... Devoted to tht Mining, I,uiul;eriug Mid Panning Interest of tliiu Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living. - Cottage G-rove, Oregon 3?rida,y5 March lO, 1899. jSto. 8 CIRCUIT COURT. THE NAVAI, REPAIR SHIP. goods EAKIN GO Griffin & Yeatch, For All Kinds Of II R D W A 9 Stoves, Tinware; Ropes, Pumps, Pipes, and Plumbing Goods; Plain and Barbed Wire; Coal, Iron and Steel; Garden Tools, Plows, Axes and Anmnitioii. imng Full Stock of Wao;oii Material. Wc Meet Efligrcnc Prices. Griffin & Yeatclt Hardware Gonipany, C.Jf. VjINDEjYJWIIG, Manager. Iflhavc bcim afflicted with rheumatism Ifoflfourteen ycarH ami nothing seemed jtgglve any relief. I wiim ulile to bo 'around all the time, hut cotlHtautly iBufferimr. I had tried everything I could hear of anil nt hint wan told to try rGii&tnherlftiu'H Pain Itulin, which I did, pnqfwaa imincdintoly relieved and in a Short time cured. I am happy to Hay Kim it has not since returned. Josit. lEuqAn. Gcrtnantown. Cal. Forsalo by A. Benson, Cottage Grove. Jou IIJyonh, Drain Druggist. Itako particular nains to keen the SeTt am) freshest rolled oats, Grnndma'H l&Wah. Germca, morning meal, fresh icofn menl and buckwheat flour. F. B. Sillipa. Cranberries, Oranges, Lemons. Swoct ntatoes and Bulk Picklca nt Cuummiga Huston. t - Subscriptions to the Ntmcct keun a- lin' in. Get on the list and bo one of If you don't like the Ninrcct in Articular, subscribe nnvwav lust to cot ho of the oxcellont nanorn offered in our Eibbtiig Hut, Some of them will be iro to please you, if wo don't, , : iM.. . . v ' . TOl ws Cottage drove, Oregon, Active Solicitors Wanted Everywhere For"Tho Story of the Philippine!)" by Murat Ilalsteud," coimnissipnod by the Government aa Olfcial Historian to the War Department. The book was writ tun in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with Gen. Morritt. in tho hoHpital at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in tho American trenches at Manila, in the iiiHUrironteamn with Auuinuldo. on the dock of tho Olyinpia with Dowoy, and I in tho roar of tho battle at tho fall of' Manila. Bonanza for agentH. Urinmil of original pictureH taken by govern ment. photographorM on the Hpot. Largo book ; low priceH. Dig prolltH. Freight paid. Credit uivon. Drop nil trashv unotlloial war liookH. Outfit free. Ad dre8. F. T. Harbor, Sec'y., Star Insur anoo Bldg., Chicago. If Sampson, the so called hero of nrtvnl fame, would pay less atten tion to prospective naval honors, and give n little more attention to his profession, he would be the better officer and his honors, come less grudgingly. Tho Donvor Times-Sun and tho Jlo-. homia Nugget, both papers sont to tiny address for $1.50 cash in advance. EE BRISTOW goods These Ulustratrated Publications. WlM. UK HK.ST HV TIIK XoilTlfKHN PACIMU RAILWAY C((., TO ANY ADDKKHH Ul'ON ItKCKIIT, IN HTAMI'S, Oil OTllKIt WIHK, OK TIIK AMOUNTS NAURU WONDKKLAXD An annual publication of about 100 pagt-H, ptten up in ino.it attractive fityle and bi-uiitifully illustrated in half-tone. Tho contentH of each number arc varied and diireient from its predaccswjr. The NoitTiiKit.v Pacikic Iuih become noted for thiN publication. Tiik Fiskht Thing in Kaimvay I.rri:HATri:i:. Send his. cents. VKLLOWSTO.N'K I'AHK MAP A relief map of Vfllowtone Park. Printed on linn paper, and miitable for mounting or framing and for use in hcIiooIh, class rooms, etc. The bent map of the Paik that is publicly diHtrihutcd. Mailed in pat-tboard tubes. Send lOcts. MAZAMA PAMPHLKT A' nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Hauier, Washington, the grandest ieo-covered peak in the United States. Send two cents. KOOTKNAI FOLDER An illustiated folder and relief map of the Kootenai Region in IlritishCnliiuihia north of Spokane. Send two cents. ARMY AND NAVY ROOK Tells about both the U. S. and Spanish armies ami navies at beginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Cuba and adjacent islands. A vest pocket historv well worth preserving for reference. Send ten cents. In sending for these write the address carefully, and state where advertisement was seen. OIiiih. S. l'KK, (Ion, l'Hnnnr Agent. ST. I'AUL, SUNN. ADMINISTRATOR'S N0T1CK. Notice Is horcliy tdven that tho unilerslKned linx liuon ilaly npiiolatcil by tho County Court t)t Ijuio County, OroKon, nnmlnlstmtor u( tho cstiitenf Sllus Ijiiio, ilouoiiscil. All lmrmiiiH hiivltiKi'lulms npUnst salil cstnto ii ro heraby rcinilrul to jircsont tho sumo to mo, jiroi'urly vorlllcd, at my otitic, Jn CotluRO (trovo, OrcK'oii, wlthtnslx months from tho ilutu hereof. Dutcil this 22ntl Ony of February, 1RS9. Q. U. Snait, Adinlnlstrutor, WHITE BROMZE Uavo reached n high stnto of perfec tion. Almost universally adopted in National monumental building. Rotter for 2,000 years than granite for 20. Ro not deceived longer. Ruy "White IBronze. . For further information writo or call on F. A. TOZIER, Eugene, Oregon. The Grand Jury's Grist Indict ments Found. The grand jury and the circuit court of Land county, now convened at Ku gone. has tliun far disposed of the follow ing; State of Oregon vs John II. Hay and Ivan ICIdwell; larceny in a store. A true bill. State of Oregon vs John H. Hay and Ivan Kidwell ; larceny in astore. A true bill. Stoats of Oregon vs John If. Hay and Ivan Kidwell; larceny in a store. A true bill. Thciie men are the ones who stole goods from the stores of K. H. Ingham, F. E. Dunn and J. H. McClung. State of Oregon vs Claude McIIargue; forgery. A true bill. State of Oregon vs Claude McIIargue; forgery. A