Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 12, 1899, Image 2

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rubllthcd Every Friday.
I m OF I M
Comprrhrnnlvo Kevlew of tlio Import
ant Ilntinriiliira of tlio rnt Wcrk
Culled l'rom tlio Tclccrnph Columni
fur a
Porto Rico is to havo a first-class
postal service
Tlio cruiser Chioaco will pay tho
Moors n significant visit to remind them
of clninis duo us.
Thn Itnlinn mfnistrv Jins rnsiini'il
Discussion over tho exposure of oflicial
correspondence caused tho rupture
Sadio Tunic, n 13-year-old Russian
ciri. was struck by lightning in a
crowded New Yoik street. She suffered
severe bums, but is still nlive.
At TT nlnhlnsnn. TCnti.. John Mnnrn
while being ttied for the murder of lm
hvo children, admitted tliat ho bad
killed them so that ho could get work.
The military government has decid
ed to return to the United States all
ex-volunteers now serving sentences in
Cuba for misconduct under their terms
of enlistment.
The California raisin-growers' asso
ciation havo secured control of 90 per
cent of the product of the counties of
the state. The packers have accepted
the terms offered, and will work in
harmony with tha association.
The new Montana copper company
has been organized, with a capital of
f 75, 000,000, and Marcus Daly as presi
dent. Several other largo properties
will bo united with the Anaconda
mines, and more thorough woik done.
The president 1ms appointed lion.
Bert W. Bowen, of New York, as min
ister to Persia. Minister Bowen was
consul-general at Uaicelona before the
Spanish wax broke out. The place
bad previously been tendered ex-Governor
Lord, of Oregon.
An insurance decision of much im
portance has been rendered by a New
York court against the Equitable Life.
It is held that policy-holders are en
titled to a share in all tho company'a
surplus, in proportion to tho amount
of his poicy and paid premiums.
Tho California Packers' Association
has been incorporated, with a capital
siock oi s.'.quu.uuu. it is composed of
iome ol the largest fruitpacking estab
lishmenta in the state, and ita object
win oe to control and regulate the
prices of canned fruita which it will
ihip to all parte of the woild.
Mr. Shurman, tho president of the
united States Philippine commission.
expresses the opinion that the inter
views accorded by General Otis to the
Dinpino represetatives will have a good
moral effect, as tending to convince
Agumaldo's representatives that the
American authorities mean to give tho
Filipinos a good government, and not
one of tho Spanish sort.
Quay's friends are working hard to
mnuence senators in favor of seating
The Reading, Pa., Iron Company ad
vanced wages for the second time this
Strikers at Cleveland were snppmi
ful in obtaining more wages and shorter
Tho price of gas in New York has
been reduced from $1.10 to 05 cents per
iuuu leot.
German papers are anxiously advis
ing president JicKinley to give up the
nunt 1
Lieutenant Gilmoro has been heard
irom. Ho has sent word of his cap
turo to General MacArthur.
Cecil Rhodes has failed to secure the
aid oi the British government in hit
Lape-to-Cairo railway echemo.
Paymaster-General Stewart, having
rcuuiieu mo ago nmit, win ho retired
witn the rank oi rear-admiral.
Howell T. Moigan, who returned to
bouth Bend, Ind.. from Alaska, where
no nao lost me mind and money, com
mitted suicide.
Secretary Hay lias been formally no
tified of the release of tho Spanish
garrison at Ponapet, in tho Caroline
islands, and of a naturalized American
citizen named JMeltndor, held aa apria
oner of war sinco last summer.
Aguinaldo lias again sent envoys to
-.if- ii J
uuHorm uin vun peaoo proposals, but
as they bear tho samo instructions aa
before they will accomplish nothing.
They still insist that consont of the
Filipino congress must bo obtained.
Aa a result of Gonoial Torroa op
pressivo conduct toward American
merchants trading at Blueflolde, Nica
ragua, tiiis government has deter
mined to require tho Nicaraguan gov
ernment to relievo him from duty at
that point.
