Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 10, 1899, Image 8

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A blood-stained Spanish dagger
in the possession of Lientcnaiji. A.
T. Marix, U. S. N., played a part
in what is probably the most extra
ordinary story of Spanish perfidy
that has come to light since the war
for the freedbm of Cuba began. The
dagger came to Lieutenant Mnrix
in exchange for a Spanish officer at
Havana. The facts of the story are
as follows
has eaten into the metal: "Ni iue
Puerto ni indoy Sola de mi Duenna
Sor," which means: "Let no one
wear me or give me away except
my . mistress." Toledo Blade.
So iar as the situation in the
Philippines for the past week is
concerned, it can be summed up in
a few words.
The natives, those highly civi
UxmI friends of the democratic party
An interesting relic of the civil Qf our country, have succeeded u
war is in the possession of a man killing several American soldiers,
who was colonel of a western regi-1 The democrats in congress have
meut and serve to recall one of the uccn haggling and whining because
utysterics surrounding the case of a n republican president has asked
army large enough to miu-
is follows: .- -.'Southern spy caught entering the for nn nr,y lnrge er
The young ana oeauuim wuc . Qn a fof ,Qol.
due them. Monteros who kept a ,ma 11 1 WashinBtons
store in a suburb of Havana, found
herself the unwilling companion of
Jose Gonzales, the Spanish com
mandant of the district. This was
before the outbreak of hostilities.
Monteros was suspected of friend
ship for the insurgents. The
Spanish destroyed his home set
fire to it confiscated his goods and
turned his family out. Monteros
now joined the insurgents. His
mother and two children became
xeconcentradoes. His" wife, too
beautiful to be either imprisoned or
cast adrift, was seized by the Span-
commandant, who then became her
"protector." Her fate, happily,
was unknown to the husband.
With the sobtlety peculiar to the
Spanish, Gonzales sent word to
Monteros, offering to give him free
dom and full protection if he would
leave the insurgents. Monteros,
two days later, appeared before
Gonzales in his tent.. Monteros'
wife was within hearing, but was
kept silent by a threat to kill her
should she speak. Gonzales, in her
hearing, professed himself a friend
That night while searching for his
wife and children lie was seized bi
ll squad of Spanish soldiers and
macheted to death while pinioned
to a stake.
The wife, hearing of his assissi
tiation through the kindness of a
soldier, was escorted to the spot
where Monteros lay in death. She
kissed his face and lay all night at
his side, praying, waiting, weeping
and vowing to be avenged.
Gonzales arose for breakfast
early. He found the wife of the
slain Cuban already a wake, plunged
into the depths of a grief she could
not conceal.
"Oh, senor," she exclamed fall
ing on her knees before him. I
know all."
The officer stood aghast. The
soldier who befriended the woman
saw death staring at him.
"I know that my husband tried
to escape from the Cubans and they
"killed him the Cubans killed him!
"You are the only one to whom I
may look for protection ah, senor,
pity me!"
Gonzales was. relieved. It was
nothing' to him that some one had
misinformed the woman all he
.oared about was that she did not
know the truth
The soldier saw the grim spectre
that had confronted him vanish in
empty air.
On the morning of the third day
Gonzales was found dead in bed,
with arms stretched above his head,
fists clinched, eyes staring and the
handle of a dagger protruding from
his breast. The blade was buried
within sent there by the avenging
band of Monteros' young wife.
The murderess was gone her
small children with her. No at
tempt was made to trace her flight
or retake her,
To General Weyler a report was
made by the soldier who had be
friended the woman. The captain
general, shrugging his shoulders,
said to an officer of his staff: "You
see, it is as I have often told you;
soldiering is a business that-should
not be mixed with women."
