Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 05, 1899, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining, limbering ,! i?anilil,g i.iilcrcsls of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Uving,
Collage G rove, Oregon, Friday, May 5, .1.899.
sro. if)
Devoted to Mines and Miners A Nugget Corres
pondent's Batch of News.
Eakin & Bristow.
Eakin & Bristow.
Slilrt walntii. Unit". Collars, rnl Outrn.
fttj one a bvauty. Clii'HK)r than yon
i uitke them.
limning ami Dress Silks in nil col-
mil utrlrt at prices that cvorylxslyi
i alien! Ui wear ilium.
lid Ulore In ult colors and Intent
lie tctiii at 1.00 and I .'.'ft sr
SloueIinu Do Boti. In all the at-
Luvc colors. Prices 25 per cent. Ih
an liut yer.
Buriiii! Wrappers. They arc perfect.
" . ...
i noed to worrv nlxtiil making tneni i
(ran nave Vu the trouble.
Eakin & Bristow.
Only frtn.OO cash for tlio best goodn.
Durability mill price equaled by tinno.
i , .1 i. i . ...
n cveiy nrny won iiuyo-ono oi our i
chain wheels within tho next 00 days
w will give a Hoyal Carpet Sweeper;
worth 12.M). j
Outing Flannels. Fifty pierce, at ro- j
dueod palccs. Now patterns mid col-1
ors. j
Cretonnes, SUkitlinea anil Draperies '
at lOo tolific.
Dress Linings. All the latest things!
in plain anil fancies, Near Silks, Silk
Stripes, anil Percalinus and Silecios. J
Porealines. An tifriortitiuiit of colors j
hat do not full to attract favorable nt-
M'lo & Bristol
Shoes Ladles Shoos Fi no Shoos.
Our lliO ami 2.00 line? are very to beat
ami our (2.50, $.'1.00 anil f'S.f.O lines are
never equaled. Coino ami n-e our prlcon
ami you will surely buy. Latest stylos
in all widths.
Cliainlirnys. All colors.
Now Tablo Spreads and I'ortiors In
loading colors.
Calicoes! Calicoes! Calicoes 1 Vou
will acknowledge their superiority at
New Ribbons! Now colors, now
stylus and new prlcon.
Your cash trndo Is what wo want and
if low prices and best goods count for
anything wo will gel tt largo'sharo of it.
Man tt Bristow.
Weather cold and snowing.
Bohkmia, May 7, 1899
. In just the lines
you want
for Spring' Work I
These Illustratrated
Hardware, Garden, and Pruning Tools, Axes, Saws, Sledges and Rope.
Everything in the House and Barn Building line.
tlacksmiths' SuppliesiSgs
Coal. Iron and Steel!
Itoves, Tin and Granite Ware, all
cottage grove,1 ORE. C. H. Vandenburg, M'gr.
I go to L L, Stevens,
Mrs. lct Sauifora's,
jfc Attorney-at.Law jfc
,, .. n . Speciai attention given to Mining
Fashionable Dressmaking. ' . ,
0 Husiness and Collections.
Main Street, CottagoGrovo, Or. 0
Omc. On Main street, Wet Bide, UOt WOJ'h dOllO 01' FltVlll-
Cogc Grove, Oregon. ture ropaireil.
Wrll7"E BROSZE Leave ordors opposite Racket Btoro
Monuments. w- renshaw
Have reached a high Rtnto of porfee- n
""'i- Almost unlvorsftlly adopted in "
fl""0"1" monmnontnl builiHng. Hotter ALP WAI.KCR .... Mnnngcr.
,r, 2000,yerH tllMi grnnito for 20. Uo nvATKii in
ot deceived longer. Kuy DKAl.Klt IN ,
"White Bronze, fine wines,
For further Information writo or call IJQUORS,
I'. A. TOZTElt,
liugeuo, urcgon, taJu Sircet, Cottage Gtoce. Ore
An annual publication of about 100
pages, gotten up in most attractive style
and beautifully illustrated in half-toiie.
Tlio contents of each number are varied
and diUVicnt from it 1 predacesMir. The
NoKTiiKitN Pacific has hecoiuc uotiil fur
tiiis publication. Thk I'inkst Tiiino in
Railway I.itkkati'iik. .Send six cents.
A relief map of Yellowstone Park.
I'rintiil 011 1 1 rm paper, and suitable for
mounting; or framing and for use in
schools, class rooms, etc. The best map
of the 1'aik (hat is publicly distributed.
Mailed in pastboard tubod. Scud lOcts.
A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip
tive of Mount Hanier, Washington, the
grandest ice-covered peak in the United
States. Send two cents.
An illustiated folder and relief maj) of
the Kootenai Itegion in IJritishColiimbiu
north of Spokane. Scud two cents.
Tells about both the U. S. and Spanish
armies and navies at beginning of Spanish-American
war. Map of Cuba and
adjacent, islands. A vest pocket historv
well worth preserving for reference.
Send ten rents.
In sending for these write tlio address
carefully, and state where advertisement
was seen.
Glum. . I" 1 : i: .
G011. l'MXM'iiKor Acnt.
Land Ollico at Rosoburg, Oregon.
May 1, 1899.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler bus Hied notice of his
intention to make dual proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
mailo before the Resistor and Receiver,
U. S. Land Olllce at Rosoburg, Oregon,
on Juno 10, 1899 viz: Honjamin G.Crow,
011 II . K. No. (i(185 for the E NK H.
N y, SK H, Sou. 10. T. 20 S., R. 5 West,
ifo names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residonco upon and
cultivation of said land, viz :
J. W. Ifihmuol, Arthur Kolloy,
William Gilbort, Aaron Gilbert, of Lo
rano, Oreijon.
