lotf do you flxplnln tho inylnit EV mkoi! tlio Inmio vU lor. fcaCHU," m1 Tommy, "iiini w.oru It enough lo oftt'-r-lnrtlnnnpollo gal. A Htroiitf Mini's Ntinrst. iiroiiKt mini on rlli my it Urn t W womli-rfnl power i;;rfrct Rl""' ' .. ........ mill i nrin nil rum. f? .ftuui'u front i! wtnk Mtniimrli, aurli K'nJi It t tUU tli.io of tl... Lo not visible fromJJio street. P - - ... no til fill from I.cnure. K r.ywV..toiru.tl;ovvi.r; bacon nro doctored by a teal writer to bo tho moat nutlnh- nil f'"i- Ihtrit will mid Mr. "Window's Booth Imp the beat remedy to ut for their Sen durtiiK Iho Uctlilni: jierlod. .. . ntl I lit., amiiii Lot tlio on account of Iho iioiiuro i water ' To Ciirn ' "" ,,nr i . ..... ii...,,, Onlnltin Tnlilrtfl. IrtiV'Kt remnd money If It fulU to 2ic. . It. .iii.trfimxl Unit tlio ikfiitnuo depth End in tl.o dcBurts of Africa is from i 40 foot. f permanently Cured. No rll.or nrriroutne. .,,'...., H,r,.l for Kit IMC M'4.00 IrUI F"Y..i.. i in. 11. 1L. ItllNlS. Ltd.. KM Krtcl. lUlladtlj.lila, ' Inmost wonderful vegetable In thr. Id ig tlio trtiflle; ii una nuitnur , itcmi, leaves, flowers nor seeds. & I ne Natural lure for lndidestion.l Do you have pain In the stomach after c&tmd? Do you have a yellovi tongue? Wind on the stom ach? Constipation? These thinds arise from Indigestion o,nd Dyspepsia. J Didestion depends on didestwe fluids or ferments' secreted by certVm dlands. When ' the secretion becomes insufficient. Indidestion results. Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills for Pale People cause these dldnds to resume their normal action and food didestion follows. Artificial ferments (of which mojt so-called Dyspepsia cures are composed) may dive tern porary relief, but Dr. Williams' Pink PIH. for Pale People afford a, permanent cure. I'oor (ligation often cause Irreeulnrlly of tlio Ii tort's ncllon. Thin Irregularity inny bo mistaken for rcnl, orxunlo benrt dUomn. a tu In point: Mr. Klleti Colsom, Nowpolnt, Ind., had nurrnred Tor four yenra with stoumrli trouble. TJiognm-H ueneraU-d hj tbn Indignation pruned on tlie lisurt, nnd cnuaednti Jrregulnrlly of tin uctlun. Hhe Imd mueh puln In her atomiicli nnd )imrt, und na aulijivt to frc'iuont and nevero cboklntf apelln MfUlclivrvreinunliinvernuliilKtit. Liurlom werotrlelln vuln; the Itliutbn'ttMiaifOMi',df;iKirideiit,iiiid feared Impending death. Hhe noticed tliut 111 Interval In vrlilrli her Htotnuch did not a:oy her, her heart' action became normal. Knonlni corroatly that her dlRnitloii wan alot.e nt fault aho procured the tiroir medlclno Ui treat that trouble und with Immcdluto !:ood roulU. Her appntltn came back, the chohlriK apells lecnine l frequent and finally rrated. Her wulKht, which lad bnen vreutly reduood, wa reitored and aha now welgha nioro than for year. That other may know the mean of cure we (five tho nnma of the medicine uedJ)r. William' I'lnk I'llla for l'ale 1'tople. Theio rit 1 1 a contain all the eletnenta ncctaaary to Rive new II to and rlchneaa to the blood und reatoro thattcred in rvc. iftw ZTra, (Jrttnburg, Ind. Sold by all druddisti or stnt postpaid by the -m ur. Tiniiani'i niuaint vo., otiienttxauy, ii.i.. rrite. 5o per box.b boxcs,52l?. A diet book sent fUtt. KISS m Willi pleasant tncthcxl nnd beneficial eficcts of the well-known remedy, Syrup op Figs, manufactured I by the California Fig Syrup Company, illustrate tlie value oi oDtaining ui iii gplants known to be medicinally Inxativc and presentitifi: them in the form most refreshing to the taste i acceptable to tne system, it is me one pcncci hirciiuiuuiuntj u.i.4, CLEANSING THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY, DISPELLING COLDS AND HEADACHES, PREVENTING FEVERS, OVERCOMING HABITUAL CONSTIPATION PERMANENTLY Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and subs ance and its acting. on the ktdneyj er and bowels, gently yet promptlywithout weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but he medicinal qualities are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, En method Irnnnrn !,, r.UfrJn K.V Svrnn Comoany only. In order to get its beneficial effects, nnd -id imitations, please remember theAillname of SfiCirSZ consumers ot tlie choicest products ot mouern coiuiawu m y ,,,, pntmirlprel or cheap nnd worthless imitations.. To come into unn-ersa LLor !?. frticle must be capable o s - sucin the manufacture K, . aniornia lugayrup company mtvu b "-.::- mft :mnort0t to all to have a bu saie ot its excel cut qu d nxative remeay, &ykui oi xmud, " tli7ed more than lowledtre of t1,r- rnmn.vnflr! . nmrliirr. The California Fig Syrup Company was organize U n ore t nan KIPLING'S "BLUE ROSES." llovr u I.lttlc Wiixliliictoti Olrl WU covered Them for Him. 