Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 02, 1899, Image 7

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    1. 1..
Ml Dispositions
s0 evil (n the bloat comes out In
of scrofula, pimples, etc., in
I IWrtrt. V.lZi! In
an be crAdtcVCd uy using uooa s
. ,lnirHcA's G'CAtCSt Medl-
wIaUccs And enriches the blooJ.
l fi.,w tiifoiiKli hones of very
, ,,,). r-1 1 ulnioit iib frcoly im
hfjll Hp" Vl'lll".
II l.i. .1 l r. WlfltttilU-'n Munlli.
mrm " - ---
,,, the bent mnrdy to tlstf fur their
,.r mj; mo iiewiiiiK jiuriuu.
Icr,. oi mibl to bo L'itO ulnolom 111
jlpsovor (lvo mlltm III lutlKtli.
. r:, o (i fl vmiii).- until iiiiiii i.viiuiv.
I - T .......
, nnn ,,n ! lite war;
' li.U'lP llllll Kick,
ir . ..ii .iiit' iiulck .
too i . mm of old .t'MQ .Moore.
luhi'Di point to willed iiiiiii cm i
i,t without li lo hoiilth liuini vuty
HiV nileOHfll IN 10,01111 rout.
-t t ,.n wi tliu ilnt)'. 1'iirKr your
l f, iri'nii IIIihmI rurltW.
hu .i,rumiitio tube between I'm In
HiTiin cnrriiM u letter from
City to tliO otliUI ill 815 lllilllltCH,
t I'm ufiM'iir turrd. No nnir rirvounn
after nrn my s oi nr. niuir urrat
...... . fr t,t.fc' St . Ill t I tlu I
J.,.., .!.. I. II. IL 1L lfUNH. LtiL. !MU
bjtircU. I'lilbvltlpula, 1'tu
taken n crocodilu 80 seconds to
I c u.j lutuly rouii.l.
Bjd Excellent Coinbiimtlon.
flio plcx'.nnt mt'thfxl mill bciicflcinl
ectn of tliu well known rciniidy.
Iir or I'lOH, nmimfiicturcd liy the
LiroiiNiA I'lo hvnur U)., llluhtratc
raluoof obtnlnliitf tlio liquid lnxa
principles oi iiiiinu known lo uc
Jlcinnllr laxtilivc and iru!cntlnir
'tin In the form moht rafrcshintr to the
itc and acccnlablu to tho Kvntcm. It
nrjilic one perfect Btrcligtlicnlritf lnxa
like. clcanMnir the vttln clTt-ctuallv.
JtSh)eIllinf coldn, licnilnchen and fuvura
MBtly yet promptly and cnnblliifr one
Iwoverconiu liabltnal conittipatlon per-
inciitiy. lln perfect freedom from
cry obKctlonntIo iiialltv and sub-
Ance. find its' fictliiL' on tbo lildncVM.
Jer mid bowclH, without wenkcnliiff
;lrntaUiiL' them, nialto It the Ideal
n the process of manufacturliip fls
t Uiied, rut they are pleasunt to the
Itc. but tho medicinal mialltloitof the
ncdy aro obtained from senna and
her aromatic iilantH, by u method
ijown to the Cai.ifoiinia Fio Svni'i'
J. only. In order to get its bencllclal
Sects and to avoid imitations, please
Mmcmberthc full name of thoCompany
Klnted on the front of every tmehnKO.
OTiale by all HniKirUti. I'rlcc SOc. iwrbottle.
K'fl Ttltn ilAIII t.lAln..l 1 .m.m)r ttt
AN.w until Y. N W. cur. 'Ihlnl nn.l MorrlMin
DIlTI.A Vl U'lIIIC t. IIIAV llVlIlt'O. 1111117
pmliron lenclim; olllce rnlllii(r, elc. 331 AMer.
AlMnliliinry unit Siiiilli.a.
ginnery, (tipi.liw. 4S-60 Brut 81., I'ortltuul.Or.
Write for Catalogue,
SOT Kst Wstcr Street,
roiiTbANt), on.
...TATIIM Jb nnufcu
u lo 3S First Street POIULAND OR.
i n, iv. uuuors, utuiia, iiuiimis.
(col f vftlTta 'J'"1 windmills. Tho now
s'lUftlfcd sum oy nun, ia un
S l'.IlU' I llfi ....... . -
6k?n i'if? if1 ,ltt.rni loclriUy. dlscnfics of tlio
F'n mm Uoutui Burgnrv. 131 drd St., J'ortlriml.
uiicnc rrrrrprTTii 7.
it Cguiih 6jrrun. Tastes ClooX Ueo V4
In time. Hold hr gl
$ JJcPofiyinoa$ fetter.
