Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 10, 1899, Image 2

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THE Ml OF I Iffl
pert- 1
..t nrt-aJr f taa Ft
C.iW r-.theT.WcP Cola
Tbe Eight Called State volunteer
rtiBfjt ii aw ke:s aoitered out.
The Covington. Ky postoSoe has
twos robbed f stMaps and money to
tie ismait of f .
The sope hs undergone an
tiost for removal of a loeg-ftaadiBg
crit wbkfc soddeoly becaae inflamed.
Professor Wallace P. Day, a director
ot the Illinois college of mask, and
well known among sncuieal celebrities
East and West, ii dead at Jacksonville,
By a collision betweea a paKenge;
train and a "helper" tocosnotiva on tbe
Soothers Pacific near Hot Springs,
Nevada, the two engineers and the fire
xaea of the two engines were killed.
It i; said tbe United States has sent
a dispatch to Madrid protesting against !
ilT, . mmi tram
the false statement being cabled from
Manila by General Rios, who forme'ly ;
cotamanded the Spanish troops in the ,
Among the pasengers from Honolulu
on the steamer Aeetraiia, were 44 fol-
regiments, six of whom have been dis-,
ebarzed. The others retained on ac-1
count of illness.
Rain bas fallen in many sections of '
California and the long-continued dry)
spell is thought to be over. The pres-j
ent rain will save tbe wheat crop in i
critical districts and add to production
where growth is favorable.
It is reported in Madrid that Spain
authorized Genera) Rios to offer the
Philippine republic $ 500,000 for the re
lease of the Spanish prisoners. The
offer was indignantly declined, and tbe
insurgents asked 17,000,000.
It is reported on good authority that
the interests of tbe Royal Baking Pow
der Company, tbe New York Baking
Powder Company and the Cleveland
Baking Powder Company have been
sold to William Zeigler for between
111,000,000 and 112,000,000.
Affairs are still unsatisfactory in
Samoa. Tbe provisional government.
it appearB, is interfering with tbe na
tive and British subjects, and also
with tbe servanta of the British sub
jects, and is taxing tbe Malietoa people
52, and tbe Mataafa people $1 each.
Lord Herschell, one of tbe joint high
commissioners from Great Britain, who
-was sent to take a leading part in tbe
negotiations between tbe United States
and Canada, died suddenly in Washing
ton. He expired in half an boar after
being taken ill. Heart failure was
tbe cause.
Dr. Rafael, the German president of
tbe municipal council at Apia, at tbe
instigation of tbe British consul, bas
apologized for boycotting the British
third-class cruiser Porpoise and for in
sulting the chief justice and Malietoa's
lawyer, while they were gue3ts on board
the Porpoise.
A dispatch from Rome Tuesday says
the pope was taken suddenly ill tbat
Tbe battle-ship Oregon accompanied
by the collier Iris, sailed from Hono
lulu for Manila February 20.
Tbe sundry civil bill, together with
a large number of public building
measures were passed by tbe United
States senate Tuesday.
The American Pottery Company,
with its burden of 30,000,000 capital
ization, is likely to fail in its purpose
of uniting tbe potteries.
Monday congress passed tbe army re
organization bill with an amendment
providing that no permanent increase
in the array shall be made beyond 1001.
Tbe German government has ordered
its warships to leave tbe Philippine
islands and has placed German sub
jects there under tbe protection of tbe
United States.
According to advices from Genoa,
province of Barcelona, the number of
disbanded Spanish eailorb in Cuba who
are joining the American navy is con
uiderably increasing.
Si: second-lieutenants in tbo regular
-array, just graduated trom the mili
tary academy at West Point, have ar
rived at San Francisco, on their way to
.Manila to join various regular infanrty
The Southern Paoific overland from
Portland ran into a landslide in a can
yon 45 miles south of Rosebuig, Or.
The locomotive and baggage car were
derailed, and tbe fireman badly injured.
