Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 28, 1899, Image 2

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rulillihril Every Friday.
Cnmnrfhrmlvc Itevlew of the Import
ant Ilmniuinlnci of tha l'tut lVwk
Cullrd From the Telecrnph Column.
Three vounc cirls ierished in the
burning of an orphans' homo at Bcrno,
Cosimir, tbfl Indian who murdered
Philin Walker, has been captured at
Katu loops.
Fite destroyed the depnittnent store
of Ewer & Co., at .Newcastle. Pa. Loss,
(100,000; insurance, 30.000.
President McKinloy has accepted an
invitation to attend the Ohio state en
campment of the G. A. K. in June.
The American Car & Foundry Com
panv, at Jeffersonville, Inii., increased
the wages of its 3,000 employes 10 per
At Sioux Falls, Judge Garland sen
tenced Bad Elk to be hanged June 16
for killinc a policeman who tried to
arrest him.
It baa been decided by the German
government to adopt the English
Thornycroft system of water-tube boil
ers in all German men-of-war.
Reading railroad repair-shop me
chanics and other' employes will have
their wages advanced from 5 to 10 per
cent. Two thousand men will be
The new stemwheel revenue cutter
Kunivea bad her trial trip at San Fran
cisco. She is for use on the Yukon,
and will be towed to St. Michaels by
the Bear.
Gomez has determined to announce
to the people of Cuba hit support of an
American protectorate until sucli lime
as stable, independent government may
to formed.
Serious student riots have occurred at
the university of Kieff, Russia, the
rioters smashing windows with stone9.
Troops dispersed the mob and arrested
400 students.
Tho Major investigating committee
of the Missouri state senate, which lias
been turning over the affairs of the
state and municipal offices in St. Louis,
has made a report in which it finds
millions of dollars' worth of property
in St. Louis has escaped taxation.
Speaker Reed has decided to become
a member of tho law firm of Simpson,
Tbacher & Barnum, of New York. It
is understood that Reed will resign
bis seat in congress and remove to New
York. The statement has been made
that Mr. Reed is guaranteed a yearly
income of $50,000.
Mail advices from Australia give full
particulars of the terrible hurricane
which swept the northeast coast of
Queensland early in March, and in
which 14 white and about 400 colored
men were drowned. Eighty luggers
and six schooners were wrecked. The
damage is estimated at 250,000.
A. M. Larue, a murderer, was taken
from jail at Henderson, Term., and
lynched by a mob.
Fourteen men wero killed by a
premature explosion in blasting opera
tions on the railway from Bilboa to
Santander, Spain.
Ed Hawthorne, charged with about
40 burglaries in various parts of the
country, mostly in San Erancisco, is
under arrest in Denver.
James J. Hill is reported to have ac
quired control of the St. Paul & Du
luth road, thus shortening his lino
from Duluth to the Twin cities.
At Moontown, Mo., Frank Yeager
killed with an ax a man named Powell,
Bhot Mrs. .Yeager three times, and
then cut his own throat. Yeager was
Governor Tanner has signed the bill
appropriating $200,000 to pay the Illi
nois volunteers from the timo they
were mustered into the service of the
United States.
Andrew Carnegie has promised to
give $1,750,000 to cover the cost of
tho proposod addition to the art, sci
ence and literary departments of tho
Carnegio library at Pittsburg.
At Bedford, Ind., a stone quarry
train was pushed over a 40-foot em
bankment by tho helper. Charles
Meinser, engineer, and D. J. Menough,
wero killed. Threo men were hurt.
Five thousand Indians, dissatibfied
with conditions in tho reservation of
the Indian territory, left in a body for
Mexico to establish a union reservation
on a large lot of land near Guadalajara.
In Chloago threo people were
smothered to death by smoko in a
small two-story frame building. They
had been drinking together, and it is
thought one of thorn upset a kernsono
Governor Stephens, of Missouri, has
signed the Farris insurance bill. This
measuro makos the anti-trust law apply
to St Louis and Kansas City, and will
practically destroy boards of fire under
writers in both cities.
Governor Gnco has appointed Dnn
Burns as United States eormtor fionf
California to succeed Stephen M.
