LANE COUNTY'S SKA PORT. Abetter Right to the Point in San Francisco Htillctin. The following letter taken from Sun Francisco Hullctin. written bv C. E. Harwood a well known educator of Oregon who resides a few miles from Florence, is di - rectly to the point, and is sure to attract the attention of people in- terested in the resources of the Willamette and Siuslaw valleys. It also throws a good deal ofj Mnnv oIlI ;oIlllo nTtll0 oirocts practical light on the aciuiua bay iof ,11)r;, tiioy utuluretl during tho proposition: j war. Mr. Geo. S Anderson, of Rohs- Editor Bulletin: The Bulletin J villi', Now York county, Penn., who saw published an article recentlv con-1 tho hardest kind of service .it tho front, cerning the interest which is being I J" " frequently troubled with rheu- , inatism. "I had a severe attack lately,' awakened among the merchants , ,)(J my .,1U)(, ,,ronIrtH, a 1(0ttI of and boards of trade in San Fran-! Chamberlain's Pain Palm. It did so cisco in regard to controlling the : much good that I would like to know trade of the Willamette valley. what yon would charge me for one dozen At this time while the people are mining senousiy auoui ; .... . . , matter, I wish to submit, tlirougli the Bulletin, a few facts which will probably be of interest to the busi- ness men of San Francisco. Shippers and others interested in this trade realize that vessels of sufficient draft to handle the freight to and from the Willamette valley cannot and never can safely cross the Yaquina bar. This fact is also well known to the engineers who . tJt rl 1 uavc iiau uuaiyc ui iuc uuik ai , Yaquina bay All the appropri- , , . ' ay be made in the ations which may future for that place will be some r c .. . ,, I aui uj ui Kau. Build'ng jetties will not deepen a . , , , r r i channel through a reef of rocks. This is, without doubt, the reason the Yaquina bay item was rejected in the last congress. The Yaquina bar is as good today as it will ever be, besides a plentiful lack of water inside the bay makes it a very poor harbor. The sooner these - . ..,ii i I facts aie generally known the better it will be for all those who - i want to share in the trade with the Willamette valley. The object of this article is to correct a seemingly general im pression that the Yaquina route is the only short route to the valley. The real gateway through which all that commerce will eventually pass is forty miles nearer to San Francisco, through the Siuslaw bay. This is a sand bar with five fathoms of water inside. There has been $100,000 expended upon the Siuslaw bar, and it now has a better channel than Yaquina. When the present appropriation of $30,000 is added it will be safe for vessels of twelve to fifteen feet druft. The entire estimated cost of the work on the Siuslaw is $750,000, and when completed it will be the best harbor from San Francisco to the Columbia. Yaquina has the present ad vantage of having a railroad already built. But this difficulty can and probably will be soon overcome, as there is a scheme on foot to build an electric road from Eugene to Siuslaw bay, a proposition which would pay immense dividends. The export shipments of Doug las county for 1898, as given by C. H. Markham, general freight agent for the Southern Pacific Company, was 17,640 tons. Take this as an average, the exports from thejeight counties which would find an out let through the Siuslaw would be 141,120 tons. The shipping interests and .boards of trade of San Francisco might also do well to note the fact that there are unlimited resources immediately tributary to Siuslaw. That there is the finest body ol spruce and fir timber on the Pa cific coast, that there are mountains 'of good building rock on tide water, and that there is the best facilities for shipbuilding, asshown in the fine steam schooner Luellu, which San Francisco was only too willing to claim as her own pro duct arc all worthy of note, With a railroad from Eugene