'i'licro Ih n pretty lit tics tory told of Kipling mill a tiny WiinliliiKtou j;rl 5 yi'iiiH old. which hIiowh tlmt. nlthough Mr. KIplhiK iimy not Ik- hIwiijh "Infer vlcwalili!" lo ki'owii folkH. lie Ih to tho little oiick. Tlie little lrl heard her mother rending iiloud the three verncs of "Hlne Uow " n chapter lieadhiK In "The LlKht Tl."t I'alled," runnhiK: ItoacM red nnd roHc while, "lucked I for my love's- dellelit; She would none of nil my ponies lhide me wither her hlue roHOM, Hnlf the world I wnndered through, fScekhifj where hiicIi (lowers Krew; Half the world tint o my (jiifHt AiiHwcrcd but with laugh and Jest It may he beyond the grave She Khali find what idle would have, Oh, 'twas but an Idle ipient KoNCM white and red are best. The Idea seemed U Impress the child, though Hhe mild nothing nt tho time. One afternoon when her mother took her downtown shopping Gloria sudden ly (Uncovered on a counter n little ilna tray painted with blue ro.CB and forget-nie-notH. "Why, there are some blue roses," she cried, "and Mr. Huilyard Kipling couldn't find any where he lives. Iluy them for him, mamma, and tell him we have blue roses In Washington. Let me write him n letter and send It, too." So the following letter was sent to Mr. Kipling: Gloria Point, March 8, 1800. Dear Mr. Hudyard Kipling I geiid you Home "hlue roses" and forget-me-nots. I didn't have to wander the world hnlf through to find these little blue roses on the little white dish. I haven't "eaten your bread nnd salt nor drunk your water nnd wine," but I know your verses and I like them. I am a little girl 5 years old, and I live in Tennallytown, D. C, and my name is GI.OKIA JOHN HUNT. 1. Si. My sister "Ferginia" wrote this for me, hut I told her what to say. Mr. Kipling's answer was: Naulaklin, Waite, Vt., March 15, 1SU0. My Dear Miss Hunt Your very nice llttly present of "Blue Hoses" has just come to me, and I write at once to thank you for it. I am going to use it for a pen tray, as I have not got one, nnd it will live between a Burmese idol who sits on my penwiper and a little figure of nn Arab win) nods his head when he isn't doing duty as a pnper weight. I am glad you find it so easy to come by blue roses. They are a kind of flower that grows scarcer as one grows older, but forget-me-nots are always In fashion. With ever so many thanks, believe me, my dear Miss Hunt, yours very sincerely, IIUDYAKD KIPLING. Washington Post. Exactly What You Want. A handy little box (Jmt rl)?ht for a lady's purae or a (jentlemnn'aveit pockct)of (.'aacareta Candy Cathartic, prevents Illness. All drug glut, 10c, 2.1c, M)c. Tho avcrago weight of a man's brain is threo pounds eight ounces. I believe I'iso's Cure Is tho only medi cine that will euro consumption. Anna M. Koss, Willlnmsport, I'a., Nov. 12, 1805. Coitain music piovonts tho hair from falling, according toono scientist. whilo other kinds hnvo a disastrous effect. In the aprlng cleante your ayntcm by using Pr. I'funder's Oregon Wood I'tinflcr. Amputaton of the four leseer toes of a lady patient has convinced Dr. Heather Bigg, an English surgeon, that theso toes have no tiso except for feel ing, as only the great toe is of any ad vantage in walking or even in dancing. TUMOR EXPELLED. Unqualified Succosb of Lydla H. Plnkhatn'o Vogrotablo Compound. ; lit' I I 1 . I ALASKAN BOUNDARY. s O i "Lt lc S,nnd ingVixativWmedy which would be re pleasantTo the le'aiKre&ial in effect than nny otlier known. J een years ago, for the fc'vs";.fJ.!;s. U assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties. . . . . r svmbE.vS' T,so, ydrK. Tor 5ale by All Druiste , Price 50 Per Bottle. Philanders report the discovery of tho old Husslnu boundary of Alaska 100 miles east of Dawsou. If this is veri fied then the Klondike Is In America lu stead of British