On the hlade of the dagger is
hington's birthday was me
in the federal uniform, evidentally ! occasion for democratic speeches
obtained on the battle field, but re-1 tnat would have precipitated n"
fused to talk when brought before joti,er battle at Manila had the
the court-martial, and would have Filipinos been privileged to hear
been released, as nothing iilcrimi- them.
nating iti the way of written mcs-1 These three paragraphs just
sages was found on him. This ; ni,OUf sum up the week's work,
pistol he begged to keep. His ur- 'pne trouble will undoubtedly con
gent and repeated appeals aroused tinue until after December next,
suspicion and an examination of the j wi,en the house and senate will he
barrel and stock revealed several strongly republican and the Pilipi
messages, some in cipher and others j os will be taught in very short
in Knglish neatly packed awayJor(jcr lnat the Stars and Stripes are
The evidence was sufficient to con- entitled to respect. A specia
denin and he was shot as a spy. I session after March 4 may possibly
Preparations for the burial revealed jje called to stay the needless flow
the fact that the spy was a, of American blood. The Denver
woman, uisguiseu as a leucrai soi-, Times-Sun
dier! Nothing was discovered re
garding the identity of the woman,
who, if she had' succeeded in her
mission, might have brought dis
aster to some of the Union forces
$40 CASH
r.ninMlfMt!l"l H..II.1
For the 1)1-3 1 YYntii-u. uKvi uniir,
I'lttcd with
a. & J, Tiid
.jftj.v. to tho lUMlUJCR hi Quality (mil J'ricehnA
1MTTI.I) WITH If! IT ill 20
C.&J. TIRES. lULliL)
Fred T. Morrill Cyclo Co.,
105. 107, ioy mid 111 Sixth St., Portland, Oirj,
Ralph Whipple, Ag't,
Cottaou Gmovk, Ox,
Section 1 of the new game law of
Oregon which is intended to pre
vent the slaughtering of deer by
prohibiting them from being sold in
the markets, is as follows:
Section 1. It shall be unlawful,
at any time between the first day of
m. k. niritnt.
Hereafter the hurviri-x at the .Metho
dist F.piseopal ehuruh will 1hi iih fol
lows: Sunday pchonl at 10 h. hi.
Preaching every M.'-'nd and Hrd Stin
duyuat 11 u. m. and 7::t0 p. 111. Kp
worth League at 0:UO p. in. Prayer
meetingevory Thuixlay evening at 7 :JW.
Let UH hear the Gospel "it in the power
of Oo I." Strangers and friends are
Hindu welcome to all meeting!1.
M. O. ISitiNK, Pastor.
Kev. K. A. Kohh the widely known
evaiii'elii't who creates a great intorcel
-5 J. S. ME II LEV,
Attorney Al Law.
oiwm MulnHiftei.
CnrftH. I'lnlnlirr, 1
Jimri K Thorp, Minnie I
Jl 'I hr int 1. w 1
ItdWll). lIlHfHlMtHtlir
nt ih r.ialr ! It, I' 1
1 Hii'ff. l-"l'lrMU
i Ti Jiimin I I IIHfh. Mllinla U Tl..
V o.milr. imlnliiaii.r t,i bt rmi, VufKHSl
1hMt. prrCH. lUfcmUhit iu,,, iiljIei
111 iiik mr in wo mat p Uits
Utith) ifuUtl In r hd iMi.d
imini nic aai
im 1
ni )i,n in Umu-iJ
lltlnl Hill l. Ihr lllil liar "I Hit MK tnVaTvl
' Ilia aL.rr pnllllB.1 I .mil L. I..i. ...fSslil
i'nltitnr Ci nri'. Omiiill. ' lh Mmi plriii-i.MattifllTjnr
MinihoiHi k.cmii iiar 11 tiifrn ini?,r
Inn fall III al.lrar ali,l . .Wry1'
J. E. YoliiM!,
oaii-e on Main olirvl.
Cottatfc iivm'r, Orrfnn.
llinrtl, j.l.liillB llalr I'miH iKxTTrnc
, I III? irllrf i1rmaitlfl In Ilia r.W.itiul u nyi0
I 101 Hie lr-lHI nl a rMMa ttiailt!",r
L, L. Stevens,
4. .
