Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 28, 1899, Image 5

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    1)1 HI).
AttllO homo of Imr
I a i 1 1 tt
.1 ....Inrr Ml Atltll ZZ. A HliniMMII
111 IIIU v?v n .
. . it wm Air- UI Hi Mr. J.K.
' .. . i ... M iwtuwi in iiiiu miv lllll nit, t i - '
rrufcfcM" ----- - .. , iiiiiiiv Aiirii 7i. ihuu
i.... nut r oikiimi womiinir jroiw.. .! ... . .. . .
imnrv nlHO Aim.
IIM"J- , . ... ' 'wnnwii Ml lu I M,
...l.m-iwl III lliii t u mill ii r 1 1... ( ii i . . ' 1
i v
o r m... w.H...mB ircno, ,.,, 2 year(,( fl ont j
Mr.. JUrioll'. fillth .iMVH.tho little goldon-hnlrcd dn.ighter
pleasant time wns fMr. uml Mrs. J. 8. Benson, ttft ,
rod. uk well iih tho promoter of h-!iiKii toa 1irJKhtcr ami In.-ttor worl.l-to
nlfnimit "fTnlr, Those prosent the nr,N ol nn tt.wl)(0 noavenv
Ur.tnnl Hr. J. K, Mnrrelt, Mr. Father.
Mn. Jordnn, imw it"y nir. , The funeral wns held nt the r.Hideneo
,rtlo Ciurtrutltt Burdlrk, Nettlo ; of tint bereaved parents Tuesday morn
pliek. Cloo Lewis, Clinrlottla White, at 10 o'clock and tho Interment took
i w li,iv.l T. XI. Hum. Kenton rtinrii nl 1 If t.l.l m ii
r, j v ' Mniiu .MHriiiu-wuii renown cumo
i Jordan- u,", 'Mrl, i"1"'1 were
i..., I. n nli-l. net of 1'lllliu l!tltm
assured that it i authentic. Hero
' . m if i i
Kiirrnr. Jiuiuarv 12. IHII1I:
f 1 .III III liMtm Ctrrtiwl In undoubtedly
.. t lit ti At'nr itftmrn In.
i. .r Mfiiittn imitinr nun nirunicr
an the humiui voice Itself, anil tlio
litiiiliM fiveft hv this Edl
tfitui Mi lit lliwl titnlit
Hill Lllls IIW"w '"' .-
i luriin arnu'iii inir fivivriiiiip nmi
cTctilnir Iwforc, which worn nlltl
O. O. lm. Annivermtri.
...... txt lortf itul ft 1 ii i alifkH
.1,. II, .1.1 fit I Aitli.ptttltintnllt
mil VfllV J Ml IIKMIIMI ,,.,....r.
i 4 I. .11 lH.l .1.
-i a... i n t v r
in v rfii mi'
. . . .ii i.i..
merlrfl. UWintf l( II C (llfUlKrcVAiilu
. . i i... i
... '11. Wnl.nlf nil! t Pll r.
ir wn prcparinl.
Ola Hroii. nro working rlitht nloriK
n lliolr nrw pinning mill juM acronn
I t . . I l 1 II?
rnwi uiiff n nmi ciupi iiiniiiiiu iiiiu
i it t . i.t t t.
iMhv flm itPftripiAlnrH u hi nil ttn ! HI (I
I a J at f
r cvrii a iuiult liiiuc iiiuii iiiiii i
it - r . i. t
f w "I "r " " I I
!:.. . f. -...I f.t I.llrv
iKjniiiiMi : nit mriiiu-T nini iwmniunwn
it nr t t...ll t I I
the gentlemen oxnoct to he in
inninrf nnu r nr mn inNim ni'ii wifie.
. .
n 1 1 o 1 1 ii rem e r
Hnvint! decided to return npain to
ftttntri lirnvn I luif fi niiitniinrtM tllfll I ,
HiMTiiitr. HiiFri if riiinir uriii I'lirriiiiii
rk at rcnnonnhle priced nnd nntli-
iiumi i Hutu nnu (ii-amiE in iiiu imni
tf-nder my fiincoro thnnka for
Dm men i.eriiirr.