J. AV. Buidokr,
Ed McKibbin and Win Sliano are at present putting the finishing
touches on the new 10 stamp at the Music mine.
John Graber has finished his contract 011 the Hyawatia group re
cently bonded by Eastern parties.
Lew Hellers is actively engaged driving a crosscut tunnel to tap
their ledge 011 Elephant Mountain.
The genial foreman Mr. Dan Heck of the Music has made a very
rich strike of ore this winter for his company
Messrs. Nunn and Duvaljcontractors in the Noonday are driving a
working drift in fine free milling ore.
Mr. Ed Jenks the foreman of the Noonday mine is rapidlv coming
to the front as a mining man. Erom recent development on the Lake
mines a strong ledge of high grade smelting ore 6 feet in width was un
covered. Win. Iliggins and Hen Curry are driving a 100 foot contract for
Ed Jenks at the foot of Hardscrabble on a ledge of high grade tree
milling ore.
Byrne Hros. &Co. are working a double shift on the Grizzly group
below the Champion mill. This is one of the most promising groups in
Zi linker and Graber Co. on Fairview Mountain are doing an immense
amount of development on their group this winter. This company de
serves the credit of the entire community. They have some of the
highest grade ore in camp and in almost unlimited quantity. The
c;os-icut is almost to the ledge and when this is accomplished a mill will
be built.
Then will be more development work doue in Bohemia this year
than ever before. Prospectors and property owners are coming in every
day to resume work on claims owned by them
Our old friend Al Churchill is taking things easy during this
stormy weather of late. His cabin is furnished with modern furniture
and a cat. But after all Albert has a fine showing and is sure to make
a great mine out of his group.
The Helena group owned (by Jennings Bros, and Bruneau have
some of the finest ore in sight it has ever been our good fortune to see.
But still men will rush to Klondike and Buffalo Hump in search of Big
Bonouza when right at our door the b,est ore that I have ever seen is
lying in unlimited quantities, but it is not far enough away to create
any excitement: There is in this one mine alone gold enough to pay
off the national debt and carry on the Philippine war and leave a hand
some surplus for our greedy office grabbers who are guarding the
handle of our government. And not only this one group alone have we
but many more. There is the Noonday mine some 5000 feet of work
and with few exceptions this work is in from 2 to 6 feet of good ore.
Then the Champion is equipped with a 10 stamp mill and just as soort
as these companies learn to put in charge a man with limited ex
perience to save the gold, there is nothing to hinder Bohemia from
being the leading gold producer of the Pacific coast. '
The group lately bonded to Portland parties by J. I. Jones is one
of the best smelting propositions in Oregon, and shows a ledge of high
grade base ore of from 10 to 40 feet in width. There is considerable
development already done on this group and when the new company
does their 100 feet per month for 12 months they will have a mine here
second to none in the state. This mine shows gold, silver, lead and
copper, the copper alone will pay a handsome dividend, leaving the
other precious metals as a reward of merit. Almost any of the ore in
Bohemia is excellent, chlorinating ore is far cheaper than shipping
concentrates out of the country. f
Whooping Cough.
I bad a little boy who was nearly dead
from an attack of whooping coagb. My
neighbors recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. I did not think that
any medicine would help him, but after
giving him a few doses of that remedy I
noticed an improvement, and one bottle
cured him entirely. It is tho best
cough medicine lever bad in tho bouse.
J. L. Mookk, South IHirgettstown, Pa.
For sale by Uf.nuo.v Dkuo Co, Cottage
Grove, Job Lyons, Drain, Druggists.
M. e; ciiuucu.
Hereafter the services at the Metho
dist Episcopal church will be as fol
lows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching every 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sun
days at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Ep
worth Loaguo at 0:!10 p. m. Prayer
meeting every Thursday evening at 7 :30.
Lot us hear tho Gospel "it id tho power
of God." Strangers and friends tiro
made welcome to all meetings.
. . M. O. Hiusk, Tastor. .
vrtiOMQ oituium.
Services at the Catholic church will
henceforth take phtco each third Sun
day in every month.
Uev. L PitYHYi.tki.
Many old soldiers now feel tho effects
of hard service they endured during tho
war. Mr. Geo, S. Anderson, of Ross-
ville, Now York county, Penn., who saw
the hardest kind of service at the front,
is now frequently troubled with rhou-
matism. "I had a severe attack lately,"
ho says, "and procured a bottlo of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It did so
much good that I would like to know
what you would clmrgo me for one dozen
bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted it botb
for bis own use and to supply it to bis
friends and neighbors, as overy family
should have a bottle of it in their homo
not only for rheumatism, but lame
back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises.
and burns, for which it is unequalled.
For sale by Bknso.v Duuo Co, Cottage
Grove, Jon Lyons, Drain, Druggists.
The Oregon in n.
And tho Bohemia Nugget for $2 per
year, cash in advance. This is without
doubt tho greatest elubbing offer offered
by Oregon newspapers today. Tho
Qregonian Is without doubt excelled by
none, in point of nows both local and
foreign, is a clear print, and besides
has that great redeeming feature, do
void of sensational and dibgusting
literature, Hemembor the two papers,
tho WeokjyWQregpuiah and your hoiuj
tpper ttie noftemui iNugget tor 53.