A tramp who was stealing a rido was
slightly hurt.
Orders have been Issued to tho bos--pital-ehlp
Relief, now at New York,
to sail for Manila at the earliest possi
ble moment, and to movo at as great
epeed as is safo. Tho Relief's cargo
will consist of onough medical Bupplies
or 25,000 men for a year.
Pavaajter General Carey will E to
Cba with I.OOO.OOO to pay the dis
banded Cuban WIs-
Jeepfaie Kipling, the 6-yMr-4d
Vangbte ( Rdjani Kipling. aid the
Uhi f fail three children, died is
New York Iim pimoi.
A dispatch to the New York HeraM
tnm La Goayara. Vessexnela, an
nuances that the United Shim gun
boats Aaaipolia and Vieksbur; bare
bailed Irons La Guayara tor Jamaica.
TL- I MiJ am ttAMllt fA
I e IlNworkj MjunU
bt were repulsed by the Urecoa and
Nefcrwka troops. Seventeen rebels
tt killed, a ad nia; wounded. Two
Asnerkaas were wounded.
The British cruiser Talbot, Cob
taasder Gaaeble, bat arrived at New
York, from Bermuda. The Talbot was
ordered there by the British govern
taent to transport the body of Lord
ilerihelt to England.
It It announced that more than 75
per cent of the entire itock of tbe Ore
gon Short Liae Railroad Company has
bees deposited for exchange under
the offer of tbe Union Pacific Railway
Company, previously published.
By tbe explosion ot a powder maga
zine near Toulon, France, rsore than
50 people were killed. It is rumored
that one of the soldiers guarding the
magarine caused the exptesion a. an
act of revenge. He Is one of tbe vic
General Otis bas perfected a plan ot
campaign wbioh is designed to crash
the offensive power of the insurgents
near Manila. As soon as his rein
forcements arrive he will make a gen-
eral a!!f B,t 03 the
enemy's jangle
Secretary Long has cabled to Ad
miral Dewey at Manila, and to Rear
Admiral Sampson, at Havana, announc
ing the enactment of the naval person
nel bill, and instructing them to have
tbe officers attached to their respective
fleets examined physically in order to
make ready for their rearrangement
and promotions.
Admiral Von Diedricbs, In command
of Germany's Asiatic fleet, and who
bas given Admiral Dewey much trouble
at Manila, ha been suspended, and
Prince Henry pat in command. The
change, it is said, is to show Empeior
William's friendship for America,
Prince Henry, who is a brother o! the
emperor, being popular in tbe Unit'
ed States.
From reports which have been com
ing to the headquarters of the Na
tional Live Stock Association at Den
ver, for the past month the officers of
tbe association estimate the losses from
tbe recent storms to cattlemen who
have herds on the open ranges at 6 per
cent of tbe entire amount. This, in
round numbers, would amount to over
150,000 head.
The transport Senator has arrived
at Manila with reinforcements.
An anti-American feeling is being
created in Havana through tbe actions
of tbe Cuban assembly.
Tbe Bethlehem Iron Co.. of Bethle
hem, Pa., bas ebipped three 10-inch
guns to Fort Wilson, at the western
city limits of Port Townsend, Wash.
Tbe Allan line of steamers has met
the cut of the other trans-Atlantic lines
by catting its rate to $45 for first cabin
and 30 for second cabin to Liverpool
Tbe congress just closed appropriated
a total of over $1,700,000 to be expend
ea in asningion ana uregon, uncier
tbe liver and harbor, sundry civil and
Indian appropriation bills.
Admiral Dewey has raised his flag as
admiral on board tbe Olympia at Ma
ila. Salutes were given the flag by
the British and bemoan cruisers in
port, and by tbe United States fleet.
Admiral Dewey now holds tbe high
est rank in the military service of the
United States army or navy, and ranks
with the highest officers in the prinoi
pal foreign navies. His pay is (14,500
per year.