to Siuslaw bay, n distance of sixty miles, all the freight of the Will- amctte valley would go direct to 'San Francisco instead of going through Portland and thereby doubling the distance and the cost. Chas. Edwin IIakwood, Olenada, Or, bottles. ' Mr. Anderson wanted it Dot n for his own use and to supplv it to In I V I 111.1 Kl frioiMa nnd neighbors, n every family should have a bottlo of it in their home not only for rheumatism, but huno 'bnek, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled For sale by Bkxson Ducts Co, Cottage Grove, Job Lyons, Drain, Druggists. NOTICE FOpTp U 15 L ICAT ION. Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon. ' May 12. 181)9. Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-nained settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support .if 1.; .tl..i.i. o...l !... ir,.,f tvill I... nia,Je before Joel Ware U. S. Com illO .mil, ....v. .....b I t uui i,.. tj missioner at Kugene, Oregon, on Juno' 29 lS'Ji', viz . Theophile F. Rosso on 11. I K. Xo. 785j for the K u i: sii i ' sw H, it a. Sec 20, t. iu h.. ic. o Ho names the follovtiim witnesses W i?s to prove Ins continuous residence upon ni - Avn hlu tniitlniwill4 ri.Jli ! iMlt'i) and cultivation ot said land, viz : Isaac N. Doak, flenrv Coleman, John L B.uleV) lvan McQueen, of Siuslaw, Oregon. J. T. BiittxiRS, Register. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land Office at Kosebnrg, Oregon Muv 5, 1S99. Notice is herebj' given that tho follow- ins - named settler has filed notice of his inrnll , .i. i r, . iiiiLUllwii i J iiiiin. uiitti fvrt ctniiui h ipi of bis claim, and that said proof will be made ueloro Joel are, u. &. Lom missioner at Euuenc, Oregon, on June 17, 1899, viz: James II. Sharp on II. E. No. 9348 for the E : SW W M SE, Sec. 20, T.22 S., K. 1 W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank A. Bankin, William T. Bailey, of Eugene, Oregon, baker Stewart, Robert M. Veatch, of Cottage Grove, Oregon. J. T. Briuoks, Register. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rohkiiurc, Or.,) April 20, 1899. f Notice is hereby given, that tho following-named settler baH filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said nroot will bo made before Joel Ware, U. S. Commissioner nt Eugene, Oregon, on June 13, 1899, viz. : IMinv E. Snodgrass on II. E. No. 8005, for the south half of northwest quarter of lots 3 and 4 of sec tion 2, township 19, south, range 1 east. Ho names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : J. Shep ard Smith, of Creswcll, Or., Milan S. Barker, of Fall Creek, Or., Rues S. Hol brook, of Fall Creek, Or., Henry T.Hol lenbeck, of Eugene, Or. J.T. BuiDCiKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atRosoburg, Oregon. May 22, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Joel Wnre, U. 8. Com missioner at( Eugene, Oregon, on July 10, 1899, viz: George Lnyng on II. E. No. 7409 for tboS M N W , Lots 3 & 4, sec.30,T.21 S.,R. 1 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: John Q. Doud, Joseph S. Burnett, James T. Hunt, of Wildwood, Oregon, George Dowens, of Cottago Grovo, Ore gon. J. T. Bridges, Register. Adminstrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that GcorKO 51. Haw loy has been appointed administrator of tho estate oi (Seorne V. Ozmcnt, defeased, All per sons having claims against said estate arq here by notllled to present the same to said admin istrator, at Cottago Grouo, Oregon, within six months from tho dato of this notice, Dated this 20th day of April, 18'JO. GKOHGK M. 1IAWM3Y, Administrator. John M, Williams, Aitornoy lor Jistate. pis W. C. T. U. CONVENTION. The Report of the Lnnc County W. C. T. U. Convention. Tho following In a report of the C. I V. bane county convention held In this city the latter part of last week : The Lano County Woman' Christian Temperance Union met in annual con vention In Cottage 0 rove at !l:!IOp. in. of May 17th. Reports of tho years work