Archbiehop Corrigan's lottor to tho
pope, thanking him for hie declaration
against "Americanism," waa answered
immediately by tho caidinal secretary
of state, who expressed to tho arch
bishop the groat satisfaction which it
gave his holiness.
Sovoral negros were killed in a storm
(vliiolf swept over cnaiu tiers county
At n tln in Mnislllnn. O . ono flro-
man was killed and a woikinan fatally
Tho president and Mrs. McKinloy
havo gone to Hot Springs, Va
10 days' vacation.
Fifteen cases of disease in Leolairo.
la., havo been identitled by officers of
tho statu boatd of health as smallpox
Tho Davenport council has declared
a quarantine against Leclairo.
Tiio Topeka Capital lias started a
popular subscription to puichuso a
sword for General Funston, the bravo
Kansan. Every county, town and city
iti the statu is asked to contribute.
Georgo Olmstcad, conductor of tho
train tho Waidner rioters stole, has
been arrested. Ho ran between Wal
lace and Uurko for years, rut persists
ho did not recognize any of the crowd.
At Doniphan. Kan . Distiiot Judiro
Stuait refused to grant a divorce to
Ellen Plilllins (mm P. (). Pliilllnn
cause their marriage was brought about
bv an advertisement in a matrimonial
Major Marchand. leader of tho
famous Marchand expedition, which
was returning from Fashoda. on tho
Nile, to the Red ecu. in mntn in
Franco, is reported to have been killed
uy a band of marauders.
Tho Missouri house has passed and
sent to the governor an important bill
reauirinu Missouri tnrtmintinna m
keep their principal oflicu in the state.
and providing that nt limst ihr ill.
rectors shall be residents of Missouri.
Governor Stanley, of Kansas. I in a
addressed to tho governors of Western
states pressing invitations to attond
the annual convention of tho trans
Mississippi commeicial congress,
which will bo held in Wichita, May
31 to June 3, inclusive.
Representatives of moro thtn a score
ot tne leading plow manufacturing con
cerns of the United States met in Chi
cago, and virtually completed organiza
tion into which it is proposed ulti
mately to take all manufacturers of
agricultural implements. Tho cap
italization of the now combination is
placed at over ?G5,000,000.
At Oshkoah, Wis., the engine room
of the saw mill of tho Paine Lumber
Company waa wrecked by a boiler ex
plosion. Tho watchman, Eugene Du
boie, and his wife and child, were the
only persons in tlio mill. Tho woman
was killed outright. Tho child died
an hour later, and Dubois may recover.
Cold water turned into a hot boiler
caused tho explosion.
At Cedar creek, in Cass county, Ne
braska, a cloudburst occurred, causing
several thousand dollars' damage.
Rudyard Kipling has been offered
and has agreed to accept the degree ol
LL. D. from McGill university, Mon
treal, Canada.
The sheriff of Shoshone county, Ida
ho, lias been arrested by the federal
authorities, charged with bribing and
abetting tho Wardner rioters, and
steps havo been taken to oust him
from office.
Cyrus Dolph, of Portland, Or., son
of tho late United States Senator
Dolph, of Oregon, lias been recom
mended by the examining board at tho
Presidio for a second lieutonantcy in
tho regular army.
Admiral Dewey's physioian says 1 e
is in perfect health. Ho has not been
more than 20 miles away trom Manila
since the first day of last May. arid he
haa not felt the necessity of a physic
ian's aid in that time.
British industry is being forced to
the tear, and growing American com
petition alarms England. We are tak
ing rich markets from her. Skill in
Engine building on this side is bring
ing in ordeis from abroad.
At a monster mass meeting held in
Chicago tho president and government
were endorsed, and tho Philippine war
waa declared to bo lust anil m r. Rim
port waa pledged to tho boys who are
"Bluing ior tno nag 10,000 miles from
President McKinlev stated Sumlnv
Gen. Miles Blamed by
Army Commission.