Ex-Governor RIohard J. Oglesby foil
dead near Lincoln, Neb. llo had been
in ill health for eomo time, but tno end
was unexpected.
Daniot E. Brewor, a prominent Chi
cago physiolan, in a lecture, advocated
tho establishment of a Tarpeian lock in
Chicago, unless tho oity secures a now
codo of criminal law.
Tho jury in tho Windsor hotol Are
at New York, brought in a verdict that
the Are was caused by accident. Tin
police still have $40,000 worth of un
claimed jewelry and other valuables
recovered from tho file ruins.
Major Francis B. Dodgo, of the pnj
department, recently relieved fiom
duty at Denver, has been selected by
tho war department to disburse the fa,
000,000 allotted by the government foi
tho pay of tho Cuban troops.
Tho United States Worsted Com
pany, with a capital oi lU.uuu.uiui.
and the American Plumbing Supply &
Lead Company, with nn authorized
capital of $35,000,000, have been in
corporated under the laws of Now Jer
sey. N. M. Dvcr, captain of tho cruise
Baltimore, now at Manila, will return
at once on account of sickness mid will
nrrivo in Boston, Juno SO. The famil
lias notified Baltimore city officials
and they will present him with
Tho president has appointed Colonel
James F. Smith of the first California
regiment, to bo a brigadier-general of
olunteers. The regiment is now in
the Philippines. General Smith will
be assigned lo one of the brigades ol
General Otis' army.
At Springfield. Mo , a bold attempt
was made to release from the con nt v
jail Jack Kennedy, Bill Ryan and Bill
Sheppard, who are held here landing
trral for the recent train robbery oi
tho Kansas City, Fort Scott & Mem
phis road, near Macomb, Mo.
Jn the United States supremo court
an opinion was itanded down in the
cose of Oliver Wendell Holmes, jr.,
vs. G. D. Hunt, holding that copyright
on a book, the contents of which have
been published serially without being
previously copyrighted, is invalid.
Captain Wild, of the United States
cruiser Boston, has protested against
the promotion of Colonel Miller to lit
brigadier-general as a reward for the
capture of llo llo. It appears that tliie
capture had been effected and that the
place was simply turned over to Col
onel Miller, who, up to that time, had
nothing to do with its capttne. Tine
action is indorsed by Admiral Dowey
The majority of tho wounded in the
Quingua engagement were Nebraska
The Asiatic liner, Glenogle, sank
the City of Kingston in a fog near Ta
bam Hoee, a negro, was burned at
the stake in Georgia. Ho had killed
Alfred Crunford, a white farmer, near
Palmetto, and outraged his wife.
Major-Genoial Otis at Manila reports
that one of ttio regiments nnder hii
command liaa received somo cable
grams reading "Don't enlist boys."
The Duke of Tetdan, ex-minister of
foreign affairs, has been appointed
Spain's delegate to the peace confer-
ence, which is to meet at The Hague
next month.
Contracts were signed in London
Friday which formally transferred to a
single organization practically all ol
the large producing copper mines in
the United States. '
An informant of a London paper as
sorts that tho Chinese, Euiopean mid
even American merchants doinc busi
ness in China aro helping to snpply the
Filipinos with arms and ammunition.
Alio senatorial eieanons tor tiro new
cortes was held at Madrid, and passed
mi . (i . . .
on tranquilly throughout the country,
They have resulted in giving tho gov
eminent a larger majority in tho sen
ato than it had secured in the chamber
of deputies.
President Zelaya has granted an on
tion, in force until January 1, 1000. to
Mr. Uhatles Mcoll, British counsel at
Managua, to purchase the railroads and
eteamboats of Nicaragua, with the
workshops appertaining to them, for
the sum of 0,500,000 pesos (silver).
At Oakland, Cal., John McCann, a
laborer, was beaten to death during a
quarrel which began during a game of
nice in a uartior shop. Cornolius
Townser.d, a Democratic county con
trol committeeman, is accused of strik
ing the blow which proved fatal, lie
is under arrest, as are also Frank
Romillard, Frank Reurdon and Ed
Roach, all suspected of complicity in
the crimo.
