!J.-C M"i.1! I'um,,cri,,B ""'l I'nrmiHg Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living. V()b. X Collar 0()V(, Oregon, Friday, Tune 2, 1899 isro. 19 Devoted tc n m GOODS! BOHEMIA NOTES. Devoted to Mines and Miners A Nugget Corres pondent's Batch of News. Eakin & Bristow. PRICE .NKU' C.OODS! NKW GOODS! NBW GOODS! Sh.rt wuimIk, Hells, Collar, Hlld CnfTw. tvrry mr Ih-miiIV. CIlUHpOT UlHIJ you cm uiakt- them. t DruM Silks In nil col or mi.i tvle at price that evurylwdy rili uir-ji l 1 wear lliuiii. Kil iiluvitit in nil colors and latcat mvlv fn-uiog)i ul 1.00 Mild 1.36 jior pair. M.Hirm-tiltf lKj Soil). Ill Hit UlO At- lr,-,,v lorn. 1'rimi 2ft pvraont. lew iImh tMr. h.nn' Vruiiii. Tlioy are jwrfwt. .n.j Mifi tu worry about making them wean yf hi Hit) trouble. I fakin fi Bristol Go To Mrs. IV t S n f overs, -!() It- Fashionable ilrcsMiakinjr. Mum Street. ('olla(irovo, Or. 'ifllccon Main ulrrnl. Writ Hl.lt. Cottn(r (irovr. Oregon, To The Public. Vc desire to state that we have established our Dressmaking Par lars in ih room just north of Ctiin ming & S-dir's grocery store. First class work, reasonable prices ami satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. MRS. C. IC. JONliS, MISS ORA PICKARD. 1. L. Stevens3 I Attorney.at.Law Speciai attention given to Mining Business and Collections. Kl'OBNB .... ... OlIIKION. Wm. RENSHAW THE EXCHANGE ALP WAI.KUR .... Manaiter. PKAI.KR IN . WNK WINKS, LIQUORS, CIGARS Main Street, Cottage Groec, Ore. T'io Denver TIiiioh-Suu and tho Ho hoinla NiiKget, both jiajieiH Rent to any KlilrcfiH for $1.50 carii In advanco. NotothlH: You can procure tho Ho ''J-'i'da Nupget, your homo jmpor mid tho "boulH Olobo-Domoerao for f 1.75 iur yeilr whIi in advance. A. Clark, of Montana, Iiiih hond eiKlit eliiiniH near Itallard'H Landiii" Ji 8imke river, for ono year, tho imui ll,iiitloubelnjjtiivor if 100.000. Eakin & Bristow. OUR CRESCENT BICYCLES. Only JJo.Ofl cuxti for the bint goodH. Durability ami price equaled by none. To cvei y lady Ik. buy one of our U.uo chain wheobi will. in the next IK) dny we will give ii Iloyal Carjiet Sweeper worth 2.ft0. Outing I'lanm-ln. Fifty piece, nt re duced icin. Sw pnitunm und col ore. Cralnnnos, Hilkalinos ami Draneriea at I0o to Sou. I Urvim Lining. All ilto latwt thinu 1 in plain and fani-lift, Near Silk, Hilk Mlrituu ami l..r...i I -...I U1I....I.... lVrcalint. An awortment of colon , I hut do nut fail to attract favorable at j tciition. Eakin $ Bristow. : These Illustratratcd Publications. Wiix hi: hknt iiv tub Xoiitiikiis I'acii'ic RAILWAY Co., TO ASY ADWir.SS Ill-OS JCgCKUT, IS ST A HIT, OH OTUKIt WIHK, 01' THK AMOUNTS NAMED WONDKRLAXD- Au annual publication of alwut 100 1 pHift, khI Inn op in most attractive Ktyle aiKi Im uiiIiIiiIIv illtiMt ruled ill hnlf-toue. Tin- i-oiituiits of each number are varied j and didi'icnt rom it pri"laeo8nur. The NuKTHKiis I'ai'ikh- iiuH l come noted f.ir 1 thix pubhratioii. Tub TiM-nr Tniso is lltu.is A) l.ii i.i. 1 1 hk. .Neiii! fix ceiitit. Ylil.UnVSTONi; I'AltK MAT A relief map of Yi llowutono Park. Printed on firm paper, and hiiitablo for uioiiutinc or f riitni i: ami for uo in tehitoK. clas rooms etc. The lient mini of the I'aik that id luiblidy distiibuteil. Maileil in pHHtltoard tubes. Sond lOeta. MAZA.M A I'AMlMll.irr ! A nice! IhiHtrateilpiimphlftt.doserit)' I live of M . ut K.inicr, Washington, tfio 1 jjraiidetii .v-envored peak in the United Stntec. Sen two eeiils. KODTKN'M i-Ol.l)i:i! An ilio- ald folder and relief mil) of the Kont iiii ;iv!"'' i" UritMiColiimhia north of S.. ! ne. tsend two eentH. AHMY AVI) .YY HOOK Tells n' il Iwth the V. S. andSpiinlHh armiert an navicti at beKinniiiK of Sjhui iHii.Ameii Mii war. Map of Cuba and adjacent i dandH. A vest pocket historv well win ih preserving for reference. Scud ten coutw. fn Hcmhnii for thenc write tho address carefully, and Htato where advertiBemont wasncan. ...... flrn. l'Mini;iir AbpiiI. ST. I'AIM.. MINV. Xll'ICH KOJt I'UIII.ICATION. J.and Olllco at KoHebiiru', Oregon. May 1. 1WHI. Notice ih hereby uiven that the follow-inii-named nottler has filed notice of Iiih intention to make fluid proof in support of hiH claim, and that wild pi oof will bo made before tho Reenter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office at Ronelmru', Orejrou, on June 10. 