Oonrrnl Kncnn Onurril
I'lirrhnan nf t'nlrlril
I'nnktir Kiiiiirrittml.
fur llrrtl
ltntlnna Mvnt
Wnslllni'tnn Ma- O lip illrnntlnn
. . r. " ' I y " . j . . . ........
of tho president, who approves the find-
iiiL-i. AntiiiL- R win I mi- nf TVur MnlL-lit.
john today made public the report and
findings of tho military court apiMiinted
to investigate tho charges made by Ma
jor-General Miles, coniinaiiiling the
ai m v, that the beef supplied to tho
army during tlio war with Spain was
unlit for tho use. of tho troop. Tho
most important featured of tho report
Tho finding that tho genoral's Und
ines that tlm rnfrionintifcl linnf wiih
treated with chemicals wore not estab
lished; thai his alligations concerning
tlio tanned fiosh or canned roast beef
were sustained as to its unsuitabilitv
for food as used on the transports and
as a long-continued field ration; eon
suro of General Miles for "orior" in
failing to promptly notify tlio secretary
ui war wnun no nrsi lormeii tno opin
ion that tho food was unlit; censure of
tho commissaiy-goneial (then General
Eagan) for tho too-extensive purchase
ot tho canned beef as an untried ration;
censuro of Colonul Mans, of General
Miles' staff; the Uinling that tlio pack
ers wero not at fault, and that tho
meats supplied to tho army wero of tho
same quality as those supplied to tho
trade genorally. and tho iccommcnda
tion that no further proceedings will bo
taken in the promises.
Tho conclusion of tlio court advomn
to further proceedings based mum thn
charges is as follows:
"It has been developed in tho course
of tlio inquiry, ns recited in this report,
that in somo instancoi some individu
als failed to perform the full measure
of duty or to observo tho proprieties
which dignified military laws com-
mand: but tlio court is of thn nnitiinn
that tho more statement of oflicial facta
developed meets the end of. .discipline,
nml that tho interests of tho service
will bo best Eubsorved if further pro
ceedings be not taken."
Itiiniii for Yoiiiib Mm ,,r l'I'MTl"" "
u'-.i.i.n.iiin Mnv 0. Owing lo tho
i uf Inmilrlo that havo
i.,., I liv 1 1 1 ii iiimnlier" of tlio
l.VV II uiwi"'i v .
Insular coininlerdoit uliii'o tlioli mount
lottirti (nun i'orlo Rico. General Rob
ert P. Kennedy linn prepared a Mule
uiunt as to tho renonrcoH and conditions
I.. II ... Ill lin think will
ill i oriu jiiuii, iwiiw
cover tho point upon which Ilia great-
. ........1 '....
est fiiturciit nun neeii nniniiriiiuu. in
coming tho people thoiunelven, General
Kenedy says:
"Thero can scarcely bo found " ho
globo a morn hwpltablo and warm
hoarlod people than IIhho of Irtc
Rico. Thoy aio In full nympathy with
American iimtltulioim. Thoru Is a
grout deal ol povorlv In the inland, an
it is understood in the United Htntoit.
That is. tho people Hut in IUiiimIIv
coimtruoted huts, have few clothe and
still lost, of ready money, hut. owing to
tho bounty ot nature around mum,
they can live with lltllo work and few
worldly goods and still not unffer from
cither "cold or hunger. Tho ntorltw ol
itarviition upon tho island are Imneleni)
Nearly Plunged into
War by Two Conor
OiuitiiiMt lliiiiilinrit
" Hlii llri,,..! 'i
.ilaiilla. Mnv in
fioittN I.iiKiiim do Hhv
returned today frn
l'li ..
.1... L!.... 1? . U1PI!U
HMI t7MII 4' HI lit... ... --i
learned that lunt i.f... ' ht
Ll . .. 'I' .1... , "It Will
inn tiiiiinn win IIihiiil'i.i.p. ...
plungml Into civil wur.
tJeiitinil liiiiiu, wl.,1,,
with tho Ainiirlrniin .