were rend and in tho evening an address of welcome from Miss .Vina Ostt under was responded to by Mrs. OIlie Parsons of Creswcll. The county president, Mis. Elizabeth V. Wilson, of Eugene, delivered the annual address and tho report of tho county superintendent of soientillo temperance instruction in public school, Mrs. 1). It. Dl of Kugene, was rend by Mrs. Katharine McClung. Music was rendered bv a choir of ... .' ...i.i.. I'Oimgu uruvu Dingers, vury aiii'iii . bane county reports live unions, Florence, Junction, Kugene, Creswcll ami Cottage drove. The active membership is ahout 100 t witli a small honorary membership. The report of the corresponding secre tary, Mrs. Anna I). Todd of Eugene, in dicated that considerable work had been done in the count v during tho year, entirely along educational lines. ..nvMv.w,. K..w.. " i scientific temperance teaching in the public schools and tho circulation of the, School I'hvsiologv Journal, e.lited v ,, ., ..,.,. llc. . Mrs. Mary II. Hunt 2.llrullSt., Uoston, Much attention has been given to Mass., was earnestlv recommended No better work can he done than to place in tho bands of teachers anil others interested in educational work these journals. Considerable petition work has been lone in behalf of tho anti-cantei 11 movement Prohibition in Alaska, and tho measures before the Oregon legis lature in which wo have been inter ested. The evangelistic department has endeavored to maintain the crusade spirit among tho membership, while securing sermons and union meetings on spocial occasions. Flower mission day was well observed Juno 9 and tho sick and sorrowing have been remembered by the gentle ministry. Creswell has secured many siu'iiatures to the pledge and has the largest list of honorary members 22 in number. The tobacco habit is so prevalent nnd its influence on the body as shown in the late examinations oi candidates for admission to the army, hint aroused more than usual interest on the subject of narcotics. During the last ten vcars Italy lias lowered the physical standard of her army and France in the same period has cut her standard twice. These are wine drinking and smoking nations, and evidently the natural efTect of these poisons, after generations 1 of use, is being shown by a deterivated , IkkIv. Tho rejected candidates for ml-1 mission to the United States army in tho last year, nro but the advance guard of physical inferiority that will eventu ally compel the government to cut tho I standard now used. Whatsoever a nation sowetb that shall the nation reap. A model mother meeting conducted by Mrs. L. II. Johnson of Eugene was tho closing feature of the nfternoon session. Tho subject was "Obedience in the Homo" and tho papers and dis cussions were of great interest The thought emphasized was "Early obedi ence in tho home secures tho highest welfare of the child and is the basis of obedience to, and reverence for all law." On the evening of tho 18th n suffbrago contestwas held in tho Christian church. A largo audience greeted the ladies and close attention was given the papers presented. Tho question is a very live one and tho year before us will bo full of tho diflcusion of this topic. It is sub mitted that an experienced mother in tho war department would havo known better than to handicap our soldiers in Cuba with heavy flannels and canned roast beef ! After a short business session on Fri day morning the convention adjourned. The following resolutions having been adopted : We, tho Woman's; Christian Tom peranco Union of Lane county assembled in annual convention, recog nizing in tho past year tho abundant blessing of our Heavenly Father, who lias given us rest when wo wore weary, has cheored us when wo were dis couraged, and guided when wo wore perploxed, would hereby renow our covonant vows of loyalty to God, and resolve that wo will goon in our work "for God and homo nnd ovory land" following our beloved leader Frances U. Wlllurd as