true bill. McIIargue is indicted twice for passing n check on Iterkholder and Heinenway nigned by "A. K. Patterson," First National Rank of Eugene for the sum of $49.00. James P. Shields ct al vs R. N. Shields et al; report oi referee. Motion filed to confirm report. Darwin Rristow vs The Hartford Min ing Co; to recover money. Stipulation filed. Judgment rendered thereon. II. C. Veatch vs James E. Thorp ctal; foreclosure. Default. Judgment for $424.t)0 wUJi interest from date at 10 per cent per annum, $35 attorney fees and order forsale-of mortgaged property. J. P. Qurrin vs James E. Thorp et al ; foreclosure. Judgment for $512,25 with interest at 10 per cent and $40 attorney fees, and ordered for sale of mortgaged property. Perinah Foglc vs Millard Fogle; di vorce. Dofatdt. Rebecca T. King vs E. C. King; di vorce. Default. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tho following real estate transfers are re" jiorted by James Heinenway tho real estate iKeni. J. R. Stewart to Mary Jane Collinson, hou&o and 2 lots corner Third and Platte streets Cottage Grove. A. II. Spare to Glass Rros. warehouse and real estate thereto attached, near depot. Frank Phillips and wife to Johnson & Raker, lot and store- building, West .nam street. STAR ITEMS. Row river is nil right, no fruit trees or fruit prospects injured in tho valley hy the late cold snap. Mrs. Joe Wicks of Star had a pleasant birthday party at her home last Tuesday evening and a splendid time was had by all present. A. J. Anderson is improving bis ranch making rails, building fences, etc. Uncle Billy Sabins of Star has taken a contract to cut 20,000 ties and 50,000 cords of wood for Dr. Oglesby and his Cottago Grove & Bohemia Railroad next summer. C. A. Harlow will soon bo homo from tho mines on a visit. Mr. IJarlow and his purtnors aro now drifting on the ledgo and aro taking outsoino very fine oro with lots of gold in it from their mines on Fairviow, Georgo Vancurlor of Saginaw has rented tho Paxton placo for tho year, in order to livo near and improve his own placo, and his father-in-law has also bought a piece of railroad land in the same section. Ed Colo of Row river wont to tho Grovo on Saturday for some freight for tho mines. Coming homo in the oven ing ono of tho axles broko and Ed had to leave his outfit on tho road for an other day. Walter Chochrnn who accopted a job with tho S. P. tie train last week, had tho misfortune to let a tio drop on his great too last Sunday and now Walt is a gentleman of leisure for u fow days, Tho Bohemia Nugget and tho groat San Francisco Bulletin for $2,00 per year. Every officer in the American fleet at Santiago, from the admiral down, has praised the usefulness of the Vulcan. Her equipment was equal to that of any but large repair-plants' on shore, and the work , actually done by her covered al most every conceivable part oi the machinery of a war vessel, includ ing repairs to hulls, gun mounts, dynamos, main steam pipes, main piston rods for small ships, brass castings without number, and a considerable quantity of iron cast ings. This last is an especially interesting feature, as it'is believed that the Vulcan is the first vessel ever fitted with a cupola for mak ing iron castings. The object of such a ship is readily seen; it enables the vessels to have every repair, short of a breakdown of some of the larger parts made on the station, when otherwise they would have been compelled to go at least several hundred miles, and in some cases more than a thousand, to reach a repair-yard. Engineer-in-Chief G. W. Melville, in The Engineering Magazine for March. WILI SURPRESS IT. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: The necessity for . suppressing filibustering expeditions is the cause of Admiral Dewey asking that the department send him more vessels of light draught. - On account of the number oE the Philippine Islands, the natives are able to transport from the Asiatic coast a large quantity of munitions of war in small schooners. Admiral Dewey wants a large number of warships at bis disposal which can follow such vessels into shallow water. The wheeling has already started for Manila, and the .Vixen will go by the last of the month. The department may also send others. The authorities were glad to hear that Geueral Lawton would arrive at Manila about March io, as he will then be put in control of the military operations, thus giving General Otis an opportunity to aid in the Philippine Commission, as well as to take care of the many other questions constantly arising. After General Lawton's arrival, one of the brigadier-generals at Manila will probably be sent to Ilo Ho to relieve General Miller, who will go on the retired list March 27. DIVIDE ITEMS. Mr. Van Ness was visitjng at E. FK, Smiths last Sunday. The annual school meoting of this dis trict was held last Monday. Mr. E. F'. Smith anil Mr. D. Pcrini wero elected directors and Mr. J. B. Tapp re-elected clerk. Some repairs nro also to be mndo to tho school house. Mr. I. J. Taylor went to Eugene tho first of the week. ' )ft , Mrs. I. J. Taylor was visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jackson of Latham last Sunday. Somo ptoplo arc putting in early gardens. Mr. Jacob Gorwity our enterprising rancher was buying up cattle last week. Anon. Papor hanging and painting is my HpeciaHin Of usiiiess. If I put' tho paper on your wall I will guarantee that tho paper, vill not crack. Head. quarters next door w.et i of Attorney Young's law otHco. lieo. u. Anderson. t 5 ?! 1 l