The Bombay correspondent of tho
3Iorning Post says: The bubonic
plague is raging herewith unparalleled
severity. According to official returns,
there were 912 deaths last week, but
these quite underrate the mortality.
Tbo Caipenter Steel Company, of
Reading, Pa., bas shipped four car
loads of projectiles of various calibers
to the Norfolk navy-yard. They are
intended for both the army and navy,
and Homo of them will be used for coast
Advices from Juneau, Alaska, say
that a new strike in the Porcupine dis
trict has caused quite a rush of miners
to the Chilkat country. The find was
made on Talikin creek, which flows
into the Chilkat, about 13 miles from
Haines' Mission.
Negotiations have been concluded for
the building by the Cramps of two and
perhaps three large ships of the Ori
ental & Occidental Steamship Com
pany, of which company John D.
Bpreckles is president. Tho now vessels
will be about 0,000 tons each.
Tho lives of nearly 300 persons were
Jeopardized by a flro which broke out
in tho Lackawanna Valley House block,
at Scranton, Pa., and communicated to
tho second, third and fourth floors.
The occupants were taken out eafoly,
but clad only in their night clothes.
The Senate in Session in tho
Middle of the Night.
Soma Important Hill nipo4 '
It r for lha Adjournment of tho
riny-rifih c.rrn.
Washington. March 8. Kxeitement,
Kn fill ton. heavy strain awl hard work
characterized the last InfiiUti" day of
tbe 5th eogre, in the wo to. At
lime the confusion was to great m this
aiaally staid and decorous body ai to
render thu transaction of boie al
most impossible. Toward midnight or
der was being evohed fro the seem
ing chaos of the early pa M of the day,
When tho senate con rem! at II
o'clock it faced the task of considering
two of the great appropriation bill,
those for the army and lor (applying
the general deficiencies. The former
carried appropriations exceeding SO,
000.000, and the Utter MO.0O0.0O0.
With a determination to complete tbe
appiopriation bills. th senate began
immediately at 11 o'clock in the morn
ing to consider thee matteis. and at 8
o"clock at night the army bill was
poised, the deficitney bill baring been
passed nearly three hosts before.
Other bills were passed as follows:
To incorporato the National White
Cross of America, amending tbe in
ternal revenue laws relating to distilled
spirits and for other purposes; pro
riding a site for tbe Washington public
library bcilding.
A bill pioviding for a government
ixhibit at, ami to encourage the Ohio
centennial exposition, to be held at
Toledo, and appropriating 1300,000,
was passed.
The conference report on the Alaska
:riminal code bill was presented and
igreed to,
In Ilia lloaia.
At 11 o'clock the hoaso entered upon
tbe last legislative day of tbe session.
Tbe final conference report npon tbe
bill to codify the criminal laws ot j
Alaska was adopted. Slow progress j
was made on conference reports. Tbe i
District of Columbia appiopriation bill
and deficiency appropriation bill were
cent back to conference.
The house passed the army appropri
ation bill with all the senate amend
ments and tbe hill now goes to the
The conferees on the rlrer and har
bor bill modified tho Nicaragua canal
paragraph appropriating (1,000,000
for an examination of all routes, under
direction of the president. The report
of tbe commission making the exami
nation will be made to congress, and
no provision is mado for beginning
Two Items from Oregon which were
in dispute and upon which there was
a seeming split have been com pro
mised. The Yaquinu bay item has
been modified so as to have the project
examined by a board of engineers. The
bouse yields on the boat railway provi
sion so far as not to repeal the law for
the project, but strikes out the appro
priation mado by tho senate.
Withdrawn! of PuniU rati a Stop to
I'ublle Iniirovaiiinta.
Santiago de Cuba, March 6. Be
tween 2,000 and 8,000 men have beon
suddenly thrown out of woik in tbe
province of Santiago, nvor 700 in the
immediate neighborhood of this city.