territory. Deaf nnd Dumb Beggar iat unexpect edly receiving sixpence) Oh, thankee, sir! Benevoleut Passer Kb? What does this menu, sir? You cau tnlk. Deaf and Dumb Beggar (iu confusion) Y-e-s, sir. Yo see, sir, I'm ouly inlntl In' this corner for th' poor deaf and dumb nmn wot belongs hero. Beuovo lent Passer (quickly) Where is ho? Deaf and Dumb Beggar (lu worso con fusion) He's gono to th' park t' hear tho music Tlt-Blts. Bell What do you suppose tho fat girl in tlio avenuo candy store weighs! Nell Candy Exchange. Mrs. Elizabeth WfiKKr.ocK. Magno lia, Iowa. Id the following letter de scribes her recovery from a very criti cal condition: " Dear Mrs. PrvmiAM I have been taking your Vegetable Compound, and now ready to sound its praises. It has done won ders for me in relieving me of a tumor. "My health has been poor for three years. Change of lifo was working upon me I was very much bloated and was a bur den to myself. Was troubled with smothering spells, also palpitation of the heart and that bearlng-dcwn feel. Ing. and could not be on my feet much. " I was growing worse all the time, until I took your medicine. "After taking three boxes of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lozenges, the tumor passed from me. "My health has been better ever since, can now walk quite a distance and am troubled no more with palpita tion of the heart or bloating. 1 rec ommend your medicine to all sufferers from female troubles " It is hardly reasonable to suppose that any one can doubt the efficiency of Mrs. Pinkham's methods and medi cine in the face of the tremendous vol ume of testimony. HEALTH RESTORER. fis4sasrf?ss USEIT! You Need Not Suffer Health can be restored, your blood can be made pure, you can be made strong by using Moore's Revealed Remedy It's easy and pleasant to take no quinine or alcohol. Hundreds have been cured. I.O0 per bottle at your druggists. KEEP' Atlr dnirslct for Dr. llartel'fl French Kemaln Pill In metal box with French Flat- on ton In Bhia.Wht MM ff" and Red. Intttt on having the genuine. I HI "BellerrorWomen" mailed FREE In plain w BiMgegjai letter with te-tlmonUI and particulars. FRENCH DRUG CO., 381 4383 Pearl St., Ne Yofk. RUPTURE CURED. We guarantee to lit every case wo undertake. Do-rt put it off; write for particulars at once. C. II. WOODAKII & CO., Expert Trust Fitter, 103 Second Street. Portland, Or. YOUNG MEN! For Oonorrha-a and Gleet pet Fabflfa Okar Specific. It U the ONLY medicine which will cure each and every cue. NO CASE known it hu ever failed to cure, no matter how cerlou or ot how Jong standing. Result trom it uia wUl attonUh you. It is absolutely sate, prevent stricture, and can be taken without Inconve nience and detention from business. PRICE, 43.00. For sale by all reliable dnifntUts, or tent prepaid by express, plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by i i rjut CHEMICAL Ctt, Chicago, 111. Circular mailed on request. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Hoot Crowned. Ilrlilircs Made, rulnlcs fllllwr nnd extraction. Dr. T. H. White, dTo'r.0"' DR. GUNN'S1"?0 PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dyspepsia, Remove l'lmples ami Purify tha Blood, Aid ingestion andPreteiit Biliousness. Do not Oripe orSlcken. To convince you. we will mall ample free, orfull box for25c. JDK. IIOSANKO CO., JPhlladn., iVcnan. Bold by Druggists. SURE CURE FOR, PILES ITOIilNU Piles proline moUtore and cae itchinc This form, as welt as Blluii.Uleedlnjjor l'rotrudlntf Piles arecurc-.. by pr. Bosnnko's Pile Remedy Htopa itchlnc ana bleeding. Absorbs tumors. Nto Jsr at drug cists or sent bj mat 1. TreatUe free. Writ tne about jour case. DR. I.O.SAN KO, Philada., i'a. CURE YOURSELF? Use lllg J for unnatural discharges, Inflammations, irritations or ulcerations ot mu oo us membrane. Painless, and not attrln- Inn Evans CheuicuCo. r poUonous. I Hold by nriiRSIsU. or tent iu plain wrapper. uy express, prepaiu, tor ii.iv, or a Domes, f.'.73. Circular tent on request. ffflbW uol m itrUturt. TiPrtTtou coaugtoo UjSNCIKNtTI,0MB N. V. N. U. NO. 17 'OO. WHEN wrltinc to advertisers ploasa mention this pnper. W il Mil ijfl "Ttff ' I a" 3W 31 a 1m LUHtS WHtHt Alt ELSE FAILS. L Jl fin.. U IP..i.a T In time. Bold br druggists. tm PAS " lrl m I t