1800 viz: Ilonjamiii CS.Crow, on II. K. No. IM185 for the h ? Mj '., N 'u KB '4. So- 10. T. 20 8.. U. 5 WchI, llo numeHthe following witnesecH to prove hiH continuous residence upon and cultivation of nnid land, viz: .1. W. lshmnel, Arthur Kolley, Willlnm fiilbert, Aaron Gilbert, of l.o mne, Oregon. Jr. llltlIK1,Si Itegiritcr. Administrator's Notice. i;!lvCi:!!d.V!&5'e ii m imI In piCMiit Ilio mime within x i'1'"1,'1 Wi th ) nlo hereof to wilil iiiliiilnlKlmii.r.iit tliu , 'oo Joh" M. WlllluiiiK Kiiwne. Oreuou. 1,110.1 thlH lOlll tiny of May. INK':.,,, ...... Eakin & Bristow. GOODS! Shoe Lfili(s Shoe Fine Shoes, j Our $1.50 nml $'2.00 limn aro vnry to beat ! ami our $2.f0, Jff.OO ami fcJ.oO lines urn ! never 'iiiu!e(l. Gome nml coo our price ' ami you will surely buy. Latent Hyles in nil widths. ChnmbrayH. All colors. New Table Spreads and Portiere in lending dolors. Calicoes) Calicoes! OollnocHl You will ncknowlcdgo their superiority at OIH'C. New Hibhoua! Now colors, now Hlyle and now prices. Your cuhIi trado ih what wo want and ii low price and bent goods count for anything we will gel a large share of it. I5alrin & Bristow. AFTliR MANY YEARS. Two drummers met at the Hotel Sherwood on Friday last, joshed each other in a genial way, ate' at the same table, listened to the same phonograph until u o'clock, ate at the same time and table next day, and sat down in the lobby of the hotel after dinner to enjoy a cigar and relate some of their ex periences on the road. Finally one of them spoke about the time he was a boy in a certain Indiana town; and the other knight of the grip exclaimed: "II II I was a boy in that town what's yer name? "My name is Ogden, Harry Ogden." Yes? Well Holy Moses! My name is Fowler, Iew Fowler." "Well I'l be d !!! boys to gether! where's Hen ?" In business in A " "Where is John H ?" "Oh, he's in Texas." "And where is Maggie aud Sarah?" "Married both married." And then those two drummers got mixed up into one of the most animated conversations over old times when they wore knee pants with the behind most end badly in need of repair, punched bull frogs with sharp sticks, got whipped by the same school teacher, and sucked eggs- "Remember old Sollcngcr?" said one. "You bet I do; old saddle bags you mean?" "Yes; well one day I fixed one of those pointed things with paper on the end of it. Sollenger was sitting in front of his store with his feet propped up. I threw the pointed concern and it stuck in his shoe sole. Sollenger says to me: 'Come here and pull it out.' I walked up, and he kicked me about twenty-five teet out into the street." Train time says the clerk." "Goodbye," says one. "I'l see you in S " says the other, and the two men drifted apart again It is reasonable to suppose that there can bo but one Cripple creek to excite the mining world or that Colorado, Montana and California can be the only stales that can produce rich mines in the same forma tion and character of fissure veins mineralogists and geologicalist have found essential in the requirements of permanent mines. Why cannot Bo hemia with its once volcanic mountains which is penetrated with fissure veins and heavily impregnated with gold, silver, copper and lead, and has every feature of formation that proves permanency in Colorado's richest mines. It iH safe to say that when one half the money has been spent developing the prospects of Bohemia that is spent in the remote districts hunting for quartz, or spent in other states for the same purpose, there will be many mines equally as rich and as famous as any of those that are the topic of the day in the mining circles, for future possibilities take this district comprising of over 30 square miles of Lane and Douglas counties, and which is as little known among mining men as any camp west of the Rockies and compare it with the famous Cripple creek, the gem ot the gold producers of the , union, which once was volcanoes and covered with surface lava, called andesite breccia or pudden stone, and is penetrated with gold bearing fisures. Cripple creek is not alone in the leading formations for Bo hemia lias just as good fissure veins penetrating porphry. Igneous rock, lava, etc., and especially andesite of a decomposed nature, which has been the formation of some of the greatest mines ever discovered. Bo hemia is among the highest peaks of the Calapooia ranges from 4000 to 7000 feet, connecting the Cascade range, and in line with the mother lode. The camp is practically a new one as far as development is con cerned. What work has been done was very quietly and returned handsome profits. None of the mines are worked at a depth to exceed 400 feet wilil .