Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 05, 1899, Image 8

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The following is the address dc
liverevl by Comrade K. 15. M tiler,
of Ord Post No. 13 G. A. R., nt the
.t 1.1!-
raising of the ting over uie puuiii
schools ol Cottage Grove, April
Commander, comrades, lodges
and gentlemen and schoolchildren:
I feel proud to stand here today as
a member of the Grand Army of
the Republic and I feel highly
honored to be called by Professor
Holland of your high school to give
you the history of our flag from j
the earliest dawn of freedom until
the present time. Our flag! yes we,
the old veterans feel proud to call
it our flag; and why not when in
the prime of our youth we left our
homes and kindred, placed our lives
in the balance on our country's
alter, offered these bodies as a
bulwork to protect the flag; we
have marched beneath its starry
Jolds through mud and sleet and
snow, we have charged across
Accordingly on tnc amnion 01 t- T, . M,-,c,
Indiana a committee was np-(j liALnniNUUo.
pointed and through the cxeitions Jkviiv-'.,i
of Hon. Peter Wendoner of New, Mr MeckUm wns gnhiK nt his
York the following law was enacted:! ., ..,,.. ;.,,. ,,,,,1 amiable
lAuactto establish the flag of the fixUv whjoh comc jto n nuin-s
United Slate. , fnce vhcti he has been napping and
I -Section 1 He it enacted etc., . .s nshnme(l of the jaclt
! that from and after the fourth day ; ..,colli(las!' shc 8nj, sternly.
of July next the llag 01 tne united j
be thirteen horizontal
What is it. my dear." he in-
5 be thirteen uomouiai as ,Je stn,iKhtcned hinisclt
i alternate red and white that in hJs slcepy.i,ollow chuir.
'What is the iimtter?"
"Nothing is the matter, he said,
growing red in the face. I haven't
intimated that there was anything
wrong, have 1?"
"No. But you have been be
having rather quccrly, Just now
you gave a little start and ex
claimed, Yes. Henrietta, I ngree
with you perfectly.' "
"Well," answered he. appre-
iiiinciiilv "ilnr. Kii't nitvtinnir ill
.... n .t. 1 1 -' o
recognize w is nag as u e ,.,..u,.. , tQ tnkeesceptiou to, is there?"
....mllillimM. If tli "l,0rl
true the end of the Philippine
trouble is in nJ Ulc KinR0!l
nM,l penny politi-M"" will Ke 0
little campaign iliumler. boutn
Oregon Eye.
IS l.m,r n.ll MlrClllHK l ',r" ,Mt" 3:
Et ciut Only S cent a
the union have twenty stars white
! in a blue field.
Section 2. And be it further
enacted that on the admission of
every new state into the union one
star be added to the union of. the
flag and that such addition shall
take effect on the fourth day of
July next succeeding such ad
mission. Approved April 4, 1S1S.
Seventy million of people in this
country honor, love, revere and
ensign, me lime cuuu piays
with it as a toy and the strong man
forsakes home and family and if
need be lays down his life to pro-
, 3 . , f , j i.:i!tect its honor. Its mute eloquence
throueh showers of leaden hail . . , . .
over the wounded, dead and dying
into the very jaws of death,
praise be to our niercyful God, our
lives were spaired to bring this flag
back to you, and today as we un
furl it to the breeze and watch it
basking in the sunlight, kissed by
the gentle zephers of heaven, let
us raise our hearts and voices in
praise and thanksgiving to almighty
needs no aid to interpret
bllt 'siguificence;' fidelity to 'the union
blazes from its stars; allegiance to
the government beneath which we
live is wrapped in its folds.
And how careless beneath them
you tread not thinking of the hosts
of the mighty dead who have
marched beneath them in days
gone by with a burning cheek and
"Are 3ou sure you meant it?"
"livery word of it."
"You had given the matter due
consideration before you spoke?"
"Certainly. Do you doubt me,
"Oh, no; but I can't help attach
ing some, significance to the fact
that I hadn't uttered a word during i
the ten minutes previous to your
enthusiastic indorsement of my
"Well, to tell the truth, Henri
etta, I had been asleep and some
thing awoke me. and I naturally
ork , timi.fhoM lim
tint l .l.r. 01. n4 JC !! "PI Jg
S L4 t"l 4nir4 Mr4 kmiim
:S Slyllnli. KrlUhlr. Hlnipl. I'M"-
IS dale. Komtimidl ! AIimIpIIj 2:
'Z I'rrtcciKiltltitf 'Mt I'alleriu, JJ:
It (No-Sra. Allowing Pmtttrm,) S;
I Onlr to M II C1 ttth-npn ! 2
5 A.k o thtm l nllrttll
J ln, of bt ' jg
: I3B-I46 Wtil lH !.. Kw Ttrk. 5
Bon. Ton
Ein & Bestow
TniiwicKi (icnmuil iViniilng
iMislncss In (ill Us branches,
unnas irv, Ort,l(
mk 1
I). L Pickard i Sob
God. that this is the flag of the mdlmg eye. They have bathed , s d.that is to say. I took it
free and may it wave forever over j .thos; folf's , in th,e,,r y?'",R hfc ! I for granted-" And then he gave
a free and a united people. Every
nation has a symbolic ensign, some
have beasts, birds, fishes or
reptiles in their banner, but our
forefathers chose the stars and
stripes; the red telling of the blood
shed by them; the blue of the
heavens, their protection; the stars
represent a constalation of states.
