Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 26, 1899, Image 7

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Before a Fall."
rZwun. itw itonuxch. kid.
IttLfs SsP'M And u 'w'" pfevenl
v . ...... vn ntlde.
't '
MI " " "
. . n liiwtn riH tnr tin Mm
Loor of the liMitint'M oflloo three time,
Ut I cnti't K't up tlio toiintKii to uo In.
P.. .. fill I..II I'fil. U-tlllt III il,t
Willi" i ,
I i ihu money lown In ndvmiie.
iTl'at will '0U JPrutc In-
f.i,i Aro you uln to roturn tho
poo, (ulluWa rtiiKT
Kloreiiou (wliu lm Jut broken her
enrtitfiuuiit) I haven't decided. I
,aK)o he'll propria to you now, mm)
1 thought I'd JuhI hand It over to you
to mu bother. I'hllndolphlu Noilli
a womnii with tlio bloc Ik u very un-
comfortable periion. Klto Ik Illogical,
nnhappy onil frctjuently hyhterlcnl.
The condition of the mind known a
i ..the blue," nearly alwnyn, with wo
I sen, result from diseased ortfnnn of
- - . ' 1 l A I 111
It ll n source oi wanner m in win
age of advanced medical nclcncc, any
ccnon ahould nt-III bcllcvo Hint mero
forco of will nml determination will
oterconic dcprcwed aplrlU and nerv
ousncM In women. Those troubles aro
Indication of .linen.
Erery woman who doesn't under
stand her condition tthould write to
Lynn. Mom., to Mrs. l'iiilihum for her
advice. Her ndvlco In thorough com
mon tcUM, and in tho counsel of a
learned woman of great experience.
Bead tho story of Mrs. V. H. JIk.v.nktt,
Westphalia. Kaunas, as told in thu fol
lowing letter:
'Dn.vit Mil. Pinkjiam: I have suf
fered for over two years with falling,
enlargement and ulceration of tho
womb, and this spring, being in such
t weakened condition, caused mo to
Cow for nearly nix month. Home tlmo
ijo, urged by friends, I wrote to you
for advice. After liking the treatment
which you advlicd for a short time,
that terrible flow stopped.
"I am now gaining strength and
tih, and havo better health thau I
bare had or tho past ten years. I
wish to say to all distressed, suffering-
women, do not suffer longer, when
there is ono so kind and willing to
tid you."
Lydla E. Pinkhnm'a Vegetable Com
pound is a womau'n remedy for wo
man's ills. More than a million wo
men have been benefited by it.
Among III liiiinilliiiinla.
"Yomr'ocotn lot of bnggngo," re
marked the Washington friend who
hid accompanied him to tho railway
"Ye," responded tho letirlng con
greeimnn, "hut I entry noiiiething on
my wind Hint weighs mo down more
than all tliin stuff put together."
"Wlmt is It?" Inquired (ho other.
"It's my 'exl' snld tho depnrtlng
italeimnti, with n dry sob. Chicago
Tribune ihl.V, ,.r. ,l, "''"J'"' Apparently
Imvo h..(,l, , " ''t,.V'f" I.VMI if v.,u
. - ri-Kiilnr niMl ,1,, ' i l .tl'"
I. v .'.MtV,; t.f.""
CJIi'S- yv ,"M,;!I,,''"" wy. Mini
! '",v" n iiir Lim
it" Jack wanted mo to." l'uck.
Vn'V' ",iUil "'" 'uu I.m.ore.
I ho l.. .f" ,,m(,. ,ln 1(ll. "r
lie rcinvcrid tpiltc qnli k
t,,u l,"""l'Uioofold Jwt Monro
Itnm'i"'on,lU ,""kL'' " "U I,00'''--
V","";! y'lheui ,,i,rtl rout
There's no duiiylng tho fact tlmt u0.
ton is one oftholiaii'lH'iiiiH.
ii V'"1 f"'Mi SM If miiv of our null.
II ' '" in'-hIhIh aro proven lo
Kfi.iiliir. Tiik 1'im, Co.! Warre." l',t.
I.lfo In n blx poker game in wj,cj,
everybody Ih lilulllnu the loner.
FITS ,n!n,'!!,,U" c'" ni'" ""
i. n.r lint ,iky, ,f uf j Klliif' I.....