Although Governor-General Brooke has
wired $30,000 reouirud for the Fobra
ary pay-roll, there is etill a deficit of
nearly (20,000, and the orders from
Havana still hold good limiting the
expenditure during the month of Much
for the entire province to 110,000. Tho
effect of this order on Ciril Governor
Castillo, Mayor Ulcanll and othor Cu
bans prominent in official circles is
simply paralyzing.
Groups of men on street corners, in
clubs, cafes, et:.. openly abuse the
American administration, saying that
tho Spanish was infinitely preferable,
as in the worst timos during peaco con
siderably moio men wore engaged on
public works under the old regime than
are now so employed.
The now regulations have brought to
a standstill all tliu public improve
ments, including tho dredging of the
harbor, roadmaking and h ewerago.
Promotion of l)nrtj anil Olli,
Washington, March 0. The prosi
dont has sent to tho senato the nomina
tion of Reai-Admiral George Dowoy to
bo admiral of tho navy under tho act
approved March 2, 1809, and that of
Brigadior-Goneral Elwell S. Otis, U.
8. A., to be mnjor-gonoral by brevet,
to rank from Fobruaty 4, 1800, for
military skill and distinguished serv
ices in tho Philippines. Tho nomina
tions were confirmed.
Old WnEei to lie Ite.lored.
Providonce, R. I., Maroh 8. Tho
Lonsdalo Company, omploying 2,600
hands, gave notioo today of an advance
of wogos on April 1. Tho Statos Cot
ton company, at Pawtuckot, employ,
ing 000 hands, and tho Albion and Vol
ley Falls mills, at Albany, also prom
iso to restore tho wogos paid to the
1808 cut-down. i
the Orison. Wh
Ingtoii and Idaho ltM
the appropriation hills tMod by tb.
fiSlb eeagrfii:
nireii ami iiAitiioit itiLf-
Tillamook bay! J.000; wo-th of
Si-slaw, IM.OOO: entrance o Loos
bay. I1W.O0O; Upper Col-mbla and
Fnake rivers. I7.W0;
$3,000; nana! at ewde, tift.Ow; w
luabia at Tbree-Mlle rapids and beat
railway at the dalles. 10.000; Long
True river (transfer of surplus). t.0OO;
loa-er Willamette below Portland, and
Cotusnbia below Willamette fiver. M,
000; Coquille. below Coqulilo City,
10,000; Claikanie rltef, 118,000;
gnaglng waters of Columbia, 11.000;
upper Coqnille. 19.000; Columbia, bo
low Tongue point. 171,000.
' Waitilngion.
Oivmpla hsibor, 115.000; Everett
harbor, tlO.000; Puget sound, 130.000;
Cowlitz river. H.0O0; Lewis river.
10,000; Cheballs river. a.OOO; 1W1
d'Orellle river, 10,0M. Swlnomlsh
ihgh. W.0O0; Willapa river ainl hat
ter, 5.000; Oaknogan river, 15,000.
Clearwater, river, 110,000.
Coitora-houM, Portland. 100.000;
public building. Salem. dO.OOO; tender
for thirteenth lighthouse district. IO0,
000; pot,llghta on Columbia and Wil
lamette, poition of general fund of su
perintendent life-saving servico. Ore
gon, Washington and California. !.
800; river cutter, North Pacific oast,
112,500; launch for custom service.
Astoria, 2,500; CUekamns 0ih sta
tion, talarie. 3,430; quarantine sta
tion, Astoria, portion of fund.
Publio building. Seattle. 160.000:
fence marine hospital, Port Townsend,
15,000; improvement quarantine sta
tion, Pott Townsend. S8.300; estab
lish lighthouse. Burrows island, $16.
000; lighting Paget sound, portion ol
fund; Washington fish station, salaries.
