BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Knterel at the poitofflce at CottiKO Orure. Oregon Second CUu mall matter. Subaorlptlon price. I.BO, In lnc. Advertising- " " known upon Appllrntlon. Friday, May 121899. Whoever the thievitiff rascals are who make so much trouble for the business men of Cottage Grove, by breaking into the different places of business, in the stillness of the dreary night, one thing is certain; they are after money, they pass by costly goods of every description and open the money drawer. How- j ever they haven't had the pleasure of getting away with much money ! as the merchants take pretty good care of that part of the business and empty the shining stuff into the 1 depths of their jeans pockets before delivering over the store and its contents to prowling thieves and a night watchman that we haven't got. The O. R. & N. doesn't seem to like the Eugene steamboat company and declined to allow the company's -steamer to land at O. R. & N. wharves. In other words the O. R. & N. don't propose to let Eu gene play in her rain barrel any more. The people of Eugene should now fall upon each other's necks and between sobs of joy con gratulate themselves that it has not been decreed that they yank their tub out of the waters of the Will amette. For some time store robbing has been quite a pastime in Cottage Grove. It has been suggested that tramps were the perpetrators of these crimes. While we are sug gesting let's suggest to look a little nearer home. Tramps, like lighten ing don't hit the same place twice, as a rule, especially in an interval of ten days. It is said that Claude Brantpn jumped two feet high when he heard that Governor Geer had pardoned Olberman. Today Claude will jump about ten feet low because Governor Geer did not pardon one Bran ton. J. be mining industry made Spokane, Wash., what that city is today. The Bohemia mining dis trict nf 'Lane ronntv will mnlrp Cottage Grove, if the proper enter prise is put forth. Farmers around Cottage Grove are beginning to see the necessity of having better roads. It is a question deserving of the attention of every enterprising citizen of every community. The Eugene Register has just reached the 16-year mark of its existence. The Register has al ways been a good paper, and has done much for the good or the re publican party. It is said that Claude Branton the condemned murderer gets weak in the knees at times and begs for mercy. It is predicted by some that he will break down on the scaffold. Lane county should have a rail road from Eugene to Florence. It would probably have a tendency to cheapen freight rates. How about that night watchman anyway? Are we to have one? Surely it looks as though the town needed one. There are few towns in Oregon of the size of Cottage Grove that don't employ a night watchman. WRITING EDITORIALS. If any one thinks it is an easy job to write a four column editorial just let him try it once. 1 Before he gets through lie will be ! reminded of the young man who criticized his pastor's sermons and complained of his receiving 10 much salary. So the pastor proposed to him that he fill his pulpit for him next Sunday. The young man readily agreed, saying that it would be an easy task. I All day Monday the young mau ' hunted for a text. The pastor had offered him the use of his study and 1 books. On Tuesday he still hunted for a text. Wednesday and Thurs- da he pursued the same occupation and beginning to grow desperate appealed to the pastor for a text, remarking, "If I only had a text I'd be all right." The pastor chose a text for him. He sat down wrote out his text and then tried to think of something to write. A few lines came quickly and there it ended. If you have ever tried to write au edi torial you may know somethiug of the young man's agony when on Saturday evening he told the minister he would have to give up, and henceforth would never com plain of sermons or salary again. Capital Journal. Friday upon the streets of Eu gene at oue time were a number of old men, proving that our climate is conducive to longevity. They were Waldow Skinner, 90 years, Bell Jennings, 87, John Cogswell, 86, Dr. A. W. Patterson, 85, H. C. Hadley, 84, John Diamond, 84, John Whiteaker, 80, H. C Owen, 80, A. Goldsmith, 79. Each of these old men is in good health and they apparently have several years before them at least we hope they have. Guard. Geo. Whitsett came up from Saginaw Wednesday afternoon. Ed Patterson of the Fashion Stables drove to Eugene Wednesday. Miss Meinzer will havea choice line of new sailor hats on early in the week. Traveling Passenger Agent Jones ar rived on Wednesday afternoon' local. We acknowledge a sample of prepared beef put up by the Bon Ton Meat Com pany . An organ arrived on Wednesday's ex press addressed to W. A. McBee, Cot tage Grove. W. B. Conrult, special agent for the Equitable Life Insurance Company was in Cottage Grove last Wednesday. Tho first annual meeting of the Athenian Literary Society of the Cot tage Grove high school will be held at Martin's Hall Friday eve, May 12. IF. C. T. U. Conference. Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, national presi dent of the W. C.T. U. and Mies Anna Gordan, vice president will be in Eu gene May 27 and 28, at which time they will hold a W. C. T. U. conference. Only three conferences will be held in tho state by these distinquished workers and Eugene is fortunate in securing oue of them. The ladies are not only dis tinguished In W. C. T. U. work in the United States but in Canada and Europe as well. The public is cordially invited to attend this conference. Netv Clubbing Fropotitiou. Bohemia Nugget now offers to its lady readers something in the clubbing line directly interesting to them. McCall's Magazine, devoted to the fashions of tho day, home, literature, household hints, fancy work, current topics and popular fiction, and Bohemia Nugget one year for $1.50. Remember, you get with this offer a free pattern from the McCall Company. Bead their ad in another column. The Oregonian. And the Bohemia Nugget for $2 per year, cash in advance. This is without doubt tho greatest clubbing offer offered by Oregon newspapers today. The Oregonian is without doubt excelled by none, in point of news both local and foreign, is a clear print, and besides has that great redeeming feature, de void of sensational and disgusting literature. Remember the two papers, the Weekly Oregonian and your home apper the Bohemia Nugget for $2. Lurch! We are now giving: tQm- randest In SILKS, SERGE, and BROCADE LURCH! lH Brief. Make garden. Streets are fait drying up. Davidson docH good watch work. Hobos of every description in town this weok. Clean up your front yards, likewise your back ones. The new bakery building is being pushtHl to completion rapidly. For duality and cheapness in fresh meats go to the Central incut market. Notice Hemenwny A Burkhuldur' ad. Shoes, shoos, shoes. I will give 15 Photos to the dozen un til May 15. J. N. Bovn. If you want glasses fitted to your eyes go to Davidson the Jeweler. Fresh candies every day, made from pure sugar at the Tailor shop. Remember Dr. 1. L. Scollld, Dentist when you want dental work done. Norns Brothers Show cars were at tached to Wednesday morning's local. The Bohemia Nugget and the great San Francisco Bulletin for 12.00 per year. Quite a num!er of Saginaw mill boys were in Cottage Grove last Saturday evening. If you want a wagon conio and look at the Stoughton before buying. F. B. PlIILLII'H. Mrs. J. S. Medley wished tocall your attention to her choice mid well selected line of millinery goods. We have a shipment of carpet just in. Come and note reduction in prices. M.HtTI.V A Cociiua.v. Remember that Mrs. Medloy is in the millinery business, that she has a choice line of goods. Call and see her. Buy your spring and summer hats of Miss Meinzer, the well known and popular milliner. For your Spring and summer hats go to Miss Meinzer, at the old photo graph building a fine line. Cumminz & Schr have made arrange ments to receive a weekly shipment of very clioice creamery nutter. Shillings Best teas, coffee, spices, flavoring extracts and baking powder, at Cumniing and Sehr's. Suits 1 Suits! 1 Tailor made suits!!! Up to date in everv respect, from $15 up. Call and Bee samples. Gko. Boiilman. I am here to do business. If you want any Hardware come and see whether I mean business or not. F' B. PlIIILII'S. The Nugget job office has been crowded with job work of late. When you want good work you know whero to come to get it. The Northern Pacific have recently established an agency in our city with Mr. James Hemenway as agent. Cal on or write him in regard to tickets to all Eastern points. NOTICE. I am directed to collect all unpaid poll tax according to hoc 2835 Hills code which reads as follows: "The assessor shall require every per son to pay his poll taxes of every kind at tho time of assessing the same, and in default of such payment the assessor shall immediately give to the sheriff a list of such poll taxes and the sheriff shall immediately collect tho same. Also see Sec 2834 and if he cannot find personal property out of which to mako the same Bhall demand such tax from any person who may be indebted to such taxpayer and shall collect the same." Dated this 14th day of April 1809. D. P. BnnTo.v, County Assessor. LURCH1 ,w, . the Public for ym,r llbcrol ptW d"'1" Bargain Our Spring Stock will oon be ready and open to your inspection. Absolutely no inisrcpresentation ofjood our spmita ihes Arc We arc Uttering some Bargains Men's Heavy Shoes $1.35 t 4.25. Boy's Shoes $1.25 to 2 35. We have a Full Line of Ladies Shirt Waists in all Colors. Wc also have Outing Flannels, Shirting, D ess Liningj, Shirt Waist Sets, Ladies' Ncckwa e, etc. New York Hacked Store. E. WALL & WHIPPLE. JMcf arland Company COTTAGE GROVE - - - OREGON AN UP-TO-DATE WARKET Beef. Mutton, Pork, Veal Call ttmt Srr Vn MeFarlantt BENSON DRUG COMPANY! A Complete and Well Selected Line of the. Best Drugs in the Market Kept Constantly In 8Uk. New Line of Trusses -just in Ittnton Drug Company Celti Arm, Of. CITY MEAT MAEKET P. W. RHODES, Prop. Is the place to meats, lard, etc. go to buy Everything FISH ANN GAME IN SEASON. James Hemenway- DEALER IN Jfceal Estate and Mining Property. RtprMnta Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Companies. NOTARY FUBLIC :-:::::::::::::::::an open liETyEic.;;;:::::;:::::::- Fermentation la the beoinninir of disease, ntinnm. 1. ,. rMIn f tlm mction of microbes. Microbes an ntomo float In tho rilr no breath. Therefore every per son is aubiectcd to their fermenting and decaying Influence. This fermenting, de caying and diBeate principle, if not destroyed, induces sickness, pain snd suffer- 6 w iiUlliHU uuuy Jladamn Microbe Killer. yet harmless anticeptlo, will prohibit fermentation, prevent decay, nd dcitror the disease n the human body. Drink It freely and with patience, give it time to cleanse tho body, and you will be free from sickness. ocnu or can tor pamphlet. Residence with J. K. Babbitt. Lurch " "'",er DRESS SKlRl$ LURCH s 1t3 Now Open for InspcctiodBSTnit" n in the Following! Men's Fine Shoes to Men's Hats 50cts to $3.00. Smoked Hams, Bacon, Etc. Co We Mil Treat 1 oti lUgM KB m a r BS?offic your fresh and smoked in the shop is first class. Htrlct Attention paid to Collection Office opposite Sherwood llotel. A. p. HOWARD, Cottaor Gnov Oue. $1 Tit Ml. UOTTJjB run. 9re iw f 1 a rohli 10 day. 'ercnt It' t lusst 1 id link"' tireMOiii' y are ' rut g"" rod, bii' W Tl entered ul re. ea (rum Jo iy wer- 1 jentnrc fch from iy tried ce r k . . i. The. gtrki-t I." 1 Her 11 txe t Dill ;1 it afoiir in 1 elm bfoo St. 1! the ict (0. PlHt h. jtl, jet I on 1 pin en 0 h v.