. .
nun i iiiiiik in nacolur io ,
oral MiiHcariln ruiiif.,,
onrdo nnld ho ttoobl i,,,
from Aguinaldo,
"mriti. )J
! (11,1.
t . Til (
1 ill Mi ...i
turv ri'oliiiniil. mil. I.. .. .... 'H,
. ' . " ' Mil,:
iiiiniior. .Mimcarilii iif,l,ri.,i i '
Itlllllll til fill III I,, l. I .
...v.. ;.. v. ". " ' '.
niun ui iiiu iJmikiiii r, , r . . -
May Not Un In fipur dWlrno
L'mlnr .llurtlHl
Spokane. May 0. Tho miners of
Shoshono county, Idaho, that proposed
to ooorato during tho teign of martial
law may do eo only on condition Hint
they do not employ inembern of tlm
Coeur d'AIeno Miners Union. TIiIh
is tho martial law as laid down by
uenerai jiernam and Attorney-General
Hayes, of Idaho. At a meoting of
iue uiineownera m tins city this mom
! m ...
ing, .nr. iiayes presents this man-
date. Tho ownora cheerfully promised
to oboy.
"We're going to clean up tho Coeur
d'Alones." said Attornoy-General
Hayes prior to his departure for Uoiso.
"I havo seen somo of tho mineownora
today and ihey have been informed bv
tho proper authoiities that thoy cannot
employ anyono connected with a crim
inal organization in tho county. Tho
minors' unions in Siioahono county
contain many doaporadoea and crimin
als who havo under tho protection of
tho uniona peipetrated ciimea and out
rages. Twico haa it been necessary
because of those men and their oil-biiI-
ZatlOIlfl tO PUt tllO COUIltrV under mnr.
tial law. Wo Wnnt tn mit n ol,,..
that sort of thing."
"Wlulo the rirhor cIiimou live well llnrolor. Mimciirdii
in beautifully apointvd lioiueH and
lull., lin.tii fji- fli.t imul tmffl lulllrnliwl
abroad, co that thoy can npk Knglidi, t-iintn ciiiiiii wan nil r.,i,i...,
the pcrcentayo of illiteraoy iiinorig thoj Agiilnnldo wiin trr n. , t,.V I
Poorer cIuhko tit verv IiIl'Ii. leaching U0 linn nml nrd,ir...l l.iy . i . , ; "Wtl
per cent, but ibis Is laigely due to tho 1 nnol Aiguollim, to u,av ,J$
fact that thern aro no wihoolii worthy Imainln. Tho,.,, w' c
llni ii n tn it mitaliln (if thn lurvwit tnw
" AlL'C Mlil
or. iiiilnn.i mm itih'ht unv In Ihn wlwihi .!. .1 ... . wf
" -o" - t , x,,,, 1 c 1 1 1. i n 111 in if lit - .
iMhmd. I Aguinaldo boigo.1 I. una , fi?J
"Am In iii.rirnltnriil iifinirlnnllliiil. I! I I t. i
"f - 11 iiiu i" I'liiiiKU inn i'llij.i)iu fU(e- .
h) tn 1 1 1. 1 Kin- llnil nnt ntiii.fiiiirlli nf llni ..I..II .,.11 .....i . . m
j ..... ......... - - ... viiu milium mini it 1111111
land is under cultivation, and thous
ands of acres yet remain to bo given '
over to husbandry. Lands are hold at 1
good pricen, owing to the proinUn of!
an i ri lit) x of people fiom the UiiHinI'
States. Still, there Is opportunity fur
many tlioni-ainls of
wish to eneiiiie in
island. That there am erentonisntiiti
ities in I'orto Rico is iiniUutionablu. j
To young men desiring to (k per-
muiiout Iioiuoh and who have a good
stook of energy and enttirpriw, I'orto
Rico offers great inducement!). Hut 1 1
would discourage tho simple adventurer
who oxiiecls to lean a uuiok and un
earned reward. 1
"Tho opportunities for stock-rald. '
ing, it appears to me, are superior to
thoo in almost any port of tlm United 1
Stilton, and this without dlpaiai;menl '
io our own country."