November and the fifteenth day of land ctlr in the heartu of people where- ( Special attention given to Mining
I rntil ami UolhetHlif f, I' Ihit. 1.
iitwnr inp 11111 .lay pi im rn, Ml
. III tpr-nl i. a irillli luuilMar
iiirn uri'i f. r ni'-rp ihiihj i
. Ir mu'41. tine irll It. iw- nh uu
( llie rmir-.l loi-f rent 1 rr mmia libMni;
1 tinlll ll. Mhlrli a,l ti.. !( rvtirn
' iain J iiiinill liillDii 'il.KIUW
la'tMrllMil leal r cflr lf all - tMXi
lllltmil hall.. I H.l V III Ii:i4k1 la U(
imiPM Kiiiim 111 1 t.uarr i.rvlt
r.taiii;. iii4ttn, Hlil'h mI'I laoflnc
Hula Mrra nn ihc 131 h ia i,l Unun
. tt'ltttel In ti 1 Llalnllff And Int i i
' bailing ami li'lt-rliliir ;nn ami mi 4
i Hum anr aim all lulil.lllKur loril.u!
at law ft talil t I Ih'iil'. In ami In mH
July of the following year, to hunt,
pursue, take, kill or destroy any
deer, moose or mountain sheep. It
shall be unlawful at any time to
hunt, pursue, take, kill or have in
possession any deer, moose or
mountain sheep, for the purpose of
obtaining the skin, hide, horns,
hams or other flesh of such animals
for the purpose of sale, barter, ex
change or trade. It shall be un
lawful for any person or corporation
to buy, or transport or carry for
pui poses of trade, barter or ex
change, the skin,' hide, horns, hams
or other flesh of any deer, moose or
mountain sheep.
ever he goe, will hold a cer'nn of meet
iugHiit the Metluxlirtt church in Cottage)
Grove, commencing the tint Sunday in i Iu'i.ksi:
CIlllIfTIAN Cllt'ltOII.
Regular nerviecs Sunday. Offering
for foreign initftriouK will he taken at (he
evening ."ervice.
IliiMiiess and Collections. I
- . Onmio.v. ,
tttcf!t ami Htir ait IbeffAf 1lu
nui Ktiidniioi nr iiiiici ki isf ia
llamlllim. Ji.iltr Mhrabifr rt.tlIc4 i
I'oliemin Nugget
iiiiici il list lUa i
Mail Jannarv IMh. IMW,
J r. Tm
Alir I"' rtiaatl
U '.'I
Eiiioii S. Urisiow,
Transact (i (iciu'raal iviiUii(ji
liuslncss li all ll.s liramhcs.
('uiiiiiti- liiuip,
Col tHgi'ti rove, County, Oirfl
Jniiuary M.lHl
To Ai.kx CoxTNfK :
i l on uru iiMfi'iiy iiniiueii iimi iiin
IcxhhhIimI hi hunt fMK in woti 4
1 lntKir on imeh of lite two
ehtlnih known nml reronlil to 4
Chamberlain' h Cough Itemed y.
This remedy is intended eHpecially for
coughfl, colds, croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It linn become fnmouH
for its cures of theso diHeaHe?, over a
large part of the civilized world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works; of tho aggravating and per
sistent coughs it has cured ; of sovero
colds that have yielded promptly to its
sothing efTects, and of the dangerous
attacks of croup it lias cured, often sav
ing the life of the child. The extensive
use of it for whooping cough has shown
that it robs that disease of all dumrcrouM I
consequences. Sold by J. A. Le.vho.v,
Cottage Grove. Job Lyons, Drain
Gives the Choice of
rIwo Transcontinental
I B i I'littMft-n (Irnvr .... Urcn
(!. Ii. (I'rljltli, Prop,
Milling ltcv.ii.lf of the ltohemia !
. IlWlrlct in li in wiiinty. OritHi"
I'AKI.Ok. "lruiM Liiinond" mid "i)
milling elHlinn, n will npj'
ft'rlillnile llhil Jmiuaryl.1, IMIiil
otuVu of the Ciiunly Clerk in nl
iroiintv, in order to hold nai'l Irr
iiinler the iirovlnlouri of Mftlon 'HiW
vIhsI KiHtutfH of the I'liitnl
lH)iug the ninount rwjulml to !
The Oreyonlan.
