Devoted to Hi,- MiiKi iIIIM, ering and Farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living. Cottage Grove, Oregon, Friday, May 26, 1899. NO. 18 GOODS! BOHEMIA NOTES. Devoted to Mines and Miners A Nugget Corres pondent's Batch of News. Eakin & Bristow. PRICE k-KW GOODS! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ciiirl waists, Hulls Collnr?, Cuin. Uvrrv w in-mity. Ulioapor tlinti yoti cm lunke ilium. Triiiiiiiiii); and Dross Silks ill nil col- . ... iiplitiui fllfjt ..t'i.f tluullt Mil afTur'l to r thorn. Kid iiiov in nil colors anil luteal ,tvl nitwiing at 1.00 iiml I.'Jfi jwr ir. MmirKi-liiH' Ho Soli). lit nil UlO Hi tuciivf iMliirn. I'rii't 'JA Kr utuit. lui limn liixi year. Spring W rapper. They arc perfect. No invito worry nlmtit making thi'lli (tun rait' von tin' trouble. iiiliii it Bristow.' A 0 - I it jnst the lines you want -for Spring Work! FULL A LI. KINDS 01' Hardware. Garden, and Pruning Tools, Axes, Saws, Sledges and Rope. Everything in the and Hani Building line. Blacksmiths' Supplies Coal. Iron and Sceel! Stoves, Tin and Granite Ware, all at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. GRIFFIN cottage grove, ore. C. GO TO Mrs. let SuntToii'rt'N, FOR Fashionable Dressmaking. 'ln Street, Cottage Grovo, Or. - - ' - J. E. Young, ATOM AT LAf, Office On Mnln Mlrent. Wcint Hlilo. Vottago dvovo, Oregon. To The Public. Wc desire to state thnt we have established our Dressmaking Par ars in tJ room just north of Cum rai"g & Sehr's grocery store. 1,irst class work, reasonable Pfces and satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. MRS. C. E. JONES, MISS ORA PICKARD. Eakin & Bristow. OUR CRESCENT BICYCLES. Only ftUi.OO ennli for tho best goods. Durability and print eiiualwl by none. To evilly lady wholniyi, una of our t'fi.00 chain whculs within tho nyxt 00 days wo will givu a Itoyal Carpet Sweeper worth 2.50. Outing Flannels. I'lfly pieces, nt re duced paleo. New pntteniH and col ors. CrutniiiioH, SilknlitiOH ami Draperies at 10c lo .'fio. Dress Linings. Alltlio latest tiling in plain ami fancies, Soar Silks, Silk Stripes, titiil I'crealines ami Slleelus. Porimlliius. An assortment of colors that do not fait to attract favorable at tention. Eakin it Bristow. 0 - Plows. .IhTarrows, Cultivators. & VEATCH, H. V ndenburg, M'gr. L. L. Stevens, f.- Attorney-at-Law Spcciai attention given to Mining Husiuess and Collections. KlIOKNU - - Oiikcion. Wm. RENSHAW" --.thf EXCHANGE Al.l' WALKGR .... MunKer. DKA I.Kit IN VINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Main Street, Cottage Groce, Ore. The Denver Tiinos-Sun and tho Ho huniia Nugget, both papers sent to nny address for $1.50 cash in advance Noto this: You can procuro tho Bo liciniu Nuggot, your homo paporaiul tho gt Louis Globo-Domocrao for $t.75 jier year, cash in advance. STOCK Eakin & Bristow. GOODS! Nil 008 Ladies SIioch Fine Shoes. Our f I.o0 ami f '-'.00 lines arc very to beat ami our $2.00, l.'i.OO ami fj.r.O lines nro never equaled. Come anil see our prices ami you will surely buy. Latest styles in nil widtliH. Cliambrays. AllcolorH. New Table Spreads ami Forticrs in leading colors. I Calicoes! Calicoes! CalicoeHl' You will acknowledge their mipcriorlty at ' once. ! New Ribbons! New colors, new , styles ami new prices. I 1 Your cash trade is what wcwant and if low prices ami best goods count for I anything we will get a largo share of it. Eakin & Bristow. These Illustratrated Publications. VI,L IIK SKNT IIV TIIK XoilTllKItN PACIFIC RAILWAY Co., TO ANY ADOUKSS UPON IlKCKIPT, IX STAMPS, Oil OTIIKK WISK, OK Til K AMOUNTS NAMED WONDKK LAND Au annual pulilication of about 100 juigcs, gotten up in most attractive stylo and beautifully illustrated in half-toiie. The contents of each number are varied and diireient from it? predaccsbor. Tho Nohtiikiis Pacific has become noted fur this publication. Tiif. I'inkstTiiino is Kailway LrrKitATUitK. Send six cents. YKLLOWSTONK PARK MAP A relief map of Yellowstone Park. Printed on linn paper, ami suitable for mounting or framing and for use in schools, class rooms, etc. The best map of the Paik that is publicly distributed. Mailed in pastlsiard tubes. Send lOcts. MAZA.MA PAMPIILKT A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive ol ! Mount Kanier, Washington, the grandest ico-covered peak in the United States. Send two cents. KOOTKNAI I'OLDKH An illustiated folder and relief map of the Kootenai Region in liritishColumbia north of Spokane. Scud two cents. ARMY AND NAVY HOOK Tells alsnit both tho U. S. and Spanish armies and navies at ln-ginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Culm and adjacent islands. A vest pocket history well worth preserving for reference. Send ten cents. In sending for these write tho address carefully, ami state wliero advertisement was seen. Olum. S. I'EK, tlen. raeiKer Agent. ST. I'AIIL, MINV. NUTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Lnnd Ofllco at Rosoburg, Oregon. May 1, 181)0. Notice is hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado beforo tho Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office at Rosoburg, Oregon, on Juno 10, 1809 viz: Honjamin G.Crow, on II . K. No. (11185 for the E . NK 4, N ' S15 H, Sec. 10. T. 