Tho Woodmen lccturo ivon nt the
am writ in imiiiiiwi pitiii niiTirifin nil iir
I prevent. Tho Rontlenmn Ib cerUinlv
ectllrn unu nrt flnontrwl jtiitlrAlv tn tlm
i . 1 1 1 v n ri i m tin tan itfnnn inm nriia
L'nHIvn Itiitwnf ml lnn1 mmt in rilrt iti-
oreat o( frntermU orders In cenemu
loo Wlllctt who wae working for Cy
-...v. iiiu UIIIUKQIIII bll IIUU UIU ill l?-
ui liiiiii nrnn n i n fiiii Tiinimr rm iiih
. . . w .1. uiup i mtuv iimii'ui
Boot quite hadly, which will lay him up
ior a week, or ton dayo.
PplBcopul Service.
Hislion MorriH. of the Kpincopal
phurch, and tho Rev. M. Diiwhoji, of
?wJoburi, will hold oorviccH nt tho
P'rosbytorlun church in tills city next
iruoadny May 2. 1800. A cordial invita
tion is oictcndod to all.
P'iio ltuclcboanl,
J- H. Perkins tho Iiohomin mail con
tractor i havinK a flno liuokbonrd
turned out nt Ov Millor'fl hlnckHmith
and wacan nlinn. Tt In now In tlio
IbnmlH of tho pntntdfa. '
P'f Shljtmont.
Orlflln & Vontch hnH lust received dl-
pwt from the fnctory a full cur load of
ptmlohnkor wngoiiH direct from tlio too
f ry at Bonth Bond, Indini.
ItllOU'N II A I It,
Hhe IIch In her little while canket,
Kiiibalmcd in the fragrance rare
That comes from the heart of tho IIHch,
Our bnlMJ with theuolden brow n hair.
The Hwoct bltii! ovcm are curtained
Am if in Mtumlxir deep;
Kbe MmiluH as if the angels
Are whispering in her sluup.
The fairest, awcetest blossom
Amid the hloonomi fair,
8he lies in her innocent In-auly,
Our balxj with the golden brown hair.
Ai proud its a Utile angel
Astray from the butter land,
Ah sweet as the dewy rosebud
That lies in her dimpled hand.
We thought the Father gave her
To cheer our earthly way ;
Hut it coins, He only lent her,
And she is Hit. today.
Our hud so fair and tender
Will grace a brighter clime,
Jlcyoud the chill of winter
ill fadeless summer time.
There, in immurtal gardens,
'Mid flowers divinely fair,
We'll elasp again our blossom,
Our bale with tbegold'n brown hair,
We arc left to mourn in our sadness,
Vet we humbly 1hw to our Father's
Knowing that some day wo will meet
in gladness,
Irene, who will bo our baby still.
II. K. CllllltCII.
Hereafter the semens at the Metho
dist F.piscopal church wilt be as fol
lows: Kundny school at 10 a. m.
Preaching every 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sun
days at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Kp
worth Ioague at (1:30 p. tn. Prayer
meeting every Thursday evening at 7 :30.
Lot us hoar the Gospel "it is the power
of God." Strangers nnd friends nre
made welcome to nil meetings,
M. 0. Bhini:, I'astor.
Services nt tho Catholic church will
henceforth take place each third Sun
day in every mouth.
Kev. 1 Pk7.viivi.hki.
Rot. W. V. McGce, pastor c'.etjt, will
bo regularly installed as pastor of this
church next Sunday at 11 o clock.
Rev. C. II. Wallace will preach tho
installation sermon and give the charge
to tho church, and Rev. C. A. Wooley
will give tho charge to tho Pastor elect,
and preach at 7:30 p. nt.
Every member of tho Cumberland
Presbyterian Church should ninko an ex
tra effort-to I! piesent biinuay morning,
CllltlHTIAN ouuitcit.