Nnjn l(...tor, r. Bi.. for rtll.k ii m, ulu, .. mm! lr.ll.. Kit. it. "iuxE. Ltd. ii
filniider is lik.i ininli it only sticks
where it finds alllnity.
A !.inrnlril Curo.
Mod rtlfflrult ti.r.irp-flironlc ronMlrstlnn.
' 1 SH'sffU i nthnrtlc: sre euaraiilt-e.l
If delays nio danguroiiH lawyers mut
be u bruve lot.
Allen's Foot-Rnw, a nowder for tho fret
It cur., wflfn MimrtliiK fectm.d
1 II k I fl l( f 1 1 I n li, !.,. ..... . it
............ , riiMK oi conn llllO
' ''unions. It the emitoH comfort .lirov.
IW.1',,1.'!? 'AI,l',, l,-o't-Ki.o urnUt
llKht-llttliiK or new ulioes feel easy. 1 1 i a
c-rtaln cure forclnllilnlus. swcatltiK, damp,
rsllousnnd h..t. tlrwl. aching f.i t. We
have over lu.otio t-,timonlnls oicurM. Trv
It today. H..I.I Ly nil (lruKRlt nnd f)wt
i Mom.. Itv iiuiil for 2.1c in Hiamt. Trial
iwrkBce HtKK. AdJross Allen 8. 01m-
j atl, l,o Koy. N. Y.
Tho best is tho cheapest, but the
cheapest isn't always the best.
Mothers will find Mrs, Window's Sooth
liilf Hyrup tho l-t remedy to UM) fur their
children during the teething period.
On account of eome scit of a J.-ir in
tho plan of organization the pottery
trust has cotlaptcd.
100 IlKWAIII) 8100.
The reuleri of tiiii will lo t'leMfd to
team tliat llicro la at Ivant one drvailcM dlK'ate
iliat tcii'iiPO tiaa ltn nblo to euro In nil Ita
aiaea, and that li catarrh. Ilall'it'atarrti Cure
la liieotilr jKMlllTocure known to tho medical
Iraicnilty. ( alarrli Ume n comtltutlonal di
raap, rt-'iilrca a comifluilonal tri-atmcnl.
Hall's ('alarrh Cure li taken Intcrnalljr, srilnic
dlrrilr iijkjii Die blood and mueoua turfart-i
ol the tynlvin.tlirri.-lif Ottrnytnff thn founda
tion ol tho di.ra.r, and Klrinit the patient
tlrendh hy bulldtiiK up tho constitution and
animlnif nature In doing ll work. Tho pro
prlrlora have to much faith In Its curatiro
ixiwrri, that they offer Ono Hundred Dollari
lor any cao that It falli to cure. end for Hit
oi totlmonlala. Addreii
K. 3. CIIKNEY i CO., Tolodo, 0.
Hold hy ilruRKlU.7ic.
II. IT. Family I'llli are the beat.
Few men can keep their good reso
lutions and a diary at the fame time.
An Iiinhman is manager of a Chi
oago ChinoHO restaurant.
Teited and true. Oregon Illood I'urlfler.
A Miitrli.ioi.litl Slmliie.
Tho nveinge young man thinks ho in
in a position to iniwry if ho has $250
in the bank nnd n steady job. Hope
is n great factor in it love nllnir. Af
ter tho man la 40 ho wondora how ho
ever did it. nnd when he ents pie nt
night and lias the nightmnro ho nl
wnvs iuingincs that he is mairying
iign'in on ?'J00. Atchison Globe.
Absolute Proof
'jpjjllA'- l
I '
brind you
for Tale
with &nv
nmc and &.ddrcs& on & poitl ct.rd will
absolute proof that Dr. Williams' PinK Pill
People vill cure you if you are afflicted
di&e&se of the blood or nerve. Mention
the disorder with which vou are aufferind and
'will send evidence that will convince and satisfy
you that Or, PinK Pills for Pale People will
cure you
, These pills contain, in a condensed form, all tXZ .
elements necessary to dive new life and richness to tne
u.uuu unu restore s u. ui va. ii.v. i.ji.
fMlintj specific for such disease as locomotor xia.B
St. Vitus' dance, sciatica., neur&lgia, rheumatism, I
partial paralysis and all prma or "CQniisaa
in men or women.
well known
' experl
my le.