- they showed marked improvements in size of ore bodi.esd and values improved as depth was gained. The ore is porous and easily worked in m-wt cases and is free milling, and in some cases it is heavy in copper, zrio and lead. Nearly all the ledge croppmgs of which th ?re are thous uuls in the district carrying more or less gold values but in sinking or drifting the value.? increase with depth. It would be useless to describe the Bohemia district as it is without more space for 110 mining man who is used to the showings of other camps would believe one half of it. But had all the noted mines today been left in the hands of the prospectors with capital we would have no dividend paying mines, and that is where we stand today in Bohemia The encouragements are far greater today for Bohemia than the Baker City district ever had and the mines there have proved rich without doubt. It might be well for Oregon capitalists to investigate their own fields who have been searching the remote corners and isolated regions of the far north hunting for mining investments. We also invite all capital who want gold mines to come to BohenMa and inspect the prospects that are daily discovered. It would beyond all doubt inter est the most of them to see the large bodies of high grade ore, which can be bought from the prospector at good figures but when middle men get a hold of some of the prospects and expect to make $25,000 011 a S5000 option it is not to be wondered that the camp is held back. This is not one case the writer refers to, but that has been the case all the way through. I advise all who want to buy to come to the owner direct, and save enough on the purchase price to develop the property into a high tone proposition. Cottage Grove is the gateway to the Bohemia mines. One of the many discoveries of Bohemia that offers a promising future is that of the Laura group owned by the Le Roy Bros, in the Champion barin upon which they intend to do developing wcrk as soon as supplies can be got in. It has all the features of a high grade property and will bear inspection. Another rich strike in the last sixty days is the Grizzly Mountain Prospecting and Milling Company. They are rushing work with a small crew of five men getting out oro for a shipment. The ore mns high in copper and silver and about $8 in gold with 7 feet of ore in the base, all of the east drift which adds to the future of Bohemia. delving with all their energy into their life's vocation after a few moments talk about the old home, aud boyhood pranks, away down on the Wabash. The Pacific covers 68,000,000 miles, the Atlantic 30,000,000, and the Indian Ocean, Arctic and Antarctic 42,000,000. To stow away the contents of the Pacific it would be necessary to fill a tank one mile long, every day for 440 years. Put in figures, the Pacific holds in weight 948,000,000,000,- 000,000,000 tons, ine Atlantic averages a depth of uot quite three miles. Its waters weighs 325,000. 000,000,000,000 tons, and a tank to contain it would have each of its sides 430 miles long. The figures of the other oceans are in the same startling proportions. It would take all the sea water in the world 2,000,000 years to flow over Nia, gara. -SITRSOIURIS- Roliotnin NiHfget- -Orogoninn Whooping Cough. I had a little boy who waB nearly dead from an attack of whooping coagh. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, hut after giving him a fewdoses of that remedy I noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It is tho best cough medicine lever had in the houee. J. L. Moore, South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by Uenhon Drug Co, Cottago Grovo, Job Lyons, Drain, Druggiets. NOTICE. Twenty-five thousand brick for sale. Bert Wood, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Good authorities estimate that the lato Mr. Flower's profits in tho last 18 months in Wall street have exceeded $10,000,000 Ho has beenmo in that timo the acknowledged speculative leader in tho financial markets of the United States Tho Calumet k Hecla copper mine nt Houghton, Mich., is said to be nottingover $1,000,000 monthly. Rocky Gulch Mining Co. will hold their postponed January meeting on May 81. Tho run tho past winter has heen very satisfactory indeed.