I'renchinc service at tho Christian
church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
riitmliiv hcIiooI nnd Y. P. S. C. h. as
usual. All nro welcome.
Rout. A. Corr-LE.
Cottaeo GrovoTore., April 22 1800.
Wo tho niombcrs of Orel Post No. 13
G. A. R. condemn tho editorials of the
Cottage Grove Lender in rcferonco to
tit, anhnn nf tho administration at
k-IIU v -
WiiHhiiieton. D. C,
Wo do not do this as republicans, hut
rh representatives of nil political parties,
as nil purtles aro represented in Ord
Ily order of Ord Post No. 13 G. A. R.
Rout. GltlFKIN. Adgt.
From tho New York Tribuno Jnn. 21,
1800: Tho Edison Grnphophono Grnnd
lSOO tnlking machine and tho moving
bntties, combined, is undoubtedly the
strongest entertainment on tho road, as
thoso two machines uro so near w m
i...u tliosnwho attend these ex-
i.ii.iiintm nro so surnrlaod thnt it is nl
moat impossible for thorn to beliovo
that thoao aro real machines doing tlio
At DnviH hull
YU1 uuiwi w
April 28 ami 20.
AH About you.
J. M. Ho wo was an arrival from Eu
gene Monday.
I. II. Veatch has removed from Royal
to this cltv again.
F, U. Miller favored tho Nugget with
ii pleasant cull last Tuesday.
Sam Bennett is getting arouud again
after n tuisle with the mumps.
Tho Grnphophono Grand, Edison's
great invention ; bo Hiiro and see it.
W. Fryer of Kellogg arrived here Sun
day morning returning borne Tuesday.
Mrs. S, E. Cochran returned home
Monday fiom a short visit nt Creswoll.
Mrs. J. N. Stoneburg returned from n
few days visit at Walker last Monday
Attorney J. E. Young hns returned
homo after a weeks visit with parents
and friends nt Portland.
Mrs. T. O. Keixer left Cottage Grove
Monday morning for her home in
Condon, Eastern Oregon,
Springfield nnd Eugene is doing its
share just now to help increase the
population of Cottngo Grove.
G. W. McCoy of Springfield removed
to Cottage Grove last Mondiy. Mr Mc
Coy is tho owner of the Gray property.
Mrs. C. Patterson, and the little son
of J. A. Fryer, of the Fashion Stables.
were arrivals hero Sunday morning from
J. Evans mid family who havo liecn
residents of Cottngo Grove for some
time, left Tuesduy for Montague, Cali
fornia. Mesdatnes McClung and Wilson of
Eugene were arrivals in Cottngo Grove
last Wednesday in tho interest of the
W. C. T. U.
Alt Wnlkor who hns been entertaining
the mumps for a week or more, is now
improving and will bo glad when his
visitor departs.
Miss Gertie Burdick is the author of
the touching little-poem published in
memory of Irene, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bcimoii.
Bob Veatch is in receipt of an in
vitation from the Sheriff of Douglas
countv to attend the execution of J. M.
Oliermnn which occurrs this Friday
f April 28).
Dr. C. B. King of Yoncolla was called
to this city Tuesday to examine Mrs.
McKinncy who was hurt in a freight
train accident somo weeks ago. It is
said the lady it more seriously injured
than was at first thought.
Wm. Renshuw proprietor of tho
Miners Exchange saloon in this city
camo up from Eugene on Tuesday
morning's overland to take charge of
his business here during the illness of
his manager Alt Walker. Mr. Cutbirth,
Mr. Wnlker'u assistant is also on the
sick list.
Twenty-five thousand brick for sale.
Bert Wood, Cottage Grove, Oregon.
All we ask is, in proportion to tho
growth of the town, is ns good a
pntronnge in tho future as you havo
given Bohemia Nugget in the past three
months and we will continue to exist.
Note this: You can procure the Bo
hernia Nuggot, your home paper nnd the
St Louis Globe-Democrao for $1.75 per
year, cash in advance.