until it rcianhp.i mv i.n.iv. i ihiii.niiDCtlto poor ftnd Ulil notreiifn
food. I becamo unable to move about, Contulted soverai ma
tliigulahod pliyslela,Si S telling iiie I had onotor Ujl. notber.
cratiplng pnrnlyali. I look tholr medic Ines hut continued to grow
wor.o. A friend udvlicd mo to try Ur. W1IH n I'ln k l'l foi r 1 oio
People. Jlefora I had flnlihed my "rat box 'ffHJl4.j rhmish
btnentlng me. I uod twelve boxes and wa perfectly AMio gn
pr hI x months atneo I uaed my Inst plU tlero lm boon no rotur nor
th dlaeaie. My nppotlto la good und general health better than tor
many years."
T nt, . L.'f...i . f . At Antoohtt or direct from tnt
iui ii tun nunc un me pati:c , , . ti cn
Dr.WilliamjMdiclnCo.,SchcntcUdy,N.Y. 50cpfbox. 6box$2.50.
Tn n Tiin-i,. r,..,.n ..nnrlav Hfr fl. II. RnyQCr, It
cttlJian of l,nwrenco, Kan., related n wonderful story. o at d
Out- of (hi' bnivc JniltlcH who "wan
Willi Dcui-y" nt tho battle of Miuillri
lhiy tells I li Ih ik-w of the
urcnt iiiliiilinl. The li-ller is iim-ry
I'i'Khiiiiiii, it Hiillor of the enilKer Hos
ton, mid hlM Hlory Ih IIiIk: '"J'li,. most
nffeclliii,' liiel.h-iit whli-h oceiirre.l, nnd
which nil of tho Hnllom will remember
through their IIvch, wiih the netlon of
a powder boy. Theno boyn net uh nldn
to ciiptnliiH inn llfiiteiiiintH in fniry
ln iiifHHiiKfH nnd lo!ii ernindH. When
the order wiih rIvoii to Htrlp for iietlon,
one of the boyH tore IiIh coat off hur
riedly, and it fell from IiIh ImndH and
went over the mil, down Into the bay.
A few inoineiitH before lie had been
KiissliiB on IiIh inother'H photoKnidi, and
JuhI before he took IiIh coat off he had
kissed the picture and put It In IiIh Iii
Kldc pocket. When the coat fell over
1'oar.l he turned to the captain and
iifk.-d iicriiilHHlon to Jump overboard
and net it. Naturally the rcqtieHt win
refiiHed. The boy then climbed down
the ladder. He hwiuii around to the
place where the coat had dropped, and
Kiicceeded In kcUIiik It I believe It
w-;ih Htlll HoatlnB when hi; Kot there.
When he came back he wiih ordered In
rhahiH for dlHobedleiice. After the bat
tle he wiih tried by a court martial for
disobedience and found guilty. Com
modore Dewey became IntorcHtc.l In
the ciihc, for he could not understand
why the boy had rlHked IiIh life and
disobeyed orders for n coat. The hid
had never told what his motives were.
Hut when ihe Comino loie talked to him
In a kindly way, nnd asked him why
he hud done such HtraiiKe things for an
pld coat, he broke Into tears and told
the Commodore that his mother's pic
ture wiih In the coal. Commodore
Itewcj-H eyes tilled with tears n he
listened to the story. Then he picked
the boy up In his aims and embraced
him. He oidercd the little fe'.low to
he Instantly released and pardoned.
'J Joys who love their mothers enough
to risk their lives for their pictures can
not be kept In Irons on this licet he
The American soldiers In the Philip
pines are sometimes obliged to read let
:eis from home under dllllcultlcs. "The
boys were all anxious to read their let
Urs," writes one of them, "but the
question was how to obtain a light.
Our sound thought they had solved the
amiculty with i-onie gum oil In a dish
mil a rag; but no sooner had we a good
light burning thnn the bullets began
ilnglng around us at a great rate. The
light was put out. I had plenty of
matches, however, nnd I adopted an
other scheme. I covered my head with
a poncho and scratched matches till the
letter was lead, although I almost suf
focated In doing so."
"Don't shoot until you can see tho
whites of their eyes," was an order
given by gallant Col. O'llorke nt tho
summit of Little Hound Top. "Don't
shoot until you can see the lights on
their cigarettes," was the order given
by a Twentieth Knnsns cnptnln ono
night nenr Manila, according to Albert
fry, a Fort Scott boy with that regi
The Reason Why So Many Women Are Sick.