The steamor General Whitney. Cap
tain Hawthorne, sunk 50 miles east of
Capo Canavarol, Florida. One boat
load of 10 men, attempting to land at
Mosquito lagoon house of refuge, upsot
and 1.2 men, including tho captain,
wero drowned. The oliiof engineer, as
sistant englnoer, flroman and ono sailor
wero saved. Tho captain's body lias
been recovered. Fifteen men in nn
othor boat aro still unheard from.
Enemies at Home Trying" to
Aid Aguinaldo.
Talrcrant Countrllng tha Vnluntarra
to Mutiny Hut Hri-ii Inlarcaplad
lHacnitait by tha Catilimt.
Washington. April 34. Tho cabinet
today discussed traitors and the laws of
treason in relation to tho Philippines.
Tho m-osidont nrofuired a policy of
liberality and tolerance until recently
when there camo into tho possession of
the administration ovldoneo Inerlmlunt
ing United States citizens furthering
the sedition.
Certain individuals, it is known to
tho government, havo been trying not
only to aid Aguinaldo, but weaken thr
army by spreading discontent among
tho volunteers. Telegraph messages
from anti-expansionists, zealous to
gain political advantage, hu'e boon in
tercet) ted. encouraging volunteer oftl-
cers and nion to demand their return
from tho Philippines on the ground
that peace has been declared. Tho
messages even counseled tho volunteers
to go to tho length of refusing fut titer
to servo in tho Philippines.
What tho president will do Is not yet
decided, it will not ho surprising if a
warning in tho shape of u met sago will
remind tho mischief-makers that there
is a serious law ngaiust treason which
will bo enforced if any further attempt
is made to tamper with the men at the
An Icnobln ntn.
London, April 24. Tho Saturday
Roview, commenting on General Law
ton's retirement from tho Santa Cruz
district of Laguna do Bay, says:
"Unpatriotic politicians in tho Unit
ed States aro doing their utmost to
create a panic, in the hopo that the
Philippines may be abandoned and the
party in power discredited. It is an
ignoble game, and we sincerely trust
it will bo unsuccessful. If the Aiucri
caus retire from their self-appointed
task, the great republic must take the
brand of 'coward' as well us tho brand
of 'Cain,' which Lowell declared it
to bo marked."
A Iiattla Near Kocitvo.
Manila, April 24. At 0 o'clock this
morning, threo South Dakota com
panies marched from Bocuve, and in.
conjunction with threo companies of
tho Minnesota regiment from Guiginto,
north of Bocave, encountered a rebel
force numbering fully COO, when two
miles out. The rebels retired three
miles in fairly good older, in spito of
the fact that they suffered heavy losses.
The Americans, having exhausted thoir
ammunition, wero compelled to re
turn to their camps. Tho heat is in
tense. At noon tho thermometer regis
tered 05 degrees and tho mercury was
still rising. There were several pros
trations from heat among the troops,
but only one man was wouudod. La
ter, army tugs opened flro on tho en
emy along the river banks.
The rebels aro unusually uctivo
from Malclos as far as Calumpit.
They have been discovered within
two miles of the railroad. Fires aro
burning east of the n il oad, and it
would appear that tha rebels aro evacu
ating tho foothill towns in anticipation
of an attack upon tho part of tho
American troops.
Ottawa Defeata the Almka ilounilnr
Washington, April 21. An unex
pected delay has occurred in the nego
tiations towards an Alasku boundary
modus Vivendi, which makes tho fit
tine of tho modus quito problematical
Extended conferences woro held on tho
subject today, tho result hoing far
from encouraging. Tho principal dilll
culty arises from dealing with Ottawa
as well as London, this dual negotia
tion causing great delay and complica
At tho outset tho United States nrn
posed a modus with a temporary linn
along certain peaks. Tho British am
bassador forwarded this to London and
Ottawa. Tho Canadian ofllciuls have
now proposed changing tho lino, and
oner considerable delay tho authoritloi
in London approves the ohaugea pro
posed by Canada.
it IS not Stated What tho rennfntlvn
lines aro, but they are sufficiently opart
to uibko it quito uniikoiy that any im
mediate agieement can bo reached,
even oi a toinporury nature, as to tho
Yellotr .luck Ajipenri.