A largo assortment of shirt wnists in
the choicest nnd prettiest pnttorns,
prices to suit. Eakin & BmsTow.
I will give 15 Photos to the dozen un
til Mny 15. J. N. Boyd.
Summer corsets, 50 nnd 75 cents
Eakin A BnisTow.
Deeds not words, can only repay the
dear kind friends and neighbors who
were so kind, nnd assisted us so nobly
in our littlo girl's sickness and death.
May God bless you all.
Mr. and Mits. J. 8. Benson.
Land Ofkioe at Rosebuko, Ok.,)
April 26, 1890.
Notico is hereby given, that tho fol-lowing-nanud
settler has filed notice of
his intontion to mako final proof in sup
port of his clnini.niid that said proof
will bo made botoro Jool Wnro, U. S.
-v,....:uut, nt Rnircne. Orecrnn. on
Juno 13, 1800, viz. : Pliny E. Snodgrass
on II. E. No. 8005, for tho south hulf of
northwest quarter oi iota o mm t oi
10. south, ranee 1 east
Ho names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous resiilenco upon nnu
cultivation of said land, viz.: Shop
ard Smith, of Creswell, Or., Milan b.
Burkor, of Full Creek, Or., Rees S. Ho -
brook, ot f un umok, ui., ihiu
uido ks, Register.
New Firm.
Cumming & Sehtv-
We are now fairly established
and are adding largely to the al
ready well selected stock of general
merchandise, formerly carried by
Gumming & Huston, with which
they built up such an extensive
The new firm will use every en
deavor to merit a share of the pub
lic patronage. All of our goods
will be of the very finest on the
market and will be sold at the very
lowest living prices.
cuvvhing & sehr.
E. J. Pattkrson,
J. A. Fryer.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M- Hertderer & Go. Prop.
DoArtMAfni't rC 4-Iia Tl sill A rtl i n
Black Butte Stage Lines-
Reasonadle Prices
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Kconomjr li not
bnylng Shoddy
We now tare a FULL
STOCK of the
A New '-f ,
Dry Ooods
7 H
lm lltmrmray .
I and A
I Ilurkliolder. j
V k v
"A word to the wiso is sufficient"
and a word from the wise ahould be
sufficient, but you ask, who aro the
wiseT Those who know. Tho oft re
peated experience of trustworthy per
sons may bo taken for knowledge. Mr.
W. M. Terry says Chamborlnin's Cough
Remedy gives better satisfaction than
any other in tho market. Ho has been
in tho drug businoas at Elkton, Ky., for
twelve yenrs; has sold hundreds of
bottles of thla remedy nnd nearly all
other cough medicines mnnnfactured,
which shows conclusively thnt Chambor
lnin's is the lpost satisfactory to tho
people, and is tho best. For Bale by
Bbnbon Dnuo Co, Cottago Grove. Joe
Ltons, Drain DruggiBt.
Inn lif.(.lr. of Eucono, Or
' ' J.T.B
Adminstrator's N otice.
Notji-o Is hereby given, that George M. Haw.
ley has been appointed administrator ol the
ostato of Georgo Ozmont, deceased. All per
sons having claims ogatnit said estate are hore
by notlllod to presont tho same to said admin
Jstrntor, at Cottage Grone, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice,
Patod this VWth day of April, 18U9.
JoilX M. WlI.UAMS,
Attoriioy for hstate. nIS
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,-
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with us.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
firm mil ta
irh-wl I I 1 I If 11 AtlTT
L'cllIU iMiiWW'Y UUIilllM
A.pril 199.
Miss A. Heinrich
Invites pll Ladies to be present
and inspect a first class stock and
lowest prices. One door South of
Racket Store. Cottage (.irove, ur.
The Denver Times-Sun and the Bo
homia Nugget, both papers sent to any
address for $1.50 caBh in advnnce.
Kid gloves 1 - We carry an excellent
lino of kid gloves, in every shade. Now
shades expected daily. It will pay you
to examine. Eakin & Bititmnv,