lifl'8 GREAT FUTURE ft' tlAA Viows Concerning United States. HAS BEEN MADE . . ti 1 1 .. u .. . T?5iiliiiilill(i-I.iirlii! Direction of ICxpnuilun Is Southward. Tasandrln. Egypt, March 4. Cecil wlio in Uio eyes ol most Kn- lKlimbn lH tlio Incarnation of tlio Irn fofiallat polloy, IioIiIh views concern i,n?FWofutiiioof Uio United Btntosovon kuforjjjfar reaching than moHt Amuricnti limplrTallHtH luivu broac.iod. t 1 MfltRhodos, In oonvoraatlon with a ToproJoDtntivo of Uio press on boa id , tVio?Tea"inor HapalitirK. on tlio modltor- Sraneaby which ho camo to Egypt In 170 Inioroat of tlio Capo to Cairo rail road null telegraph, predicted most con BaSilCiy that within a century tlio tQjdJStutos would havo ndvunood tho Jwonsibegun in tho evacuation of Cuba SffifijEH controlled all of tho Amen. lni'B1,Mur0' UX0(,I'' Uaiiado. Tho .gjtanoo of tlio conversation is ropro P5!ijEou w'tn Absolute vorbal occuruoy. jfMrSlthodoa expressed adniiration of .KTOcWork nlroady dono in Cuba, and .fprclllolod that it would ho carriod on JEoPhilipplnuH. Tho United Stutca KiMCOnBldorcd ono of tho nutiona bust equip pod for culoiiizutiou, and ro pentcoly oxclalmod: jl'pu nru taking to It llko mother's mil iff apparently with tho groatoat aonsirt." Inqulrod with grout Intoreat what iio nrguinonta of thooppoiionta of nliam in tho United States, and intod thai thoy seemed to bo niil by solfishncBS. is tho duty of civilized nationa 0 charge of tho harhariana and lorn white iiiihi'h government," I. "Tho United Htatea ia ono of eat powura, and cannot oscapo ity." Hid not beliovo that tho United would ovor withdraw lta author in Cuba, and thought tho rnannor oh Spain had been evicted from lonlea and tho United Htatea had poaacBalon waa moat business irioa'a action in compensating for tho I'hillpplnea surprised "I would havo bundled tho irda out nud mado them pay a domnitv," was hla comment, lectured that tho United Stotos nevor withdraw from tho Phil b, beoauau it waa ita duty to give icoplo a strong and good govern nor did ho beliovo that when lad begun to realize tho results ilr work thoro, tho Americana doairo to abandon the policy, night grumblo for n timo ovor xponao. but that would bo a flea bite" to a nation bo rich, not abandon aonio of tho ox of the pension Hat, which eccina enaonably largo, if economy was nry?" ho naked. Even if n largo iiuat ho built, tho United 'States ll afford one. So far as tho fear jvoking foreign entanglements us went, while England and the I States stand togother and main oir pronant understanding, which tloally nn alliance, no comblnn ! powera daro mennco them. To colonies, the United States must zo a staff of colonial ofllcials, can do that as easily ns it can zo n now navy. u people of tho United States cannot always remain within oursolves. cannot always go on making money. You must get out into tho d and tako up your sharo of tho Id's burdens. Already your aro SEmgrowing your own country, and will EWrb other countries, ami you will give! them good govorninont. Why should you not? You hnvo it in your jpoU. Tho Philippines will furnish ttefflcaroora for your young men. The ffhplo work will strengthon you and tirondon your national oiiaraoter. Yos, jurewiy you ato tuKing to u iiko mom- milk." W CURE FOR PNEUMONIA. BKrofessor Wnssermnn, Pupil of Knoh, IHscnvorod It. 55W York. March 4. A disnatch to thelWorld from Borlln says: Profos- IgojaWassarmoii. ono of Professor Koch's lost puiills. Is believed to havo dis covered a now soruui for tho euro of pneumonia. Ho Inooulntod rabbits ih tho nnouinocauR bnncilua. wliinh Igoncrallv hnllnvnd In nmiRn iiiinn. UOnia. and with tho minim thus iminnri liiolinooulated micosufforini! from nneu- Lfiohio. A aubsequout sorios of exnori- PnpntH showed that it was In tho rod narrow of tho bones that tho auti-tox- la produced, nnd that rod marrow kon from a human cornso after death 0111 pneumonia and uroiI as n flnrum III euro inlco infected with tho die- io. Vccordincly. it is lionnd that this jum will have tho snmo sntisfnotory buiib in Human beings. ICInlliii- Imiiriivliif-. INow York, March 8. Tho condition : UUClvnrd KinlinL' Ih vnrv mnnh 1m. lovod tonight. Tlio crisis in tho dis so was passed this morning. r NEW SALMON TRUST. J'ormeri to Control the Paget Hounil Canneries. Now York, March I. Tho Pacific American Fisheries Oouipany, incor porated in Now Jersey today with a capitalization of $6,000,000, will con trol 70 per cent of all tho salmon caught in Puget Hound watois and it