T T . ..
iiavana, April H3. Throo cik-h nf
yetiow lovor developed today. Col
onol Davis isolated tho hotisos.
Mail advices of La fm
Munzanillo, soy that an American
shell fired lust sutiimerduring tho bom-
uaruraent ol tho town bv tha TTnh,i
States warships, exploded W Rn.
doy, killing threo poreons and wound
ing many others,
Washington. Anril 24 TTnWna
States Minister Brldiroman 1. flR rmllla.l
tho stato department from T,n P n
Hvia, that tho revolution has o'nded
,and everything is ouiot.
W.t III It n Murilarail for liar
i.. III.. Anril 94. Tho mutilated
oody ol MIbh Jhimi Brunol. a wealthy
,.f iiniin. Ind.. was ftfttntl
1....1...1 I., nn nlmiii onod well mi the
i i,..r lier.ln- aw near litno to
Mr Anna Urtiiiot, her son
il.!.., v lirnniii. and l'Vderlck Slbloy
.,.wt.,r nMOHl-in this city, charged
with tho muidor. Tho chief of pollen
m tit' a Mini i Im unisons under nriest do
Mix lliunot to tho (arm, and
shot her through tho head, and hurled
Imt tuidv in an abandoned well.
Miss Brtinot camo to this city on n
..i.i. a. .,ti i It Ih mild hIio
brought with her a vollm containing n
draft for $600 and oilier vniuaoirs.
N.ilHwtr Mix Drtiiint nor the valine
was eu-r seen aflrr April 1. A few
darn later Henry Brtinot and Sibley
disappeared. The pollen learned that
flu, tun went to IinliuimiKrl tri. whom
they, it is said, cashed a draft for $500,
ami spent tho proceeds.
On tho strength ol this ciow, ami n
letter from Indiana friends Inquiring
for Miss Brutiot, tho thiee inhabitants
of the Brtinot farm wero orrestod this
motnlng. At 8 o'clock the polico
found MIm Brunot'rf decomposed body
in an old well. Her clothing was
found in thugairetof tho furtnhouao.
Jin Kinlorlnc Kiitailltlnn In Ila I. fit to
tha llrmlllmi Coatt.
Stanford University. Cal., April 21.
Professor Alexander Agassi, of
Harvard, hai mado arrangements fur
Dr. Drauuar, of tho geology department
here, to lead un expedition Into South
America in tho Interest of scloitco.
The work will bo upon tho coral rofs
of tho Brazilian coast, extending from
Ceavo nearly to Rio Jaueiio. Tho
atone reefs will bo mapped, and thoir
relations to the geological history of
the South American continent will bo
tudied. Collections will bo mado for
tho musoum of comparative zoology
of Harvard university.
Profuor Agnnsiz will afterward
publish tho results of the work in tho
bulletin of the museum of comtxuntlve
zoology at Cambridge. The party will
leavo New Yoik about Juno 1, and
will return in tho middlu of September,
finllrt of Nut (iiilllv Oovrrnnr Mlnnr
AiioluU Mini Utlllnil ttlatra HrliMlor.
Philadelphia. Pa., April 24. Mat-
thaw Stanley Quay was today deolniod
by a jury to bo not guilty of thn charge
of consp.racy to tiso for his own unlaw.
(ul profit fundi of tho state dei-onitod
in the l'eorilo'a bank of this city.
Tha court ofllcers wero unable, to
keep back tho struggling crowd that
pressed forward to congratulate- Quay,
when tno verdict of tho jury was an
nounced. As soon as Quay could uot
away from tliomi anxious to shako his
hand and cougratuluto him, ho rnado
his way to the elevator to descend to
the street from tho sixth floor of tho
municipal building. Hero the scenes
urn onacieu in tno courtroom woro re
peated. Enthusiasts rushed forward
rid attempted to hoist him on their
boulders, but ho waved thotn back.
saying "rjh, no; I'm too old a man for
Quay walked with his friends to tho
otilco ol his counsel, whero ho mniln
his escape from tho crowd.