' iii
What a bt-Hilty!
) "ho Ih thlH. .,1,1 muv -ri,,.
npi nkcr Hiooil in HU mitt, in..,.
nttltudn b.-roiv the ph-iuri. of n yoiinK
Klrl. while iIip one (uciIoiih niiw-r-id
briefly: "My kIhi.t."
"O. 1 sny, I'tini, that won't do. We
don't put our bImUth' pictures In
frnmen lllto timt."
"Don't wo? Wii, I do. O, hang it.
Hurt, don't you m thru I'm buny.
cnti't work while your totisue Ih wa
King. (Jet out r hi-re now, and If you
won't show your fneo hern again to
day you HlinII Hp-jini tho month of July
with mo nt my home, and then you
Hluill Judge for youmclf whether that
rrnnie Is tou Kond f.,r my slatcr'H
! ture." and I'aiil iti-ynoldii yavc hit,
J chum a good-natured push toward the
"Do you menu that? Ilurruh! Why,
that would bo worth a lifetime banian
incut no ofToime to you, old fellow,"
mid Jiiirton Smith mildly exprcHHt-d hlH
ilellght by turiilnx HomerHiuiltH iutohs
, tho room, walking back on hit haudM,
j then. brliiKlng bin feet to tho lloor, he
, Hhot ujiwnnlH ami, catchlnj,' hold of a
( bur nlwvo hl hc-ml, he drew himself
tip and whirled around tho bar with
! the prollcleney of n acrobat, dropping
to the lloor with a ihout of overllowliiK
'(Jet out of thlH, you rattlehead!"
And. having him osUlde. I'aul Khut the
diHjr In liU face, mid heard him ko
dowiiHtalrs at a breakneck pace which
brought the good old Inndliidy to the
dtxjr In alarm, oxieetliiK to ilnd Home
body at tho bottom with n broken neck.
I "Sake alive: Tluit .Mr. Smith itBaln!"
the exclaimed.
Iiurtou's walk homo had u tendency
to (iilet 1 1 1 k hilarity, but that face wan
mil btfore him, and after Hitting In
dn p thoiiicht for an hour he sprang up
with iihu-rlty.
1 'Til .lo It. by Jove! She can't feel
deeply offended, anyway, and I'll Blgn
juy a part of my name. Hetter for the
future's Hake to be on the eafo side.
There, that'll do, I think."
lielle Reynolds mood with an oixm
letter In her hand, and her eyes Unsh
ed angrily iib she K)ke her Uioughts
aloud. "Soft-headed tillotl Heard of
, me through a friend, Indeed! This
' stranger "
Then something like the truth swept
through her mind and her fun-loving
j mind renMHerted Itnelf, and, going to
her deal;, nlie wrote:
"Mr. CharleH Hurt Your mot extra
ordlmiry letter HavorH strongly of the
I Wedding Hells elans, but you forgot to
' state whether your motive waa for
! 'pleaKiire, Printline, or with a view to
i matrimony.' Whatever your object
' may be, permit mo to say that you are
1 guilty of gross Impertinence. My friend.
Matilda Hrludle, would call you 'sassy.'
"Arc you aware, sir, of tho risk ym:
, Incur by asking to correspond with u
spinster of the tender ago or Ji
me enlighten you. I will honestly de
scribe the picture which my mirror re
tlects, and then, perhaps, you will con
gratulate yoursel on having found a
person so frank as myself. My reddish-yellow
luilr.frtlready thin on top.
hangs In ringlets nlxiut my full-sized
ears, my freckled nose Is elevated by
nature to a high degree, my teeth nre
conspicuous by the absence of not a
few. and my greeulsh-grny eyes would
be my one redeeming feature if I were
not cross-eyed. I am tall and command
ing most emphatically commanding.
My Joints are too large to allow my
wearing rings, so don't send any. I
am a strong-minded woman, sir, so
thlnl: well before you further commit
yourself. Il- W
When Iiurlon Smith received this
mocking epistle ho dove both hands
Into his trousers poekuts and stood gaz
ing at his feet with n most dejected air.
No acrobatic perfoniianceB now. 0, no.
No occasion for them. Hut as the humor
of the whole affair iitruck him, ho
threw back his head ami laughed he
"Tho llttlo minx! Serves mo right,
though. Hut how foolish she could
make a fellow feel. Smith, you're an
Tho .Tunc days passed, tho eagerly
anticipated vacation drew near, and at
last I'aul Reynolds and Htirton Smith
found themselves in the (lunlnt old
town of Castone, whero they wero hnp
pllv welcomed.