authorized to catch and can salmon or other flah in Uio Columbia river, Puget Miund, Fraaor river, Aluska and other diatricta. Tlio directora of tho com pany ares John Cudnhy, Charles Counsulman, Judge A. T. Moran, of Moran, Krauao & Mayer, of Chicago; II. 13. Steelo, E. 13. Doming, Itobort A. Smith, J. C. Hvndaoker, of Hny docker & Flfo, Chicago; ltolaud Out froy, of Falrhuvon, Wash., and A. G. Gatretaon, of Joraoy City. Tho per tiiuuont ofllcoia will bo elected at a mooting to bo held in Cihcago. Levi Mayer ia general counsel. Tho head (luartors of tho company will be in Chicago, and tlio American Trust & Savings bank of Chicago, is tho under writers' trustee. Tlio Manhattan Trust Company la Uio New York trustee. Tho atook of tho copmnny has been privately undorwrittuu and thero are to be no other offerings. It is the Intention of tho company to extend Its huainoss and to absorb other ooncerna in tlio salmon canning busi ness in different localities. Upon tho present organization it ia estimated that tho net earuinga of tho company will bo (830,130, or over 18 per cent of tho common atock after paying the 8 per cent divideuda on tho preferred stock. Tho company will engage in the foreign shipping of sea goods from American waters. Tho company line acquired an option for a situ for a new central cannery at Fairhavon, WiibIi., which, whou built, will bo tlio largest in Uio woild. In addition a large licet of steamers, boats ami scows hue been aecured, aa havo been the proper ties and plants of tlio Island Canning Company at Friday harbor, and the Auacortca Paoikng Company, at Ana coitea, WobIi. TERRIBLE TRIPLE TRAGEDY. Hoy Ilushnnd KIIU III Wife, Her Mother nml 1 1 1 1 i r 1 T. Evansvlllo, Intl. , March 4. A double murder and sulcido took place at Poaoyvillo yesterday. Mrs. Eliza beth Kenohloe, a wealthy widow, of Poaoy county, lived with her son-in-law, Stove Glower, and wifo. Tho Kenoliloo homo was discovered in Damon, and neighbors In attempting an entianco found tho doors lockod. When tho tiro waa oxtinguiahed and tho homo entered tlio bod lea of Mrs. Ken cliloe. Ulower and his wifo, wore found in a room, bo badly burnod as to bo almost unrecognizable. Beaido Glower lay a shotgun. From all indications, Glower first killod his wifo and mothor-in-law, thon set flro to tho house, lay down on tho bed and shot himself just above tho heart. Glower was 31 years old and his wifo 17. Hholleil tlln Inaiircott. New York, March 4. A disptch to tho Hoi Id from Manila ays: Tho form er Spanish gunboat La Gunn do Uayo steamed up tho river opposite Macati tliia morning and oponed firo on tho insurgents on tho oppoBito side from Gonorl Whcaton's brigade. Sho fired hor four Gatling guns, two Nordon foldts and ono ono pounder. At first tho Insurgents ropllod with rillo flro, but thoy could not stand be foro tho hail from tlio Gatlings. Tho engagement lasted tlireo-quarters of an hour, nud then tho Insurgents scat tered, but ns soon as tho gunboat with drew tlio insurgents returned nnd ngain oponed a slow aud annoying flro across tho river. Tho IlltiftlleliU Kovolr. Washington, March 4. Mr. Clancoy, United States consular agont at I31uo Holds, has notified tho departmont ol stato that "to provont unnecessary bloodshed, revolutionists under Koyes surrendered to the Nicaraguan gonornl ruling this afternoon, on advico of Captains Simmonds nud Burr. Tho lives of General Iteyosnnd his followers aro guaranteed. Foreigners who par ticipated must loavo Nicarugua. Forcea wore landed by Simmonds and 13urr last night. Qu:ot provnils." Colnoil Ht l'lilliulelplilii. Phllodolphia, March 4. During tho month of Fobruary thoro woro colnod at tho United States mint in this city 600,100 doublo eoglos. Silvor coinod consistod of 70,000 dollars nnd 112,000 half dollars. Thoro woro 440,000 6-cont piocoa nnd 1,167,000 ponnioa coined. Tho total number of piooea coined was 2,301,190, nud thoir total valuo $10,100,070 Itelun Blerouilnii HnUeil, Santiago do Cuba. Match 4. Aftor long delay, tho former Spanish cruiaor Koina Morcodos, which was Bunk in tho channol of Santiago harbor during tho bombnrdmont by Admiral Samp son's fleet on Juno 0, has beon rnisod nnd pumpod out, tlio government tugs assisting tho wrecking company. Sho was brought up to tho city this aftor noon. Form I MB Colllu Trust. Cleveland, O., March 4. A special from 8andusky to the Plaindoalor soya n gigantic coffin trust is in process of formation thoro. Prices will be rnisod. BUSINESS RESUMED A Big