'JOS., R. 5 West, Ho names tho following witnesses to provn his continuous residonco uponnnd cultivation of said land, viz : J. W. Ishniael, Arthur Kclloy, William Gilbert, Aaron Gilbert, of Lo rane, Oregon. J. T. ItitinaKB, Itegister. Administrator's Notice. Nfith-o lii lioroby given that K, h. Wllllnms luiH been ni.pnliito.l nlnjlnlntratpr of tho estixto f llHiiniih Wllllnms, ilopoineil, All permiiu lnvliiRi'liilms nKntnst tho miljl ostiito nre ro ii oJicil to nrescnt the mq w thin six innnthi of fho ilato ncroof to ftd Hrtmlnlstrator.nt tho Sn ra of "' MLAvllllttnM.,,T.o 0roBo" Dated this 10th .lay of May, IBOtf. John M. Williams. . ;.. Williams, Attpnie-or:tato. Administrator. Bohemia, May 21, 1899. Mr. Jas. Duval returned to camp today. Two gentlemen from Siuslaw came in this week to work in the Ccok mine. W. II. Shane is over on his claims on Montana ridge doing de velopment work. Chas. Bruneatt of the Helena Mining Company came' in this week to resume work on the Helena. The snow is fast disappearing and soon the musical shitepoke can pipe his tuneful lay in the meadow down by the slough. Albert Leroy came in this week to get samples of ore from the Iaura group of mines owned by Leroy Bros, on Champion creek. Byrne Bros. & Johnson Company are doing some development work on outside claims belonging to the Grizzly group. Chas. Clay is snugly domiciled down on Downings Point working on some mining property owned by himself and Frank Jordon of Cot tage Grove. The Music mill and mine will start up about the first of June. There is in this mine a large amount of very fine ore, and the chutes are all full and we predict a fine showing for that enterprising company. The Noonday is blocking out a large body of fine free milling ore and are preparing to start the big 20 stamp mill just as soon as the snow goes off sufficient to make a few needed repairs to their tram way. Mr Elsie Holderman of the Montana mining company is spending a few days with his family in the Grove. The White Swan Mining Company is another incorporated com pany to do business in our Bohemia this summer. White Bros. & Lesser are driving their tunnel on some very fine ore at Glenwood. This is a fine mine but little spoken of, and still there is in this mine $50,000 of good ore in sight. We notice in the Oregonian of the 10th Mr. Baddens' report of Oregon mineral production for '98. Now while we do not wish to criticise Mr. Badden or the Oregonian we do wish to say they have been very poorly informed about certain localities. They give for Lane county a little over $6000 for the year. Now we admit Bohemia is in Douglas, but as there is no report from Douglas they must take the product of Bohemia for Lane's output and if so the' err a long way from the truth for either of the mills that were in opperation here last year turned out four times that amount, and they say that other mining communities is Cornucopia where there is a large amount of high grade ore, which is hauled 68 miles to Baker and shipped to the smelter from there. Now why should they ship ore from Cornucopia when they have several large mills in that camp of the latest pattern? Senger & Eagle creek mines did not turn out any bullion in '98, lor both havo been shut down for 2 years. If Portland would awake to her interest and look over this country they will see more good mines in this one locality alone than in all Eastern Oregon combined. We are not trying to run down Eastern Oregon in any way but we speak from experience, having lived in the mines of that locality for 7 years; and wo would like to see Bohemia fairly represented. Ross. WEDDING CHIMES. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of M. F. Rapp in this city, Wednesday even ing, May 17, 1899, the contracting parties being Mr. E. P. Long and Miss Myrtle M. Gillette, Rev Geo. R. Arnold, tying the silken knot. The parlor was richly decorated for the occasion and the wedding cere mony though brief, was beautiful and impressive. The wedding was a quiet one, only a few relatives and intimate friends of the contacting parties being present. After the ceremony was performed and congratulations were extended the bridal party was led to the dining hall where a luxurious wedding supper awaited them. The groom is a well known young man having for some time past been in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company. He is a son of J. C. Long, the Cottage Grove merchant and miiler, and is a very intelligent and industrious young man, possessing many noble qualities and a gentleman, first, last and all the time. The bride is a charming and accomplished young lady of this city, but formerly of Pendleton, where her parents still reside. She ss a sister of our present county assessor, Benjamin Gillette, and has a host of admiring friends in this city. The Plain dealer, joins with many friends in extending congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple, and trusts they may ever enjoy a pleasant home, blessed with pros perity and long and useful lives. This office acknowledges the re ceipt of a bountiful supply of splendid wedding cake. Roseburg Plaindealer. Whoojtlng Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping coagh. My neighbors recommended Cliamborlain'a Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, hut nftor giving him n fow doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement, and ono bottlo cured him entirely. It is tho best cough medicine lover had in tho house. J. L. Moonii, South Uurgottstown, Pa. For sale by Ukniion Daua Co, Cottago Grovo, Joe Lyons, Drain, Druggists. NOTICE. Twenty-flvo thousand brick for sale. Bert Wood, Cottage Grovo, Oregon. SUBSCRIBK- Bohomia Nnggot- -Oregonian