At llrst Hurlon rnthor stood in awe
of beautiful Hello Reynolds. Her love
ly face and graceful llguro won univer
sal admiration, and her swoet disposi
tion endeared her to all. Hurton Smith
proved to bo no exception. Their mu
tual lovo for all kinds of outdoor
sports throw them together constantly,
and they became firm friends. Then as
tho tlnto for his departure drew near
ho began to reallzo that In leaving
Hello Reynolds behind ho was leaving
nil that hud made llfo so bright for
him during tho last few weeks. Yet ho
felt that thern was uo reason why lie.
Z3 z
a comparative stranger, should claim
more than the friendship accorded him.
He would undoubtedly huvo gone
back to business with his love untold
had he riot unexpectedly come upon
Hello In the little vine-covered summer
house one morning with a woe-begone
expression and traces of tears upon her
fair face. She hastily explained that
she had been Indulging In a lit of lone
liness at the thought of her brother's
return, but the look and blush which
accompanied her words gave him new
cotmrge, and, taking both her hands
In his, he asked:
"May I hope, Hello, that yon will
miss me a little, too, when 1 am gone?
I'oeglve me for speaking so soon, but
you have become dear to me, and I am
conceited enough to believe that you
like me. Tell me, darling, that you can,
In time, care for me, and I will try to
Ik; worthy of your dear love."
Whatever her answer may have liecn,
sulllci- It to any that wheu they emerg
ed from their secluded nook an hour
later their faces bore evidences of their
new-found happiness
"Hy the way, Hello, I have not yet
met your friend, Matilda Rrindle. Dcea
she not live In Castone?"
Helle stopped short iu her walk and
looked at him. "Then you are "
"Charles Hurton Smith, at your ser
vice." And he made a profound bow
Just In time to receive a sound box on
the car, administered by the little leau
ty beside him. Then she flod precipi
tately. Soon after their return to the city
Paul went to Burton's room, and see
ing one of Hello's latest pictures in a
coolly frrme. he slyly remarked:
"Kb, old fellow, changed your mind?"
"O, well, you know, she Is not my
sister." Hut tho look which he gave
tho sweet face sjioke volumes. .Uoston
The most wonderful astronomical
photograph In the world Is that which
lias recently been prepared by London,
Herlln and Parisian astronomers. It
shows nt least sixty-eight million stars.
When a Philippine woman of better
class gets married, she sometimes
wears as her wedding dress a costume
of native manufacture that reaches In
value up Into four figures. It takes
months to make a handkerchief or a
sleeve, so microscopic and delicate Is
the fabric.
Travelers In Australia complain that
almost the only trees in the continent
are eucalyptus, and they afford little
shade, as they have learned to turn
their leaves edgewise to the sun. The
botanical gardens In the cities nre,
however, declared to bo dreams of
Recent Investigations have showu
that tho principal source of the Gulf
stream Is not the Florida channel, but
tho region between and beside the Isl
ands of the West Indies. At Blnloul the
volume of this warm water Is sixty
times as great as the combined volume
of all the rivers In tho world at their
Of tho 19,-110.554 cotton spindles In
the country, Massachusetts has 7,007,
,'iSS. Rhode Island follows with 2,132,
2."0, while New England as a whole has
13,431,051. Of cottou looms tho State
has 1S2.1S3; woo! cards, 1.80S sots;
worsted combs 412, woolen looms,
20,518, and silk looms S43. It will bo
seen that Massachusetts has over 40
per cent, of the entire cotton splndlo
age of tho country. It has 22 per ceiit.
of nil tho wool cards, and shows an In
crease of sixty-one sets within two
years. Of the 1,373 worsted combs In
the country, Massachusetts has 412, or
about 33 per cent., while Now Englnn
hns nenrly 00 per cent, of tho tot
The number of silk looms In Mnssacln.
setts hns Increased about two hundred
within tho last two years, but the In.
creaso In tho number of looms whlcli
aro worklug on cotton nml silk or woo
and slllc must bo much larger.
Thu Spldor.
The spider has a tremendous appe
tite and his gormnudizlug delles all hu
man competition. A scientist who
carefully noted a spider's consumption
of food In twenty-four hours concluded
that If the spider were built proportion
ately to tho human scale ho would cat
at daybreak (approximately) a small
alligator, by 7 a. ni. a lamb, by 0
a. m. a young camelopard, by 1 o'clock
a sheep, and would flulsh up with a
lark plo In which there were 120 birds.