Looal Trade Reported at Manila. ARRIVAL OF REINFORCEMENTS Conllilniine llni flfien Fully Itnatored nt tlm I'hllltMiliin (Jnpltnl Tim Unlmli Actlva nt Nan l'odro Mitcatl. Manila, March 7 Tiio United States transport Ohio arrived yesterday. In the last two days there has beon a very noticeable change in Manila for tho butter, probably duo to tho arrival of reinforcements for the Amoiican troops. Numbers of pcoplo are aeon an the streets, and tho amount of busi ness transacted in tho stores has mar voloualy IncrcaRod. Yeaterday tho Lunetu waa blookod witli carriages for Uio first timo sinco tho outbreak, nnd the band of tho Twentieth regulars played a number of airs, and it waa hard to beliovo that a stato of wai ex isted. Outsido tho city thoro was desultory firing throughout tho day, and at vari ous points tho sharpshooters woro moat annoying. At Kan Pedro Macati tho rebels nro very active, erecting entrenchments in front of the poaition occupied by tho Washington troops, although n two-gun battery of tho Sixth artillery repeatedly shelled them. Tlio enemy aro fully alivo to the fact that Mausers havo n much longer rnngo than tho Springflelda and aro continu ously taking "pot shots" in compara tive safety. Tho American soldiers ills Iiko this paBsivo resistance, and nro snger for tho excitement of an active :ampaign. Despito tho heat, tho health of tho men In tho trenches has improved re markably. Tlio transport Ohio arrived today with roiuforcomenta. One casualty. Privato Ovorton, company G, Twentv tecond infantry, died on tho 2d inst.. f spinal meningitis. EXPLOSION OF A MAGAZINE. rnrrlbla l.ati ot I.lfe Nfr Toulon, I'mncn. Toulon, March 7. Tho naval maga zine of La Gouhran, between La Soyno and Toulon, in tho department of Var, Southern France, exploded nt 2:30 o'clock this morning. All of tho sol diers on duty nt the mugazino woro killed, and n number of inhaibtants of tlio district, tlio buildings of which wcro razed, also fell victims. Forty corpses havo already been recovered, riio cauao of the explosion is not known. Fifty thousand kilogrammes of black powder exploded. It looks aa though a volcanic eruption had occurred, tho country being swept almost bare with in a radius of two miles, houses de stroyed, trees overturned and distorted, Mollis devastated and covered with stones and impalpable black dust. Somo of tho stones are enormous. Ono weighing 60 kilogrammes fell In tho suburb of Pono do Las. SignB of tho explosion are evident in all the sub urbs of Toulon nnd in tho city itself. Even nt St. Jean do Var, five miles dis tant, windows wero shattorod and doojra battered In. It is impossible to ascer tain ncourntoly the number killed, but it is bolloved that no fewor than 100 wero injured. ARMED HIGHWAYMEN. Held Up Seven Men on n Tncnnin Ill cycle I'ntli. Tacoma, Wash., March 7. Two armed hlghwaymon laid in ninbush on n bioyclo path two miles from the city tonight and captured and robbed seven mon between 8 and 1 1 o'clock, secur ing sevornl watches but less than $10 In cash. Thoy laid a log across tho path and stopped tho travolors as thoy camo to it. Tho first man was a candy maker, who had n bundle of aprons, which thoy used to hind thoir prisoners as thoy camo, ono by one. Aftor rob bing thorn, thoy tied their hands nnd feet nnd laid them in a row in the brush. At 11 o'clook tho footpads wont away, leaving tho victims bound. Ono inanagod to roll ovor whoro another could initio him with his tooth, nnd hov gavu the alarm, but the robbers jind" flod. About 7 o'clock, two men, presum ably the sumo, held up T. O. Abbott, n prominont nttornoy, n fow blocka from tho samo place, but ho brokoaway and escaped. Dreyfus I I'rontmted. London, Murch 7. Tlio correspond out of tho Daily Telegraph, nt Cayenne, capital of Froneh Guiana, says: "In tho courso of n recent convorsn t ion, Droyfus doclarod that his return to Franco wits imminent, but for tho past month ho had rocoivod no news. I understand that ho is in n state of prostration that causes considerable anxiety." Kzploslon of llenzlne. St. Potorsburg, March 7. Lnatovon Ing n carboy of bonzlno exploded in n tlilrd-olnsd rnilrond carrlago on tho lino (A Dwlnsk, south of St. Potorsburg. Tho carrlago was burnod, six womon nnd n man woio killod, and 10 othora woro injured. I'roYlng Up Claim. During tho pnat two years nbout 260 ensh oritiioB and homostcada have been proved up on for Wnaco county, Or. Figuring on an avorago of a quarter of n section to each eettler, this makes 06 sections, or 41,000 ucroa for tho coun ty, which havo beon nddod to tho as sessment roll in that time. Avoraging nt about $8 an acre, this will amount to $124,800. WixhliiKton Tobacco. 