V ' V
1 y i i i '
lift. r.tlza mir, 1'jO Irnn St , Akron, 0.
Mrs. Eliza Wiko says: "I would
bo in my grave now if it had not been
for your God-sent remedy, Pe-ru-nn.
Everybody says 1 am looking so much
better. No doctor could help me ns
I'e-ru-na did. I wns a broken down
woman. It is now seven years past
that 1 was cuicd."
Airs. Sarah Gnllitz, of Luton, In.,
also writes: "I was snfforing with
the change of life. I had spells of
flowing every two or tiireo weeks,
which would leave mo nearly dead. I
had given up hope of being cuied,
when I heard of Dr. Hartman's reme
dies nnd began to nee them. I am en
tirely cured, and give all tho credit to
Pe-ru-na nnd Man-a-lin. "
A healthy woman in becoming moro
nnd more tare. But comparatively
few women who aro Buffering with
catarrh know that this is tho case.
Their trouble is called dyspepeeia,
heart trouble, feinalo weakness, weak
lungs, nervous debility; indeed, almost
the whole category of medical terms
bus been applied to catarrli of some
organ of tho feinalo nnntomy. If
these women would only realized thnt
their trouble is probably catarrh of tho
organs peculiai to women or polvic or
gans, and euro themselves with Po-ru-na,
how much unnecessary suffering
would bo saved.
Mrs. G. 0. Worstell, Clarksburg, W.
Va., writes the following to Dr. Hart
inan. This is only ono of hundreds of
similar letters which tho doctor receives
from thankful women. Mrs. Worstoll
says "I trust that no ono will think
from this that I want my name in pub
lic for any cause only to let sufferers
know where they may find relief from
many ailments. I can truly say I have
been much benefitted by the use of
Pe ru-na. I feel
better than I havo
for two years. It
is the best medi
cine that I know
for femulo troub
les. I have taken
tnedicino from the
doctors nnd found
no relief; but
when I began
taking Pe-ru-na I
could see that before I had taken tho
first bottle that it was doing me good.
I recommend it to all suffering women.
I think that it is the best medicine in
tho world. I can't say enough in Its
favor. You can publish this if you
Dr. Hartman has written a book en
titled "Health and Beauty" especially
for women. It treats of female catarrh
in all its different phases and stages.
It is profusely illustrated and contains
common sense talks on subjects which
should interest every woman. This
book will bo sent free to any woman
who addresses Dr. Hartman, Columbus,
Tho highest house in Paris has eight
A Maine woman living near Belfast
is the happy possessor of 15 coon cats.
Since 1841 the cultivated area of Ire
land has dwindled from 4,000,000
acres to 2,030.000.
The expense of running an Atlantic
steamer for three years exceeds the
';ost of its construction.
Tho whale's nose is on tho top of
, the ueau, at least nts nostrils are situ
ated there, through which he expels
. tho columns of water known as "spout
I inc." Whales only epout when they
' aro feeding.
No pain: new process; fine cold wort. DR.
LAXOWOKTHY, S.W. cor. Third and Morrison
Fence an.) Wire Worka.
and Iron fencing; office ratlin?, etc. nil Alder.
Machinery niu! S.ippllea.
"I liaTe uaed your valuable CASCA
RBTS and and them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them for some time
I for Indigestion and biliousness and am now com-
Sletely cured. Recommend them, to every one.
nee tried, you will never be without them in
i the family.'' Euw. A. Mahx, Albany, N. Y.
Bfefe thadc uwtit stsoummto
riie Nclirnnkn Comuiantlcr AYho 'Vaa
the Victim of a Filipino's Hullet.
Col. John M. Stotsenburg. com
niander of tho Nebraska reKlment In
the Phlllplnes, who was shot through
the heart In the skirmish lighting nt
Qulngun, In which eight Americans
Pleaant. Palatable. Potent. Taate Good. Bo
Good, iierer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. l0c.2jc.Htc
SUrll.ff Kmtif Capaa;. Cklttr. H...ri!. X.w T.rk. stt
Mn.Tfl.RJIP Sold and guaranteed br all drug-liU-1
U-BAb alita to OUUETooacco Uablt
Write for Catalogue.