Yet In splto of his enormous nppetlto
a spider hns wonderful power of re
fraining from food, nnd ono has been
known to live ten mouths when abso
lutely deprived of food. A beetle lived
In a similar stntc of uurefreshment for
thrco years.
Tho man who suggests a compromise
has usually beeu whlpped-
fllxtr Mllm mi Honr.
A t mm motor car. for mo on tho rail
on, l, recently inadc a trial trip, going nt
tint rntc of sixty miles an hour. This will
probably lie ns much of n record benterni
llii-iottcr'n Hiomiich liiiteM. It cures In
ligation, Rniistiiiiitioii, nervousness, liver
in, I kidiitv trouble.
A gootl Arabian liorso will cantor in
the desuit for 21 hours in summer and
IS hours in winter without drinking.
Piso's (Jure for Cniisumptloii Is thonnlv
Coilgn medicine uod in mv lioue - I). (J.
Albright, Miilliiibnrg, I'a.,'Dec. It, IsM.
Hrigbt rol spectacles acoiiiipaniod
by internal dosoa of calomel, form a
new Uorman spouiflc against seasick-
a CBH.
A I'llTM Vc Kill It III I) CoillplMlllll.
No mcrctirlii'. or otln-r mineral jiolnnns In
Uncnrctii Cniiily Cmiiurtlc, only resemble nub
ttnrici., iHto medical illjcovcritB. All druir
gilts, 10c, Vms, Wo.
St. Petersburg ha? tho largest bronzo
statuo in existence that of Peter tho
Great, which weighs 1,000 tons.
Allen's Foot-Ka'c, a nowder for tho feet
Jt cures painful, swollen mimi-ting feet and
instantly taken the ttiug out of corns and
bunions. t's the greatest comfort diseov
cryoftheage. Allen's Foot-Eao makej
tight-iittitiK 'tr new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure forchilblains, sweating, damp,
callous and hot. tired, aching feet. AVe
have over 10.000 testimonials of cures. Try
it today. Sold ty all druggists and shoe
stores. Hy mail for 2.5c In stamp". Trial
package FUKK. Address Allen S. Olm.
etcd, Lo Roy. Y.
Collection of mail by trolley cars has
Seon introduced in Hartford, Conn.
Mrs. Hoffman Doscrlbos How Sho
Wroto to Mrs. PInkham for
Advlco, and Is Now WolL
Dr.An Mas. PtNKHAM: Before using
your Vegetable Compound I was a
great sufferer. I have been sick for
months, was troubled with severe pain
in both sides of abdomen, sore feeling'
in lower part of bow
els, also su tiered
with dizziness,
headache, and
could not sleep.
I wroto you a
letter describ
ing my case and
asking your
advice. You
replied tell
ing mo just
what to do. I
followed your direc
tions, and cannot praise your medicine,
enough for what it has done for me.
Many thanks to you for your advice.
Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vcgetablo Com
pound has cured me, and I will recom
mend it to my friends. Mrs. Floiience
R. Hoffman, 512 Roland St, Canton, O.
The condition described by Mrs Hoff
man will appeal to many women, yet
lots of sick women struggle on with
their daily tasks disregarding the
urgent warnings until overtaken by
actual collapse.
The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi
ence in treating female ills is unparal
leled, for years she worked side by side
with Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham. and for
sometimes past has had sole charge
of the correspondence department of
her great business, treating by letter
as many as a hundred thousand ailing
women during a single year.
Last year 270,000,000 feet of south
ern pino and cypress was shippod into
State or Ohio, City or Toledo,
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior garter o( tbo firm ot F. J. Cheney fc Co.,
doing buslnesi In tho City of Toledo, County
nnd State aforesaid, and that Bald firm will pay
tho sum oi ONE llUNIiHKD DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured
by the uto of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to boforo me and subscribed In mv
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. lbSo.
Notary Public.
(Tail's Cntarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts
directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druuRists, 75c.
Rail's Family Fills aro tho best.
Squattors who havo recontly pone
trated tho interior of Now Zoaland ro
port tho discovery of a tribo of abo
riginal dwarfs.
Tested and truo. Oregon Dlood Purifier.
"So Alice has dooided finally to
marry an ofllcor?"
"Yes; she captured him in what sho
positiveloy doclaros to bo hor last en
gagement." "I have none 14 diiy at a tlnto without a
movement of tho liuwoli, not belnK ablo to
move ttiom uxcout by uslni; hot water Injections.