13. K. Knapp. ot Okanogan county. Wash., was recently offered 12 oents per pound for a large quantity of to bacco raised by hirn on his ranch near Ives, and ho says that owing to bar ing no curing-house or place to storo what he raisod, it waa not aa good by 60 per cent aa can bo raised. This bIiowb what can bo done with tobacco In that county. Think He Win Druecnd. Georgo Hoberts, who livea about four mllea from Centralia, WaBh., Juat ovor tho lino in Thurston, lost $26 roeently by a burglar. Ho had tho money in a trunk only six feet from his bod, but nevertheless a burlgar pried off tho locks and aecured the coin without awakening him. Ho thinks ho was drugged, as ho felt very drowsy tho next morning. ItulldliiE Into Orecon. Tho construction crews on tho Ne vada, California & Oregon railroad havo reached a point 12 miles north of Amadeo, Lasson county, and are rapid ly extending the roadbed across the Madline plains toward Alturaa and Southeastern Oregon. Tftpi and Trump Plc'it. Tramps objected to tho Japanese sec tion mon "clearing up" the railroad depot grounds, at Gurvaig, Or., and a lively scrimmage ensued, resulting in the tramps being entirely "cleaned out." PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market. Onions, 80o$1.10 per 100 pounds. Potatoes, $2226. . Beets, per sack, 76c. Turnips, per sack, 60 75c. Carrots, per Back, 4666c. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower, 76$1.00o per doz. Celery, 85 40c. Cabbage, nativo and California $I.tlO2 per 100 ponnda. Apples, S660c per box. Pears, &0c$1.60 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, 20c per pound; dairy and ranch, 1620c per pound. Eggs, 21c. Cheese Native. 1212c. Poultry Old bene, 14c per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 10c. Fresh meats Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 8Jc; cows, prime, 8c; mutton. 0c; pork, 7c; veal, 08c Wheat Feed wheat, $23. Oats Choice, per ton, $2520. Hay Puget Sound mixed, $8.00 10; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $13.0014. Corn Whole. $23.60; cracked, $24; feed meal, $23.60. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $2620; whole, $23. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; etraiuhts, $3.26; California brenda, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.75; rye flour, $4.50. Millatuffa Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, por ton, $16. Feod Chopped feed, $2123 per ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 69c; Valley, 01c; Blueatem, 03o por bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $3.05; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 4142c; choice gray, 3040c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $31 33; brew ing, $33.00 per ton. Millatuffa Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $33; shorts, $18; chop, $10.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $80; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hoy, $0 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6065o; seconds, 4550o; dairy, 4046o store, 3630o. Choeso Oregon full cream, 12Joj Young America, 15o; new cheese, 10c por pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34 per dozen; hens, $4.005.00; springs, $1.353; gooBO, $0.007.00 fur old, $4.605 for young; ducks, $6.00 6.60 por dozen; turkoys, live, 16 10c por pound. Potatoes 7580c per Buck; sweets, 3c per pound. Vegetables Beets, 00c; turnips, 75c per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $1 1.35 por 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 75c por saok; bonus, 8c por pound; celery 7076o per dozen; cucumbors, 60o per box; poas, 83a per pound. Onions Orogou, 75o$l per sack. Hops 814o; 1897 crop, 4o. Wool Vnlloy, 10 12a por pound; Enstoru Oregon, 8 12c; mohair, 20o por pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and owes, 4o; drossed mutton, 7)c; spring lambs, 7)o por lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.35 light and feeders, $3.6003.00; dressed, r5.006.50 por 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 3.60$8.75, cows, $3. 60 8. 