And tho Uohornia Nugget fpr $2 per
year, cash in advance. This is without
doubt tho greatest clubbing offer offeted
by Oregon newspapers today. Tho
Oregonian is without doubt excelled by
none, in point of news both local and
foreign, is a clear print, and besides
lias that great redeeming feature, de
void of sensational and disgusting
literature. Remember tho two papers,
the Weekly Oregonian and your home
upper tho Bohemia Nugget for $2.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of tho Eng
lish Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa.
when Buffering witli rheumotiem, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. He says: "A few applications
of this liniment proved of great service
tome. l subdued tho inflamatlon and
relieved tho pain. Should any sufferer
profit by giving Pain Balm a trial ft
Ijo'W Itotes to all
Eastern Cities.
Ocean Steamers Leave
Portland every 5 days
San Francisco.
For full particulars call on 0. It. it N.
Agent, Frank Jordan, Cottage Grovo.
V. II. IIuiaiiKiiT,
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
will please mo. For salo by J. A.Ukn
son, Cottngo Grove. Jok L YfiVH. Urn 111
written with an acid or jnk that Druggist.
Tho Weekly Oregonian and Bohemia
Nugget for $2 in advance. Profl t b
this ofl'er.
A Cb'LP..
TONSORAL PARLORS, 'mild two claim, for tli yrmi I8K i
iv.-iti n ..I ci ... 1 180, respectively, mid if within nitfTg'i
lor Hair Cutting, Shaving and Hot .,,,;,,,, ,,, ;,,,,, tl.r HgJ
"t"H. 'cation of thin notice, you UH, n
n,...,,,. n ... f .... f. - licet or rt'funo to contribute
imiir,, wii ,u,i nTitKirr. ' . . ., .j,i
portlop ot nam
iih u co. owner, tour intortut in the
olaiuiH will Im-coiiiu the propcrtrrf
sulwcribers. tinder'iald urctloti SiSt
J. II. WnmEQ
Aclnrc" Solicitors Wanted Every
For" Tho Story of the Philippine" "Ega
Murat HiilHlead, eoniiiilMloiini Jv5Tl
Government an Oindid HUtoHn Wi!
tho Wur Dopartinont. The book
written In nrmy caiiipn nt Sun .""'Sffi
on tho. Pacific with General Mfril ,Jjou
tho hoHpitul nt Honolulu, " . "TOlTr
Kong, in thu American twn"3gffi
Muuifu, in the liiniirgent wwf
Agulnaido, on tho deck of llie OWHJg
with Dowoy, and in tho roar of the
tloattho fiill of Manila. Monanj"rag
ngentH. llrlmful of orlglnnl P'W
taken by governninut ldiotognjpi,, '5p
tho Hint. Largo lwik: low iir lcf.
Cy. Hiller,
General Blacksmithing.
Two Doom North of Kakin ,t UrlHtow'H,
Cotttifje Grove, Oregon.
C. Perkins
U. S. Mineral Surveyor.
Special attention given to Mining
Claims and procuring of Patents.
G hants Pass, Okkgon.
Fashionable Dressmaking,
Main Street, Cottage Grovo, Or.
When you, want fate Cabi
net Wovh dona or Furni
ture repaired.
Leave orders oppouito Itncket store
M. Largo ikmik: iqw " V ":..!
. Freight pal.i. CrixlH gM
all trashy iinonicinl r bJK
free. AddrcHH, V. i
Star IiiHiiranuo iJUig.i
... ti. ..a -... aar Mrt W
To quit tobacco easily and tonnrM't
ootlo. full or llfo, nerve and vigor, ", V-iJ
Uao, tbo wonder-worker, that maUM
ironff. All druBKliia.Moorll. Curti"
tni',l Tln.l.l. ..-.I .....inln frCU. u",li
Bterllnir Ca. n 111 caul or 1 J
Wanted-An Idea its
rrairoi your innaai inmrnw '";;,, ijj
nay., Wa.lilnirton. p. O.. for ttolrjWVfrult
auu newr lut w oua inouaauu - I
Old nanor for sale at this oM
j, - i