she followed Christ. Theiefore icsolvcd: 1st That in we believe aleoh .lie beverage to be limtliil In y 1,11 forms, hii will line all moans In our power to cieate sentiment In favor of tol d ulntcminco. iM Wo believe unlveisal nclontllle education in our public sohooln Is a great factor in the tempciiiiieo lelorni. We would uige upon i-nr school bonids the noccssi'y of employing only teachers who abstain from alcohol mm ioimu co in mi v form: also we enter our emnesl protest against political and saloon in Ibienco having any sharo in the control of our educational idl'airs. We most earnestly protest against ti... n.t.u.ii Mvuiitm exUtluu' in " . i ..,.1.11.,.. arm v tmrracKH, camp!", i........ homes, and will do all In our power by petition ami otherwise eradicate It. Ith Wo tender our hearty tlnioks to the ladles of Cottage Oiore for their hospital entertainment; for their sweet welcome; to the clioir for their Insplr Int. music and to the pnstorii for their preu-iico and the use of their churchtM. e go lo our nornr mm uuiwim cmirin'cd mid HtreiiL'thened to lw "ileail fast, iniiiinvalile. abSIIVH nlwuildillg ill . the work of the lrd. knowing that our labor is not in vain in tho Lord." Cow. 77e Orcfon Inn. And tho lloheiiiia Nugget for 2 per vear, cash in advance. This Is without doubt the greatest clubbing oiler olfeicd bv Oregon newspapers today. The Oregonian is without doubt oxcwlled by noiie, III point ol Hewn imiiu iociii nini foreign, is a clear print, and besides has that great redeeming feature, de- , "f "T'tr V", . J literature. Kiuieinlsjr the two papers, the Wecklv On-gonian and your hoiue int ot news ImiIIi loi'iii ami upper the ttoliemia Nugget for Bon Ton MEAT MARKET! Main Siivel; Collage Grorc, Oregon. Supply house for Cottage Grove and Bohemia. " Saul your ovitrrn by Telephone ! W. H. Beagle, TO THIS EAST Gives the Choice of Tiro Transcontinental ROUTES T,(W T .if J VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUI. AND CHICAGO VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY LoW Kates to all Eastern Cities. Ocean Steamors Leavo Portland ovory 5 dayH lor San Francisco. For full particulars call 011 0. R. & N Agent, Frank Jordan, Cottago Grovo. W. U. HuiiumrtT, UenerulIWongor Agent, , Portland, Oregon. SHORT III t BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL FRNK GOODty Proprietor of The Popular Cignr and t lottery Store. Coftt.J .f Fancy (Am fieri l.untht,. Dealer in Cigars of Low and t;nc ( prccs t( ' f . w,. muvc BANKERS. ' Ydiusdcl (Kinu'nuii ivmiuna II j IMUSlUCSS il (ill llS IM(IIU llCS. UuIImr (Hot,, F LITtL .SHAVING 'ARI.0R. (.'(IIm( Urn?. .... Ori (. K. Griffith, Prop. Call on . .. " Ann I) I 'mln)) T VAtl J) . J 1(1(1 11 A ( Iff) If. i ' UJi House In lilting, Paper Blunging, Strii Work, Carriage Iaiii(i H'ori (itmrmitcrtt COTTAUK GROVE. ORH. Cy. fliller, General Blacksmithing. Two Door North of Kukin A llrutow'i, 1 Cottauc droi t, Orryon. K. C. Perkins DKPUTV Mineral Surveyor. u. s. SjMrcinl attention fjiven to Mining Claim nnd procuring of 1'nttnts. G HANTS I'ASS, OkHGON'. 5a .1. S. JIKBUV. s$- Morncy M Law, oirtMOn MnlnHirrn. L'ottayc drove, Oregon. TURKISH BATHS AT IIOMK. A iMtrfect sanitary, elf-nipiortlni bathing nparatuif, rublwr lined ami hu a door. I'rodnces cleunliuesH, health and clear complexion. Dispels coIiIh, fever, akin ilUeam and ctitavcous eruptions. Prevent diseases. Recoiu mended by eminent phyflcUni. Prof. Hudson's Electric Home Ani mator sold by Ciiah. K. Lank, Oakland. Or. WOOD WANTED, subscription nt tho On ofllce. Nufljel Old papers for sale at this office. G O TO . . ". , GEO. ANDERSON For Firflt-clnss Painting aid Paper Hart6in I'apcr Gunranleeduot to Crack 0 Office, Nain Street, next to J. H. Young's law office. FOR BALE. Leacuo bicvclo. uood condition, $20; an American conservatory guitar I'-O. Inuulro nt Lurclt'n store BO prs. of Ladioa lino shoes in odd HtyloB and iminborH nt $1.00 pr. pair. Eaki.v A IJitisroiw