Ilarrisbtirg, Pa., April 24. Shortlr
iter noon uovernnr Stono nntio iitm
.minnow htaniey Ouay as senator to
servo until tho next session of the legis
Tho appointment is addressed tn thn
president ot tho Un ten State, nml It
is stated in the letter to bo mado under
tllO niltllOlity Of ohlUSO 2 nf m.r-llm, .1 nt
rticio 1, of tho constitution of thn
united States.
(Tho clause abovo quoted govs:
beam of tho senators of tho
nrst class shall bo vacated at tho ox
piration of tlto second voar. of thn
ond olass at tho expiration of tho fourth
year, and of tho third class at tlto ex
piration of tho sixth year, so that ono
third may he chosen evory second yeoi;
and if vucancles happen by reHignu
tion, or otherwise, during the recess of
legislature ol any stato, the exocu.
tivo thereof may muko tomporary ap.
poiniraent until tlto noxt niouting of
.u n-Kioiiuuro, which shall thon fill
oucn vacancies.")
Tho Charcea of flmmrnl Miles Will Not
He Huituliieil,
Washington, April 24.-Tho forooast
of tho heof inquiry report Indicates
mm mo cnarges oi Uonoral Mi leu will
"ui. u Busiained. although thoro is
nuun a mass oi testimony to bIiow that
UUHI was tiisitiuutod to tho army.
i o reason lor this will bo tochnlool.
iuiiuH Bnowod nothing l hia ohargo
vu,,c uunj." u UljH tochiil-
Calitv it mnv li. .1 .. .i
' j "in mat uio charges
wuro nuv sustained,
Tho people will not bo convlncod
hat tho board was not paokod in tho
Interest of tho war !.,,,, i..,,..,t i.
also possiblo that thoro will bn n ,!,..
rnund for an investigation by congroas
from those who holiovo that neither
tho war committee nor tho hoof hnnr.1
was unbiused. Tim nnnnn .o
ready to acoont tho rn,, . i. .....
boards, who seem to sustain Algorism
in tho dopartmout.
Oooupiod Qulnfjuft
onarp fcngftgomonl
Cm I. J. M. Ntilllnlitmrj ( ,1.. ,
ItuKllilrlit, Kill. i iri.n. . '"H
OUra-I.laul. Nl..u A,, S
Manila, April 26. Vn,
Nubraska reglnitrnt. I nul uIn's" d
HtOtMttnbtirg, Lieutenant HIiiob
tllruo men of the Fniim. ' It
killed, nml .14 wiiim,.i...i ...
mitiit nt OtiiniMia. Ti... i..n . W
trnitctd with small Iom
Tho oiiL'tiLMiinent ili.mi t.
astrinm, thougli rtncceinf,,!, n-jt 'B
liisiirgentn had a l-r,r,h, ',. m
iiiuml ii imIIm liitin in...... i . .
on the wlgo of a wood. 'Ic,i
Major lioll, with 40 Pavalrtmrt.
coiiiittrml n Htrorigouitiint. u...
nifii was killed and IH t:9yiJM
by a volley. Tim Amcncrifn ...
carrying tlmlr woundud tindsr J
...I.I. ....... .llfll-..l.u i . -"s
mm K""" Hiiiiiiiiij, IX'll.L' Clfu.l. .
sued, fog enabling the ciieui;to
up to them. Two men lio
Ing a eomrado Wero si.ut in the i
but Ihoy continued with their kti.
Major Hall sent for minforetwJ
torecctio tho body of the Villa,
man, and a battalion of tho SthnM
i i . 1 1 . .
m'kii'k'ii'i unuui .uojor ManofJ
riviwl mid advanced until chU
vonoys hoiii uio snemy's tr.v.