J, I, FREEMAN, Agcnf,
2C3 East Water Street,
MACHINERY, all kinds
29 to 35 First Street PORTLAND OR.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oreooh.
ran give you the best bargains ill general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts nnd windmills. The new
Eteel IXL windmill, sold by him, is unequalled.
vehicles; tend lor catalogue. 1SM91 Front St.
Dr. Ernest Darton, specialty, diseases of the
Skin and Rectal Surgery. 131 3rd St., Portland.
KOviS ll c: p IT I
were killed, wns a captain in the regu
lar Borvlco. lie graduated from West
Point In 18S1 and some years Inter was
granted leave of absence from servlco
to act as military Instructor In tho Ne
braska State University. Ho was in
the servlco there when tho Spanish war
broke out nnd wits mado a mnjof In
tho First Nebraska. His Ideas of dis
cipline made him unpopular, but after
tho regiment reached Mnnlln and his
coolness and bravery becniuo known h
was tho Idol of tho men.
Tho man with a 250-pound wife has
a largo family to support
If you have a continuous tired feeling; If every
jiart ol your body seems tired out, especially
your back, you need
Mopre's Revealed Remedy
One bottle innkes the blood purer brings re
lief. Thousands have beon cured. 11.00 per
bottle at your druggist's.
, TO
FreebimaUlf you write
with Carter's Iulc tu
am r""rn I ntl,niil laillea ca safe, al
t Ft M A 1 C I waya reliable and without
Cil!t& I nnrqual. Auk drucelit ror
381111 a? Dr. Martel's French Femala
BUaaSl Pills In metnl box with
1 French Fitter on ton In Blue.
White and Red. InUt on harlntf the genuine.
"Relief lor Women." mailed FREE In plain aealed
letter with tettlmonlals and part Iculara. Addrent.
FRENCH DRUG CO., 3UI and 3D3 Pearl St., N.Y.
Relief at Last
Prulsed by thousands or
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache
and Dyspepsia, Remove Tlraples and Purify the
Blood, Aid Digestion andPrercnt Ulllousness. Do
not Gripe orHlcken. Tocontlnco vou. wo will mall
ample free, or lull box for 23c. Dlt. IIOSANKO
CO., f hllnila., tfcuua. Bold by Druggists,
ITOlTlNUTIlea produce motature andoau.e Itcblnff.
This form, aa wiill as Ullnil,l)leedlnir or Protruding
Pllea are cured by Dr. DosanUo's Pile Remedy
Stops Itching anu bleeding. Abnirbs tumors. A(oa
ar at ilruguUu or aeut by mall. Troitl.e free. Writs
mo aboutyour case. DR. UOSANKO, Pbilada.,Pa.
tgt uo couuu syrup. Tastes uooa. use rz
V In time. Sold by drugnlBia. 11
i ill USE FAILS.
I C WMe'lor?ATU AN P E N S I O N
I r BICKFoK.i. Washington. U. 0.. they u ill re
1 I eeive quick replies. II. Mil N. II. Vols.
Staff 20th Corps. Prosocutlm; claims since 1878.
jKyiif Outraauea Jg
RaV not to atrlaiurt.
HTialTHtEvtKS CHtMlCuCo,
I'bo Dig il for unnatural
dlfrliargei, liulainmiitlona,
Irritaliuita or ukerutlona
of mucoua niembrants.
I'Hinlees, and not astrln-
fieut or poisonous,
Sold by Itrucelsta,
or aent In plain wrapper,
by ejpreim, prepaid, for, or 3 bottles, t.'JS.
Circular sent on request.
For Oonorrbu-a and Oleet cet ratwt'a Okay Speclflc. II
la the ONLV nu-itlclne which will cure each and every
case. NO CA8B known It has ever failed to cure, no
matter how sertoua or of how long gtandlncr. Iteiulta
from ita umi will aetonlth you. It Is absolutely safe,
prevents stricture, and can be taken without Inconve
nient and detention from bustnevi. ntlCK. S3.00. lor
sale by all reliable druggists, or sent prepaid by express,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
Circular mailed on request.
Wo guarantee to fit overy case wo undertake
DoJtput itoff; wrlto for particulars at onco.
O. II. WOODAKI) & CO., Ulzpert Truao
Fitters, 108 Second Street. Portland, Or.
N. P. N. U.
NO. SJ '00,
11 KN vrrltlne' to atlvertlior pleuio