00; dressed beef, 60o por pound. Veal Largo, 067c; email, 89o per ponnd. ALONG THE COAST. Item of General Interest Oleaned From tlie Thriving: I'aclfln Stnte. New Telephone Line. Tho tolephone lino from Langlois, Curry county, to Uandon, which waa romplotod last week, ia now in good working order, and Langloia lias for tho first timo tolephone communication with all the important points in the county. Poles are on tho ground for the extension of the line to Port Or ford, and poles aro being cut and distributed for the farther extcntsiona to Weddor burn and Gold Beach. It ia supposed that tho line wilt be extended to Eu reka, Col., and when tho gap between IioBoburg and Myrtle Point ia closed up next summer, tho coast country will no longer be cut off from communica tion with the outside world. Wcu Obld Ore. Al, Ed and Frank Geiser have brought from their Bonanza mine to Baker City, Or., 1,300 ounces of gold, valued at $21,700, the reault of a 26 day run thia month of a 20-etamp mill. The ownera of the Bonanza have given it out that it is thoir intention to in crease the number of stamps in tlio quartz mill to GO or more. It ia un derstood thia improvement will be made in the near future, or as soon as tho spring opens. The Bonanza has an unlimited amount of splendid mill ing ore. and, with the mill enlarge ment, this Baker mine will probably become ono of the largest steady gold producers in the Northwest. Damage Wa Slight. A dispatcli from Monroe, Or., says: The recent frosts did not do as much damage to frnit in that section as was generally supposed. Prunes do not seem to be hurt to any extent, and in the worst cases the operators of the orchards claim that not more than 10 per cent of the trees are injured, and theao only to a slight degree. Peach trees fared worse than others, while Petite prunes came second on the list. Apples are not injured at all in this immediate locality. Ilrulallty at Sea. The Bailors of the American ship Erskine M. Phelps, which arrived at San Francisco a few days ago from Bal timore, have brought charges of in human conduct against Captain Gra ham and First and Second Officers Bailey and Moye. The men told a pitiful story of starvation and cruelty, and many of the sailors show the marks of beatings, tho mates being the prin cipal aggressors in tho the beatings. Want a Factory Moved. The Coquillo city council has for warded a proposition to G. W. Peek, proprietor of the broomhandle factory, that if he will move the mill north 30 feet from ita present location, they would give him a five years' leaae on the land. The main reason for tho council asking him to do so is to give more room for getting to and from the new wharf, which will be badly ham pered if the mill is not moved. Orders From the Bast. The manager of the Pendleton woolen mills has recently returned from a very successful trip in the in terests of the millB, which took him over noarly the whole United States. Tho big houses of John Wanamaker, and Arnold, Constable & Co., and othors of aucb high standing, placed orders for blankets, stating that tho Pendleton mills have no competitors in that line of goods. Or the Miocene Ferlod. A fow months ago J. Bagley, of Air lie, brought to Independence, Or., some fossilized teeth which were found near Airlie. They were sent to Professor Condon, of the stato university, who pronounces them "sharks" teeth of tho miocene period." Other fossils sent are "a miocene sboll, of the family naticodo," and "a dentallium shell, of the miocene peiiod." Governor Rogers' Appointments. Governor Rogers has recommended Quincy A. Brooks, Samuel Haddock and L. B. Smith, nil of Port Townseud, to constituo the board of health for the collection district of Port Townsond. Tho governor has appointed as trustoes for the Cheney normal school J. J. Brown nnd J. N. Allen, of Spokane. Tho third trustee, E. E. Dempsey, ia also of Spokane, giving hat city the entire board. Stock In Had Condition. Cattlo, sheep and hogs are in bad con dition in tho vicinity of Monroo, Or. Several head of stock havo porishod, which under ordinary circumstancos, would havo braved the storms of an Oregon wlntor, and coino out in tho spring with plenty of flesh, thus show ing that the one week of snow was harder on tho ranchers of tho valloy than all tho rains and frosts of a com mon season. Colour From Spoknne. A colony of oitizons from Spokane will loc-ito somewhere in the south end of tho Willamette valley before April 1, ao it is assertod by Colony Promoter Wnllaoo, of Junotion City, Or. Mr. Wallace has mado nn offort during tho past few days to perauado Monroo peo ple that it ia to thoir interoat to have tho colony mako southern Bonton coun ty is future home.