The idea was taken from the con
stalation lyra signifying harmony.
The blue of the field was taken
from the edges of the cov
enenters banner significant of the
league and covenant against op
pression involving the virtues of
vigilance, perseverance and jus
tice. The thirteen stripes and
stars showed the number of the
united colonies. The whole was a
blending of the various flags pre
vious to the Union flag, the red
one of the army and the white one
of the floating batteries, the red
color denoting daring and de
fiance and white purity.
Our banner with its stars and
stripes is a familiar object. Every
body has seen it and admired it;
and no wonder for it is the hand
somest flag in the world red,
white and blue those alternate
red and white stripes in beautifu
contrast with the blue field be
decked with stars as though :
piece of the sky had been taken to
add more beauty to our nationa
emblem which makes it in truth
the star spangled banner. The
first flag combining thirteen stars
and thirteen stripes, was made in
Philadelphia by Mrs. John Ross
in a small two story house No. 239
Arch street which is still standing
A committee of congress accom
panied by General Washington
called upon Mrs. Ross and engaged
her to make a flag from a drawing
made by himself with a pencil, in
her back parlor. The flag thus
designed was adopted by a reso
lution of congress on the 14th day
of June 1777. Early in 1794 in
consequence of the admission
Vermont in March' 1791 and Ken
tucky June. 1992 into the union an
act was passed increasing the stars
and stripes from thirteen to fifteen
to take effect May 1795. The ad
mission of the states of Tennessee,
Ohio, Iouisana and Indiana
made changes in the flag necessary.
blood, and dying blessed them and
blessing them died .
Our battle flags me thinks at
night tell each other their
tales of woful fight and dim
specters came and their thin arms
twine around each standard torn
as they stand in line and the word
is Riven, they charge they
it up, Washington Star.
"Kather," said Tommy, the
other day, "why is it that the
boy is said to be the father of the
Mr. Tompkins had never given
this subject any thought and was
and the dim hall rings with the i hardly prepared to answer offhand,
battle storm, and once again j "Why, why," he said stuinb
through smoke and strife these lingly, "it's so because it is, I
colors lead to a nation's life, suppose."
Precious flags yet they're bathed in
tears, they tell of hopes, oftrumphs
of fears of a mother's prayers of
boys away, of a serpent crushed, of
the coming dav. Silently they
peak but the tears will start as we
stand beneath them with throbbing
heart and think of those who are
not forgot. Their flags came home,
why came they no:? Nothing but
flags, yet we held our breath and
gazed with awe at those types of
death yet the thoughts will come,
the heart must prav, though the
ips bedumb. They are sacred pure
and we see no stain on those dear
oved flags, come home again
baptized in blood, of our purest and
best of American heroes who are
now at rest.
"Well," said Tommy, "since
I'm your father, I'm going to give
you a ticket to a theater and 50
cents besides. I always said that
if I was a father I wouldn't be so
Main Street
aro wove, u
Supply house for
Cottage Grove
and Bohemia.
Srml totir aritrVH Telephone.
W. II. Beagle,
Cullag lria
O. K. (IrtfJIth, Prop,
Call on
IIoiinc K'ninliiitf,
Paper 11 u aging,
Cai'i'ii&tfc ruinllng,
tl'oi-h- (itiarmiteetl
Cy. riiller,
General Blacksmithin
Two Dixirit North of Kukm A Itriitoi'i,
t'ottayc Grove, Oregon.
H. C. iPerkins
iU. S. Mineral Surveyor.
Special attention given to Mini:
Claims and procuring of Patents.
Grants Pass, Okkgok.
I IBS$f urn k, 13 iiiiku cnt of KiiKcnr ner
Ht'tMlrirkri' Ferry on McKcntii river.
IIoiik, burn mid orcluiril and h ncruri
under cultivation, ouliool Iioijhc on
stingy as the rest of them are. Go ; place. $000 cjiot ch will tnkc It.
in and have a
you're youug.
good time while
I never had a
chance myself."
"Mr. Tompkins gazed in blank
astonishment at Tommy. Slowly
the significance of the hint dawned
upon him. Producing the coin, he
"Take it, Thomas. When you
really do become a father I hope it
won't be your misfortune to have
a son smarter than yourself."
Land Office at RosKnuao, On.,)
April 20, 1890.
