Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 10, 1899, Image 4

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MMMa,,HMt,MCTMW'? - - -j" "
Entered at the post"!" "l c" 0r,,vc
OrCRon a Second Clnw man manor.
Note the changes in real estate . -f f T-T7Tft MgJM I inhPMM
iu Cottavre Grove and then say that f yfj LsAAi LtU XSXjXl J ' 4 UK
times are not better if you want to. I !fMf!
' im w to the Public for your liberal patronage mn..K , ..
Siib.crlptlon iirlrc. 91. RO. In n-lvmicc.
Ailerll-lng rule. "'""" "lH,u j Constituency?"
Tl finard heads an
clipped from the Capital Journal
"The Much Abused Legislature."
Why not say "The Much Abused
We are now giving thes-
Friday, March 101899.
Geo. Weber of Eugene, until now
a popular barber of that city, has
been arrested charged with being
implicated in the forgery of a $5,000
note, against J. B. Coleman. E.
D. Horner, recently from Portland
is also under arrest for having exe
cuted the foreerv. Horner is under
bonds of $1000, Weber 5500. ana
as neither seem to be flush with the I fcend W. W. Branstetter, who
The probabilities are that Bran
ton, the murderer, will not be re- (
sentenced during the present term
of court. His attorneys have 20
days in which to file a motion for 1
a rehearing, and it is not likely that ,
will be done in time to admit of,
Judge Hamilton passing sentence
upon him during the present term.
The editor of the Nugget is in
receipt of a handsome cane direct
from Manila the gilt of a dear good
! A ma
wherewith they are still in jail. It
seems little is known ot the men in
Eugene. Horner being a new
arrival and Weber having resided
there only a little over a year. The
chances are that Weber is in the
deal about as much as Horner, as
Justice Wintermeier is a careful
magistrate and always demands
serving Uncle Sam over there.
There is only one price that would
cause us to depart with this token
of remembrance and friendship. A
guarantee of the safe return of the
boy who sent it.
No fears need be entertained that
Dewey will get the swell head now
convincing testimony before he puts , he is promoted to the admiralty. A
the countv to cost. The affair is to man that can stand up under the
be regretted so far as this man
Weber is concerned. He is young
having been married only a couple
of years, to a very popular young 1 his prescribed business
lady, and has been quite successful J
in building up a barber business in
Eugene, as well as a fair reputation
until now. It was ever thus, when
a man gets a notion into his head
that he isn't making money fast
words of praise and see the people
of a mighty nation bow in his
honor, and go right on tending to
without a
inch iron band around his head,
is proof against flattery.
The grade of admiral has been
revived for Dewey's benefit, and
the hero of Manila bay is now
VinnnrpH with the title, also the di'-
enough and seeks a little speedier , tinction of having incorp0rated in
.. . .. . t - it. i 1 1 0
the bill just passed, that he shall
not be retired only upon his own
request. No greater honor can be
bestowed upon him, and no one is
more capable of appreciating it than
Admiral Dewey.
method the devil is usually abroad
in his immediate vicinity with a
nice, clever device, and the man
with an abnormal thirst for wealth
tikes a running shoot for his royal '
cussedness and his golden promises, j
As soon as the victim gets a good
down hill jog on himself, the devil j It is amusing to note what an ex
steps aside and the ambitious youth ' tensive mess of tangle-foot English
runs straight into the open door of a little squib in last week's Nugget
the pen. In the case above men J published way up here in the foot
tioned a home has been or probably , hillSj brought forth in the power
will be broken up; a reputation has J ful ( ? ) and jnfluential( ? )Broad-Axe
been tarnished and probably ruined, j ot th;s week. The corespondent
At any rate the ladder of success (?) started out flying populist
has been knocked from under the lcoiorSj but as he reviewed his rant
feet of the climber before he was ; ing gibberish he evidently became
hardly midway upon the promising 1 ashamed of himself and signed him-
journey and ne laus Deiow ine j gr "Democrat."
horizon of recognition. Even if the
evidence against him is not suffi
cient to land him in the prison cell,
the vantage ground has been lost
and even if he sees and repents his
life's mistake he
Our Spring Stock will soon he ready mid
open to your inspection.
Absolutely no misreprescutntion of goods
We have actually had a day or
two of sunshine.
Remaining on hiiml ami uncalled for
nt the iHwtotllee ut Cottage lirovo, Oro,
March 1st, 1SW.
Mr. K. F. Ynnt W. A. Gromlahl
Mr. I 1. Taylor Miss Joiv Moorheml
Miss" K. M. Gray.
P. It. SiiKitwooi), V. M.
S'morc TWigs.
When it comes to getting up ad
vertising matter the Southern Pa
cific ranks among the foremost of
all the railroads in the United States.
must commence I The latest feature in the ad'ertising
once more at the foot, and the start j line issued by the S. P. Company is
and climb will be all the more diffi-1 the production of a large and ex
cult. Commence right, do right, j cellently printed card setting forth
and the end of life's journey will be the advantages of the Sunset
crowned in riches maybe not of , Limited train which Hashes across
this continent with lightening speed.
In this a comparison is made be-
gold but of honor.
Meriau's Park, a couple of miles j between the water and rail routes,
north of Eugene on the river road The "Oregon" the great monarch
has been purchased by Eli Bangs, , of the sea is referred to as making
the enterprising and well known the trip from the Pacificto the Allan
liveryman of that city. The park ' tic in 68 days, while the Sunset Lim
has many improvements upon it, j ited palatial train conveys its passen-
cohsistinir of a five-eiehths track Sers ro ine point in 70 nours.
a s
considered one of the best in Oregon,
a good pavilion, stalls, lake and
boat houses, that will aid Mr.