3,460; quarantine station. Port Town
send, maintenance, portion of fund;
improving Gray's harbor. 25,000; col
lectors of customs, Port Townsend,
towards enforcing Chinese exoltttlon
act, 110,000; compensation of 12 com
missioners to examine and classify
lands in land grant and Indemnity
land grant limits of Northern Pacific
Railroad Compnay, in Montana and
Idaho, 10,000; for publication of
monthly reports of commissioners In
land office Coeur d'Alene district.
Idaho, and for expense of hearings,
93,883; allowing Oiegon, Washington
and Idaho for survey and resurvey of
lands heavily timbered, mountainous
or covered with denso overgrowth, rates
not exceeding t25 for standard and
meander lines. 23 (or township, and
20 for sootion lines.
Agonts at eeal fisheries, 12,050:
food and sustenance, Inhabitants of St.
George. 10,600; protection of salmon
fisheries $7000; expenses of courts O.
600; education, 30,000; reindeer, SS.
000; register and r ecu i ver Peavoy land
district, $0,000; general appropriation
covering protection of seals in Bohring
For transportation of destltue citl
tens from 8t. Michaels to Soattlo, San
Francisco and Port Towntnml. fts.finn
The states got their respective shares ol
general antironriatlans in tlin fnrtiflnn.
tlons and urinararnt bill, tho postofllco
anu tne agricultural bill.
Repair marine corps' barracks, part
of fund.
Naval station, Puget sound, $103,.
107; repair of marlno corps' barracks,
part oi tuna.
Klamath agency, 11,200; Sllotz
gency.91,200; Umatilla agency, 92, 000;
Warm Bprings agency, $1,200; support
and civilization of tribes in Middlo
Oregon. $0,000; support Klamoth res
ervation, $5,000; euppott Walla Walla
reservation, $5,000; Grande Rondo
and Silotz, $12,000; Salem school,
Colvillo agenoy, $1,600; Neah Bay
paency, i,uu; Tulallpagoncy, $1,200;
anminii uKuncy, f i.ouu; removing Spo
kanos from Coeur d'Alene reservation,
$6,000; education D'Walllsh, $7,000:
oducatlon MakaliB, $3,000; Yakimas.
$8,000; Colvllle and Puyallup, $14,
OOOj commissioner to soli lands of Puy
alltips, $2,000; annuity to Chief Mones,
$1,000; omployos, Colvillo agenoy,
$1,200; Nez Perces agency, $1,000;
Tort Hall Indian fund, $0,000; Nez
Forces toachors, $0,000; Slssoton and
Wohpoton fund, $18,400; Instruction
of Bboshones and BannockB. at Fort
Hall, $30,000; Shoshones, Bannocka
and Shoepoators, Lohml ogonoy, $13,.
000; civilization of Josophe and Noa
.Forces, $7,600; Nea Porces In Idaho,
$5,000; Incidental expenses, Idaho.
$1,000; Sawmills, Nea Percei reserva'
"on, $3,000.
a fori on or rw
, n - i t
... " -""1JM
under Heavy rfM
uff k aTtilrt I -
' ""Sl
Jllanf Wound.!.
Man!!., March 8 TU 1
lwn ooneentratlng m tj,,
the rMervoli. Tclar 1 Ui
pany O, Second Oregon tolstjj
1. 1 llali
their ground under , L,
the remainder of the cotnMt, '-MS?a,
by two companies 0I ih.F?,
leglment. ilar.k.1 u,, ergifij
SO and wourHling ,re
battalions of t he TwemiaiJ, ltt fffSk)
antry have retnfor.e-l Usdmi Lrlheom
hr'Kde, "trQ jntF0
All the native huts i., uKjad -)
stroytnl at Marlqouu. an I tht ,. jp0ntty;
there Is pretty welt tlrfcJ t-irgesll
rebels werti returning n srsi!) ir1&jC
at surMkiwn. Appaienll; U7nflfnt
secured a new supply ol smcli aSSKcn!