Notice ifi hereby given, that, the fol
lowing-named settler lias filed notice of
hia intention to make final proof in mip
port of hia claim, ar.J that said proot
will 00 inado uelore Joel Ware, U. B.
Commissioner at ingene, (Jrcgon,
Statistics have been taken in
France of the spread of the habit of
smoking and it has been discovered
that within the last year the ciga
rette and even, astonishing as it
may appear, the pipe, have found
an enormous increase in their
female votaries. The fashion of
smoking among women is no longer
C. H. I1.htis(i, CottiiRe Orove.
3 J. S. MBDLRV . 3r
Attorney At Law,
omrt On Mln Hlitd,
Cottage (trove, Oregon,
Gives the Choice of
'Jivo Traimcontitiental
June 13, 1899, viz. : Pliny E. SnodgraaH confined to the secrecy of a private
n. IT ir PJr QHA' trf flirt l.i.lf .f I -
northwest quarter of lots 3 and 4 of sec
tion 2, township 10. south , range 1 east.
He names the following witnesfea to
prove hia continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz. : J. Shen
ard Smith, of Creawell, Or., Milan S.
llarker, of Fall Creek, Or., Kecs S. IIol
brook, of Fall Creek, Or., Henry T.Hol
lcnbeck, of Eugeno, Or.
J . T. BnrDGKS, Register.
Adminstrator's Notice.
Notloo Is hereby Klven, that Ocorgo M. Haw
ley huB been appointed administrator of the
estate of (iooruo V. Ozmcnt, ileceapeil. All per.
by notified to present tho swne to said admin
istrator, at Cottage Groiio, Oregon, within six
months from the dato of this notieo,
Dated this 2Cth day of April, 181)9.
... Administrator.
John M. Wilmams,
Attorney (or Kstate. nlft
Twenty-five thousand brick for sale.
Ik'i t Wood Cottage Grove Oregon.
room. The duchess de Uzes and
the marchioness de la Rochefou
cauld now publicly take a cigarette
after dinner, and whatever these
ladies permit themselves may safely
be taken as a sign of tho highest
bonton. The statistics alluded to
show that 807,000,000 cigarettes
are yearly consumed in France.
Fluger tells me he wears a seven
and a quarter hat."
"Yes, with a hall-inch washer in
tir 1
wora nas oeeu received at
Washington that JAguiualdo has
appointed a commission to confer
J with this government as to peace
LoW Hates to all
Eastern Cities.
Ocean Steamora Leave
Portland every 5 days
San Francisco.
For full particulurH call on O. R. & N.
Agent, Frank Jordan, Cottngo Grove.
General Passenger Agont,
Portland, Oregon.
A (wrfetit (tanltiiry, nclf-iupportisj
bathing upuratut, rubber lined "d hi
Prraliwitu Iifitllll IBa
cluar complexion.
I)iM)U cold, fever, kin Aim
and cutiiveoti" eruptions.
I'revontit din-ases.
Itccommcmled by eminent phjuktisi.
Prof. Ilmlton' Electric Home Ar
inator sold by Chaw. K. msi,
Oakland, W.
subscription at the
Old papers for sale at tbisoffift
For Flrst-claii
Painting aqd
Paper Harf
!. h not to CfM'l
Office. Nain Street, next to J.
Young's law office.
...... . . 1.. .Irtlliolr
nonce is noreny ivu ,' ft1
ol the Btnteol Oreiton, for the Connirqj
on Ihe Jlt dav ol March 1809, pnaJMRrf
rendered In ald Court on '"JfnjW
iarcn iw..ior mo nira 01 'nti t
Forty. Dollari attorneya fee and I , M Ja
In a inlt wherein J. l Currln w" Vn 1
Jamee K. Thorp, Minnie M. Thorp.ena ( ,
(lonily admlniitrator ol the eitaU ' ,y
Thorp, doooaied. were ilofendantr, no ' Jfy
the nbovo named defendant J. "'"rliorp,
r 01 ins Binic v. ... -,.., f
coaneil. anil on n ileoree of foreci""M,
order of iaIo, rendered In a w.wvi 'tii
manning mo in order, 10 ' -iitUw
premlnen towlt: . milli'
' T f -..A nllfl hill 01 '.Slllfl
In lllnnl. lin In Inntf.nil iMOt"'
... m... n rt iirr.ui'.'. i.i
ill tciLiBirf, iirnrn. ijin. i,,iuiijt :'v-ait!
Now therefore. In the name m
oiTer fnr mIa. thn nhnvn describe .P' mil
' r - . .. l.l.lrl AT. 1W ,A
pnmie auction, to the nigneiv ".i-j00t
eubjeet to redemption, at the ioo h ojij
on Momdt tno let day ol May
houn ol o o'olock a.ra.and 4 j? JfiXT
wit at on o'oloflk n, M. on ald W'
Tlntrl Ihl. Ollh Akv nl MarOD lBW' .tJ.