is beautiful I repeat
prove ins continuous res.iienco upon ,. . mminta:ns, ris:Ilsr
And web growing 011 our feet.
Oh! What do yon think of Oregon
and cultivation of saul land, viz:
Isaac N. Doak, Henry Coleman, John
L. Hailey, Ivan .McQueen, of Siuslaw,
J. T. ISituxiKS,
county and district work, and also
that a collection be taken up to de
fray the expenses of the convention
which was $4, carried. Collection
Committee 011 nomination re
potted the following which was
adopted: For president, Mrs. Clara
Bond, Irving; vice president, Will
Bristow, Creswell; secretary, Wm.
Pitney, Junction City; treasurer,
James S. Kelley, Pleasant Hill;
district president, Eugene, Mrs.
Mitchell; Cottage Grove, J. I.
Jones; Springfield, R. G. Callison;
Creswell, Mr. Burton; Junction
City. O. Bennett; Siuslaw, F. E.
Committee on resolutions sub
mitted the following which was
adopted. Resolved that we tender
our thanks to the good people of
Pleasant Hill for their words and
acts of welcome. And be it further
resolved that the L,ane County
Sunday School Association ever
hold in remembrance the early
pioneers of this vicinity and
especially the name of the vener
able patriarch Elijah Bristow who
settled on this ground on which we
now stand in 1846, and built the
first house in Lane county, and who
so kindly dedicated this ground to
school and church purposes.
Resolved that we put forth a
greater effort the coming year, and
let our motto be, Lane county for
Christ, and that the thanks of this
convention is due Sister Clara J.
Bond for her zeal and good work
for the success of the Sunday school
work in our county, 'and that these
proceedings be sent to our county
papers for publication.
missionor at Eugene, Oregon, on June
17, 1S99, viz: James 11. Sharp on II.
E. No. 934S for the E 4 SW Vf, W
S E , Sec. 2(5. T.22 S It. 1 W.
Ho names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
anil cultivation of said laud, viz:
Frank A. Rankin, William T. Uailoy,
of Eugene, Oregon, Baker Stewart, j
Robert M. Vealcli, of Cottage Grove, j
J. T. Bkidubs,
on every
With its months of mist and rain?
I think if my toes don't grow to
gether I will go back to Kansas again.
Bon Ton
Land Office at Roskhuho, On..)
April 20, 1899. f
Notice is herebv uiven, that the following-named
soltler has (lied notice of
lilu i.ttntitirtti tf niflL'f. flllfll trilt ill UI1M.
port of his claim, and that said proot second wind."
Baltimore American.
"Good morning Mr. Aguinaldo"
"Morning! but you'll have to
excuse me, I'm busy running."
"It is reported that you want
to sue for peace"
"Well I would like to get a chance
to sit down and talk it all over
with somebody."
"Do you think terms could be
arranged, Mr. Aguinaldo?"
"1 wouldn't care so much about
that part of it, but I could get my
jVTiiiii Street
lie Grove,
Suppl3r house for
Cottage Grove
and Bohemia.
Srml your onler bi Telephone.
W. II. Beagle,
will bo made before Joel Ware, U. S
Commissioner at Euuene, Oregon, on
June 13, 1899, viz. : Pliny E. SnodKniHs
on H. E. No. S0T.5, for the south half of
northwest quarter of lots 3 and 4 of (sec
tion 2, township 10. south, rano 1 east.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation ol sain latin, viz. : j. snop
What is your cross-country
record, now, Mr. Aguinaldo."
"Well, with a running start,
I've covered a mile in three minutes
flat. I can ' dogtrot it all day,
lenbeck. of Eucune, Or
J.T. Bkidoks, Register.
though, at a pretty fast clip.
aid Smith, of Creswell, Or., Milan S. , 1 expect to make a great deal of
Barker, of I-all Crek, Or., Ri'cs fe. Hoi- ' ...
brook, of Fall Ureek, Or., Henry T. llol- uiuucy uui ui a iA-u.a-Hu-jv uu-
please some time in the muddy
'What do you think of wireless
"It doesn't interest me at all.
What I want some genius to do is
to invent some fightless Americans,
so that I may enjoy a runless rest.