II M UlltroatilM pri'tuili'Jj
uirinxi ui iiih ironi H ill renlJ
iniiiin, nun .iiiiiH-ariii wan Ooan.
ii...i i ... ... . vvvnn
iiiiii'i nir iimiiiMiruilnit ;
uooi nan ioiiiiih .,u-, Ml
riMTIII VWI WllllflllB 111 II... ..1. ...II
. . .. ... ""iigi,,.,
pertKins who roauy Kr j,nt wui mireU l..,0 l "t
mi t I nru In tint ! i .. I .1
" " 1 HI" ITU III WIO Ollllil ni.., .1
caomi liU death.
1 1 .......... 1 . . . . .
nuiiKiiii hiii iHiiinr,,., an,j ttnkm
hy MWHtult. Tho Irmuri.tK, fijJl
town mid abandoned a in, tglJ
ui inuir (mil.
It wiu from the civil gotttn'M Ui
iiistriot, Jimi i.tifniit... ho iutW
Kelonine the A'poricm,.. i tin t btu
NlMlUl l.tum who r 1 v.-1. t
that 6,000 to 8.0011 1, ill. ion h,
killwl ui lien the iM'giniiiig of had
tied, and 600 itiHiirgciiin ritrritra
(iimmin toward Iim. tri,. n.
Innnl the ofliiiionndiiig t y tin OfiM
101 tliey iipproHtlHil in, , ,ii,
the uravoyaul at Uuagna ure 400 mi)
iiiituo graves.
Tho Insurgent forced hare Uti
vhlixl, ono body, tindi r comniKl Hi
General .Miurardn. l-hihl' pi ih m
of San Keiiuiiido, and the oilier,
mandwd by (lneinl Antonio Im,
moving north. Doih ti.t mm
io YiHiB-tso-Kiaiii!. hh I ... 1 1 1 - claim supreinn command of lh
tho recent iiunriHoiiiniint .f .. I"" General Lnim will
-1. .... . . . linn it In '
, ,. v u....u Ullllllll
that ho behoved tho war in the Philin
pinea would bo at an end within 48
DOUrS. This rnnnliialnn in I....J ....
- - ..-'..v.. H unouu Uliuil
highly gratifying cablegrama received
irom Jir. bchurgan, president of the
peaco commission.
It ia rumored that Mablni. nrnniilnnf
t it t , .
'e caoinet ana ministor of foioiyn
uuiuru m me so-oaiiea i)ilipino govoru
ment, who is a radical, ia to bo sua
ceeueu oy ratreno, tho framor of tho
Spanish treaty of 1800. Thia chango
in ruKuiueu as a trnl n.ant nt ti,
, - -a . . . m ,u IJICO
out juuctine.
It ia declared in Wnnblnnin n Mint elm
. . f Hill ttJU
j'l uoiuuui iiuivciiiH nntuiitinti n. :n
- . . - ' ""MIUII Jlll 111
health are tho result of his inrpa.fnt
BII1U1SIIIC. Ill IlltO llA I. no ...... I. .l
irom breakfast to bod time, and while
at Work ho hnn pnnctn,.tl .. i ...
his mouth. Ho almost rivals the lato
Gonoral Grant aa a smoker.
Governor Thnmnu in, 1
that within n few dnya, if Piesidont
McKinloy and tho aocrotaryof war con
tinuo to iunoro bin inm,nnMinni;
- "'.w.l .ItJIlt UJ
tho subject of tho return of the Colo
rado regiment from tlio Philippines, ho
will tako stops with tho viow of secur
ing the immodiato recall of tho troopa
Country Aro unit Sun PnrnHiido Will Its
MWlt of Itoljiil..
Manila May 0. To clear tho Pilini
nos out or Uacolor about five mi lea
southwest of San Fernando, will bo
tho next task of tho Americans. Tho
renei general, Mascardo, has a force of
COO men there, well armed and pos-
creou ui pienty or ammunition. His
iroopa navo nevei mot Amei lean nl
diets, and thoy think, according to ro
rorts carriod to San Fornando. that
they oan "whip tho whole lot."