Th Arnerloans lay nbout S00 jrM
iruiii ino wencnes oeiuriil rlcfoft(,
under fire, for two hours.
nion worn Kuuntriick, ono i,
the etfrots of the heat as they U;bJ
waning rur uio aruiiory to coat
Filially Ihu second bnttnlloo un
and then Colonel fitotsenburir. nbui
spent tho night with hi father ttk
ri tin. ctttiio iltKtrt the HelJ.
imiiimliately ret'ogmu-d him
ralstxl a cuvur. I olonel hioltiiha
deciding to oharge hi the diciMt'.M
mu oi me iiimouity. led iha ilUn
tho hwid. of his regiment. Hi
with it bullet In the brrait, di.tii
finntiy, about VUO yarn Usn
Lletilenmit Hlwon fell with ih
in IiIm liwitt, Iho bullet alriktiiy W
near the pialtira of a girl, reir.i
iy a nuooii irom h Is neck.
In tho meantime the attillirr
arrived and aliHllod tho trencbfi. 7Vj
Filipino stood until tho .NrUrt1
troops wura right on thtj tienctw,
then they boltod to the second Uti
the trenches, a inilu back.
Tho Nobraska regiment lottUoPi
vatoo anil had many wounded, le:
ing two lieutenants. Tho lam iif
inent hud ecvotal woundtxl. Tliilu
regiment had ouii ofllcer and Hiinm
no::nded. Fliii tii detd Filit
"-m found In tho treuchvi. Tlitfritf
was comixirnitvely small on aoeottti'
their wife shelter.
TIih Americans carried tlx ko
trench with small Iom, and aretd.u(
tho town tonight.
Colonel .Stotsonburg had wonittj
tation as ono of tho bravest flgbttrta.
tho army. Ho always led hit rrfiw
and had aclilovod rouiarkablo
ity with his men since thewirUf.
although, during his first coloo
thu voliinteeiM who wero not OMi i
the rigid discipllno of ths rrfj
troops thought him a hard ofllocr. Ti(
lotf, of tho NubniHka regiment ! &
campaign is tho groatest Bustnlnw
any regiment, and today 'a diiaiUr U
greatly imddoned ofllcers and itiei:,'
promiso to tako fierce voiigeauc
next fight.
Nrcro tJut With llnlm ""i
Than Hot on Fire
Nownan. Gil.. April 25. In theft
enco of nourly 2,000 people-, vw
aloft yells of defiance and shoiili"
Ham Hoso, a negro who coniiniltti"ij
of tl.o basest nolo, known In the I"
of nilinn. un Imriuiil nt tholtltt"
publia iom! ono anil a hall nines
'inrn ttitu nfinrnnnii
iloforo tlto toich wos appllf1"'
livri. tlin nnorn u-n ilnnrlVCfl "
ears, fingers and other portion' ol !i
"..tomy. Tho negro plead ri"""
ornmlif- while tho mutiU'd'0?:
going on, but etoc-J tho onloul el H
nii surpriHirig lortiitioo.
bodv wiir rm it un i-iit to t)let.
...i.i. , . .,. iiarmfi'
bonos woro orushod Into small i
mid ovon tho truo upon which u
wrotch mot his fato was torn op'
dlsposod of iih sntivanirs. The IW
tvila mif I.. ..t..w.a nH H S
litu ll..n, rill.... 1. 1., nlltAlD l"l
viik ,,, putviiu iiivwuo, '- . .i.i
ghmtly rollcH direct paid tho mote
ii iiiui. iiiinti iiiiiiiiiu tu w . i
t tin ii lei ftcurtannHA . n rt rrilflt BUi"
jo coins, mid it un oi mo ii'
nnilll.jl u.l.l - til ....(n
wwwnu.i, nuill ur ll tuilini . ij
Klltll lino. I, 111,., I A II. Ill i;muiv"
whito fariiior, nonr Pnlmotto, uu'
raged hU wlfo, 10 days ago.
Deiuiiiiila Ooirhlnu's llno,,' .
Ohlcago. . April 36.-Tlio '.,
bliiats Zoltung, in n furious u
un vjitpiain uogiiiairs
iuw xorK demands ins rumv.-. .
ciiiding: "Tho American bu' ;;,j
unuiitii (jut IIU OI UlUliDII v
H i ...1.1 I .1.1 I ll . nf f IIB AIM-