Cliroulocouatlpatlon forsoveu years placed mo lo
this terrible, condition; durlim that lltno I did ov
orylliluKl heard or but never round any rellofi such
was my cusu until 1 beuati usiuii CA SUA It UTS. I
nan liavo from ono to tlireo passunes a day. and If I
was rich I would ulvo I1UU.UI tor each movement! it
Is such a relief." avuieiiL. Hunt.
1U83 Itussell St., Detroit, Mich.
Pluaii&nt. Palatable. Potent. TarIa flnnri TIa
ood, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, lUo, SOc, Wo.
IlirlUi n,m,d Cutpuy, Ctltiio, Xsatntl, Iw XwL la
Thoro Is No Remedy tho Equal of
Pc-ru-na In All Tholr Pe
culiar Ills.
Miss Susan Wyrriar, teacher in tho
Richmond echool, Chicago. III., writes
tho following lettor to Dr. Hartman
regarding Pe-ru-na. Shoeays: "Only
those who have suffered with sleepless
ness from over-work in tno school
room, such as I have, can know what
a blessing it is to lie able to find relief
by spending a couple of dollars for
j eomo Pe-ru-na. This has been my ex
pel lenco. A mend in need is a friend
Indeed, and every bottle of Pe-rn-na I
ever bought proved a good friend to
mo." Susan Wvmar.
Mrs. Margaretha Danben, 1214 North
Superior streot, Ratine City, Wis.,
writes: "I feel so well and good and
happy now that pen cannot describe
it. Pe-ru-na is everything to me. I
feel healthy and well, but if I should
bo sick I will know what to take. I
havo taken eevoral bottles of Pe-ru-na
for femalo complaint. I am in the
change of life and it does mo good."
Send for a free book written by Dr.
Hartman, entitled "Health and
Beauty." Address Dr. ?V ait man, Co
lumbus, O.
Tho moon, according to tho theories
of astronomers, is not inhabited by
living organisms similar to those or
tho earth.
money-back tea and
baking powder at
Thousands of people are suffering untold
miseries because of the poor condition of theit
blood are In almost continuous agony.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
will cure them will do It quickly and pleas
antly as It hns on re, I thoimniU of others. fl.OO
ier bottle at yourilrugulst'8.
Particulars and testi
monials in plain sealed
FHENCHORUQCO.,301 4383 Pearl St., New York,
ICIier f REE.
Wo guarantee to fit every case we undertake
Iio't put tt off; write for particulars ot onco.
O. II. WOODAKO & CO., Export Truss
l itters, 103 Second Street. Portland, Or.
ITite Hie ii fur itntuiliirnl
dicliurge., Ilinuniuiullons.
irritallous or ulcerations
or mucous membranes,
rainless, and not uatrln.
iTHEEvANS CHEMiCAlCO. S'1" or Poisonous.
lCINCINNTI.O.KHM Bo" Irtic&ltt
or sent In plain wrapper,
by 0XDre. rrenui.l. fn
fl.00. or 3 bottles, l.'.Tfl.
Circular sent on request.
l'lles are curr d by Dr. Uosanko'a Pila Remedy
Btops itchlnir and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. Aoo a
Jar st druggists or ssot by malt. Trust Ise Ir.-e. Wrlto
mo about your case. Dll. BOSANKO, 1'biUda., Pa,
For nonorrhavfc and Olect eft Tabst's Okay Specific. It
Is tho ONLY medlclno hlcu wUI cure each and every
cose. HO CASE known It has ever failed to cure. no
matter how serious or of bow long standing, Hesulta
from its use 1!1 astonish you. It Is absolutely sate
prevents stricture, and can bo taken without Inconve
nience and detention from business. I'ltlCI-, 93.00. For
sale by all reltablo druggists, or sent prepaid by express,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
P.UIST CUEMICAl, CO., Chicago, IU.
Circular mailed on request.
& liver rlLXo
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headachn
and Dyspepsia, Removo I'lmplesaud Purify the
Blood, Aid Digestion andl'revent Illllousness. Da
not Qripe orSlcken. Tocoavlnce you. we will mall
sample free, orrult box for 25c. mt. lldSANKO
CO.,l'lilladii.,iVcunii. Bold hy Druggists.
N. I. N. V.
NO. S3 "00.
HEN wrltintr to advertisers pleas
menuou lull paper.
fkiMf In 1 W 4
nsffig Ua.i.auta VJ
n uu doi to itriatvrff.
.MPrsTtou eoaufioo.