Pardon me: there's Brigadier
General Fuston coming down
the pike with fireworks in his
whiskers, and he's yelling like a
circus calliope. I am wanted in the
uextcouutry. Good morning!"
"Good momiug, Mr. Aguinaldo!"
All mines have a beginning, and all
great mines are made sonio faster than
others, it is true; somo requite much
inoro capital than others.. The largeet
and inMt Biiccoisful mines in thoUnitod
States woio small alburn in their early
history GrauUs PasH Mining Journal,
Land 0 IH co atltoseburg, Oregon.
May 22, 1899.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of Ida
intention to make final proof in mippnrt
of his claim, and that said proof will
bo made before Joel Ware, U. S. Com
missioner at Eugene, Oregon, on July
10, 1899, viz: George Layng on H. E.
No. 7409 for tho S H N W Lots 3 & 4,
sec. 30, T. 21 S.,R. 1 W.
Ho names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
John Q. Doud, Joseph S. Burnott,
JamoaT. Hunt, of Wildwood, Oregon,
George Dowens, of Cottage Grove, Ore
gon. J. T. BllIDGKH,
Adminstrator's Notice
Notloo is herebv irlven. that (icorua M. Itw
loy has been umntntef lulmlnlMtruti'r of tho
ostato of fieorKO v. Ozment.iloceiiHod. All nor.
homh ImvliiK claims ugalnxt said estntouru here
by notified to present tho mirac to Mild admin
istrator, tit Cottuco CJrouo, Oregon, within lx
iiiouuiBjrom ina onto 01 linn nonce,
Dated thiH 2fith day f April, IWKi.
John SI. Williams,
Attornoyfor hstato. nlfi
;jamo8 Russoll, editor of tho Marquette
.Mining Journal, has been appointed
mineral commissioner of Michigan.
Probably our great ancestor,
Adam, little thought of the trouble
he would cause posterity by eating
an apple. But now the question
as to how many apples he really
did eat is a new difficulty. How
many apples did Adam and Eve
eat? Was it one or was it millions?
When the subject was first mooted,
the editor very naturally replied,
Gives the Choice of
Two Trttnxcontlncntul
Lo"W Kates to all
Eastern Cities.
Ocean Bteairiors Leave
Portland every 5 dayn
San Francisco.
For fuirparticitlara call on 0. It. & N.
Agnt, Frank Jtfrdan, Cottage Grove.
W. fl. IIuitMIHIlT,
Goneral'PaHBcnger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
OoIIhk tlrov n. I
i. K. (irlfllth, Vrtp.
Call on
I). L. Pickard it Son
I'n pes Hanging,
Sign Worse,
Ca&ri'iagw Fainting,
Work O uuritnteed
Cy. Hi Her,
General Blncksmithlng.
Two Door North of Kaktn A llr.ila'i,
Cottayt Grove, Oregon,
EL C. Ferkins
U. S. Mineral Surveyor.
Sccial attention given to Miottj
Claims and procuring of l'.Ucnti,
Grants Pass, Okkgox.
.1. S. II lit LEV, iSr
Attorney M Law,
Oltlm On Mln h. id
Cottaye, (irore, Oregon,
'A Hirfcut Manltary, t;lf-ti pjortit
hathhiK aparattiK, rubber lined n
n door.
PrixInccB clcuiilliifsn, health J 1
clear complexion.
Dinpoln coldn, fevt'm, thin AUatt
and ciilavcotiM (riiptioiiM.
1'ri'Vitntn dineaHCH.
Itecoititneuded hy oininpiit jiliyilclw.
Prof. IIuiImoii'm Klectric Home Ani
mator Hold by Ciiam. K. La!i
Oukliiml, Or.
wood wan run.
lubucriptlon at tho
Old papers for ualc at this office.
go w"""y
For Flrat-claaa
Paper Hn
I'apor auaranteednot to Craf
Office, Nnin Street, next to J. &
Young's law office.
Loap,tio bicycle, Rood condition,
an American cotmorvatory Bll"ar " '
Inqtiiro at Lurch'u atore .
00 pra. of Ladles flno ahocs In &
Htylca and nnmhora at f 1.00 pr. pair
Kakix llllIHTOlV.