Bacolor is well intrenched, and thou-
miuna oi uauves aro working like boav
era digging trenches and carrying tho
dirt in baskets. Tho onomy uses hia
uiemen ior lighting only, but compels
tho bolo men and Chinoso men. nml
to labor incessantly.
..v. iuuu uumriHr. ia nimi.i n ...11.. i .
-1 - -w w ( 111 1 1U UU-
yond San Fomnmin .viti, .. . i.
i , , , . "" " iiuiiuu mm
holds between 200 and 300 moil. From
I'"'"' sovoral volleys wero fired
last hiuht unnn tlio f mil., n tu rv
tioth Kansas regiment.
rioitnor fllajor-Gonoral MnnA.ti,.,.
HWI Mirl1Dflnrn I I .n rr 1 .
. . -v.ivMii aniuu 1UUVUU IO
day. altllOUirll atw.U rnfnnnnUnn,1
------ . www..., W VVJ4 uu IIJU
country in lua vicinity or somo miles
"uuuijuartera, developing tho
presence of mnnii tnna i
r ,, . , , mo uiiomy.
In tho vicinity of Laguna do Bay, tho
rOUO I a aro Oxtrnmnlv nnllcn I.... 4i.
II , " ..w.,W urn mo
linos of Gonoral Ovonshino and Colonel
V HOllOV. wlin ia
vi i -- vuiuiiiuuuiiijj uunerai
King's brlgndo during tho latter',) ill
noss, havo beon materially strength
enod. and n.n.o i , . '.
direction; UU"bUI 1U 'm
Drinniiili C'uncrialnn. for
Peking, May 0. Tho French minis
ter, M. Pichoii, has demanded mining
conceiMiionH to tlio value of l.'JOO.OOU
taels in tho province of Szecliuan, ono
of tho largest in China, nml imc,.r..J
ny tno
rrencn misMioiiarv. Thn ilni.nin.i i.
considered exorbitant. Tho Clilnono
say that tho oxinting conditions o( ro- I
hellion are not duo to any lack o( en- i
crgy on the part o( the govoriiuient, I
which nas ireo,uontly consultoil tho
rrench minister regarding the host
moans of obtaining tho (reodotn of tho
priostH in question.
According to ad v icon frnm nn,.i
capital ol the province of Hoo Pee. tlio
I'.tlHSiiuiH coiitomiilatn tul-l
nction with roferenco to iiroujrty now
ownei! bv Hritinh unUt.tu n...
t tt ill IIIU JV'iO
sion .lardino conceHsioii. Tho Russian
consul redisos to lecognizo the titlim nf
tho claimants. Tlm n.-
........ ..I, wo I,;,,!, (,
Interfere tcrlonslv ulil, h... i....i. ..
n . ...u UA-
nankow railroad project, and tho dis
missal Of till) HiivhI tin fiflt..lfil I.. ......
, , , . . ".....nil ID tUH-
siderud to be the only remedy.
A.ln.lriil llurnr Arii,p.
Now Yoik. Mnv (i n i.i .
c . - " 'wm.-jr Uliuil'll
? 00-a-plnto banquet to bo tendered
him on hia return. Thia Is only ono
of a number of functions now being
Planned and given great iuipottiH by
tlio arrival of thn .r..iu... n.......
.. . . ullllllll),
which made record-timo homo from
-Manna in 44M davs. All ii... ni
declnro that Dewey is i tho best of
.T"" BPiriis.ami ia satisfied win.
prosidon ial troubles, and is planning
eluded. PnOU n
back to Terlac. mid frnm that iJu
iiiovo toward Sun Innduro.
General MacArthur will rniie 5m
Fernando his bum of ojwmtioni.
logout dHtachiiieuti of Hoot iittff
may ho nciary.
It-lixU1 limine Trlrk.