Bangs in bringing the grounds to
the front in the eyes of the people
of the state. This enterprise if
properly manipulated means much
to Lane county, and one can have
little hesitency in saying that Eli
Bangs is the right man to bring it
to the front. Mr. Bangs doesn't do
things by halves. Success to him.
There is no town in Oregon
that can send out a finer, better
looking, more manly or better be
haved, delegation of men than that
from Helmet Lodge K. of P. of Eu
gene, which visited Juventus Lodge
Rudyard Kipling, the famouf.
poet who has been lying at death's
door for so many days has passed
the danger point and slowly but
curplv thrnmrh thp skillfiilnpec of
physicians and the patient care of a
faithful wife is being nursed back
into a life, the checking of which
at the present time would rob the
world of one of its brightest jewels.
As the great man of letters recedes
from the gate of death, the
lovable little six year old daughter,
Josephine, looks into heaven, winds
her dimpled arms about the loving
mother's neck, and passes into the
mystic realms beyond, to await the
coming of him who is spared, yet a
little while to bequeath to the world
Sunshine ami showers.
Club dance Saturday night.
Garden seals are now in demand.
The Kugeno boys left a few pieces.
Onion seta at dimming & Huston
Milestone client) at Ctiitituinu
The swamp band lias organized for tho
spring season.
501 bs dairy salt 4"c. 100 lbs stock suit
55c. F. U. Phillips.
Get your Plows sharpened and oil
tempered at Cy Millers.
Fresh cabbage, riweet jwtatoos, orange
and lemons nt F. It. I'liillips.
Lots of snow in the mountains.
Report says 'M feet nt the Cook mine.
Mc England was in the city Monday
and mnde the Nugget a pleasant call.
Don't get an idea into your head that
this weather going to last all mu tu
rner. Cabinet Photos f 1.50 per dor. for n faw
days. Come now save money. J. N.
Boyd, Photographer.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Hemenway is siinuring with
In grippe.
Ed Hebbard was n prssengcr to Yon-
calla last Wednesday afternoon. He
will return Saturday.
Notice dimming & Huston's new ad.
It furnishes you some good informa
tion. The lwys at Saginaw serenaded Mr.
and Mrs. Julian last Friday night in
great shape.
There is some talk going the rounds
of musicians with regard to organizing
a band here !n tho near future.
Sunday was a beautiful day and nearly
everyone took advantage of the oppor
tunity and was out for a walk.
Go to UummingA Huston for your
garden seeds both in papers and hulk
They rcpresont the leading secdmcn.
Note this : You can procure tho Bo
hemin Nugget, your home paper and tho
St Louis GIobe-Dcmocrae for $1.75 per
year, cash in advance.
It may bo some time beforo tho Cot
tage Grove K. of P. lodge will rank in
size with tho Eugeno lodge, but it is
predicted that eomo hustling will bo
done with tiiat end "in view this season.
The town or city that fails to "get n
move on itself" within tho next year or
so, will find itself distanced by Hiopo
that do. Now is the time to move to do
something, and then to do it. Junction
City Times.
If you are going to buy a Now
Wheel or Sowing Machine this season.
Will pay you to get our prices first. As
wo will save you money. Martin &
Sportsmen in Oregon will ho greatly
disappointment (o learn Unit tho Eng
lish partridges recently ordered will not
bo received this season, as tho ordor
was received in London too lata to ho
filled. Register.
Bohemia Nugget :
Men's Clothing
We aire C IoNiiiir Out Our Kutire Line ot
itlcu'.s Clothing at Wholesale Pricon.
Wo arc iilKoOHVring
Nnmr llttvr lln ran I nit III Our Jlruular .fur, In Ortlrr to MnUl
Jtoom for Onr Lavac Stork of Sprint ilooil.
Call and get Our Prices.
Vent mil u Lorntril.
Meet Ail Train.
fiitermt Jiutr tor nmnmiiuein
And llu The Week.
Form Sink Pn
Strictly Y'wxt Glass.
Kitten J'idiii $ $'J. Main Street,
I'rr l)n ll. Vottnne (trove, Ort
A Complete and Well Selected Line of the.
Best Drugs in the Market
-KPS&ftS!fSti$ Fit
Kept CoiiHlnutly
iu FlatEIHl
jSTew Line of Trusses just in-
Ikfiton Druy Company. CotUf (lfov. On.
P. W. RHODES, Prop.
Is the place to go to buy your fresh and smoked
meats, lard, etc. Everything in the shop is first class.
James Hemenway:
Heal Estate and Mining Property.
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Companies.
Strict Attention paid to Collection' '
Office opposite Sherwood Hotel.
8ca Tlioiu,
When yon want flnu cahinot work
done, furnituro repairing, or llrntcliiHn
painting ami graining, ueo Mr. Bidwell
& Son at "Cy" Miller's hlackamith
shop. They guarantee their work to ho
first chi88 and their priced aro reasonable.
Tho Northern Pacific hnvej rcccntlf
established an ngoncy in our city w1"
Mr. James Homenwav an acont. C'
on or write him in regard to tickcti
all Eastorn points.
Weekly Orcpian
The Two Papers
2 for One Year,
Nq 38 of this city last Saturday,
his intellectual cjems,