munition reeentlv. as tbers tiiJftah
noticeable dltfsrenoe durios Li?Hfcotl
The Spanish MmrnlMionifuvWM'.1?0
endeavoring to secure tn fslsfprSulolt
Spanish prisoners n the .1(jfjuiia,l
Aguinaldo have returr.H to Mi.jpijBlcbtit
fler 3,000,000 for their rtlMn&uinpi
Aguinaldo has been (lttttflpentc0l
7.000.000, It is not likely tlu
slon will be successful
Amartran Tronpi Vlraio4
lilanil of Nvfioi,
Washington, March 8 At!
fiom General Otis at Mand, 1
in Washington. Indicates the u.i
tory ami agreabie reception
to the American troops which ik
landed at the island of Nerrw.
were sent there by Genenl M.
Ho Mo. In eounuarid of Calwtl&KjJiT
take foimal posseMlon Utf&&f?'
United States, which be did
Previous to the time the troott
ed, a co til mission from the iiliil
Ited General Otis and said the?
willing to surrender. anJ asked
take the inhabitants unJer bit
tlon. Tho congratulatory xil:
General Mlllor. embodlei in
Otis' dispatch, is particularly
ing to the officials of the Jm;:.'
tlon. as they believe that the It
among tbe inhabitants of tbe li'x
.Nt?Hros Is such that there will a
trouble in dealing with ttiera hem)
General Otis' dispatch is as folton
"Following from Ilo Ho, 4lh ts
" 'Government. congreM and
itants of Negros to General M1I.1
" 'We affectionately salute ym
congratulate ourselves for tl.o
arrival of Colonel Smith and
under his orders, and beg you to
this salute and congratulation! I)
eral Otis, at Manila, as reprrsw
of the government of tho United:
in tho Phlliiminos. (blgncd) Uu
NhalUit tha llaltKry.
Manila, Maroh 8. -At dayligM i
morning the enemy were dlscoi
trying to mount a gun across tho
from Ban Pedro.and tho Sixth sit.
promptly sholled thu rebel btts
Tumorarily stopping work, thesw
poured n ftisilliulo of musketry
tho rlvor, but a gunboni moved v
cluarvd tho banks of tho stream n
rnpld-flro guns.
Nearly Flfljr Corpiat Takan Froa',
HuIik at Toulon.
Toulon, Murch 8. About BO cor?
novo been recovered from the
tho explosion of a powder nmu
yestoiday botwoon La Bolno and W
Ion. Tho remnlns of several otli'
tlms are still buriod in tho dobrii-
London, March 8, A special
paten irom i'arls says It is m
mat one 01 tno soldiers who pe'!
in tho explosion of a notvdur moit
yesterday morning nnnr Toulon b
a long timo past been tho victim
systematic persecution upon the r1'1
corporations, and Do hod vowed w
avenged. It is added that this a
inspected of having blown up the alMPj
Onlnri ( f.aava.
Pnklni Afnrnl. a Tl. A ,nirlcl4
marines who havo boon guarding i
united HtatOB legutionaro under om
to lenvn. Tlin It MBolfin mill FreD
embassies hare alsonotlflod tho gove'1
innnt fll tlinlr Inlnntlnn nf ywin
....W.I.UI W. "V"
drawing tholr guards from their rer I
tivo legations.
no iiiroot Attncu. . s
KtnMltn f 1. n 11r1.fl- lt.n rAMl'l
i'luuilll, .uiiruil O. -Tlllltl 1110 --,
l.o.l ., il.l J . ..Ilhtbl
iu vuiiuuuiiriiiiMi lliuir loruua V.H
purposo of attacking tho water wo''
no direct attoinnt was uiado to capt""!
dm A r.,.ln,. .. . 111 u..o DatgCD'I
i.w iiuiuiiuau IJUDIilUII IIIUIW- S
. 1 s 1 1 I (lill'l
uiuiua irom uenorai liaiu e "u - ,.s
oral Whealon'g brlgados cleared ""I
on )
country today.