Manila, May 10. The IMipiimw
prinwl the Unite! Htaten fnr.nitm
1'ernaiido with a dating tuck
day. A railway train, with an ep
t each uiul, wiih run iiliuoittoM
American outjKiHtN, and in plain
Of thu town. It.. (nr. i tl,..v nmiU U
reached a gang of mitivci spranu oSU
tram and tore tin riovunil enilM
railway track, boardod the train
tuid steamod away, so quicklr tW
tlieio was no opportunity to ciptw
tho raiders.
Tho Nebratika regiment ia rtikinj
tniiorary roluif from duty. OnlW
men of this regiment aro loft at tK
I'owilnr Plum .. . .
- ...... . .fii;Hfflll.
Pottsvlllo, Pa. May O.-Tho powder
uiani or iim n, ... .
rv...., .uiiaviuu vator
wuiifiiiiu v. l(H!nif.l aiiifii 1 1 ..
1,1. . . . """"I nines OIlHt.
powder. 'n
- - - iriJi niuin unrn n nmt 1 1...
I'lnnt at tho timo nf , " 4,,.
f"l r?.nl '"".,! b0"l, set fire
nf iiiiilii w" c" c0"ti""d 11 tons
later there T' ' .'",",oa
U'linr. 11. I . . oui-'i oxpios on,
i T '"""' wuiu np. TJio two
OXPIOS onn w,n.U.i ii.. ' .. . lwu
n .,., uiu out ro p hint.
UObria WIIH Onrr n,l . .. i. . ""
hnlfnm.l mi r 11 "IBUUICO Ol
nan a railo. Tho I.ih n.. , ..
110,000. io uooui
Crul.r lluirulo H,)II1B,
Now Ynrk M.... .
ofllcors nn Z ; ",IU oro"i.'ht 000
uiiiLera and men fmm n
oro than half nf ..i.T
in the battle of Mm. 1 1 i!" . .... I"1'01'
aro thosn !,.' U17- V 10
J have expired. ' ou,,fltn0"
t'oii.,lin of I. Inn. Iltitwpun DoiW
Hint Clilrncn.
Clovolaiid, May 10. Acennllnj
hich nnicial of tho Vanderbilt ltnrt ta
thiH city, tho details of a bin railiol
tmet, which is to include all tlie lie
between Boston and Chicago, are d
uoing worked out and tho cornolifli1
may bo completed within tho noitM
Weekn. Thn rernnt TiitrnnnKO of fM
lint'8 in Now York, Pennsylra"1''
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois was in
witli tho plana for tho coiihoI liti"
which Iiiih beon in contemplation. "
Ih not tho purposo to havo all tlm H"
minor ono iiiauiii'omont exactly, l)U,!,
lmtxirtlnn il.n... ii... Pnnnlfl'
I I tun li.lUlll llllll'll VIIU -
vania company, tlio Vanderbilt inter-
nm linn mo jiaitimoro cc uiuu
Piuiy, whon it shall havo been reorgan
ized, giving to each system tlio Ii""
tlmt it can uso to thu best advantm''
(Irrmiiii .limit Hill.
T...1I. . . . ... ...ll.A.ltl'
"uriui, iiay io. it is Bin""-
tivoly Hllltod Hint tlm nnniniittOO of tM
rntnliuln.. i 1.1..1. .....-r.iil tht
..u..a,llK tu VIIIOII WIIH IUIUH""
iuat inspootloii hill whioli was aubtan
tinlly agreed upon by tho Imi'"'1
cabinet and ihn ilnlind Htalos ainbaJ;
Hador, Andrew D. White, has ievllei.
"Kainst tho nioasuro nnd in uiv'"'
IJills lioBtllo to Air.oiican interests, a"9
that tho it nroliably r
'a to aanctloii it. Tho bill. "e
J'ortod hack, providoa for an 't,,'"1iD;'
tloil of Aliiorlniiii in.mtH liiiPOSSiul
onforco without utterly dcstroyM
American trado wiMi'01,1"""